Lee Anthony Almosts Hits Protesters

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Seems the Anthony family likes DRAAAAAAAMA!! Since none of them are looking for Caylee, why not go back to work? JB is babysitting the princess all day.

They probably wouldn't know how to live without it
For some reason, I'm thinking that killing children isn't frowned upon in the Anthony family. Goodness.
My children have been raised to help others-if we were in that area we would be taking food to searchers or handing out flyers, NOT standing in front of someone's house screaming at them. I would be concerned about innocent neighbors
Just reported in the news on local 13 :

HOA is getting involved to limit the protestors activity. Time period and location. They are looking into having them moved to the front of the development and thier lawyers are getting involved to persue this.

Good luck. HOA doesn't not own the development. Those are public streets and public sidewalks.
You go, girl!! (I hope you are a girl!)

When something bad does finally happen, LE should be held accountable, they know what's going to happen!

MO! :)

LMAO I have been reading these posts and I am just in awe of the different theories on how people protest and about their rights to do so etc.

First of all children should not be in the front of this house ( let alone people going there to try to provoke this grieving family to do something to get themselves arrested?
these parents should know how to parent, as they are against Casey and her whole family for Caylee not being reported missing? and yet here they are doing something worse to themselves and probably scaring these children to death.

My son girlfriends little boy comes over to visit on saturdays for the whole day and last monday he was here too.
I won't even watch NG or the news on this to where he can hear it.
I come on my lap top or go in my room with the door shut.
Can you imagine if this is this awful to us adults, what this could do to a child?
This is just awful and I do not understand what these "good moms" are trying to do by bringing children to this situation.
Caylee didn't have a choice people, You do!
Spend time with your children, take them for walks and read to them, sing with them and be greatful that you don't have a daughter like this to deal with.
This family MUST BE devastated without the little ray of sunshine that is out of their lives now..

I usually don't have a strong opinion about excercising our "rights"" but for heavens sake, love your children enough to not have to see this stuff. It is just awful and it makes me ill to think they human beings can be this ignorant to treat people this way.
It just amazes me that everyone is so ANGRY with Casey and everyone thinks she should be in jail, and not be on this planet anymore.
She obviously has some major issues, but all of this mess is just taking away from the point of finding Caylee.

Okay I think I am done. I just think it is time to stop this nonsense.
Originally Posted by not_my_kids
The article says that they were protestors kids. I hate to say it, but maybe this will teach the protestors to
a) keep their kids out of other people's driveways.
b) if you are going to condemn someone for not taking care of their kid, you should at least take care of your own in the process.
My own opinion.

:clap: My sentiments exactly!!

Yeah, let's kill a couple of protersters - that'll teach 'em.
I really think that OCSO is trying to avoid the "swinging door" affect by putting her in and she gets out. They put her in again, she gets out. LP had his heart in the right place but Baez took his money and then told him to go sit in the corner. I wish he hadn't started that whole thing in retrospect.

I keep hoping they are getting ready to bring down the big gong with the charges for what evidence they have got conclusion on for Caylee. I watch for it every day.

I hear ya, Baznme… But on a positive note, I think Casey being out will provide more damning evidence. Surely she's slipped a time or two, and I look forward to the day when her slips are revealed. Certainly her behavior while being out (not revealing more info on the whereabouts of her daughter and not aiding in her search) will be noted by Prosecutors, and it’s going to come back to haunt her big time. Casey being out was “divine intervention.” When all is said and done, Karma’s gonna kick her skinny azz all the way to prison...
Cindy wants the media to go away....no kidding!! She can't control them. All the Anthony clan ugliness is there for all the world to see.
I guarantee you he was talking on his cell. That's the way EVERYBODY drives. Don't pay attention what's going on around you.:eek:
Young children should NOT be allowed to these protests. I'm sorry, but the people that are standing out there need to get a life. These people, especially the ones that are interviewed are just trashy. Let law enforcement do there job and have patience. They know the family is loosing it, they know things have happened - WTF are they doing there with young children blocking the driveway. AND what if there was a crazy protester there that decides to go postal and start shooting? What do you do then with your kids? Ridiculous. Are they explaining to the children the reason for putting up fake TOMBSTONES? These are the same dumb people who probably take their babies in to see rated R movies at the theaters.


Hi sttct,
Aren't you being a little harsh on the people who are protesting? Can you explain why you consider them to be trashy?
In this country people have a right to assemble and protest. I do agree this might not be an ideal place for youngsters.
However as long as the media focuses its cameras on the Anthony property, the people will continue to gather there. It becomes a vicious circle. But both have a right to be there. And, here you are protesting the protesters.
The only solution I can imagine is for the Anthonys to move to a more secure place and stay quiet. After all, they created this scene by being so publically vocal on this situation. jmo
I hear ya OneLostGirl. Did you see all these adult women crying and carrying on about a child being hit by LA? First of all, it ended up not being true, second, we all know the Anthony's can get aggressive and third, these people are actively trying to provoke that family by screaming hideous things to them! And their little children are standing right there watching it. Then, the mothers start crying about how the Anthony's are acting? It seems they want this kind of reaction. Something seems very wrong with the protesters I saw and they are willingly dragging their kids into their twisted dysfunctional world. I don't know if I'd want my kid to know anything about this case at all, let alone allow them to be exposed to the people in that house and the mob oustide it. Bizarre.

