Law Enforcement/the Brianna case

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We all would like to live in a better world. I don't think condeming those that are trying to make it a better place is the way to improve it. How does that motivate? How does that add to a better world?

Others may have had to endure deeper pain than I have.
I am not trying to condemn anyone. I want LE to learn and to realize that John Q. Public is their best ally in stopping predators. They should be motivated to learn new tricks in a system that is much about doing things "by the book" even if the book hasn't been working in the past 100 years.

Granted, they have made long strides in the way they handle cases, but I don't believe they are much further ahead because of the belief that the public should only be involved when they run out of leads or the case gets cold enough to warrant it. That thinking is stale and outdated. It hasn't worked on so many cases and yet they keep up the same guard.

Does it make sense to keep doing things which are not working?! It is not stopping these predators, but it is leaving them out there to keep reoffending! To me, that is unacceptable. There are many examples of cases being solved because LE included the public from the beginning in direct and clearly open dialog.
Teens in general maybe need more skills to cope with society and what is happening around them. It starts at home. I raised my kids in the same cruel world everyone else has. Gangbangers lined up across the street of the middle school on one side with the police with guns drawn in a line on the other, so we could pick our children up safely. Drugs run rampant even in our elementary schools.

Kids are going to be kids...true enough...but the stress our kids have today is nothing like we had growing up. They need skills to cope or you can count on them taking the easy way out which ends in disaster. People are raising these predators! You hear that rape is about rage, control, and power. What if that person as a child was given ways to deal with those issues?

I am interested in finding answers to put a stop to their reign of terror over us!! LE needs to be more interested in putting our safety and the safety of our familes over what they find to be "need to know basis" so we can work together to curb these crimes somehow before another Brianna goes missing.
I am not trying to condemn anyone. I want LE to learn and to realize that John Q. Public is their best ally in stopping predators. They should be motivated to learn new tricks in a system that is much about doing things "by the book" even if the book hasn't been working in the past 100 years.

Granted, they have made long strides in the way they handle cases, but I don't believe they are much further ahead because of the belief that the public should only be involved when they run out of leads or the case gets cold enough to warrant it. That thinking is stale and outdated. It hasn't worked on so many cases and yet they keep up the same guard.

Does it make sense to keep doing things which are not working?! It is not stopping these predators, but it is leaving them out there to keep reoffending! To me, that is unacceptable. There are many examples of cases being solved because LE included the public from the beginning in direct and clearly open dialog.

Decaying morals is much more of a contributor to crime than LE not letting John Q Public try to pretend to know how to be LE. I am not completely discounting what you are saying but I don't agree that involving the public without restaint is the real answer.

Let's face it, millions of sports fans think their coach is an idiot sometimes and they, John Q Public, think that they know how to run the team better than the coach. That type of talk sounds good from the living room or bar but it's it is not practical. Think if the coach invited every season ticket holder to hold a practice for the team. There would be a lot of great sounding theories but not much constructive team "take aways".

In this case, it does not look like LE is trying to do it all themselves without involving others.

Well, that's just how I see it.
Rolex, I am very sorry for your loss. Nothing I can say will bring justice to your sister or your family, but hopefully...the things we do now can pave the way for other families not to endure what your family has.

We all know that in 1986, technology wasn't available to the extent it is today to help solve crimes. The media wasn't accessed instantly on the internet and the wheels didn't turn very quickly. While I don't know about how LE responded in your sister's case, you make it sound like you are totally satisfied with the way her case was handled. I am glad you can take comfort in knowing that. I am sure I would not be able to feel the same way given it was never solved.

I have never been 'satisfied' that someone got away with two murders.
I don't take comfort in anything.
It dosen't have anything to do with technology. We all know who did it.
Proving it in court of Law is different. Not everything is as simple as you make it sound.
I can't let it consume my life any more. I have girls to raise and life to live. But putting blame on LE would certainly do no good.
Teens in general maybe need more skills to cope with society and what is happening around them. It starts at home. I raised my kids in the same cruel world everyone else has. Gangbangers lined up across the street of the middle school on one side with the police with guns drawn in a line on the other, so we could pick our children up safely. Drugs run rampant even in our elementary schools.

