LE wants to interview the parents separately

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I think JI has become reliant on DB to answer questions. He seems to defer to her all of the time, or either she talks over him when he is asked a direct question.
SBM so I it wouldn't look like I was arguing your point. But from what I have become to know around here, this is the way he is -reliant on his other half to take care of things in general.
I think lie detector is only as good as the tech that adminsters it and who is paying him. I can take a poly that might say my grandma and i rob banks in our spare time and Ted Bundy passed one I think. They are wortless IMO and used only to aid the police in putting pressure on a witness in an attempt to turn them into a suspect. Thank God they are not allowed in court. At our law offices we told all our client not to partake in this game with the police cause if they " passed" it the cops would just call it " inconclusive" and if they fail you they just report that to the media and go even harder against you at trial.

That is so true. A lot of the people here are not aware that cops play a big game to get confessions/convictions. Since they can no longer beat confessions out of them, they use psychological tactics and some cops use these tactics in a very unethical way. Cops not only lie during the interrogation, but I have seen them lie outright on the stand or bring on witnesses that they know are lying in order to get a conviction.
They already did, for 17+ hours.

Could there really be questions of that nature - who was there in the house that day, etc., that they haven't already answered? In separate rooms, for hours and hours?


Actually, new questions would arise as the investigation progresses.
JI was originally to be home a little after 10:00 pm and DB didn't go to bed until 10:30pm so she should have been expecting him at any minute.

I'm confused as to why JI didn't call her to say he was going to be working later than planned. The cell phones could receive calls and he had his work cell. Why wasn't she worried? I would love to know what the drinking buddy has told the cops.

Also, I have a heard time believing DB would be giving Baby Lisa a bath while she was supposedly drunk. Why not just baby wipe her?

This case is baffling, that's for sure.
For all we know, he might have tried to call her later when he realized the job was going to take him longer than he originally thought. He may have realized they were probably asleep and just left a message or such in case she got up and found him still not there.
I have a heard time believing a drunk high school dropout has been able to outwit the local police, state police and FBI. I just wish we knew what LE knows.

It's not so hard to believe that anyone, regardless of their intelligence level can pass off a child to someone else in the middle of the night, dead or alive, and "outwit" local LE and the FBI. If no one witnesses the exchange, then where are they supposed to go with a "crime scene" that has absolutely no evidence of an intruder and a mother who can't remember if she left the lights on and the door unlocked because she was drunk and heard nothing because she passed out? And who won't speak to them anymore because they were mean to her.

They've done everything they can at this point regarding intruder abduction. They've scoured the house for prints, hairs, fibres, DNA and apparently come up with nothing that doesn't fit people who were known to be in the house. They have issued an Amber Alert, combed wooded areas, searched the river and followed up on all tips regarding possible sightings. They were up to 300 searchers during the early days and still nothing. They have gone to the local media begging for tips. They seem to have known that those phones never left the immediate area and combed the area where they were pinging about 9 times, shoulder to shoulder with metal detectors. Those phones are dead now and they can't ping them to find out if they've been moved.

The only thing they have not been able to do is interview the parents "unrestricted" on the many discrepancies in their timeline and ever changing stories. If they could get the answers they need, they could clear them and then this case would likely just go cold until Lisa is found, either by someone stumbling on her remains or by someone calling in the tip that will bring her home alive.

Or perhaps they will find out that one or both of the parents do know what happened. Either way it needs to be done and the parents need to suck it up...for Lisa.

They already did, for 17+ hours.

Could there really be questions of that nature - who was there in the house that day, etc., that they haven't already answered? In separate rooms, for hours and hours?

Since there's been a positive hit by cadaver dogs in the DB's bedroom, I think there would be plenty of more questions that need to be answered by both parents.

It's not every day that cadaver dogs hit in your bedroom.
I can promise you that interviewing them separately is normally how it is done, it is not a violation of their rights. They dont want to do anything to ruin this case especially after all the manpower they have used. I am quite sure they are crossing all their "T's" and dotting all their "I's. I have complete faith in LE there until they prove otherwise..
And I can promise that making DB and JI be interviewed separately is a violation of their rights, which is what I responded to earlier, highlighted below:
Originally Posted by frankie069
I agree they should be interviewed separately. Nothing wrong with that at all. Lets see if they have consistent stories. I hope LE gets to do this. I dont understand how they cannot make them do this. We have a missing baby here... Seems the parents have forgotten that..
Because it would violate their rights. How it's normally done is irrelevant. They refuse to sit with LE separately, and whether I or LE likes it or not, DB and JI can refuse and there's nothing LE can do about it.

