LE wants to interview the parents separately

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Well, it depends. 17.5 hours would certainly be a lot if it started at, say 5am. Particularly if you'd just finished working the night shift. Or if you'd only had a couple hours of sleep. 17.5 hours is also a lot if there aren't significant breaks. When we're talking hours of work a week, there's significant time away from the job as well. How much time away are you really getting from the questioning? And if you're stressed and worried about your child being missing, you're certainly not resting well. You're not at your best. Your tired, your mind is fuzzy, you're stressed beyond belief, and you're repeating the same things over and over. In those circumstances, 17.5 hours is going to feel a hell of a lot longer than working a 40 hour, easy work week, complete with plenty of time to go home and rest and sleep.

Who cares how long it feels.. Your child is missing. How long has little Lisa been missing now, longer than 17.5 hours. How long if DB killed her did it take for her to die, do we think she was all warm and fuzzy getting killed, bet it felt like a lifetime.. When your child is missing there is no warm and fuzzy, there are questions and more questions. These parents havent even looked for their child.. There is no such thing as rest and sleep. I couldnt sleep if my child was out there.. Not at all..
Tough questions ? Separate interviews ? Sounds like a plan..... MOO
I usually do not do this but I am going to share something personal about myself and my family. I was married before and have a daughter with my ex husband. When she was three years old I married my wonderful husband that I have been with for the past 11 years now. He also had been married before and had a daughter from that marriage. His daughter was 8 years old when we married. For the first year it was my daughter and his daughter. There was no "our" when it came to the girls. Then we had a daughter together. After I became pregnant we just started calling all of the girls "ours". There was no more seperation as to his, mine and our daughter. They were all three just "ours". So in thinking back, and describing this to someone on the outside, I could have said that our daughter is what brought us together as a family. A blended family that became just a family. Some may not understand it but I do see what DB and JI may mean when saying something like that.


I'm happy for you. But, your situation is different that DB and JI who are not married and can't be married legally while DB is married to another man. It seems a bit premature for them to be talking about Baby Lisa binding their "family" together. jmo
Ranch, they have been questioned separately, extensively, with no attorney present and they didn't ask for one.

I think it's time now for LE to stop acting like they haven't, and admit what it is they want - to make another attempt to trick them into changing their stories.

I think it is time DB clears herself so the LE can move on.... they HAVE to investigate family first, prople who were there, seems like they can't get past Debrah & the family home - so why doesn't she help them out a bit. She has a lawyer now, so I am sure the bad LE will be kept inline and treat her with kids gloves.

IMO: LE is letting everyone know what they want - they want LISA - dead or alive - they are looking for her searching and also following up on leads.. they need Lisas mother to HELP them -
You know, this is just me but I cannot fathom these parents not doing everything they can. Maybe I am neurotic, I dont know. I had 3 kids by the time I was 25. My oldest was in Iraq, every single day i would pray, God please take me, dont take him, he is young and has his whole life ahead of him. Take me instead.. My daughter, who has given me 2 beautiful grandkids, I prayed when she was pregnant, God please, dont let anything happen to my daughter, take me, dont let anything happen to my grandkids, take me.. My youngest son who is 21, had a major brain surgery, I prayed God take me, not him. Dont let anything happen to my kids. Nothing to my grandkids (I just found out I am going to be a grandma again, my oldest and his fiancee are pregnant).. If my kids were late coming home, I would be on the phone with them, or out looking for them, if my husband (second time around for me) is late coming home I call him to make sure he didnt break down or anything. These are caring things to me. When it comes to my kids, i am a Lioness.. Dont you dare touch my cubs, I dont care how old they are, God willing I am alive, when they are 100 years old, they will still be my cubs. I gave birth to them, I became a mother, they were my responsibility, they were mine to take care of for life. yes, you let them go but you are always there for them. I think to myself and i have asked other people too, that think DB is not guilty and all of the people I know and ask think she has gone about things wrong. All I can say is this..

Everything that I would have done in DB's case, she didnt and anything DB has done in this case I would never have.. I am sorry but IMO she is not a caring mother and plain guilty of whatever it is that happened to Lisa..

