Lee Anthony's CMA reference?

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Sorry! I didn't notice that but did notice they showed a clip outside the church (?) right after the service ended on NG & there was a box that looked like a small casket (ashes inside?) that had leaves all over the top..The A's & others were walking around..I haven't seen anything about it all other then that..Has anyone?

OMG ... I didn't see that and I already deleted her show so I could have space to tape all the other shows I am recording tonight....gosh darn!
You could be very right. In all the shots of the family sitting before they got up to speak I not sure what it was but LA appeared more to be either angry, frustrated or discussed than sad. IMO.

He definitely appeared that way to me & many others in the live Memorial thread..I'm not sure what is was all about but I don't think there was any way to miss it.
The A's know all of this but still (very obviously) maintain their support for KC even during this beautiful memorial for MURDERED little Caylee Marie.

Honestly, it seemed to me, at times, the memorial was not for a MURDERED child but one that DIED from an illness or a car accident or anything but a BRUTAL act of violence. :confused:

How could they get up and scream about how Caylee died? One of the things keeping them breathing is not knowing what KC did to her. Do you really think the timing of Geo needing to be hospitalized had nothing to do with the information about the duct tape and red heart?

This baby was dead and left in a swamp for 30 days before most of the world had even heard her name; go back and read the threads by all of us who never even knew of this child in life and how it hit us, how we reacted to this information. There's 3 separate threads and all said the same thing over and over.

The A's will end up in a nut house if they spend too much time on Caylee's last minutes.

They concentrated on her life, that is what a memorial is for. I disagree with almost everything they have done and everything they have said, but they have my complete sympathy over the loss of their grandbaby. I wish them peace in their hearts and never again to be subjected to pain caused by their daughter. Unfortunately they still need to get through the trial.
OMG ... I didn't see that and I already deleted her show so I could have space to tape all the other shows I am recording tonight....gosh darn!

It was DOVES they released (from an above post) but it looked just like a small casket to me even tho I knew in my gut it wasn't.
I'm not sure I understand why people don't believe promises can (and are) made to toddlers (babies even). Assuming you are a parent (and if you aren't, you really have no way to relate to those who are), it's hard to imagine you have never looked at your sleeping baby/child and promised to always protect them, etc. I've even made those promises to my nieces, and I have always thought of them as my own children just as my brothers have thought of my children as theirs. That's what family means IMO.

Kissing the wrist twice doesn't seem like a big mystery to me, either. Either it was intentional (he was kissing the bracelet AND the alleged tattoo) or it wasn't (perhaps he intended to kiss the alleged tattoo, but the bracelet got in the way so he moved it aside and kissed the tattoo).

I also know about brother/sister relationships that are considered 'odd' by outsiders. My brother and I grew up in an abusive home and formed a bond very early that exists to this day. Is he the father of any of my children? Absolutely not! Even the thought is repugnant to me. Why aren't these incest-related accusations ever made of close sisters or close brothers?

This service was beautiful and even though many fellow WSers declared they would not watch it, I planned to do so all along -- for my own sake. For the emotional investment in Caylee that I have made since the story first broke. I needed the closure and I'm grateful I was given that gift.

God bless all those who loved Caylee and may justice be swift.
How could they get up and scream about how Caylee died? One of the things keeping them breathing is not knowing what KC did to her. Do you really think the timing of Geo needing to be hospitalized had nothing to do with the information about the duct tape and red heart?

This baby was dead and left in a swamp for 30 days before most of the world had even heard her name; go back and read the threads by all of us who never even knew of this child in life and how it hit us, how we reacted to this information. There's 3 separate threads and all said the same thing over and over.

The A's will end up in a nut house if they spend too much time on Caylee's last minutes.

They concentrated on her life, that is what a memorial is for. I disagree with almost everything they have done and everything they have said, but they have my complete sympathy over the loss of their grandbaby. I wish them peace in their hearts and never again to be subjected to pain caused by their daughter. Unfortunately they still need to get through the trial.

