LE Press Conferences

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“Ultimately, if we are unable to find Kyron, this could turn into a cold case,” Staton acknowledged in an exclusive interview with The Oregonian. “At some point I’m going to have to make a final decision that this has got to move in a different direction. But right now the way I’ve got it set up, and the way I’ve been working with investigations and the FBI, the other agencies, we will downscale appropriately based on their availability (and) the funding sources.”

Do they ONLY believe he is alive because there is no evidence (blood evidence) to suggest otherwise?

THIS is what I think might be the reason for the 'we are operating on the assumption that Kyron is still alive' comment. We don't know of any evidence otherwise...right? By we, I mean us here on WS. So that would explain that statement. BUT then it's muddied by the searches in water and woods etc. Those searches seem to be for a body. I hate typing that. :( I'm also wondering about the cell phone pings. Someone on another thread made the comment that perhaps TH left her phone somewhere to ping TO COVER her tracks?! The phone could have been lying somewhere on Sauvie pinging towers but she could have been anywhere. Then just come back to grab the phone. It is a possibility. Everyone knows a cell pings off towers at certain intervals.
looking at things that have opened up with this investigation

if it was not active and a focal point he would not be talking to media today


TH is a member of this family and because of the family associations the family is actively involved

based on what "we have" it has developed off of the canvuses, children, video, etc.. not drawing conclusion but basing evidence on what area they will move in

cannot comment if kyron could be being held

were th and K seen at school? Le: yes.. nothing to indicate otherwise

DID ANYONE SEE THEM LEAVE/ that I cannot comment on!!!!

Was that a finger pointing to TH or to TH and her associations, thus "family associations"? Or is TH the only "family association". :waitasec:

(Not sure, I'm not watching. Thanks to all for transcribing.)

Also, it seems that it's a specific Kyron incident, and not a general threat. threat to Kyron only - right?

The way it reads here - it looks like a big fat hint in there was dropped... this is about TH, associate of TH & family possibly, and a specific Kyron focused threat.

hmmmmmmm... did those who watched feel that LE was saying this investigation is focused like that?

Or did you interpret focus on TH only? TIA!
My impression was he has to be careful now that T's lawyer is listening. I got the impression they are saying Kyron is alive only because not proved otherwise, not because of any info.
******disclaimer******** as per semantics of what I tried to frantically type out for all of you guys who didn't have the feed... it was not exact.. and any words that I got wrong please correct.

I for sure heard LE say "no comment" when asked if any witness saw him leave.

That is huge to me since they WILL COMMENT NOW that he was in fact there.

Next time I would like to hear a reporter ask if TM was seen leaving the building... if there is a concurrent no comment.. (if there hasn't been an arrest by then) my hinky meter will further ding
The cell phone pings are not leaks. They are assumptions made by investigators that are not involved in the case....and we here at websleuthes have made those assumptions without needing others outside the investigation to point this possibility out. All guesses (mind you I am not saying they or we are wrong based on ping knowledge in general) but the cell info was not 'leaked'

The KGW article cites a "reliable source". You can get into semantics because they don't say a "reliable source close to the investigation" but KGW did publish it. The WW article does rely on officials who are not to WW's knowledge directly involved with the investigation, basically rumors in the local LE community. I think there's been enough smoke around the issue that we can infer some fire regarding the cell pings.
Just a quick thanks to everyone who posted what happened! I couldn't watch. Thanks!!!
I think that whole thing was about Terri...when he was stumbling around about family associations, I took that as now that Terri is kind of unassociated from family, he was just having a hard time with wording to refer to Terri...if you know what i mean, not that he meant other family members of hers...
Was that a finger pointing to TH or to TH and her associations, thus "family associations"? Or is TH the only "family association". :waitasec:

(Not sure, I'm not watching. Thanks to all for transcribing.)

Also, it seems that it's a specific Kyron incident, and not a general threat. threat to Kyron only - right?

The way it reads here - it looks like a big fat hint in there was dropped... this is about TH, associate of TH & family possibly, and a specific Kyron focused threat.

hmmmmmmm... did those who watched feel that LE was saying this investigation is focused like that?

Or did you interpret focus on TH only? TIA!
watching it I t=interpreted it as a 'possible' focus on her only.. but explaining away her relation to the family. I am sure we will be able to see more of what I was trying to type out real-time when the transcript comes out and sorry if I suck at real time typing of events LOL..
GGGGAAAAAHHHHH! I am so frustrated! I want more info.