Please show me Casey's tears over her lost child. It all comes back to Casey. All she cares about is herself and she cannot even give a reasonable story to LE. Is it so impossible that other people can care for children when Casey so obviously does not? These mother's tears are more believeable than any emotion that Casey has shown. Even on the phone in jail, when her friend is in tears over Caylee being missing, all Casey says is "what about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'
My children have been raised to help others-if we were in that area we would be taking food to searchers or handing out flyers, NOT standing in front of someone's house screaming at them. I would be concerned about innocent neighbors

Exactly! The protesters have no concern for the innocent neighbors, especially not for those who have children. I'd be furious if my child had to listen to people screaming "baby murderer" all day long in my own home. The neighbors have said that taking their children outside is out of the question. The protesters have no concern about those living children and obviously very little concern for their own living children. These are not the type of people who need to speak up for Caylee. They are selfish and concerned only with getting themselves on camera. Have you seen how they all come running over when someone is being interviewed? It reminds me of my fish when they get fed.
My 2 Cents....

A three year old girl is murdered by her mother and callously disposed of in an unmarked grave but the Anthony's want everyone to just go away and mind their own business. Instead of confronting Casey & giving her an ultimatum, Cindy & George choose to appease her and allow her all the comforts of home.

I think the people of Orlando should be relentless with their protest. Maybe it will shame the Anthony's into telling Casey that they will no longer put up with her apathy or believe anymore of her lies. Maybe the Anthony's will have an epiphany and realize that Casey is no longer their sweet and innocent daughter but instead she's the lying murderer of their grandchild.


3 Cheers for the Protesters

I hope they are making life miserable for the Anthony's
LMAO I have been reading these posts and I am just in awe of the different theories on how people protest and about their rights to do so etc.

First of all children should not be in the front of this house ( let alone people going there to try to provoke this grieving family to do something to get themselves arrested?
these parents should know how to parent, as they are against Casey and her whole family for Caylee not being reported missing? and yet here they are doing something worse to themselves and probably scaring these children to death.

My son girlfriends little boy comes over to visit on saturdays for the whole day and last monday he was here too.
I won't even watch NG or the news on this to where he can hear it.
I come on my lap top or go in my room with the door shut.
Can you imagine if this is this awful to us adults, what this could do to a child?
This is just awful and I do not understand what these "good moms" are trying to do by bringing children to this situation.
Caylee didn't have a choice people, You do!
Spend time with your children, take them for walks and read to them, sing with them and be greatful that you don't have a daughter like this to deal with.
This family MUST BE devastated without the little ray of sunshine that is out of their lives now..

I usually don't have a strong opinion about excercising our "rights"" but for heavens sake, love your children enough to not have to see this stuff. It is just awful and it makes me ill to think they human beings can be this ignorant to treat people this way.
It just amazes me that everyone is so ANGRY with Casey and everyone thinks she should be in jail, and not be on this planet anymore.
She obviously has some major issues, but all of this mess is just taking away from the point of finding Caylee.

Okay I think I am done. I just think it is time to stop this nonsense.

I hear ya OneLostGirl. Did you see all these adult women crying and carrying on about a child being hit by LA? First of all, it ended up not being true, second, we all know the Anthony's can get aggressive and third, these people are actively trying to provoke that family by screaming hideous things to them! And their little children are standing right there watching it. Then, the mothers start crying about how the Anthony's are acting? It seems they want this kind of reaction. Something seems very wrong with the protesters I saw and they are willingly dragging their kids into their twisted dysfunctional world. I don't know if I'd want my kid to know anything about this case at all, let alone allow them to be exposed to the people in that house and the mob oustide it. Bizarre.

Mob? I guess you have never seen a mob. I don't see any ropes or weapons. The Anthonys have all those.
Yeah, let's kill a couple of protersters - that'll teach 'em.

Nobody is saying we agree with their behavior we are saying these people are out of control, they are ready to blow and someone is about to get hurt. We don't like them We just want people to stay awaY from them for their own saftey!
I hear ya, Baznme… But on a positive note, I think Casey being out will provide more damning evidence. Surely she's slipped a time or two, and I look forward to the day when her slips are revealed. Certainly her behavior while being out (not revealing more info on the whereabouts of her daughter and not aiding in her search) will be noted by Prosecutors, and it’s going to come back to haunt her big time. Casey being out was “divine intervention.” When all is said and done, Karma’s gonna kick her skinny azz all the way to prison...

I bet ther is stuff on her computer. I wish they would come and take it now. She HAS to be IM'ing and MySpacing.I bet she has said something there
Nobody is saying we agree with their behavior we are saying these people are out of control, they are ready to blow and someone is about to get hurt. We don't like them We just want people to stay awaY from them for their own saftey!

You have made the most intelliegent post of the day.
Ya know, almost every time you post I want to hit the reply button and type "I agreee".. but I don't. tonight I am doing it. Someone needs to report these "mothers"!

These women that are there with their kids, making them lie and say they got hit by Lee's car, they are creating little Casey's! Crap like that is how Casey became who she is, keep doing that to your kids, ladies!

That one lady with the baby stroller hanging backwords, away from her (TOWARD the a's house) and she appears to be leaning into someones face yelling in the driveway. Yeah- good mom! Another Casey or Lee in the making sitting in that stroller.

I'm sorry I'm seeming kinda angry tonight with the protesters and their kids. But I grew up with a mother JUST like this and it makes me SO sick watching it.

DXo you KNOW they are lying? Or are you just trying to blame Lee's erratic and insane driving on people who might have been injured by it? I think the video will show what happened.

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