LE serves search warrant on family home #4

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This floor plan can't be right either. Look at this video again at the :57 mark. There is no hall going past the nursery room door. Not that I can see anyway. There also doesn't appear to be any door leading to another bedroom.

Also, the reporter walks straight through the kitchen to the computer room. He doesn't turn and go through any hallway.


Does anyone know where the steps are in the home leading to the basement and garage? I know they had questioned people who had assess to the garage so I was wondering what path a person would take if they came in through the garage. TIA!
Well, it IS People magazine. But DID Jeremy Irwin say that? because if he did...WOW indeed!

My brain is slow, still not awake but...didn't JI inital statement was that he didn't look in on Lisa, that he woke up DB and she was or both then went to look in on Lisa's room?
That's one version of the story though, right? I think I've read other versions where the order of events are switched??? :waitasec: I'll have to go through the links, but didn't he at one point say that he checked on the boys first, and then in another article he said he looked in Lisa's room first. So, I think that's where some of the confusion comes in. I'm not saying he's "lying" but their have been some inconsistencies. I don't know if those inconsistencies are coming from him or from the reporting. MOO
But it really doesn't matter who he exactly checked on first if he came in not expecting anybody to be missing. After he checks everybody then realizes the baby is not in her bed or moms bed, then panic sets in.
Hi Everyone! I’m new, but have been reading the site for days. I live near the scene of missing baby Irwin, so the concern that there is a boogie-man out there taking our children is of high concern to me. I really appreciate reading all of your posts.

Some concerns:

1.) Were the cell phones “pinged” or did a call go out from one at 2:30 am. I have conflicting stories. Initially, I had heard a text went out, then a call, now a ping. I wonder if ping isn’t that there was activity 'from' the phone. ()Even if a cell phone is restricted… it can still dial to the carrier by redirect.)

2.) There was a report of Deborah’s cousin’s car on the scene and that he left for Texas. I first noticed the car, but it was mentioned by a commenter on Alonzo Washingtons blog about the case. Does anyone have any ideas about this red car? I wonder if it was checked. Could Miss Lisa been removed from the scene via this car? Or was it there overnight?

3.) I tend to think KCPD was on to Irwin’s past when they arrived on the scene given the 911 dispatchers comment making the officers aware that there was a call ON Irwin August 16th, to contact them via cell for more information. I don’t think they were leaving any stone unturned.

4.) I think that if you explore narcissistic traits you will see similarities in Deborah Bradley. Initially, I wanted to believe her, but by day two with my experience I know that her actions/expressions did not match. One of the first red flags. It’s all about appearance with these people, so I wasn’t surprised to see others come out with “attention seeking behaviors” as a past. They are like 2 year olds that throw fits when they don’t get their way. If someone does not believe them.. They move on to someone who will. (ie: National Media) Nothing is good enough for them, only the BEST can help them… an average everyday KCPD officer is not enough. I could go on and on with the various giveaways… one very important one is going on National TV with indignation that it was appropriate to leave her sickly, toddler in a crib for 9-10 hours (neglect and endangerment) She displayed no remorse. Everything is calculated. I’ve found the best way to handle these people is to give them room to hang themselves. Point in case, give her room to talk and she gives herself away.

5.) I am highly suspicious of DB obviously; however, we simply do not know she DID do anything. All sorts of scenarios can be supposed; I found it VERY interesting that this case resembled the Fort Bragg incident. (Narcissism again?) OR because of the type of person she is (potentially mental illness) that she has burned bridges and someone felt that she did not deserve this child and set her up? There was/is NO question in my mind her family is HIGHLY dysfunctional..(makings of BPD , Narcissism and a host of other PD’s and disorders -- anxiety meds!) Could one of these people have been that person? I don’t see very many scenarios about this and I wonder why? If I’ve missed something other than we know the most obvious is DB or JI?

6.) I wonder if they plan to check other family member’s homes and properties. Whatever happened, it wasn’t a one person job it seems. Someone had to have known something.

