LeAnna (Mom) #2

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I don't know how I feel about LH; I'm still not getting the fact that she isn't angry, she seems to want to defend him like she is trying to convince everyone that he couldn't possibly do this. BUT HE DID DO IT!!! and I believe with all my heart that he planned it as well. We don't know what went on in that household, and their marriage and sex life is between them, however, it has now become public due to this crime and I do believe it was a crime and not a "ooops my bad, I forgot my little buddy in the car for 7 FULL HOURS!!!!

I can totally understand LH would be in shock that her own husband did this, especially if he was putting on the "good dad" act but deep down inside he resented Cooper because he was more trouble then he thought and had to come up with a plan that looks like a accident. This is how I think it went down. So I would think LH would be angry even if she thinks he couldn't possibly do this to Cooper. I know I would be angry no denying that.
BBM. Hmmm. IMO, IOW, Judge, I'm a victim who is without child and husband. You can give the husband back to me. I am without income. You can give me back my husband so he can help support me. Give him back to me. I'm just a poor helpless woman who is being bullied by the press. Give me back my big strong husband to help protect me. [Barf]

And, so he can knock me up since he's such a good leader. :facepalm:
wow. I just really have nothing nice to say about that statement so I guess I will just refrain for now.

The following website shows how many articles are written about the case per day. There has been nothing since July 16. All the recent articles just reference the case, but are mostly talking about other hot car deaths. It will be interesting to see how much coverage this new statement gets...

I wonder if her team is trying to get the case back in the spotlight...
Wasn't it reported at the PCH that Chick Fil A video showed CH happy and talking?

oops, I didn't know that. He took Cooper to Chik Fil A for breakfast? And forgot that fast that he had him when he went to work? It's just unbelievable. Unless there is something medically wrong with him that causes memory lapses, a brain tumor or something.
oops, I didn't know that. He took Cooper to Chik Fil A for breakfast? And forgot that fast that he had him when he went to work? It's just unbelievable. Unless there is something medically wrong with him that causes memory lapses, a brain tumor or something.

Bolded by me.

Yes, and Chik Fil A is less than a two minute drive from his job.

The following website shows how many articles are written about the case per day. There has been nothing since July 16. All the recent articles just reference the case, but are mostly talking about other hot car deaths. It will be interesting to see how much coverage this new statement gets...

I wonder if her team is trying to get the case back in the spotlight...

Leanna has a "team" helping to promote this case? Or is it just her lawyer?
Leanna released a statement three weeks ago. I think her (or her team) want the case back in the spotlight. There is really no reason why they had to release these papers. Perhaps they want the circus to start up again, so there will be more potential for a lawsuit. Maybe they want to use the amount of media coverage as a reason for a change of venue or a delay. I think this is an attempt to get the media going again. If she really wanted them to leave her alone, she wouldn't be creating new things for them to report on.
and the daycare location was literally visible from chik fil A and many of the other places he visited throughout his day. :(
first paragraph of this article explains exactly why this was released by her attorney. I think it was a very unwise move.

They think this will sway people to return to a more sympathetic view of his client but by so clearly indicating she still supports her husband and puts him forward as a victim too is going to backfire. it's already begun.

Helps to add the link

The attorney for Leanna Harris said Friday he hopes the victim impact statement sent to his client by the Cobb County District Attorney indicates law enforcement does not believe she was complicit in the death of her son, Cooper.

This woman is impaired. The statement is in an unvarying juvenile, egocentric voice with a 'you take that back about my daddy' attitude. Note the last sentence of #4 is the lawyer's voice, the change might as well have a flashing neon sign around it.

Leanna has a "team" helping to promote this case? Or is it just her lawyer?

She's consulted two attorneys regarding this case. I'm sure those two have others within their practices they are consulting with so I would consider that a team. JMO.

ETA: albeit not a very good team, but a team nonetheless.
Leanna released a statement three weeks ago. I think her (or her team) want the case back in the spotlight. There is really no reason why they had to release these papers. Perhaps they want the circus to start up again, so there will be more potential for a lawsuit. Maybe they want to use the amount of media coverage as a reason for a change of venue or a delay. I think this is an attempt to get the media going again. If she really wanted them to leave her alone, she wouldn't be creating new things for them to report on.


I *was* thinking that she had good advice to stay out of the spotlight, but now I think that "leave me alone" plea was b.s. I'm really disappointed and confused by the release of this impact statement.

If it is a lawsuit, who is she suing?? I really don't get this at all.
first paragraph of this article explains exactly why this was released by her attorney. I think it was a very unwise move.

They think this will sway people to return to a more sympathetic view of his client but by so clearly indicating she still supports her husband and puts himself forward as a victim too is going to backfire. it's already begun.

Helps to add the link

The attorney for Leanna Harris said Friday he hopes the victim impact statement sent to his client by the Cobb County District Attorney indicates law enforcement does not believe she was complicit in the death of her son, Cooper.


You better believe it will work on a few :thinking:
I think that Leanna's lawyer released this "victims statement" to the media so that he could say that "he" believes it shows the DA isn't interested in his client. Why send a "suspect" a "crime victim impact statement" form to fill out?

I think that's a stretch but he got it into MSM. So he accomplished his goal.

Will it sway public opinion or a future jury. IMO, maybe. I think that LE sent the victims statement form out to see if Leanna would fill it out and to see what she would say. It worked.

first paragraph of this article explains exactly why this was released by her attorney. I think it was a very unwise move.

They think this will sway people to return to a more sympathetic view of his client but by so clearly indicating she still supports her husband and puts himself forward as a victim too is going to backfire. it's already begun.

Helps to add the link

The attorney for Leanna Harris said Friday he hopes the victim impact statement sent to his client by the Cobb County District Attorney indicates law enforcement does not believe she was complicit in the death of her son, Cooper.


Trying to bring the link forward:

Embedded video is also here:


:tyou: tlcya! :loveyou:
Almost all the comments on other websites about this are negative. I think the only way the general public will support Leanna is if: LE clears her, she stops defending Ross, and the MSM puts out lots of pro-Leanna articles. There would have to be a major PR campaign to turn public sentiment around. A release of a victim impact is not going to make a significant difference in how she is perceived.

The following website shows how many articles are written about the case per day. There has been nothing since July 16. All the recent articles just reference the case, but are mostly talking about other hot car deaths. It will be interesting to see how much coverage this new statement gets...

I wonder if her team is trying to get the case back in the spotlight...

yes and I prefer to not feed her ego any further
BTW, on the victim impact statement, she put herself as the victim, not Cooper. Telling.

The headline on CNN: "Hot car death mom lists self as victim"
She's consulted two attorneys regarding this case. I'm sure those two have others within their practices they are consulting with so I would consider that a team. JMO.

ETA: albeit not a very good team, but a team nonetheless.

I'd call two lawyers tandem but not a team. But that's just me. I was wondering about a group of professionals that are helping Leanna. That's what I consider to be a team.
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