Unless or until LE arrest one, or both of them. Even then they have the right to stfu.

From KMBC the boys are scheduled to be reinterviewed on Friday. Friday is a no school day here so that is a perfect day to do so. I will start having a problem with the parents if it is found that the boys didn't see the baby before they went to bed that evening. If they did, then the possibility of an intruder becomes a very viable factor to me.
I guess I dont consider it letting the parents call the shots, I consider it more doing whatever they can to get to the next level.
If LE offered someone else and the Parents still make demands and such, LE has done everything they can and I guess have to play hardball and get the cuffs out, but in the meantime, why does there have to be so much animosity and arranging. Theres a stalemate for no good reason except someone wants to win..
Is it the parents that want to win, or is it LE that wont give in, thats debatable, but i say who cares, someone needs to move the investigation forward for the baby, if the parents wont, LE should.

Not that it hasn't happened before but I have never heard of another case where the person(s) being questioned request new detectives to interview them...because they have issues with the first interogation :waitasec:

The parents need to work with the police and they are not.....answer every single questioned asked.....not pick and choose
hmmm, are they hiding something?Sure makes me think twice.....
Cyndy Short spinning on Fox right now and dancing all around how the parents would meet with LE under certain conditions. Bah! Wants 'new set of eyes' in LE.

I am very familiar with LE and I can tell you that they wouldn't be saying that if there wasn't a reason.

i am very familiar with LE as well...which is why i absolutely never, ever assume that LE has a GOOD reason or even an ACCEPTABLE reason. in fact, i know all too well how often the very opposite is the case.

reading the anti-DB rhetoric here, and the pro-LE postings.....it's clear that i am in the midst of people who have never found themselves sitting in a tiny, dark, moldy smelling room with LE, and only LE, accusing you of something you did not do, twisting your words, rewriting your entire lifetime, berating you, demeaning you, badgering you, threatening to take your children, threatening to steal your freedom, threatening to ruin your life.....unless you admit you're guilty when you absolutely aren't.

i've been there. and considering i happen to be related to some very well known, accomplished LE in my area, if it can happen to me it can happen to you.

it didn't start in the interrogation room. it started on a sunny afternoon when i heard a god awful noise, thought it was an explosion, and turned to see that instead, it was a dozen cops storming my home, weapons drawn and pointed at my face. it was beyond traumatic. i had no idea what was going on and they refused to tell me. they sat me on a sofa and didn't let me move, not even when i knew my youngest were coming home on the bus. the looks on their faces at the storm door will NEVER leave me. we were forced to sit on that sofa for four hours, listening to them tear the house apart, break my furniture, invade our privacy, our life, our freedom, and steal our sense of peace and security. when my phone rang with my mom on the phone, i was not allowed to answer it. when it continued to ring, they cut it off.

there were so many cars, it shut down the only way in to my neighborhood and remained that way through the evening rush hour. i saw neighbors going over to police officers in the street to no doubt ask what was going on. i still wonder, years later, what they were told. when i say the experience changed my life, changed everything about the way i view the world, i am not exaggerating even a tiny bit. i had been taught to trust LE. that day, i learned how dangerous and wrong was that lesson.

what do you think LE will do if they find out someone wholly untied to the family has committed this crime? do you think that they're all such good men and women, just by virtue of the badge they own, that when they find out they went after the wrong person they actually apologize? do you think they return to pick up all the papers, laundry, trash cans even, they threw all over your home? do you think they fix the furniture they broke in the bedrooms as you were shaking with your children, on the couch in the room directly underneath them? do you think they volunteer to return all of the belongings of yours they took off with, and in the same multi-car formation with which they first arrived, signs on top of police cars stating "we screwed up. we got it wrong. this woman is not guilty of any crime at all. please do not refuse to let your kids play with hers because of our stupidity?" do you think they even volunteer to return your stuff at all? do you think they care even the smallest bit about the many kinds of damage they leave in their wake?

are you kidding?

what if lisa's parents are truly innocent? and what if lisa is dead? what if you had to watch this passive-aggressive-assault that LE has waged on them via the press, knowing they were innocent? would you still be so quick to suggest they lay down and take it? do you really believe, in innocence, that a citizen of this country should undergo the sort of mental torture happening here just bc the public, in their own depravity, demands that or deems you guilty? my gosh.

