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With the way the protesters behaved, and just the fact that there were protesters, it's not reasonable to expect that the A's wouldn't react. If mobs of nasty people were outside my home yelling vicious things while I was worried about whether my granddaughter was still alive and if my daughter might be a murderer, I wouldn't be serving tea and cookies either.

Wonderful post. I can understand people being upset, but what could protests accomplish that LE could not?
With the way the protesters behaved, and just the fact that there were protesters, it's not reasonable to expect that the A's wouldn't react. If mobs of nasty people were outside my home yelling vicious things while I was worried about whether my granddaughter was still alive and if my daughter might be a murderer, I wouldn't be serving tea and cookies either.
I never say any protesting. I saw outright harrassement and threatening behaviour! I have my own misgivings about the A family but there was no excuse for that kind of behavior and I wonder why it was allowed. If ONE person was outside my door behaving that way, they would be charged with harrassement, let alone a mob!!!
I never say any protesting. I saw outright harrassement and threatening behaviour! I have my own misgivings about the A family but there was no excuse for that kind of behavior and I wonder why it was allowed. If ONE person was outside my door behaving that way, they would be charged with harrassement, let alone a mob!!!

It seems they could have been arrested for disturbing the peace, if nothing else. People accuse Lee and George of being hot-tempered and violent, but I think they showed remarkable self restraint considering the circumstances.
Hmmm..the very longstanding threads with titles like "Where's Lee?" don't seem to verify that he kept inserting himself in the news. In fact, he's been rather quiet for a while now in terms of putting himself in the public light.

I'm sorry..I wasn't referring to "all the time" in regard to inserting himself..what I meant was, he would be laying low then all of a sudden pop up with a high five, refusal for dna, confiscating dog dishes, playing detective, or a random angry email....just when it dies down....I don't think its a big conspiracy thing, just a weird thing that he is always popping up when he would be best suited to lay low....persoanlly I would stay as far away as possible until I was dragged into it by my short hairs.

But, different strokes for different folks I guess
It seems they could have been arrested for disturbing the peace, if nothing else. People accuse Lee and George of being hot-tempered and violent, but I think they showed remarkable self restraint considering the circumstances.

ITA..I am very good natured according to most people, and I would have SNAPPED!!!
wait a minute, If not for the protesters,I don't think Caylee's voice would have reached me. I don't think the case would have been handled as it has been. I don't believe Caylee would have ever been found. I am afraid that Casey may have walked.
If George, Cindy ,Casey,and Lee had been her voice, as they should have been,then the neighborhood may not have felt like they needed to speak for her.
Some of these posts have gotten way off topic and taken a turn in the opposite direction of this Thread title.

Lets keep the conversation about Lee hiring an attorney without the bashing and other 'stuff' that seems to have come from out of nowhere.

If this is true, I have a MAJOR problem with any person who mistreats any animal. Be cruel to a helpless animal, beware, this person is not to be trusted and is most likely dangerous! My opinion....

Lee DID NOT in any way physically harm that young woman's St. Bernard. A better choice would have been if the woman had left her dog at home.
I'm sure an attorney came to Lee and made himself available for free just to get his name involved in this case.

None of the family members can afford these high dollar attorneys they are getting.
With the way the protesters behaved, and just the fact that there were protesters, it's not reasonable to expect that the A's wouldn't react. If mobs of nasty people were outside my home yelling vicious things while I was worried about whether my granddaughter was still alive and if my daughter might be a murderer, I wouldn't be serving tea and cookies either.

Great post......as usual!!!:blowkiss:
I think he's a jerk, myself. Not scary, but a definate jerk.

So, you are a licensed clinical psychologist? Which state?

Why does someone have to be a licensed clinical psychologist to state his or her opinion regarding Lee's behavior? Psychologists don't have all of the answers, no matter how many cases they study or patients they treat imo. Many people on here rely on personal experiences when discussing this case, which can bring a lot of insight. Again, jmo.
I think Lee hired a lawyer because he probably got offers every day. At one point maybe he just picked one to shut them all up. I'm thinking they called or wrote him explaining why he needed a lawyer and something finally clicked that maybe he should protect his self.

Does anyone remember the conversation Casey had with lee about the blackjack something to the effect of the "bottom right" - Isn't that where they found little Caylee is the bottom right of the woods?
IMO you never know where Casey's next lie will take you. I don't blame any of them for hiring attorneys. That woman is nuts.

Heartbroken, I think the convo was left.

LEE: Where did you get this phone from? Like how was it provided to you?
CASEY: Through the AT&T Store, god, what road? It’s the bottom left side of town kind of near where the mall and stuff is.
LEE: Was this a phone, is this another personal cell phone of yours?

No link for you because I have this on my computer (saved) ...
That dog incident was not Lee's finest hour. The whole episode was obnoxious, but my interpretation was he was saying: "I don't want you and your dog to get comfortable here... as a matter of fact, get out. Don't bring your stuff or your dog's stuff to MY house.'' Like that. I'm sure Lee knew the dog wouldn't die of dehydration. He just wanted the owner to leave and take her "little dog too!"

This is the first and last time I'll ever defend LA. lol.

And I see it as LA picked on someone because he could. You never saw LA or GA going after some of the big dudes out there. They went after women and in one case a dog. Big character flaws!
Lee DID NOT in any way physically harm that young woman's St. Bernard. A better choice would have been if the woman had left her dog at home.

I don't need to see someone actually harm a person or an animal to know they are capable of it.
Thank you for the link! I somehow missed it at the time.

I can see both sides of the story here. Girl is right about her wording on the sign..

I am not sure if shere she was sitting was on city, community or private property. I think she would have been better off sitting on the street with her sign. Lee asked her to move and she didn't.

Now, he did make a fool of himself, bad enough wrestling with the sign and disposing of the sign on a neighbors garbage can (not too bright), but then the dog bowl and water incident was really stupid! But then, ya know, what else would one expect from one of the Ant's??

The Plat map is around here somewhere. As in most subdivisions, the property owner does not own the land from the inside of the sidewalk on out. You are required to maintain it, but you do not own it.
In that case, KC would have molested LA. That's a little more believable, to me. But, I still don't see any evidence. Just rumors.

Not a rumor. The info came from witness statements in doc dumps from OCSO. The info ultimately came from Casey herself, a known liar. I'm highly suspicious of her claims. But the info is from official docs and people can discuss and form their own opinions. Even if they don't agree with you and me.
Lee DID NOT in any way physically harm that young woman's St. Bernard. A better choice would have been if the woman had left her dog at home.
Lee took the dog's water & bowl threw the water away & threw the bowl into the neighbor's garbage. Dogs get dehydrated more quickly than humans do & can be very ill. Lee is such a XXXXX picking on women & children. He was pissed because the sign said 'I wouldn't let my dog go missing for 31days'. I would not either,but then I love God's creatures & I am grateful for my dog and my children & my granddaughter. I wouldn't try to starve, dehydrate or murder any of them.But then, there are many people like me.
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