LE wants to interview the parents separately

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Yeah...and why would someone who was black out drunk need to take a sleeping pill? Perhaps that's what she first told LE as to the reason why she didn't hear anything. She can't go back on it now but added the black out drunk excuse after box o wine video surfaced?


I think that's part of the problem. We have no idea what she told LE in the beginning. To me, that LE is trying to get more cooperation out of the parents and that they are fudging, speaks volumes to me.
Originally Posted by Peepers View Post
I dont know the exact link myself, but I have seen an interview somewhere where DB is crying and saying they were screaming (or yelling) at her that she did something to the baby and trying to get her to admit to something.
I know we always want links, I understand asking for it, I just wanted to note that I have seen Deb saying that also.

Do we have a link from LE stating this happened. I dont take anything that Db says as gospel. I am talking a legitimate link where this can be proven. I can say they yelled at me too when they didnt even talk to me. Once again, not saying it didnt happen either but more proof is needed then just DB said so. She doesnt want to be questioned at all so I wouldnt be surprised by her saying this but doesnt make it true. IMO

I undestand what you are saying, but there is no link, only the video where DB said it. IMO it probably did happen, but LE isn't going to verify it.
Who are they even calling "three independent witnesses?" We have a couple, who clearly are not independent from each other, and the motorcycle guy who came forward "about a week" after the fact. By that time the lady neighbor was on TV already telling the story. And they don't describe the same person at all.

Is the white blob walking by the gas station the third? Good night - I can't even tell if that's a man or a woman, let alone if he/she is holding a baby.

Oi vey! Joy Behar and Mr. Bill sure raised my blood pressure tonight.

JMO in regards to the parents' cooperation and LE's position.

-LE responded immediately to a 911 call request for help.
-Within hours, LE issued the rare amber alert.
-In the first two days, Captain Young repeated (more times than necessary, imo) that the parents were cooperating.
-Immediately, LE had called in the FBI and had over 300 personnel searching for little Lisa Irwin.

While the parents were being questioned, gaps in the time line started emerging (by Debbi's own admission, confirmed by Steve Young, commented upon by Debbi's father).

According to Debbi's father, there were "itty bitty' gaps in the time line and inconsistencies between Debbi and Jeremy's accounts (we now know that one of those "itty bitty" gaps is about 4 hours in the time Debbi originally reported last seeing Lisa - a 4 hour lead time for whomever removed Lisa from the home, huge).

According to Debbi, she failed her lie detector test, prompting LE to accuse her of knowing where Lisa is located and having killed her daughter.

Imo, LE knows that there was more activity than Debbi has copped to on the night of Oct 3rd and/or wee hours of Oct 4th. I still believe that Debbi had more than the neighbor over that night, OR she left the house that night. Thus, the gaps. Thus, the "possible black out", explaining why she can't answer questions about that possible activity, activity which LE may have gathered from reluctant witnesses. MOO.

To me, today's statement by Captain Young, supports my theory that there is much more to be learned about what really went down in the hours surrounding Lisa's disappearance:

"We need them to sit down apart from each other, with detectives, and answer the tough questions detectives have for them concerning what they may or may not know about anything, who came and went [the night Lisa disappeared]," Young told ABCNews.com. "There's a whole list of things that they may know."


I'm going to have vehemently disagree with the statement that dogs cannot smell aged decomposition. In fact, there is a subset of HRD dogs that are trained for historical HRD (HHRD) and have successfully found remains from 450 A.D. (yes, you read that right) at 1.5 meters deep.
JMO in regards to the parents' cooperation and LE's position.

-LE responded immediately to a 911 call request for help.
-Within hours, LE issued the rare amber alert.
-In the first two days, Captain Young repeated (more times than necessary, imo) that the parents were cooperating.
-Immediately, LE had called in the FBI and had over 300 personnel searching for little Lisa Irwin.

While the parents were being questioned, gaps in the time line started emerging (by Debbi's own admission, confirmed by Steve Young, commented upon by Debbi's father).