7.) For confirmation, I am not clear on who is the man seen with DB and JI in the press conference with Talking Head Joe? Is that her brother? Cousin? Why was he there? Does anyone know? Seemed odd. (Of course the whole things is bizarre, but just one of the many facets of this case that stands out to me right now)

I am so sorry for the seemingly barrage of thought… but I’ve sort of collected these unanswered questions along the way! ;)

fox4wdaf FOX 4 News
by CaseSignal
FBI agents and canines are searching an Irwin-Bradley family home on N. Walrond.

the above info came from our timeline here that Shelby1 has made, LOTS of info there..
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=150977"]Lisa Irwin-Timeline - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

#1 we have not confirmed if it was a ping/call or even if it was made i believe..
#2 Never heard of that at all
Does anyone know where the steps are in the home leading to the basement and garage? I know they had questioned people who had assess to the garage so I was wondering what path a person would take if they came in through the garage. TIA!
If you take a look at the image posted earlier when talking about the bathroom window, the one with the garage doors open it appears to be steps leading up right there that would come up into the living room. I tried to enlarge it and it looks like stairs, but it is blurry.
I just can't understand why an intruder/kidnapper would put on accent lights and a pumpkin light. "Ooh, that lovely wall decoration would look so much better with an accent light on... now where is that baby I came here to snatch..."
Newbie here! I finally joined after a week of visiting. This case has consumed my life.
Is true that in order for the LE to receive a search warrant, they would have to have evidence to suggest they need a warrant?

Also to the floor plan, I thought I heard Jeremy Irwin state that their bedroom was on the opposite side of the house? Did anyone else see or hear that? Or did I imagine it?

He said the boys bedroom was on the opposite end of the house from the computer room. Another reason NG's floor plan can't be right.

Welcome Drinkitin!

In one of the recent interviews, when JI was asked why DB didn't hear the alleged *abductor* climbing into the computer room window, JI said his & DB's bedroom is on the "exact opposite side of the house" from the computer room.

I don't remember which interview, but I'll try to find it.
What about the paper plates and napkins NG referred to, that later changed to baby wipes and baby food? I don't take any of these talking heads seriously, they twist and turn facts to add ratings.
Welcome Drinkitin!

In one of the recent interviews, when JI was asked why DB didn't hear the alleged *abductor* climbing into the computer room window, JI said his & DB's bedroom is on the "exact opposite side of the house" from the computer room.

I don't remember which interview, but I'll try to find it.

I remember this is exactly what he said. I do believe it is a televised interview.
I just can't understand why an intruder/kidnapper would put on accent lights and a pumpkin light. "Ooh, that lovely wall decoration would look so much better with an accent light on... now where is that baby I came here to snatch..."

It could have already been on, I doubt the neighbour would ahve saw if DB turned off each individual light in the home. If so, that is one nosey neighbour who must have been peering in the windows for some time> JMHO of course.
That's one version of the story though, right? I think I've read other versions where the order of events are switched??? :waitasec: I'll have to go through the links, but didn't he at one point say that he checked on the boys first, and then in another article he said he looked in Lisa's room first. So, I think that's where some of the confusion comes in. I'm not saying he's "lying" but their have been some inconsistencies. I don't know if those inconsistencies are coming from him or from the reporting. MOO

He may have changed his account due to the stress and shock of the early days as well. He could have had a better memory later on when he was over the initial trauma of finding his baby missing.
Well....I have been listening CAREFULLY to all the LE comments on the not cooperating thing, just to see what the conflict of information is, and it is definitely a matter of LE skewing the information a bit. They (LE) said that the parents HAVE spoken to them by phone on a number of occasions, but "they are not SITTING down with us on OUR TERMS and answering questions". That is pretty much a direct quote given on a number of statements from LE.

To me....that IS cooperation, just not allowing LE to have the kind of control and intimidation factors that LE would prefer during questioning.

jmo though

I noticed that the other day too. Young said something along the lines of "they are not answering the vital questions we need answered" and ok, sounds like they aren't cooperating. However, if the "vital question" is "where did you bury her" and (for the sake of argument) they didn't bury her- then they can't very well answer it. We know they are able to get in touch easy because they have consented to their home being searched nearly every day.

It sounds like they are willing to do anything except sit down for more interrogation, and they did 13 hours each of that so it isn't entirely unreasonable IMO. Police CAN force them to come in for questioning if they do actually need them for more interrogation. It sounds to me as if JI and DB are just no longer volunteering for interrogation.
There would have been no reason for him to automatically ASSUME that baby Lisa was gone/snatched/abducted when he looked or saw in her room that she was NOT in her bed(with or without the lights on).. Just like he DID NOT ASSUME automatically something was wrong when he saw that one of the boys was NOT IN HIS BED!!

It was only upon entering their bedroom where mom was sleeping that Jeremy would see that there is the son that WAS NOT IN HIS BED.. and I'm sure that was where he ASSUMED he'd find his daughter WHO WAS NOT IN HER BED!!