about a week after cops invaded my home, i got a phone call, an abrupt one, telling me i was clear and could pick up my cell phones, computers, my kids computers, when it was convenient as long as i called in first. by then, i had been violated enough to be angry. i demanded the lead detective and his supervisor deliver my stuff themselves, apologize to my kids, and apologize to me. the lead detective balked, not for the first time. he was a bully, like many in LE. he made it clear he did not want to admit he'd screwed up. i couldn't help but think "what would these jerks be doing if i was a single mom, not living in the suburbs, not college educated, not white?" i threatened a law suit and suddenly that detective decided to get some decency. my stuff was delivered. i still worry they have it out for me and this happened many years ago.

this is the deal in the united states of america whether anyone likes it or not.....people are innocent until proven otherwise. LE doesn't need encouragement that supports their belief that they can do whatever they need to do break a case. sometimes that only results in breaking a person, and an innocent one.

That is so true. A lot of the people here are not aware that cops play a big game to get confessions/convictions. Since they can no longer beat confessions out of them, they use psychological tactics and some cops use these tactics in a very unethical way. Cops not only lie during the interrogation, but I have seen them lie outright on the stand or bring on witnesses that they know are lying in order to get a conviction.

I think they call it a " pretext" and courts have ruled it is legal. well whatever but if you are innocent you would think you are safe. many peeps have made that mistake and got stung for it.
All I know, is the one sure way to keep the suspicion on you is to be uncooperative with the police. All this moaning and groaning about being treated like suspects doesn't wash with me while they sit there, literally, with their names uncleared.

Either they aren't too bright, or they think everyone else isn't.

All I know, is the one sure way to keep the suspicion on you is to be uncooperative with the police. All this moaning and groaning about beingtreated like suspects doesn't wash with me while they sit there, literally, with their names uncleared.

Either they aren't too bright, or they think everyone else isn't.

IDK, if they are guilty, the smartest thing they could do is what they are doing: lawyer up and stfu.

i am very familiar with LE as well...which is why i absolutely never, ever assume that LE has a GOOD reason or even an ACCEPTABLE reason. in fact, i know all too well how often the very opposite is the case.

reading the anti-DB rhetoric here, and the pro-LE postings.....it's clear that i am in the midst of people who have never found themselves sitting in a tiny, dark, moldy smelling room with LE, and only LE, accusing you of something you did not do, twisting your words, rewriting your entire lifetime, berating you, demeaning you, badgering you, threatening to take your children, threatening to steal your freedom, threatening to ruin your life.....unless you admit you're guilty when you absolutely aren't.

i've been there. and considering i happen to be related to some very well known, accomplished LE in my area, if it can happen to me it can happen to you.

it didn't start in the interrogation room. it started on a sunny afternoon when i heard a god awful noise, thought it was an explosion, and turned to see that instead, it was a dozen cops storming my home, weapons drawn and pointed at my face. it was beyond traumatic. i had no idea what was going on and they refused to tell me. they sat me on a sofa and didn't let me move, not even when i knew my youngest were coming home on the bus. the looks on their faces at the storm door will NEVER leave me. we were forced to sit on that sofa for four hours, listening to them tear the house apart, break my furniture, invade our privacy, our life, our freedom, and steal our sense of peace and security. when my phone rang with my mom on the phone, i was not allowed to answer it. when it continued to ring, they cut it off.

there were so many cars, it shut down the only way in to my neighborhood and remained that way through the evening rush hour. i saw neighbors going over to police officers in the street to no doubt ask what was going on. i still wonder, years later, what they were told. when i say the experience changed my life, changed everything about the way i view the world, i am not exaggerating even a tiny bit. i had been taught to trust LE. that day, i learned how dangerous and wrong was that lesson.

what do you think LE will do if they find out someone wholly untied to the family has committed this crime? do you think that they're all such good men and women, just by virtue of the badge they own, that when they find out they went after the wrong person they actually apologize? do you think they return to pick up all the papers, laundry, trash cans even, they threw all over your home? do you think they fix the furniture they broke in the bedrooms as you were shaking with your children, on the couch in the room directly underneath them? do you think they volunteer to return all of the belongings of yours they took off with, and in the same multi-car formation with which they first arrived, signs on top of police cars stating "we screwed up. we got it wrong. this woman is not guilty of any crime at all. please do not refuse to let your kids play with hers because of our stupidity?" do you think they even volunteer to return your stuff at all? do you think they care even the smallest bit about the many kinds of damage they leave in their wake?

are you kidding?

