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Just my opinion here....... In a high profile WEIRD case like this, I think even the innocent would benefit from legal representation.

:clap::clap::clap:That's what I have been saying all along.

Casey, Baden and Baez will throw anyone under the bus that will fit!! Since when is having a lawyer protect you from undue harm synonymous with Guilt? As I've said before, the Orange County got Roy K. an Attorney right away, and he certainly isn't a suspect. But no one is faulting him or the County from protecting him and his rights in the middle of this very volatile criminal case.

I myself am amazed it took Lee this many months to get an Attorney. If anyone is counting, it was roughly SIX MONTHS before he retained counsel.

Think about it folks, his sister is accusing him of Incest, while she was in jail awaiting trial for killing his niece, and even though she doesn't have a penny to her name she has a legal defense team to rival OJ Simpson's!! Plus he's about to bring a new life into the world with his girlfriend. If I were him I would do everything I could to clear my name and prevent my "crazy as a carp sister" from trying to pin the murder on me!!!


Heck, I've retained counsel twice and neither time was because I was guilty of any crime, or trying to weasel out of any crime. Both times were because I needed protection from someone, who LE couldn't fully protect me from at all times. That doesn't make me a criminal, anymore than it makes Lee a criminal simply for needing a Lawyer.

My 1.7 cents on the matter. ;)
I do not like Lee. That high five with his sister...really freaked me out. it's an image that's been seared into my brain forever.

Why did they high five? or can you point me to an explanation about this. THKS!
Why did they high five? or can you point me to an explanation about this. THKS!

I think the only explanation we have come up with is that they made it through the crowd of reporters and photogs without too much hassle!! Still-totally innapropriate under any circumstances!!:mad:
I am looking at articles from the week of May 11th, 2007 (the week J. Ortiz dies) cause maybe KC would have been looking at the paper or at the online news sights that week and seen an article including the name Zenaida (since KC picks these things up from random tidbits of her existence)-She claims she had a copy of the obit, so I just wanna see what else her eyes could have seen.
Anyway, I found this story on Luka from the Sentinel, sorry if it has already been posted:

Byline: Pedro Ruz Gutierrez

May 11--Orlando criminal-defense attorney Thomas Luka is used to facing law-enforcement agencies on behalf of his clients.

This time, however, Luka has sought his own lawyer after he says he was falsely arrested, beaten and humiliated by Orlando police officers last fall.

On Thursday, Luka's attorney filed a civil lawsuit in Orange County against the Police Department, seeking damages for what he says were violations of his client's rights. On Sept. 19, Luka was arrested on charges of battery and resisting arrest without violence by an officer who alleged that Luka touched or pressed against him outside a downtown ...

10:00 a.m. – G & C Anthony attended a Meet & Greet at the KFN Command Center on Goldenrod nr. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL. P.I.’s Hoover & Casey joined G & C Anthony at the Meet & Greet at approx. 11:30 a.m. Lee joined them a little later. They all stayed until 4:00 p.m.


Does anyone know if this (Nov 15th, 2008) was one of those periods where Lee was MIA ? I don't remember hearing that he was at the meet and greet on Nov 15th, but it states he was above. Does anyone else remember him being there ?
Please forgive me as I have stayed away from this case for a little while....

Has anyone heard 'anything' about Lee in the past year? Did he have a child, is he working, still living in Orlando, why doesn't he appear at any of the court dates, etc.???
Thank you for helping me out...I just find it odd that he was able to drop off the radar!
Please forgive me as I have stayed away from this case for a little while....

Has anyone heard 'anything' about Lee in the past year? Did he have a child, is he working, still living in Orlando, why doesn't he appear at any of the court dates, etc.???
Thank you for helping me out...I just find it odd that he was able to drop off the radar!

Lee is not yet married that we know of-not has he had a child, again, that we know of....he was still working at the same job as of spring of 2009, and I imagine he still is. He was pretty high up on their management chart and it is a pretty awesome job, so unless he was fired, he probably stuck around.

My opinion is that LA is not showing up to the hearings because he wants to go on with his life, he has stated as much in his depo, that he will not let this define him. He also stated that he was upset to learn that everyone else seemed to be onto the fact that Caylee was dead, but he was going on with the believeing-she-is-alive thing in earnest. When he learned his mom sent "someone" down to Suburban to look for Caylee, he was hurt, per his depo. Deep down, I believe LA has always known what was going on, but he was in search of a way to make it okay for his parents. Now, it is out of his hands.
I'll never forget LE (maybe Yuri) saying something like
"LEE, we know what you were doing last summer"
But it was never stated what LEE did...........
Was it LEE tampering with kc computer while getting her belongings?

Lee sure is keeping a low profile, though with sunshine document dumps,
GA and the affair, CA and her rants..........who blames him?
I would change my name after all this and move FAR away if I was innocent.
CA may of told LEE to do something more than his CMA speech at the memorial.
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