Lee Anthony Almosts Hits Protesters

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guys, you are TOTALLY falling into the anthony trap. They have spent a life time of playing the victims, and now you are all focusing your anger on the protesters? There is a little three year old girl who is either alive and in danger, or dead, laying in a ditch some place because her entire family is coveering for each other. Please, don't fall into the "poor anthonys" NOBODY would be standing in there front yard if someone in that family would have the decency to come forward and tell the truth. It is very, very hot in florida. that poor little baby was disgarded like trash, to rot away in the heat of the day and you guys are mad at some protesters?

Thank you! :clap:
Young children should NOT be allowed to these protests. I'm sorry, but the people that are standing out there need to get a life. These people, especially the ones that are interviewed are just trashy. Let law enforcement do there job and have patience. They know the family is loosing it, they know things have happened - WTF are they doing there with young children blocking the driveway. AND what if there was a crazy protester there that decides to go postal and start shooting? What do you do then with your kids? Ridiculous. Are they explaining to the children the reason for putting up fake TOMBSTONES? These are the same dumb people who probably take their babies in to see rated R movies at the theaters.


I am so glad there are people like you and a few others who have posted in like-minded fashion. The protester's children do not belong on the street. If the protesters have no babysitter, they should stay home themselves and take care of their kids. I have nothing against the right to assemble and to protest peacefully, but these people are not standing in front of this house to protest.

They are there to antagonize, they are adrenaline freaks looking for a high and for 15 minutes of fame.

Block that street off already, LE and put an end to this freak show. Let them assemble peacefully in a church, a community center, a park, or wherever they won't become a danger to themselves, their children, and the community. There should also be some RESPONSIBILITY involved in protesting, specially towards your own children.

I wonder how "fast" LA was going? 25 mph seems very fast when you are in a car's way. It's easy to accuse someone of being a bully when everybody standing around only gains by that accusation.

Let's just all take a deep breath and not turn into mad dogs, please? I know this post won't be appreciated, but lately I've been feeling quite uncomfortable about many of the posts here. You may bash me as much as you wish, but that won't change the way I feel.

I appreciate the fact that WS will let us all speak our mind, and I am therefore doing just that: speaking my mind.
You have just described the Anthonys to a T. I guess they have never heard the word "ignore." It's a trait taught in anger mgmt. The Anthonys are blaming their anger on the protesters. The anger comes from inside themseslves. Hopefully they are angry because they realize how they have failed Caylee. If that is their anger, they need to address that and not jump outside the house every couple of minutes to confront legal protesters. They are in the wrong. And they have been from the moment "smell of a dead bodfy" became "rotting pizza" and since George admitted there was a dead body in the trunk and it wasn't Caylee.
IMHO -- Come on people! If you want to stand out there and protest --- More Power to you but the people who are out there with their toddlers at 10 at night in strollers ---- Take your children HOME, read them a story, put them in bed.....

To the people who have their kids standing where they can be hit by any of the cars that have been seen NUMEROUS times "flying" into the Anthony yard --- Just a simple rule of thumb that we use with BOTH of our children --- If I cant TOUCH you ---- your to far away from me!
Gaia713, I totally agree with yourposts. This family is angry and expects to be able to bully anyone that doesn't think the way they do. If I was there protesting, I would bring my daughter also.
Remember WHO started this whole circus-Casey. She is also the only one who can stop it. She is not a part of it because she has been allowed to insulate herself and hide out. This whole thing is a@@ backwards!
guys, you are TOTALLY falling into the anthony trap. They have spent a life time of playing the victims, and now you are all focusing your anger on the protesters? There is a little three year old girl who is either alive and in danger, or dead, laying in a ditch some place because her entire family is coveering for each other. Please, don't fall into the "poor anthonys" NOBODY would be standing in there front yard if someone in that family would have the decency to come forward and tell the truth. It is very, very hot in florida. that poor little baby was disgarded like trash, to rot away in the heat of the day and you guys are mad at some protesters?

It goes back to that old saying that two wrongs don't make a right. What KC did is beyond wrong; but the antics of the people outside their house just aren't right, and they're abusing the right to protest (which obviously wasn't designed and fought for to protect people standing outside a private citizen's home!)
guys, you are TOTALLY falling into the anthony trap. They have spent a life time of playing the victims, and now you are all focusing your anger on the protesters? There is a little three year old girl who is either alive and in danger, or dead, laying in a ditch some place because her entire family is coveering for each other. Please, don't fall into the "poor anthonys" NOBODY would be standing in there front yard if someone in that family would have the decency to come forward and tell the truth. It is very, very hot in florida. that poor little baby was disgarded like trash, to rot away in the heat of the day and you guys are mad at some protesters?

