LE slowly losing anyone else?

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I am sort of disapointed with all of the "leaks" in this case. I think it is highly unprofessional and detrimental to the outcome of this case and the ability to find Caylee (dead or alive!)

I have been surprised at how few leaks we have heard compared to other cases, I am more disappointed with a mother who could care less about her 2 year old!!!
I too have faith in LE. More importantly I have prayed many many times for this child and I know thousands of others have also, and I have faith in God that in this case we will see JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!!! And "my gut Casey", is telling me it will be sooner rather than later.
I do not believe that they are going to give up .. The Sheriff said in the Press Conference that they were going to keep going until it was solved.
I don't know if it is the same cty, but they still have Trenton Duckett's case open from over 2 yrs ago. The only problem that I have is Look at the money that this is costing the County ?? When the answer lies with Casey, she knows the truth as should be made to tell the truth to the authorities. I don't believe in her Lawyer protecting her like he is .. after all - Who is Paying the Bill for all of this ?
The People that live in Orange Cty and donations .. this isn't right

I don't like Casey getting 30 hours a week with Baez. That is ridiculous with what she is charged with and an obvious way to get around home confinement..witness the heavy backpack every day. You don't need that kind of time for what she is charged with!

Its thumbing their nose at the system. And blatantly.

And the only way this wont happen is if shes locked up..then they have to meet in the jail...which is where she belongs.

Her family is afraid of her...I knew that after listening to their phone calls from jail!

And if I were a taxpayer, I would be getting pretty sick of the Anthony's...trying to block TES and spending money on endless tshirts...donated money...trying to pick fights with protestors....like they have to be out to put up more tape?!

I don't know....I dont like the way they are controlling things at all.

I have a really big problem with her being able to go to the lawyers office everyday....that is not what home confinement is. :furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
Do other "home confinement" inmates get this many hours to hang out in their attorneys office? Home confinement....what a joke.
I can't help but wonder that if this were the Orlando police rather than the Orlando Sheriff dept, it would have gone a bit smoother.

I'm also wondering why the FBI has not been more present. This is a "kidnapping" according to the Anthony family and they keep insisting that Caylee has been taken across state lines.
I too have faith in LE. More importantly I have prayed many many times for this child and I know thousands of others have also, and I have faith in God that in this case we will see JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!!! And "my gut Casey", is telling me it will be sooner rather than later.

Amen Sister!!! I totally agree, we may NEVER see the justice we all want to see but she will be held accountable for what she has done, I work with the elderly and I tell employees in orientation that I think there is a VIP spot in hell for people who hurt the elderly and children....
I can't help but wonder that if this were the Orlando police rather than the Orlando Sheriff dept, it would have gone a bit smoother.

I'm also wondering why the FBI has not been more present. This is a "kidnapping" according to the Anthony family and they keep insisting that Caylee has been taken across state lines.

FBI would be involved if there was evidence of a kidnapping, the FBI deals with reality!
But what if they end up finding Caylee alive and healthy? (WHAT IF lol) What will this say about LE?
I have a really big problem with her being able to go to the lawyers office everyday....that is not what home confinement is. :furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

Her little "road trip" today seemed like fun for her. Even the little blond Orlando Fox reporter who usually seems to side with the Anthony's seemed a little unhappy with the way Lee and Casey "high-fived" today. She said to her it seemed a little surreal for someone in Casey's position.:furious:
I think LE is doing a great job. Remember, they had to start at a 30 day deficit. In terms of an investigation, although it seems like the case has been dragging on forever, it's actually been less than two months.

For the poster who asked if it would have been better if OPD handled the case rather than the OCSO, I don't think so. OCSO is much, much larger and has far more resources.
I have faith in LE. Remember the Peterson case . . . they waited over 3 months for Conner/Laci's bodies to surface before actually charging Scott.

I didn't follow the Peterson case but it sounds like the bodies surfacing was the result of some luck and divine intervention. We can only hope that such a break happens in this case.

I think that it is just so difficult for everyone to see Casey and the rest of family seemingly get their way so often without any apparent concern for the beautiful child we have grown to love. However, I continue to have faith that LE knows what they are doing and want justice as much as anyone else. I would rather they take the time and do things right so there will not be any cause for concern when charges are filed. Casey will be going back to jail...we just have to try and be patient, as hard as that is.
I am extremely perturbed with LE in Orlando. Totally peeved. I have never seen any LE coddle a person like Orlando LE is. I have never seen anything like this. Right now I wish the protestors would all head to the jail, the police dept and the Da's office for their protesting. This is amazing how someone on home confinement can wander all day long. How do they know she doesn't sneak out of that lawyers office and run off or have a family member smuggle her out of the city to some other state? No alarm going to buzz since she is not at home anyway. I almost hope she does escape. It would serve them right down there. I have no respect for this LE so far.
I hope this sounds reassuring, which is what I mean, and not argumentative, but this is really not a long time for LE/the state to take in bringing more charges in a serious case like this. The Anthony family antics are hard to take, but a day is coming when Casey most likely won't be feeling like high-fiving anyone, unless her cell mate becomes her new BFF. Maybe she's overjoyed today that she soon might have something to put on her resume: convicted felon. Let's hope with her! Remember the smug and maddening Petersons, and think about where Scott is passing his time today.

As to leaks, I agree there haven't been so many, given the level of interest in this case. A lot of information came out because of media requests and a really liberal open records law in Florida. Other information was most likely given to the family and even the defendant in regard to the immunity offer, so it might as well be public. I think it's good LE is just working, and not trying the case in the media or telling more. It's a wonderful contrast to the Anthony behavior. Casey got herself a month of time passing between Caylee's disappearance and discovery of that. It isn't an easy case. But I think they'll make it.
Just heard.......


Are going to discuss the new charges coming for Casey Anthony !

I am in Ohio and this is EST.
High 5, isnt that special?
Nice to know brother & sister have such a close bond.
(Where is that vomiting avatar?)
This whole bunch of A's needs to stay in their house behind the yellow tape.
If we ignore them will they go away?
I believe in the OCSO, and all LEO involved in this case 100%. They are doing this right. They are digging deep into Casey's "criminal" past. The feds are likely involved as well ie. bank fraud. She didn't just start doing things like cheque routing (? still don't know what that is), stealing from friends and family and who knows whatever else she has been doing during "work", let alone all the time she spends online (?federal crimes as well if any are found, certainly FCC, if anything pops up). There is a reason Sheriff Beary said she had quite the criminal past. They have allowed us the bare minimum to cover the charges already out there. I suspect that there is a lot more on their desks. I suspect that many are working around the clock on this case. They must have it air tight and discover as much as they possibly can. This case has even greater meaning for them than it does for us. Sit tight. Stay calm. Give them the time they need to nail it.

They have my total support fwiw
I gotta tell you all, the longer this drags on with no traces of Caylee's remains (I was SURE something would break today after yesterday's search was called off), and no murder charges against ANYONE, the more I begin to wonder how strong LE's case really is...and where is all the "fast and furious" info that was supposed to be coming down the wire?

Lee and Casey high-fived today. That's just...disgusting...whether or not Caylee is dead. Wow.

That is disgusting, but don't let it get to you. The fact is, even if Casey were to somehow get away with what she has done, think about what her life will be. She's definitely going to prison for at least a bit, but beyond that, her life is ruined. No one will want to associate themselves with her, no one will want to be her friend or even know her, and no one will ever date her. Her life is pretty much over. Think she'll ever be able to get a job? Nope. And it's the same thing with all the Anthonys....they are ruined forever!

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