LE serves search warrant on family home #4

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Does anyone know where the steps are in the home leading to the basement and garage? I know they had questioned people who had assess to the garage so I was wondering what path a person would take if they came in through the garage. TIA!

In the video from inside the Irwin home, look where you see the bulletin board on the kitchen wall next to Lisa's bedroom door. I believe that is the wall that is the backside to the stairwell. So you'd walk through the front door, straight past the kitchen, turn right and see the basement door. (I think.)
I think they are looking for either a stuffed animal, overnight bag, backpack, laundry bag or something like that. It was in the home and now not there. Lisa took it with them. If so I expect a search warrant on other families homes to be done at the same time looking for said item.

Suppose those cell phones are in that purple stuffed animal (Barney?) that she is seen holding....What better way to keep the police from finding them.
There would have been no reason for him to automatically ASSUME that baby Lisa was gone/snatched/abducted when he looked or saw in her room that she was NOT in her bed(with or without the lights on).. Just like he DID NOT ASSUME automatically something was wrong when he saw that one of the boys was NOT IN HIS BED!!

It was only upon entering their bedroom where mom was sleeping that Jeremy would see that there is the son that WAS NOT IN HIS BED.. and I'm sure that was where he ASSUMED he'd find his daughter WHO WAS NOT IN HER BED!!

It's AT THAT POINT that he says that Lisa was NOT IN HER CRIB!! and supposedly Deb 's like, " what do you mean she's not in her crib? ".. Etc, Etc, Etc...

So, I do not understand why the negative response when IMO it wouldn't have made sense for him to be in freak out mode IMMEDIATELY SEEING LISA NOT IN HER CRIB.. he did not freak out immediately when he saw one son was not in his bed.. It was upon seeing that The one son was in bed with mom but there was NO LISA in the bed with mom/son THAT WOULD IMO CAUSE PANIC!! jmo, tho!

IMOO the exact same reaction of Panic/"All Hell Broke Loose" would have occurred at that exact moment if baby Lisa Was found sleeping with mom and THE SON WAS NOT!!
IMO there was no reason for panic upon Jeremy seeing his son NOT IN HIS BED or Lisa NOT IN HER BED.. it would only be cause for alarm when getting to their bedroom and seeing that Lisa was not in the bed with mom and son.. I don't see how it makes sense for him to be panicked a moment BEFORE THIS TIME..

Is this the first we are finding out that Lisa's light was on? I didn't know her light was on.
It could have already been on, I doubt the neighbour would ahve saw if DB turned off each individual light in the home. If so, that is one nosey neighbour who must have been peering in the windows for some time> JMHO of course.

It's quite possible, the family members are most likely to put such lights on. But don't they talk? He would ask Deborah and she would say she put the lights on, and may have forgotten to turn them off, end of story. Instead it was presented as if evidence of an intruder being there but of course it would be no such thing if the light was already on.
IMOO I agree that an intruder wouldn't be likely to turn on a decorative "pumpkin accent light".. IMOO a woman who'd had wine and was tipsy or smashed drunk would NOT THINK to have ever turned OFF a "pumpkin accent light"..

If it's anything like/similar to one I have that I used to put in my sons room when he was younger there's a reason it's dubbed an "accent light" because it is not bright but more illuminates a degree of light similar to that of a night light(but it is NOT a

Not only do I think she'd easily leave it on.. But even with it staying on it would still appear as tho all the lights were turned off(they likely were IMO just as the neighbor says).. It's not as tho she went over to the Irwin home and walked the perimeter closely looking at each window of each room to be certain each room was pitch black.. She saw the lights go off.. IMO a "pumpkin accent light" being STILL ON would not in anyway negate or make that statement incorrect or invalid..

Jmo, tho!
Suppose those cell phones are in that purple stuffed animal (Barney?) that she is seen holding....What better way to keep the police from finding them.

Hi Welcome newhere..glad to have ya...I been thinking bout what Barney might be holding as well.
He may have changed his account due to the stress and shock of the early days as well. He could have had a better memory later on when he was over the initial trauma of finding his baby missing.

I totally agree with this.

I was a victim of an armed robbery a few months ago. When the guy robbed me, I initially told police that he asked if we were still selling beer (He took beer, cigarettes, and money). It was only when the adrenaline stopped pumping and I was able to think more cleary that I remembered that he actually asked WHERE the beer was. That's what I told the detective on my next interview. My story didn't change, per se, but I was able to remember things that at first were clouded by shock and adrenaline. JM2cents :)
What about the paper plates and napkins NG referred to, that later changed to baby wipes and baby food? I don't take any of these talking heads seriously, they twist and turn facts to add ratings.

The paper plates and napkins were reported by others before NG came on .She was just repeating what everyone else was saying. It wasn't until they had the clerk on,that the baby food and wipes were mentioned.

Nagging question,why did Deb ring the wine up separately from the baby items? To hide the wine purchase?

It was reported that LE found a receipt that led them to the store. A lot was made of Casey Anthony not purchasing anything for Caylee in the target videos. Did Deb know this?
Ok, so about the view of the back of the house, the camper is sort of in the middle so that would make the window at the far left the other computer room window and Lisa's room would be the next one to the right above the airconditioner unit? Just attempting to get my bearings.

Adding, wondering if they were sitting out on the deck? Which would be the sliding glass door, at the other end of the computer room.
They might have used xrays to look in the drain pipes in the house between the floor of the top floor and the ceiling of the basement.
BBM - Exactly my thought too!