According to Debbi's father, there were "itty bitty' gaps in the time line and inconsistencies between Debbi and Jeremy's accounts (we now know that one of those "itty bitty" gaps is about 4 hours in the time Debbi originally reported last seeing Lisa - a 4 hour lead time for whomever removed Lisa from the home, huge).

According to Debbi, she failed her lie detector test, prompting LE to accuse her of knowing where Lisa is located and having killed her daughter.

Imo, LE knows that there was more activity than Debbi has copped to on the night of Oct 3rd and/or wee hours of Oct 4th. I still believe that Debbi had more than the neighbor over that night, OR she left the house that night. Thus, the gaps. Thus, the "possible black out", explaining why she can't answer questions about that possible activity, activity which LE may have gathered from reluctant witnesses. MOO.

To me, today's statement by Captain Young, supports my theory that there is much more to be learned about what really went down in the hours surrounding Lisa's disappearance:

"We need them to sit down apart from each other, with detectives, and answer the tough questions detectives have for them concerning what they may or may not know about anything, who came and went [the night Lisa disappeared]," Young told ABCNews.com. "There's a whole list of things that they may know."



Totally agree with you!
All I can say is-other day Lisa is out there somewhere,other day the parents are refusing to sit down with LE-Other day WASTED!!!! goodnight all!!!
I'm going to have vehemently disagree with the statement that dogs cannot smell aged decomposition. In fact, there is a subset of HRD dogs that are trained for historical HRD (HHRD) and have successfully found remains from 450 A.D. (yes, you read that right) at 1.5 meters deep.

But, would it be safe to say that these dogs are specially trained to sense this and that the dogs used in this case are most likely not that specially trained?
Is the white blob walking by the gas station the third? Good night - I can't even tell if that's a man or a woman, let alone if he/she is holding a baby.

Oi vey! Joy Behar and Mr. Bill sure raised my blood pressure tonight.


Mine too, Mel. I did like when Joy called BS out and asked "Why aren't you in Kansas City"?

Clearly, Bill's role is to be a spin doctor, not to find Lisa.
But, would it be safe to say that these dogs are specially trained to sense this and that the dogs used in this case are most likely not that specially trained?

The dogs used were not likely to be HHRD, correct, but is it possible that they had training in finding aged remains or decomp? Sure.
Using this post to jump off of.....
AAccording to http://apps.americanbar.org/rol/publications/armenia_rights_of_arrested_persons.pdf an interrogationcannot last more than 4 hour running, it can contiune with no less than an hour break,and cannot exceed more than 8 hrs in one day
I know this was made a law because of cases like this and other ones mentioned
I do not know when this was made law
I was just trying to understand better.
I am notta lawyer and if someone has a better link that can teach me I am always willing to learn.

Hi Cachmo. Not sure if anyone else replied (trying to catch up after dinner, here), but the link that you have to is the law in Armenia. I know it's from the ABA, but it's not about US law. :)

IMO, though... it probably should be. There is no excuse for interviewing anyone for such long periods of time. It becomes an interrogation at that point. That is one of the classic steps in brainwashing, and that can easily put an innocent interview-ee at risk.
Well...BS and JT both said ANYTHING the police needed they could have it. JT said on GMA "make us a list..." . If the parents are comfortable going in for the interview which if they are innocent then they should be with their lawyers present. Then my solution would be the police should write down their questions and publish them in the media for anybody and all to answer. Make them their list! ....jmo but I know that neither would help the matters but it was my first thought! In a way it almost sounds to me that the police are trying to get someone to feel more comfortable sharing personal "intimate" details as Mr. young commented one day, without jeopardizing the relationship with their partner. Anything is possible since its not been verified by police yet and whose to say that the parents arent saying they are afraid and being mistreated so they dont have to answer those "intimate" details. *sigh* we just dont know....I just hope that they can see people are trying to help. Even if the bad interviews/interrogations did happen please someone open up...lets get past it... lay it out on the table and get to Lisa!
I'm surprised the newly hired attorneys will permit any interviews. Usually when an attorney gets involved all communication ceases.
IMO, if someone is being spoken to in a stern tone, and if that person is dodging uncomfortable questions regarding "gaps" in their timeline, and if that person (for whatever reason) is unable to fill in those gaps, then that person might interpret a stern tone as "yelling".

