LE wants to interview the parents separately

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There have been ongoing searches for Lisa well documented in the media so please don't suggest LE has not expended resources and time searching for her.

There really is only one explanation for why the parents stopped cooperating with LE: they were responsible and are more worried about their own selves than they are about Lisa.


wait, what?

I said "I'm not saying this is the case" and said that I'm just commenting that none of us are privy to the behind the scenes info.

I've said over and over and over again that I trust LE here and think they should do whatever they need to do. That I trust they will do a solid investigation that will lead us to understanding.

All I was pointing out is that *in the chaos of things* there are times when some of us might FEEL like talking to LE is hurting rather than helping. For all we know DB might feel they are looking too much for a dead baby, and is out to prove she is innocent so that they will look for a living baby.

I am not attacking LE, I'm simply saying that we aren't behind the scenes so we don't know (pro OR con) what is really going on.

I hope my explanation helps you understand where I am coming from :)
Originally Posted by Peepers View Post
I dont know the exact link myself, but I have seen an interview somewhere where DB is crying and saying they were screaming (or yelling) at her that she did something to the baby and trying to get her to admit to something.
I know we always want links, I understand asking for it, I just wanted to note that I have seen Deb saying that also.

Well if more than one person has seen it, I hope that will help provide us with a link because I haven't heard that before. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but I'd like to see where this is coming from.

Do we have a link from LE stating this happened. I dont take anything that Db says as gospel. I am talking a legitimate link where this can be proven. I can say they yelled at me too when they didnt even talk to me. Once again, not saying it didnt happen either but more proof is needed then just DB said so. She doesnt want to be questioned at all so I wouldnt be surprised by her saying this but doesnt make it true. IMO
Well if more than one person has seen it, I hope that will help provide us with a link because I haven't heard that before. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but I'd like to see where this is coming from.

I think it is the same interview as JI telling LE he wanted a break ,not for sure.
And if it happened I dont understand why not take a break and come back saying......IDK why I failed and no I did not do anything to Lisa. What do we do nxt?
Thats all JMO
That picture crushes me!!

Me, too. This one and the one with her sleepy eyes in the leopard print outfit. Sometimes I forget I don't know her, I care so much.

You've got all my love, Lisa. I hope you somehow know that you are a treasure.

I have to say, and I am not attacking the poster here, so please dont think I am, but I have asked the same question numerous times and no link still. I have looked and cannot find anything to confirm either of them were screamed at at all. I would really like a link as well. I know this keeps being posted by the same person over and over again, is it possible we can have a link to this. I am curious. TIA

I'm curious also, I've only heard Debra state that LE "screamed" at her, and maybe Jeremy.
LE knows these interviews can be used in a court of law.
And maybe this question will be answered when and if this case goes before the court. Then we can see for ourselves just how big bad LE "screamed" at Debra while her child was missing and she lied to their faces.
Don't know much about the law but if LE suspected she may have been drunk/drugs would they have had the right to get a blood sample from her? Cause it's way to late now. :maddening:

I don't think she was that drunk. She gave very specific answers about the events of that evening in the media at the beginning. I'm sure she gave them to LE as well. But when they conflicted with other witness testimony, and they were no longer co-operating with LE to find out why, the box-o-wine video was mysteriously released and they went on the "drunk media tour". All of a sudden things were changing and she was either too drunk or blacked out to remember anything.

Don't know much about the law but if LE suspected she may have been drunk/drugs would they have had the right to get a blood sample from her? Cause it's way to late now. :maddening:

They could have gotten a subpoena for a blood sample or without one a breathalyzer on her that night which I why I dont think she was drunk at all. that would have set off some bulbs there if she was drunk when LE came to the house for a kidnapping and mom was smashed. I dont believe she was drunk at all, that was just a ploy, it was something to be used as a defense tactic. IMO
If a person is 100% innocent why would they want to pick and choose the questions they will answer????? Maybe because they aren't and have something to hide........:furious:

Are you referring to the "unrestricted" questions that LE want's to ask? If so can I ask a question of my own? What does "unrestricted" questions mean to you? TIA.
They already did, for 17+ hours.

Could there really be questions of that nature - who was there in the house that day, etc., that they haven't already answered? In separate rooms, for hours and hours?

I'm behind for today, only on the first page of the thread, so this may of already been discussed.....

I feel comfortable estimating that the parents have done more than 17+ hours of interviews with the media in these weeks (3 now?) that Lisa has been missing. Why won't they interview more with the police?