Kids are going to be kids...true enough...but the stress our kids have today is nothing like we had growing up. They need skills to cope or you can count on them taking the easy way out which ends in disaster. People are raising these predators! You hear that rape is about rage, control, and power. What if that person as a child was given ways to deal with those issues?

I am interested in finding answers to put a stop to their reign of terror over us!! LE needs to be more interested in putting our safety and the safety of our familes over what they find to be "need to know basis" so we can work together to curb these crimes somehow before another Brianna goes missing.

I hate to hear that your kids had to grow up in that environment. You must have some very good parenting skills to get them through it. That is something to be proud of.

Most of these predators come with a childhood trauma that manifest itself as criminal activity. I am not supplying an reason why they should not be held accountable for their actions. Sometimes the trauma is from the parents, intentional and not. Sometimes its from someone outside the family.

When it comes down to the real cause, it is a decay in societal morals. LE is at the end of the process trying to deal with the mess that our society has created.

Focusing on LE as the problem is like blaming the fire department for the fire. Can the public do a better job driving the fire truck too?
A coach isn't responsible at the end of the day for protecting human life. Apples and oranges.

We are all in this together and while I agree that LE should hold a few things back...they should give more information initially to the public to bring a case to the forefront so we can get these predators off our streets.
I have never been 'satisfied' that someone got away with two murders.
I don't take comfort in anything.
It dosen't have anything to do with technology. We all know who did it.
Proving it in court of Law is different. Not everything is as simple as you make it sound.
I can't let it consume my life any more. I have girls to raise and life to live. But putting blame on LE would certainly do no good.
I am sorry. I guess I misunderstood you. My apologies. :(
A coach isn't responsible at the end of the day for protecting human life. Apples and oranges.

We are all in this together and while I agree that LE should hold a few things back...they should give more information initially to the public to bring a case to the forefront so we can get these predators off our streets.

Exactly and the public knows no more about LE than coaching. I think you can understand the point.
Exactly and the public knows no more about LE than coaching. I think you can understand the point.
It isn't about us understanding is about getting the public awareness to a level to put these predators behind bars. Their way of doing things doesn't work.

Have you looked at the hundreds of thousands of missing faces out there?! WHAT is working with the way LE is doing it and has done it for all these years? If you can answer that...then we can go from there!
I was a college student many years ago..human nature and stalkers do not change. I was stalked on my campus and LE had said nothing about the incidents that had already occured. Luckily for me one of my classes that I took at night on the campus was attended by an LE detective. Once he found out about phone calls and different things that had happened to me he proceded to walk me back to my dorm each night. That was the only way they caught the rapist that was on my campus..this was 1972 and it seems to me that hasn't changed much.

Exactly DD. The problem is with all this high technology and the increase in populations in some of these areas, has seemed to intensified the criminal element. Crimes are no longer in the "ghetto" LE is having to deal with intense issues, such as, teens killing and burning down homes (Texas killings this past weekend).

I think the goal is to add enlightenment for all communities, whether low income or wealthy (the family in Conneticut, the mother and 2 daugters who where raped and murdered, then burned to death)...the countless senseless crimes we are hearing about weekly and sometimes daily. Tragic losses...

Budget cuts in Law Enforcement hasn't helped the matter. Also I would imagine increase in salary wages for LE. Training in homicide investigative skills. More techonlogy.. all this adds to keep up with the ever increasing horrific crimes today.
It isn't about us understanding is about getting the public awareness to a level to put these predators behind bars. Their way of doing things doesn't work.

Have you looked at the hundreds of thousands of missing faces out there?! WHAT is working with the way LE is doing it and has done it for all these years? If you can answer that...then we can go from there!

At what criteria is it working?
The Amber Alert is working. It was a very positive step in the right direction. Do we at least agree on that?!
The Amber Alert is working. It was a very positive step in the right direction. Do we at least agree on that?!


Your comment was that what LE is doing now is not working nd changes need to be made. I am just wondering what quantitative criteria can you look at to determine that it is working?

Your comment was that what LE is doing now is not working nd changes need to be made. I am just wondering what quantitative criteria can you look at to determine that it is working?
There will be a significant drop in the number of missing to begin with, a decrease in those recovered dead, and an increase in the missing recovered alive and in the time it took to recover them (as this would significantly decrease). This would be the only criteria needed to tell us it is working.
There will be a significant drop in the number of missing to begin with, a decrease in those recovered dead, and an increase in the missing recovered alive and in the time it took to recover them (as this would significantly decrease). This would be the only criteria needed to tell us it is working.