Having raised 2 teenagers, I'm familiar with this defense. Teenagers will cry "Stop yelling at me!" (even when you aren't) in an attempt to manipulate you & in an attempt to take the focus off themselves.

Until I see it confirmed on video, or hear it confirmed by LE, I will remain unconvinced that DB was actually "yelled" at, especially since her timeline has had notable changes these past 3 weeks. If she isn't capable of providing logical, consistent information concerning the timeline of events on the night of Oct. 3 when her precious baby went missing, I'm skeptical of much of what she says (especially given what I know with regards to addicts' behaviors).

Her defiant attitude in interviews, where she defended her right to her so-called "grown-up let's get black-out drunk" time (complete with eyeball rolling), during which she practically dared anyone to challenge her, reminded me of rebellious teenagers who don't want to be held accountable for their actions.

IMO, her demeanor was not that of a concerned parent whose priority is finding her precious missing baby girl.

Thanks for the link. Mark Klass has stated that when his daughter, Polly, was abducted, he begged LE to give him a polygraph so he could be eliminated as a suspect and LE could move onto finding Polly's abductor.

In every case of a missing child or missing adult the family members are questioned first, and in most cases the family is cleared and LE moves on to searching for the missing person.

THIS case is three weeks old and the parents aren't cleared yet. This tells me that LE has valid reasons for continuing to question Lisa's parents. DB's story has changed. LE needs to get straight and honest answers to whatever tough questions they need answered.
IMO, if someone is being spoken to in a stern tone, and if that person is dodging uncomfortable questions regarding "gaps" in their timeline, and if that person (for whatever reason) is unable to fill in those gaps, then that person might interpret a stern tone as "yelling".

Having raised 2 teenagers, I'm familiar with this defense. Teenagers will cry "Stop yelling at me!" (even when you aren't) in an attempt to manipulate you & in an attempt to take the focus off themselves.

Until I see it confirmed on video, or hear it confirmed by LE, I will remain unconvinced that DB was actually "yelled" at, especially since her timeline has had notable changes these past 3 weeks. If she isn't capable of providing logical, consistent information concerning the timeline of events on the night of Oct. 3 when her precious baby went missing, I'm skeptical of much of what she says (especially given what I know with regards to addicts' behaviors).

Her defiant attitude in interviews, where she defended her right to her so-called "grown-up let's get black-out drunk" time (complete with eyeball rolling), during which she practically dared anyone to challenge her, reminded me of rebellious teenagers who don't want to be held accountable for their actions.

IMO, her demeanor was not that of a concerned parent whose priority was finding her precious missing baby girl.

Very well said....thank you.
I don't think she was that drunk. She gave very specific answers about the events of that evening in the media at the beginning. I'm sure she gave them to LE as well. But when they conflicted with other witness testimony, and they were no longer co-operating with LE to find out why, the box-o-wine video was mysteriously released and they went on the "drunk media tour". All of a sudden things were changing and she was either too drunk or blacked out to remember anything.


ITA: I think Debrah is doing a fine job covering .... IMO she is protecting someone.....
Just read this thread, and I have to say that I'd like the entire extended family to have another interview with LE. It's patently absurd that information is being kept from the agency that will resolve Lisa's disappearance. Call them all in, imo. One by one... JI, DB, his folks, her folks, siblings, cousins, children... this isn't a game and no one should be playing with the results of this investigation. It's a matter of life and death, fhs, it simply doesn't get any worse than this! JMO
Sean O'Brien who represented at the last unrestricted interview said they were very heavy-handed accusing the Irwins of shaking the baby to death, etc.

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