I could have written this myself, sounds just like me :)
Very protective of my DH, children and grandchildren...........mess with them and you are messing with me.........
I'm happy for you. But, your situation is different that DB and JI who are not married and can't be married legally while DB is married to another man. It seems a bit premature for them to be talking about Baby Lisa binding their "family" together. jmo

Well, she is though. She's the bond that they all share. She's the only one in that family of 5 who is related to everyone in the family.

They are a family (although not married, they function and present themselves as a family) and she's the common thread.
Without doubt these parents should do any and all LE asks from them...
It seems to me that some of us just don't see how railroading the parents is going to do Lisa any good.



(This isn't anything compared with the WM3. That was railroaded witchhunting.)

Yes! I can see DB saying that Lisa was what held the family together. I get the picture now and it ain't pretty.
That's a lot of responsibility for a 10 month old.

Lisa was the little girl that was going to hold this family together



Past tense = dead.

Where are you baby Lisa.



And yet, "the glue" is now missing, and JI and DB say that, rather than this putting a strain on their relationship, it has drawn them closer together.

Go figure.
there is no proof of railroading other than the words of the parents who have already told many versions of thier stories. how is lying doing any good in finding this sweet baby?

:woohoo: THANK YOU.
I have no links handy but if any are needed Ill be back shortly and try to find them.
I believe it was they were interviewed together. When the questioning got "hard" they stopped. Then took time to rest......
MOO JMO etc,
Im thinking that some of the questions LE may be wanting to ask are "sensitive" to a relationship. Maybe they (LE) feel like DB & JI will be more forthcoming seperate.
Does this make sense?
Like maybe JI has a close friend thats female and he wont tell LE about her in front of DB for fear of causing problems? (not saying he is having an affair, just a real good friend that DB might not understand) or the other way around?
Or maybe past relationships that the other doesnt want the other to know about?..
Just thinking out loud


(This isn't anything compared with the WM3. That was railroaded witchhunting.)


I'm not saying they are being railroaded, and I can already see that LE here is nothing like the West Memphis "police" department. I was just responding to the poster above me who seemed to think that posters who supported the parents right to lawyer up were overlooking the rights of baby Lisa.

Its not an either or situation - the parents rights can be upheld without damaging the search for the child. MOO an all that.
BBM: I am "guessing" that D and J will not sit down with LE and answer more questions ... even with their attorney(s) present ...

IMO ... DB and JI and their attorneys are working on their "defense strategy" soooooo ... they are NOT going to let them be interviewed ...

MOO ...

but Db is an open book according to her atty. An open book but apparently she didn't give the LE a library card.
Who cares how long it feels.. Your child is missing. How long has little Lisa been missing now, longer than 17.5 hours. How long if DB killed her did it take for her to die, do we think she was all warm and fuzzy getting killed, bet it felt like a lifetime.. When your child is missing there is no warm and fuzzy, there are questions and more questions. These parents havent even looked for their child.. There is no such thing as rest and sleep. I couldnt sleep if my child was out there.. Not at all..

It seems LE knows more than we do, apparently there was no evidence that a stranger had been in the house, if they did they would have followed the leads to that person... something they know is leading them to believe the parents are holding back crucial information that could help find Lisa..
Now it's up to the parents to talk to police till they are blue in the face if it helps find the baby that is the "glue" in holding this fly together....
LE doesn't want to pin this on anyone whose innocent.. they just want to find Lisa and they need all the help they can because it's 3-4 weeks and still no Lisa.......

Is this enough time for a "cause of death unknown"? If so, I think baby Lisa wil be found soon... just like Caylee Anthony...
If the parents are correct and an intruder that no one saw or heard took Lisa away from the home that night, how exactly is talking to LE repeatedly going to help? How is that going to find Lisa? The only way Lisa is going to be found after numerous interviews with the parents and the boys is if one of the parents or boys did something to Lisa.


so that justifies not cooperating with the LE trying to finds their child?
Well thats a philisophical difference of opinion between us. I do respect your point of view on that, however.

I personal believe all American citizens have a right to protect themselves. I have the constitution backing me up.

The constitution backs me up too. People who committ crimes against their children need to be punished for their crimes.

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