what if lisa's parents are truly innocent? and what if lisa is dead? what if you had to watch this passive-aggressive-assault that LE has waged on them via the press, knowing they were innocent? would you still be so quick to suggest they lay down and take it? do you really believe, in innocence, that a citizen of this country should undergo the sort of mental torture happening here just bc the public, in their own depravity, demands that or deems you guilty? my gosh.

about a week after cops invaded my home, i got a phone call, an abrupt one, telling me i was clear and could pick up my cell phones, computers, my kids computers, when it was convenient as long as i called in first. by then, i had been violated enough to be angry. i demanded the lead detective and his supervisor deliver my stuff themselves, apologize to my kids, and apologize to me. the lead detective balked, not for the first time. he was a bully, like many in LE. he made it clear he did not want to admit he'd screwed up. i couldn't help but think "what would these jerks be doing if i was a single mom, not living in the suburbs, not college educated, not white?" i threatened a law suit and suddenly that detective decided to get some decency. my stuff was delivered. i still worry they have it out for me and this happened many years ago.

this is the deal in the united states of america whether anyone likes it or not.....people are innocent until proven otherwise. LE doesn't need encouragement that supports their belief that they can do whatever they need to do break a case. sometimes that only results in breaking a person, and an innocent one.


Harrowing ordeal I'm sure. Did they have a warrant? And were you familiar with the person that they did eventually find responsible?
All I know, is the one sure way to keep the suspicion on you is to be uncooperative with the police. All this moaning and groaning about being treated like suspects doesn't wash with me while they sit there, literally, with their names uncleared.

Either they aren't too bright, or they think everyone else isn't.


I shutter to think what a cop could do to my child behind closed doors and how my child might feel later down the road depending on the outcome of this interview. Remember the mcMartin pre-school scandal? Those kids were interviewed by supposed professionals and we all know what happened there. I just dont trust cops IMO it is in the cops interest to solve the case as fast as they can and the stats show the parents are most likely to be the culprits. I just dont see a benefit here for anyone other than LE.
After all this time, LE cannot clear the two persons closest to Baby Lisa and those are the parents. That really tells me pretty much all I need to know unless the parents sit down with their lawyers and answer every question LE deems necessary.

LE has to clear the inner circle of the parents, relatives, and friends in order to go further. And I mean further than the leads they are getting.

I have but one question for the parents and that is "Why not do everything in your power to clear yourselves so that LE can move on?"

GB Baby Lisa wherever she may be!
IDK, if they are guilty, the smartest thing they could do is what they are doing: lawyer up and stfu.


Maybe in a normal criminal case, but there is a baby missing-- every second counts!

I shutter to think what a cop could do to my child behind closed doors and how my child might feel later down the road depending on the outcome of this interview. Remember the mcMartin pre-school scandal? Those kids were interviewed by supposed professionals and we all know what happened there. I just dont trust cops IMO it is in the cops interest to solve the case as fast as they can and the stats show the parents are most likely to be the culprits. I just dont see a benefit here for anyone other than LE.

LE is searching for their baby-- they should WANT LE to be able to benefit from something they could relate. For heaven's sake, an 11 month old baby is gone!

...and McMartin was a long time ago and changed a lot of things. mo
Cyndy Short spinning on Fox right now and dancing all around how the parents would meet with LE under certain conditions. Bah! Wants 'new set of eyes' in LE.


I'm guessing the" first set of eyes" saw things to "clearly"
If Deborah was as drunk as she would like us to believe and had taken a sleeping pill at 10:30 pm, she would not have been a functioning person able to carry out the disappearance and clean-up after her baby went missing. LE would certainly have picked up on her slurred words, blood shot eyes, inability to put two thoughts together. A real kidnapping would have scared her so badly, that if she was passed out drunk and had a sleeping pill, Deborah would not have been able to give the story the first time in any sensible fashion, MOO. I have doubted the drunk story, thought it was working on an alibi/defense, now I realize there is no way she could have told anything close to a story the first go around. There would have been so many pulses, stops and restarts, LE would never have believed the first story. That is if LE did believe her to begin with, which we don't know.

To our knowledge there have been no searches or anything big since the SW. I discount the mysterious sightings. The lab work could be back any day now which might have answers. IIRC, the police will inform the person's attorney that they will be arresting the client in advace. Wonder if LE is trying to get DB & JI to the police station to interview them, hoping the lab results will come in while they are at the station and they can arrest them there? It would be much less traumatic for the boys.

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