I assume you mean to only include those that are crime related. Is that correct?

Would it make sense to look at it as a percent of the population?

How do you quantify "significant"?
Since you cannot determine foul play in so many missing cases until people are actually found, I don't see how you would be able to say only crime related. I feel LE needs to resolve issues in labeling the missing.

While I understand it is impossible to assume that every person missing met with foul play, I do feel when family and friends state the should warrant the term of possible foul play involved until proven otherwise and the case treated accordingly.

I also feel laws should be passed which can actually make any adult legally responsible to tell either LE, an Atty, or other professional of their intentions to vanish and make the penalties severe if they walk away then are caught. This would cut down on the time and money spent to finding them by the give LE another way to recoup their losses. In this day and age, people NEED to be held accountable for their actions. They take away neccessary resources from the ones who are missing due to actual foul play.

Since I am not going to play numbers games with you, I guess you would have to look at the stats currently for those categories and if they increase/decrease in the positive at would be towards a successful end. Saving one person is better than none. Bringing home one more person alive in a timely fashion is better than never finding them at all or finding them dead. Do this a few times...and I believe you could deem it as working.
I'm not saying this is my opinion, but thought it was an interesting note to add to this discussion:

I have knowledge from someone connected to the December rape case that the police did very little follow-up on that rape. The victim was made to feel like a criminal by the questioning officers. She was made to feel like she had committed a crime, not the creep who attacked her. RPD did very little to pursue th perpetrator of that attack. It wasn't until they realized the same guy was involved in the Denison case that they began a serious search for the guy. I think a little "Oh ----, we *advertiser censored**ed-up" entered the picture and they have been scrambling ever since to cover their asses and find the creep. The longer this goes on, the worse it looks for them.

It is easy to talk in general terms about how LE should be doing a "better job". Until you can define "better job" and what are realistic and reasonable steps, you are not part of the solution. Again, it is like a screaming "fan" who knows it all in the stands but who wilts if placed in the coach's chair.

Let's cut through the chatter and discuss ideas that you believe could be helpful to LE efforts and results. I just ask that you be willing to discuss them and "be accountable" for your remarks.
Since you cannot determine foul play in so many missing cases until people are actually found, I don't see how you would be able to say only crime related. I feel LE needs to resolve issues in labeling the missing.

While I understand it is impossible to assume that every person missing met with foul play, I do feel when family and friends state the should warrant the term of possible foul play involved until proven otherwise and the case treated accordingly.

I also feel laws should be passed which can actually make any adult legally responsible to tell either LE, an Atty, or other professional of their intentions to vanish and make the penalties severe if they walk away then are caught. This would cut down on the time and money spent to finding them by the give LE another way to recoup their losses. In this day and age, people NEED to be held accountable for their actions. They take away neccessary resources from the ones who are missing due to actual foul play.

Since I am not going to play numbers games with you, I guess you would have to look at the stats currently for those categories and if they increase/decrease in the positive at would be towards a successful end. Saving one person is better than none. Bringing home one more person alive in a timely fashion is better than never finding them at all or finding them dead. Do this a few times...and I believe you could deem it as working.

Without looking at "those" stats, how can you say that LE is not being "held accountable" and is not doing a good job?
I also feel laws should be passed which can actually make any adult legally responsible to tell either LE, an Atty, or other professional of their intentions to vanish and make the penalties severe if they walk away then are caught. This would cut down on the time and money spent to finding them by the give LE another way to recoup their losses. In this day and age, people NEED to be held accountable for their actions. They take away neccessary resources from the ones who are missing due to actual foul play.quote]

ITA with your above statement. They could even put a process into place where people could pick up legal forms, sign in front of a witness and notarize them, drop them into a computer system. They wouldn't even have to notify friends or family, just disappear, and then when LE is called in, they automatically check the database first. Very little time wasted searching for someone who doesn't want to be found.

Those who choose to disappear without following the protocol, should be fined and/or jailed, as well as mandatory community service spent working on TRUE missing persons cases, whether handing out water to search teams, or whatever.

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