I am so afraid now that TH has a good lawyer that they will never know what happened to Kyron.
“Ultimately, if we are unable to find Kyron, this could turn into a cold case,” Staton acknowledged in an exclusive interview with The Oregonian. “At some point I’m going to have to make a final decision that this has got to move in a different direction. But right now the way I’ve got it set up, and the way I’ve been working with investigations and the FBI, the other agencies, we will downscale appropriately based on their availability (and) the funding sources.”


I would think before they let that happen, the case go cold, they would get TH in the box and grill her till the truth comes out.

If there is something in that RO that shows she acted irresponsibly with either of the children I would think they could arrest her on that.

I was hoping this unusual lawyer she hired would have her confess. He doesn't care if he has guilty clients. That might further the finding of Kyron, eh? It could be tho that his best interest now is in the SM and not the victim in the case. How seriously sad if true !
I was shocked they still have 20 detectives working full-time on this. Not that Kyron doesn't deserve it but that's a lot of manpower devoted to one case.
maybe I have seen to many of these cases and LE speaking but before they wouldn't say if he was seen for sure at the school.

now he "was"

and was he seen leaving the school? no comment

I have a ding, ding, ding, ding, ding going on~

In the first couple of days they DID confirm he was there. Then they started the 'no comment' business and backtracked on everything. I have always believed he was there because of the statement made by PTA pres. Gina Zimmerman. SHE never took back her statement.
I think that whole thing was about Terri...when he was stumbling around about family associations, I took that as now that Terri is kind of unassociated from family, he was just having a hard time with wording to refer to Terri...if you know what i mean, not that he meant other family members of hers...
I took it as Teri possibly has some associations which they are looking at. He did go back and restate what he had said about associations.
Why do they hold these PC's and release relatively no information? What purpose does this serve and how on earth is it conducive to finding Kyron? It just seems like such a waste of valuable time to me and quite honestly, if it was my child who was missing I really wouldn't appreciate it very much. If they have nothing to say to the public that might help bring Kyron home then they need to just shut up and say nothing at all.
My takeaways based on what I saw:

  • Sheriff Staton made a statement and addressed questions he's been asked recently, then opened up the floor to questions
  • He prefaced the budgetary question by saying something along the lines of, I know this is going to be asked.
  • Indicated that his office has full support regarding the expenditures regarding the investigation.
  • He emphasized how important the press is and how much they are needed in this investigation. (IMO, sounded like he was doing some damage control from yesterday's situation with the press.)
  • Emphasized that they have no reason to believe Kyron is not alive and they are operating on the premise that they can still find him alive.
  • He said that he has heard nothing that indicates that TH is not cooperating.
  • He said TH is not being looked at with greater scrutiny than anyone else (not sure if he was speaking of family members or just everyone in general)
  • Said he would warn the community if he felt they were in danger from a serial-type criminal, and they don't feel this is the case right now.
  • Did not indicate that TH having a lawyer was a hinderance. Seemed very matter of fact about a person's right to a lawyer and that it just changes the way in which they can approach TH.

I'm not directly quoting anything. Just relaying what I can remember and my impression of it.

Oh, and reporters tried to ask him more questions off air and Lt. Mary Lindstrand stepped in a whisked him away. I like her style.


Question was asked about cell phone pings: Declined to comment
Question was asked about Sauvie's Island searches: He was quick to point out that they have conducted searches in other areas besides Sauvie's Island, adding that all the reporters had seen the maps where they have searched.
Question about whether TH and Kyron were seen at the school Friday morning: Answer was yes.
Some questions were really hard to hear.
maybe I have seen to many of these cases and LE speaking but before they wouldn't say if he was seen for sure at the school.

now he "was"

and was he seen leaving the school? no comment

I have a ding, ding, ding, ding, ding going on~

My dinger is going off too! I think they have an eyewitness that saw him leaving WITH TERRI.
roseofsharon (or anyone who watched the presser)

Did law enforcement (Sheriff or spokesperson) actually say TH lied about her whereabouts the day K went missing [and they know that] due to cell phone ping?

The issue many have had with mention of the cell phone pings is that "we don't know that Terri even had a cell phone" and "it was the media reporting this, not law enforcement" ... so if it was a LE spokesperson or the Sheriff and he/she made the statement above, then I would say that we know Terri has a cell phone and we know the cell phone pings indicate she was not where she said she was.
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