It's AT THAT POINT that he says that Lisa was NOT IN HER CRIB!! and supposedly Deb 's like, " what do you mean she's not in her crib? ".. Etc, Etc, Etc...

So, I do not understand why the negative response when IMO it wouldn't have made sense for him to be in freak out mode IMMEDIATELY SEEING LISA NOT IN HER CRIB.. he did not freak out immediately when he saw one son was not in his bed.. It was upon seeing that The one son was in bed with mom but there was NO LISA in the bed with mom/son THAT WOULD IMO CAUSE PANIC!! jmo, tho!


Not true. According to Jeremy and Debbie, Jeremy first noticed the front door open, the lights on, and the screen popped out of the bedroom window. He then goes back to his and Debbie's room and asks her why the lights are on, the door open, the window open, etc. According to Debbie, it's at this point that Jeremy says that Lisa's bedroom door was open and then supposedly runs to check on her (varying accounts on who he checked on first, Lisa or the boys, but we won't get into that here). It's at this point that Jeremy comes back and says to Debbie, "Where is Lisa?"


So, according to the story in this interview...Jeremy walked right past Lisa's open bedroom door (and with her bedroom lights on, according to the People mag article), tried to shut the window in the computer room and couldn't because of the screen, walked past Lisa's open (possibly lit up) bedroom to Debbie's room, and then started asking about the door, the lights, the window, the boy in her bed, etc. etc. The idea that Lisa might be missing doesn't come to him until after all this chatter about various other things.

But he walked past Lisa's bedroom TWICE. If he has ever said, at any time, that her nursery room light was on...then I'm going to come right out and say it...HE'S LYING about what happened when he came home that morning.

JMO, of course. ;)
It's the same danged floor plan. NG Show swiped it and redid on their own computer system, using white, red, black for better viewing.

Where's the "second living room"? (I'm really sick of typing that now.) The other baths? Another floor altogether?

Debbie describes the computer as a sort of second livingroom. It's that room that runs from front to back of the house with the deck off the back. The "popped out window screen" room.
There would have been no reason for him to automatically ASSUME that baby Lisa was gone/snatched/abducted when he looked or saw in her room that she was NOT in her bed(with or without the lights on).. Just like he DID NOT ASSUME automatically something was wrong when he saw that one of the boys was NOT IN HIS BED!!

It was only upon entering their bedroom where mom was sleeping that Jeremy would see that there is the son that WAS NOT IN HIS BED.. and I'm sure that was where he ASSUMED he'd find his daughter WHO WAS NOT IN HER BED!!

It's AT THAT POINT that he says that Lisa was NOT IN HER CRIB!! and supposedly Deb 's like, " what do you mean she's not in her crib? ".. Etc, Etc, Etc...

So, I do not understand why the negative response when IMO it wouldn't have made sense for him to be in freak out mode IMMEDIATELY SEEING LISA NOT IN HER CRIB.. he did not freak out immediately when he saw one son was not in his bed.. It was upon seeing that The one son was in bed with mom but there was NO LISA in the bed with mom/son THAT WOULD IMO CAUSE PANIC!! jmo, tho!

IMOO the exact same reaction of Panic/"All Hell Broke Loose" would have occurred at that exact moment if baby Lisa Was found sleeping with mom and THE SON WAS NOT!!
IMO there was no reason for panic upon Jeremy seeing his son NOT IN HIS BED or Lisa NOT IN HER BED.. it would only be cause for alarm when getting to their bedroom and seeing that Lisa was not in the bed with mom and son.. I don't see how it makes sense for him to be panicked a moment BEFORE THIS TIME..

It's been my experience that ,sometimes in an emergency situation or an extraordinary event,it can take a few moments to process what you are seeing. Things are not the way you expected so your brain has to catch up. Your brain also protects your body from experiencing too much shock at a time. JMO
I think they are looking for either a stuffed animal, overnight bag, backpack, laundry bag or something like that. It was in the home and now not there. Lisa took it with them. If so I expect a search warrant on other families homes to be done at the same time looking for said item.
But it really doesn't matter who he exactly checked on first if he came in not expecting anybody to be missing. After he checks everybody then realizes the baby is not in her bed or moms bed, then panic sets in.

Actually the only thing that matters is inconsistent statements about arriving home. I agree it doesnt matter who he checked on first.

If he went into master and and spoke with DB..then why did he say he went to other end of house to..isnt lisas room next door?
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