It hurts my heart for baby Lisa. :(
I'm curious also, I've only heard Debra state that LE "screamed" at her, and maybe Jeremy.
LE knows these interviews can be used in a court of law.
And maybe this question will be answered when and if this case goes before the court. Then we can see for ourselves just how big bad LE "screamed" at Debra while her child was missing and she lied to their faces.

Right and those interviews are taped. We all remember CA and her interviews and not once was she screamed at and you could sense the emotions in that interview room from LE. I am sure they wanted to scream but they didnt. The tapes will come out.
They didn't say it until two days later. When they couldn't get the parents to come back in after their "break". By then Lisa had been missing 3 days and the parents had been refusing to speak with LE for the last two of them. In fact, other than one other time with the lawyer present, they haven't spoken to them since. Answered a few questions regarding tips over the phone but haven't sat down and answered "tough" questions, that's for sure.

The parent's should be begging LE for help, not the other way around. And their hired "PI" isn't looking either, he's on a CYA media tour. :waitasec:


According to our timeline they were "Very Cooperative" on Wednesday and no longer cooperating on Thursday. You are right it was not immediately following their interrogation, my apologies. But IMO they did jump the gun on calling them out. Everyone is high stress, I think they could have handled that more professionally.

That does NOT mean that I think they are botching the investigation though, they've given me nothing to criticize.

Tuesday: family stayed with relatives after being questioned until 10:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. press conference Capt. Steve Young speaking—basically no new information. Still searching with dogs, however there have been no hits. Parents not ruled out, but also not suspects. Very cooperative.
~Jeremy and Debbie provided LE with a list of 9 names of people that could be possible suspects.
~the list of suspects provided by the parents is now up to 12.---suspects all cleared
~Capt. Young: "the mother and father no longer want to cooperate with detectives."
OT but how do I double quote on here. I know someone fixed one for me before and I see other people doing it but its not working for me.. thanks in advance... I NEED HELP PLEASE....:waitasec:
I don't believe Debbi ever claimed that LE screamed or yelled at her about killing Lisa. I believe that Debbi said LE accused her of killing Lisa and knowing where Lisa is located, in response to Debbi asking how she did on her lie detector test.

Imo, it doesn't matter much whether it was screamed or simply stated. It's a powerful accusation, no matter what the tone. Again, jmo, but I don't think LE was out of line in any case. If the parents' statements weren't adding up and the results of one of their (inadmissable in court - for good reason) indicators led them to believe that the mother was lying, it's all fair game. Lisa is out there. LE is racing against the clock to find and save her if she's alive. Whatever it takes to limit the possible scenarios down to those that are most pursuit-worthy. LE, nor any person or agency, can be everywhere at one time. JMO.

Reference (Oct 7 Judge Jeanine):

Judge Jeanine: “So what happened with the discussion of the lie detector test? You said that they told you that you failed it?”

Debbi: “They just said that ‘You failed the test.’ Cuz I asked them, ‘Well, how did I do?’ And he says, ‘You failed.’ And I said ‘That’s not possible, what do you mean I failed?’ And ‘You failed, you killed her, you know where she’s at.’ I mean, um, I heard it on Tuesday too …

Judge Jeanine: “So when did you take the lie detector?”

Debbi: “Yesterday.”

Judge Jeanine: “So that was two days after she was missing. And then they tell you that you failed it. What do you think of this Jeremy? They tell you that your wife, the mother of your baby failed a lie detector. How does that make you feel?”

Jeremy: “It, it didn’t really make me feel anything. It doesn’t change anything. I don’t – there was never any doubt in my mind so it, I literally just told them ‘I don’t care’.”

P.s. not_my_kids has transcribed many of the parents' interviews here:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152343"]compare the parent's statements to media here - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

thread title: compare the parent's statements to media here
And another question I have, why does LE have to try and make appointments with the parents and then tell media they are not cooperating. Why not just swing by the house and knock on the door????????? Shows an effort in good faith to me.
If DB and JI want to , they can call their lawyer to come over too.

I don't think they can do that once they have a lawyer. Typically every request will have to go through their counsel now.
Constitutional rights vs. a chance of finding my baby who has been gone almost a month now and without a doubt I'd be raising my hand, dialing that phone and saying come pick me up I'd like to answer any and all questions. NO problem if I am innocent. My baby would come first a million times over before I'd worry about my rights.

LE isn't trying to make a parent a suspect or POI they are trying to eliminate them and ask questions which may be important to a clue of what happened that night. If it turns out one or both are arrested well I guess that will tell us that some evidence is there that we don't know about. Because we don't know much at all about the evidence.