IIRC the brother is age 20. I don't know the laws in MO, but here, if you even have a minor in the vehicle with you, it is illegal to purchase alcohol, certainly if they are in the store with you and :doh: hand you money at the register. Here, every person with you has to (or can be asked to) show valid id, no id = no sale. But, I'm not sure what MO law looks like. Also, our law says if the 20 yo is driving that is "illegal transportation". That transaction made me cringe, because of our laws... here, the cashier would face jail time + the store huge fines + with more than one offense would lose their license to sell alcohol. Once they get reinstated if it should happen again, the location loses the license forever - IOW if the store sells to new owners they can never get a license to sell alcohol due to prior issues. We're almost zero tolerance, so I had to assume MO is much more relaxed, but I dunno. Anyone local that has worked retail or knows a cashier or store owner?
JMO of course.

PS - If you all would kindly pause posting for 30 minutes I might actually be able to catch up before midnight this time. Thank you. :tongue:

In Missouri, it's legal to DRINK in the car as long as you're not the driver. I'm not sure what their other liquor laws are, but I've been told that Missouri has some of the lenient liquor laws.
Regarding JI changing his story slightly (lights on, where he checked first, etc)- let's remember that the Media has constantly muddled up the details and quotes in this case. Not just of them, the old "friends" who went on the record regarding their opinions of DB as well. Media just isn't really being very detail oriented here. I don't think it's really fair to take their media statements and compare them for accuracy.

Hopefully the LE is taking their statements and comparing them for accuracy though!
They might have used xrays to look in the drain pipes in the house between the floor of the top floor and the ceiling of the basement.

Edgar Allen Poe's "The Telltale Heart" comes to mind .
With their having been dogs brought to the scene I am curious to know if anyone by chance has a link to where it states that they also had the dogs search the vehicles.. Yesterday I someone posted that the dogs did search the vehicles and there were no "hits/alerts" on either vehicle.. However this post stating this did not have a link stating this.. Does anyone know where this info came from and if it was stated/reported would you post the link?

IMO this would be an extremely important detail/info..

Because ATLEAST for me, if the parents are involved IMO that would mean baby Lisa is dead.. I do not believe for a minute that they would involve outside assistance EVER.. so, if true that the dogs did not alert on either vehicle for remains/decomp THAT WOULD BE A HUGE DETAIL WORKING AGAINST THE THEORY OF THE PARENTS INVOLVEMENT.. but jmo!!

TIA to anyone who may Post link or know where this specific info came from that was posted yesterday(I'll go back and search for the specific post for reference).. Maybe they'll be able to post where this info came from.
Something about finding a pentagram outside the house coming up next on Headline News.
Regarding JI changing his story slightly (lights on, where he checked first, etc)- let's remember that the Media has constantly muddled up the details and quotes in this case. Not just of them, the old "friends" who went on the record regarding their opinions of DB as well. Media just isn't really being very detail oriented here. I don't think it's really fair to take their media statements and compare them for accuracy.

Hopefully the LE is taking their statements and comparing them for accuracy though!

I also relayed my my own experience when my son had a seizure last Thursday. Everything happened so fast ,I was functioning,but later that day I couldn't remember the sequence of what happened between seeing him limp and getting him into the car.
My husband also commented "when I had my ears to his chest to make sure his breathing was okay" I don't remember that at all ,but I was right there.

And yes,the media often muddles up the facts. We have to weed through actual documents and comments from those involved to know what's really going on. JMO
Something about finding a pentagram outside the house coming up next on Headline News.

Lovely. Can't wait to see the hysterical "satanic" media spin with this. Next thing we know, it'll be the daycare satanic abuse case all over again. :rolleyes:
Something about finding a pentagram outside the house coming up next on Headline News.

Related to this case?

If so, fine example of things not being twisted out of context. Heck, a teen could have done this for teen reasons. Happened in a case here. Don't know why media thinks pentagrams are a sign of anything other than teens being teens, but they push this angle every spec of a chance they can. Sigh.
The paper plates and napkins were reported by others before NG came on .She was just repeating what everyone else was saying. It wasn't until they had the clerk on,that the baby food and wipes were mentioned.

Nagging question,why did Deb ring the wine up separately from the baby items? To hide the wine purchase?

It was reported that LE found a receipt that led them to the store. A lot was made of Casey Anthony not purchasing anything for Caylee in the target videos. Did Deb know this?

Well, it looks like she hands the change to Little Brother, so...:waitasec: If he paid for the wine, I can't imagine he didn't stick around to drink it. I could understand her buying the wine separately to hide the purchase from hubby, but then, why hand Little Brother the change?

Nagging questions for me too.
I also relayed my my own experience when my son had a seizure last Thursday. Everything happened so fast ,I was functioning,but later that day I couldn't remember the sequence of what happened between seeing him limp and getting him into the car.
My husband also commented "when I had my ears to his chest to make sure his breathing was okay" I don't remember that at all ,but I was right there.

And yes,the media often muddles up the facts. We have to weed through actual documents and comments from those involved to know what's really going on. JMO

I'm with you on delayed memory. Any sort of trauma and I will have to slowly piece together what happened. My mind shuts down, I guess to absorb the shock, I really don't know why. Have entire years that are spotty b/c they were so bad. A friend will bring up something and here comes the technicolor memory out of nowhere.
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