Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath Reddit AMA Special Monday 10/9c A&E

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Question for those who might know: I heard it said a few times in various episodes that if someone wants to leave the cult quietly and not disparage $cientology then, essentially, that's ok and they won't be followed, etc. However, every story seems to be of someone escaping, just deciding to get away quietly, then being followed, harassed, tried to be brought back, etc.

Most of these people who escaped did not say anything publicly for some period of time, when they got tired of the harassment and then decided to fight back and be public about it.

So which is it?

Some people are allowed to escape quietly while others are not?
Question for those who might know: I heard it said a few times in various episodes that if someone wants to leave the cult quietly and not disparage $cientology then, essentially, that's ok and they won't be followed, etc. However, every story seems to be of someone escaping, just deciding to get away quietly, then being followed, harassed, tried to be brought back, etc.

Most of these people who escaped did not say anything publicly for some period of time, when they got tired of the harassment and then decided to fight back and be public about it.

So which is it?

Some people are allowed to escape quietly while others are not?
You are right, it's both! No really, pay close attention to who the people are that escaped and are harassed, they usually are high up in the Sea Org and know where the bodies are buried, so to speak. They usually make at least some effort to get anyone who leaves to return, and try harder with Sea Org members.
FYI: A&E is re-showing this special on Memorial Day to get ready for Season 2 of the show.
Calling Scientology a dangerous 'cult,' Calvary Baptist Church pastor intended to help A&E film episode for Leah Remini series
Thursday, July 13, 2017 6:30pm
CLEARWATER — In an unprecedented public condemnation by a local religious organization about the Church of Scientology, Calvary Baptist Church Pastor Willy Rice declared Wednesday that the "community has been tormented by this Goliath for far too long."
"Someone has to pick up a rock and a slingshot and trust God with the results," Rice wrote in a blog post that has since been removed from the Calvary website. "We believe we are in a unique position in this community and should try to help."
To expose "the cult's dangerous, deceptive and abusive practices," Calvary Baptist had committed to allow A&E's Emmy-nominated Scientology and the Aftermath series to film a public forum in its worship center July 22. However, on Thursday, A&E senior vice president Dan Silberman said the network never arranged for such a town hall and none will be held.
Silberman said the show's producers talked about filming private interviews at Calvary, but not in a public format. Silberman said, to his knowledge, A&E was not pressured by Scientology.
The Church of Scientology closed down Clearwater downtown today for a Church sponsored block party.

SeaSeas, didn't the Church of Scientology buy the land that Calvary Baptist Church used to be downtown, overlooking the bay, many many years ago?
The Church of Scientology closed down Clearwater downtown today for a Church sponsored block party.

SeaSeas, didn't the Church of Scientology buy the land that Calvary Baptist Church used to be downtown, overlooking the bay, many many years ago?
Summer Downtown Block Party 2017
Saturday, Jul 15, 2017

Sponsored by the Church if Scientology Flag Service Organization

I haven’t followed all of the real estate transactions.
Calvary Baptist Church sold to Opus South. I don’t know if Opus South has Co$ affiliation.

Here is a 2004 news article:
Buyer found for Calvary Baptist campus
CLEARWATER - A nationally known developer emerged Monday as the buyer of Calvary Baptist Church's downtown campus.
Opus South also has its eyes on City Hall, which splits the church's properties and overlooks Clearwater Harbor.

More information:

I’m not sure which entity is more slimy – Co$ or Calvary Baptist Church.
OK, if I had to choose ONE, it would be Co$.
How many episodes is this series? Was it just the 3 plus the "ask me anything" episode?

They're doing a great job of presenting the experiences of a diverse number of escapees.

This is not a church, it's a long-con and extortion abyss with the goal of extracting every bit of $$$ out of brainwashed cult members. When people have to run out the doors and plan escapes to get away, that's akin to being kidnapped, IMO.

What an evil little man that David Miscaviage is. A little Napolean. I'd seen shows on this cult and him before, but it really brings it all home, packaged and distributed to a potentially wider audience.

Wish he'd be arrested and convicted of battery, abuse, kidnapping and other felonies. He needs to be put away, far away, in a state or fed prison.

I'm looking at On Demand right now, there were eight episodes.

I came back to the thread because I just saw that they are going to have another season in August. Apparently they have a lot of other people they are going to also interview this year.
One question that I have never seen addressed by anyone either in Scientology, or out of it, is why they never go preach to poor people. Why don't they spread their "message" to people in low income neighborhoods? The fact that they don't should tell you something about the group right there. If ALL humans are descended from these supposed "thetans" and just have to get back to their beginnings and lose all the human dross, doesn't that include poor people? Try preaching this in a famine village in Africa.
One question that I have never seen addressed by anyone either in Scientology, or out of it, is why they never go preach to poor people. Why don't they spread their "message" to people in low income neighborhoods? The fact that they don't should tell you something about the group right there. If ALL humans are descended from these supposed "thetans" and just have to get back to their beginnings and lose all the human dross, doesn't that include poor people? Try preaching this in a famine village in Africa.

Because it costs money to move up within the organization. Poor people can't afford that. That's what everything circles back to....money.
Season 2 starts tonight, 9-11 pm Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath - The Conversation Continues. It is still on A&E, but looks as it will be changing to Tuesdays.

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