I'm not going to put LE down for doing their jobs. They got a call at 4:03am saying a kidnapping had occurred. They were asked for help. That help came and so did the cavalry. Now we don't want to talk anymore? WHY? Baby vs. Rights? If they are not guilty that baby is in the hands of someone bad, the baby is in danger. It is long past time to end these word games, changed stories and worthless actions like a website. Help find your baby by helping the police. MOO
Constitutional rights vs. a chance of finding my baby who has been gone almost a month now and without a doubt I'd be raising my hand, dialing that phone and saying come pick me up I'd like to answer any and all questions. NO problem if I am innocent. My baby would come first a million times over before I'd worry about my rights.

LE isn't trying to make a parent a suspect or POI they are trying to eliminate them and ask questions which may be important to a clue of what happened that night. If it turns out one or both are arrested well I guess that will tell us that some evidence is there that we don't know about. Because we don't know much at all about the evidence.

I'm not going to put LE down for doing their jobs. They got a call at 4:03am saying a kidnapping had occurred. They were asked for help. That help came and so did the cavalry. Now we don't want to talk anymore? WHY? Baby vs. Rights? If they are not guilty that baby is in the hands of someone bad, the baby is in danger. It is long past time for these word games, changed stories and worthless actions like a WS. Help find your baby by helping the police. MOO

Thank you, so well said..
They could have gotten a subpoena for a blood sample or without one a breathalyzer on her that night which I why I dont think she was drunk at all. that would have set off some bulbs there if she was drunk when LE came to the house for a kidnapping and mom was smashed. I dont believe she was drunk at all, that was just a ploy, it was something to be used as a defense tactic. IMO

Totally agree, that video became her defense tactic
During the first hour of questioning her, so that would have been around noon.

And they certainly didn't find evidence that there was NOT an intruder, because they certainly put on the dog to find one.

Personally, I don't think they had any idea at that point in the interrogation what had happened. I think they (cruelly) decided to lead with trying to break her in case she was the culprit. I don't think they had anything - at all - to back that up, just ruling it out.

She HAS been honest, and open to the media, and I think she would have said "they found ______ that they thought I did" if that's the way it went.

I think they need a new interview, with new cops who don't do that but rather seek any clues without just making cruel statements with no evidence.


In this video DB says that they started accusing her a couple of hours into the first interview.


Q: How far into it did they accuse you?
DB: A couple of hours.
Q: really?
DB Yeah.
Q:...into the first interview?
DB: Yeah.
Q: what did they say?
DB: You did it. Where's she at?....you know, stuff like that. I can't really get into that...I don't want to affect the investigation. It's not about clearing my name."


Q: What did you say to them when they told you that?
DB:That's not possible. (scoff) I have absolutely no idea where my daughter is. If I knew she'd be with me"
Q: And how did they respond?
DB: They called me a bad mother and that I oughta fess up pretty much.
JI: They keep bringing up 'maybe it was an accident'maybe you did it in the two hours you were home, and she found out about it later....

DB interrupts....And I'm scared of 'em. I mean, because they've scared the crap outta me. And (scoff), they managed to do a GREAT job of that! (heavy sarcasm)

BBM- being called a bad mom would upset me but it certainly wouldn't 'scare the crap outa me' And being told I 'oughta fess up, pretty much' does not sound like hard-core scary interrogation IMO

What would scare the crap out of me is if they said they'd found something bloody, or some evidence of her being harmed.

JMO and all that jazz.
Constitutional rights vs. a chance of finding my baby who has been gone almost a month now and without a doubt I'd be raising my hand, dialing that phone and saying come pick me up I'd like to answer any and all questions. NO problem if I am innocent. My baby would come first a million times over before I'd worry about my rights.

LE isn't trying to make a parent a suspect or POI they are trying to eliminate them and ask questions which may be important to a clue of what happened that night. If it turns out one or both are arrested well I guess that will tell us that some evidence is there that we don't know about. Because we don't know much at all about the evidence.

I'm not going to put LE down for doing their jobs. They got a call at 4:03am saying a kidnapping had occurred. They were asked for help. That help came and so did the cavalry. Now we don't want to talk anymore? WHY? Baby vs. Rights? If they are not guilty that baby is in the hands of someone bad, the baby is in danger. It is long past time to end these word games, changed stories and worthless actions like a website. Help find your baby by helping the police. MOO

Thank you for saying what I'm not intelligent enough to type.:rocker:
I keep thinking that maybe the neighbor she was supposedly with that night answered a few of the very important questions in this case and LE is laying low with it.
Did she Lisa and what time was that?

I heard a caller say tonight on either JVM or NG what some of us said last night.
The man described walking down the street with the baby fits JI's description....

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