Feeling that the protesters are wrong isn't the same as defending the Anthonys. Yes, poor Caylee's remains are out in the heat. So was that living baby at the protest.
I agree with you. Kids DO NOT belong outside the Anthony's home.
Maybe that's the real reason that neighbors aren't letting their children outside - because George might shoot them if they put food one on his property. just a thought
This whole thing is reaching a critical stage. Think of it this way, you have 4 people who are used to doing their own thing with never any restraints. They know expect their world to go back to normal, sans Caylee.

It's not happening and they must be stressed to the max.

I have mixed emotions about the message the protesters are sending to their children. On one hand I think these children will look back and remember that their parents stood up for the rights of a little girl whose family didn't seem to be doing it.

On the other hand I can understand the feelings of people who think this isn't good for small children to see.

I guess my dislike of the Anthony's behavior is clouding my sense of decency. I just wish the Anthony's didn't give me the feeling that they think children are disposable.

Casey belongs in jail or she should be hunting for her child. IMHO

I believe the protesters are good people. They think they are doing the right thing. I also understand the concern of people that they aren't going about it in the right way.

Thank you, I was thinking the same way!!! I would see it as parents teaching their children to stand up for the little ones, the ones who can't stand up for themselves. My dad was a child of the 60's, I can't tell you how many protest I have been to, and never once did I look at my dad and say "OMG, why do you have me here"?
I understand some parents views, but I will be the first one to confront someone, yes in-front of my kids, if what they are doing isn't right, or is hurting someone. Just the way I was raised
Well, because I'm a cynic, I'll say: I don't even consider the vast majority of the Yard People "protesters." I think most of them are there because it's a chance to scream and vent nastiness at someone without censure, and hey, maybe they'll even be on TV.

I'm also getting pretty worried about the pressure-cooker of emotion inside that house. I'm getting worried about violence within the family, or a heart attack or a stroke or just some awful tragedy.

Casey can stop this, and still refuses to. I just can't even get my head around that. She's set so much in motion, going far beyond the whereabouts of her daughter and the truth about Caylee - wasted so many resources, caused so much anguish for so many people, and is now putting her family AND strangers in real danger. Mortal danger, in my opinion.

Just unbelievable.
This won't be popular but imho we need to leave these people alone.

Firstly, the protestors are putting Casey right where she wants to be "The Center of Attention".

Secondly, I would rather be out looking for Caylee or handing out flyers rather than sitting on someones lawn screaming "baby killer" or getting in fights. What good does this do? They are going to get someone hurt, their actions are upsetting a whole neighborhood for what? Do they think it's going to make Casey talk? Nah she's hanging at the pad w/her man Baez munching on Brownies, chatting on myspace! She doesn't care!

The protestors get to go home, sleep in peace and come back, they don't have anyone breathing down their neck 24 hours a day like the Anthony's do. What we are seeing is a family that is totally exhausted and on the verge of a mental breakdown. How do we expect them to get past the "denial" stage when they can't even get out of the defending their home stage! They need some space and some time.

Instead of a little compassion these protestors stand outside and provoke them so they can brag to their friends or be seen on tv. I ask why aren't these protestors at the attornies during the day where Casey is? Is it because Casey is going to get in the car and be gone, they would only see her for a few seconds and they would not get any attention? At the house they know George, Cindy or Lee might come out and engage them, give them some attention. It's sick!

Cindy, George and Lee should be told to ignore these protestors or they should go stay somewhere else for a week or two; undisclosed. These people loved their grandchild and have no time to grieve. Maybe if they could clear their minds, come at this situation fresh they could get Casey to talk, remember something that would be helpful, be able to deal with the "idea" that their granddaughter is dead. I just don't think they have had any chance to digest it. Some space could help them refresh and change a dynamic in this case some how. It's hard to imagine what they are going through. Sometimes being on this web site is overwhelming, I have to go spend time w/family, go to a movie or dinner; just get away. Remember they are living this 24 hours a day. It's a total different perspective then we have "peeking in when it's convenient to us"

PS: I know they haven't done everything right, I know they are bringing some of this on themselves etc...don't need to argue that. I just believe sometimes even when we are wrong, compassion can go a long way!
I don't think so anymore. :whistle:
AI think they are living off donations that people think they are giving to help find Caylee. They sure seem to have an influx of $$ for people who have the time to confront people instead of work.
Seems the Anthony family likes DRAAAAAAAMA!! Since none of them are looking for Caylee, why not go back to work? JB is babysitting the princess all day.
I have NO compassion for any of the Anthony's. They deserve eveything & more of what they have brought upon themselves.
AI think they are living off donations that people think they are giving to help find Caylee. They sure seem to have an influx of $$ for people who have the time to confront people instead of work.

Have you checked out the donations thread?

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