I didn't expect them to get up & scream (not at all) but I still stand by what I said re: the tone, at times, of the service.
I totally believe he was talking about Caylee. Saying her initials wouldn't be nearly as hard to do (without breaking down) than saying her name. I do think he was also calling on his sister to tell the truth.
I think the only person that was sincere in their grief, and absolute depth of their sorrow and pain was George. Cindy acted as Cindy always acts when there is an audience, and Lee just acted "off" to me. I think some of what he said was indeed towards Caylee, but, I feel just as much of it was directed towards his sister...reason for the CMA.
I don't know why (or even know what the message was exactly**) but he has NEVER referred to his niece as CMA and today, he said "CMA" several times even though neither he nor anyone had referred to Caylee as CMA, either at the service or elsewhere. In fact, a few points he really emphasized the "CMA", going all out to emphasize each letter. He may have wanted Casey to think he was talking to her (Casey) but still be able to pretend he was talking about Caylee. If he was trying to be subtle (as with certain words in languages that are very nuanced and can mean one thing or another), he wasn't. Calling a little baby "CMA" at her funeral, where that aint her nickname, is not nuanced and is not subtle. There's a reason you all started a threat about "CMA".

**I.E., was he trying to get Casey to confess/tell the truth. Was he trying to remind her of some promise he made to her if only she'd tell the truth, etc.? Who knows. This family probably thinks Casey killed Caylee by accident and they have forgiven her.

I don't think he could get her name out of his mouth, he was really struggling up there. When he got to the point where we all thought he was going to say Caylee he choked, his parents even reached out and touched him to give him strength to get through. I actually thought he was going to stop right then and let someone else finish for him.

JB wasn't at the service which speaks very poorly of him IMO, instead he was at the jail with KC.

I'm sure JB told the family that KC wasn't going to watch the service, remember she even said this was not the way she wanted it done. It wasn't about her, so why should KC want to see it?
Ill have to rewatch the service, but I thought Lee was reading off a laptop and was thinking that Baez & his laptop was linked possibly with an aircard and webcam, IMOO

I saw the laptop as well and wondered exactly the same...
I just wonder if saying CMA instead of Caylee wasn't to show his disdain of the public, as in, you don't deserve to hear her name? Lee wanting Caylee's name reserved for their private funeral. Remember how he destroyed some of the memorial stuff in their front yard?

I believe Lee made a promise to Caylee to find her, and then when she was found, made a second promise to see that she received justice. Can he yet cope with his sister having killed her? I don't know. I believe he is torn between the truth and his parents.

I also believe any anger is directed towards Casey. After all, it is her fault, everything is her fault--Caylee's death, his father's suicide attempt, the media circus. These are people now living under a microscope, and all because of Casey.
Would be interesting to be in KC's head when she hears LA words. She could take anythang he says totally different then what he meant or what we thought he meant. What do you think she will "hear"?

I think KC will think Lee was speaking to her. Wonder if he will be allowed to visit her now?
I bet Jose Baez allowed KC to view the entire memorial on his lap top. Maybe they were getting a feel as to the age group of the people who came to the memorial when they are selecting potential jurors.
Bolded by me..I thought Lee lived at home for some time after Caylee was born? I believe Lee is crushed over her death & wants justice but at the expense of his sister spending the rest of her life in prison?..That's truly being caught between a rock & a hard place :bang: especially since they supposedly have this very deep connection/bond..Or do they?..It didn't seem so in Lee's original interviews with LE..He gave her up more times then not..I'm so confused..I seriously don't know what to think!

No Lee moved out right around the time Caylee was born (with in 6 mos but IIRC it was less than this) and sorry I don't have a link, it's in the docs.

I agree out of everyone Lee was really trying to help LE. IMO that would be the natural way for people to react, close to a sibling or not, she appears to have killed her daughter. The baby rightly deserved all the support.

IMO Lee backed off assisting LE because of his parents. They were in hell and probably made him feel responsible for some of that because he did a lot to help LE early on.
You could be very right. In all the shots of the family sitting before they got up to speak I not sure what it was but LA appeared more to be either angry, frustrated or discussed than sad. IMO.

Cher, I'm with you. I heard anger, a lot of anger, spun into Lee's message. Everytime he said the initials C M A, I got the feeling he was sending a message to his sister that he was going to do whatever it took to make sure she paid for Caylee's death.
I didn't expect them to get up & scream (not at all) but I still stand by what I said re: the tone, at times, of the service.

And that's just fine with me, thank you for your polite response.
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