Lee Hollander - Attorney representing Mark Sievers

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I do not agree that at 8 and 10 years of age that children would suspect one parent of murdering the other. Plus, we do not know what these children have been told of their mother's death. They could have been told anything from it was a natural death to it was some sad accident.
I do not agree that at 8 and 10 years of age that children would suspect one parent of murdering the other. Plus, we do not know what these children have been told of their mother's death. They could have been told anything from it was a natural death to it was some sad accident.

Yea but don't you think the ever present media surrounding their home and their dad is a little odd? Plus, can no longer talk to their mom's family, their grandmother and aunt. Then there is that little matter of being hauled into court to see if it is safe for them to stay with MS (can not refer to him as daddy).
JMO, they may not know their mom was bludgeoned 17 times in the head with a hammer, but they know something is wrong! Now, MS has most likely filled their head with lies but they aren't stupid.
I do not agree that at 8 and 10 years of age that children would suspect one parent of murdering the other. Plus, we do not know what these children have been told of their mother's death. They could have been told anything from it was a natural death to it was some sad accident.

These kids are not from Little House On The Prairie where you can just say that ma caught the measles and died. Jmo.

Plus they probably googled it by now at grandma's house or something. Jmo. And the media camping at the house on occasion is probably evident to them that this isn't over. They shouldn't even be living there. Jmo
These kids are not from Little House On The Prairie where you can just say that ma caught the measles and died. Jmo.

Plus they probably googled it by now at grandma's house or something. Jmo. And the media camping at the house on occasion is probably evident to them that this isn't over. They shouldn't even be living there. Jmo

Agree - kids these days are pretty savvy and they also have good intuition. They know something's not right and could even be in FEAR of MS.
Yea but don't you think the ever present media surrounding their home and their dad is a little odd? Plus, can no longer talk to their mom's family, their grandmother and aunt. Then there is that little matter of being hauled into court to see if it is safe for them to stay with MS (can not refer to him as daddy).
JMO, they may not know their mom was bludgeoned 17 times in the head with a hammer, but they know something is wrong! Now, MS has most likely filled their head with lies but they aren't stupid.

This. And my guess is that MS is telling the girls something along the lines of "everyone is trying to say daddy did it, but you girls know daddy would never do something like that. It's just us now girls, don't pay attention to the lies everyone is telling."
This. And my guess is that MS is telling the girls something along the lines of "everyone is trying to say daddy did it, but you girls know daddy would never do something like that. It's just us now girls, don't pay attention to the lies everyone is telling."

You can bet on it. I have no doubt that is exactly what he is telling them!
The girls are locked up like prisoners in their home. I doubt watching the news is allowed as it shouldnt be even if MS wasn't involved. He is probably watching them every minute so there is no computer access unless its school work. The only thing they probably know is a bad guy (JR) killed their mommy. I doubt they even know uncle Wayne or whatever he was to the kids is locked up too. Remember MS doesnt believe CWW did it. (eyeroll) jmo.
Hollander: "They have the general idea that, yeah, mommy is gone, and dad's going to take care of us. I'm not sure if they're that knowledgeable on the minuscule parts."

The minuscule parts. There's a spot waiting for this guy in legal hell.
And that's what you would call "spin." Of course LCSO asked him to be silent... to the public and media, not THEM and their investigation. We are not imbeciles, Mr. Hollander with all due respect.

As for what the girls know - they know Mommy is " gone"? Surely I hope this means they know she is deceased, I agree hold the details, and I assume they know since they attended the funeral, but please tell me they are being told the truth and getting professional help to deal with it? The use of the term "gone" is abhorrent to me, she didn't leave them she was taken from them. <end rant>
Great post Lvs ~
BBM part is heartbreaking
Hollander seems like an okay guy but with what MS is facing, he might want to get someone who is a little more... assertive? JMO
Hollander seems like an okay guy but with what MS is facing, he might want to get someone who is a little more... assertive? JMO

So tactfully said, MrsArk. :)

Expressed my thoughts as well.
So tactfully said, MrsArk. :)

Expressed my thoughts as well.

I totally agree, but I hope MS doesn't read this and decide to obtain a more assertive attorney who can spin this case like a jet-fueled top! :dervish:
I totally agree, but I hope MS doesn't read this and decide to obtain a more assertive attorney who can spin this case like a jet-fueled top! :dervish:

I'm concerned about that too! You never know who's lurking on these pages.......and MS has a LOT of free time on his hands nowadays.
I'm concerned about that too! You never know who's lurking on these pages.......and MS has a LOT of free time on his hands nowadays.

If i had to take a flying guess, I would say MS and others involved (LE, MS's family and associates, Dr. Teresa's loved ones and associates, etc..) are reading here. I also believe SMS may have intentionally employed the word, "envelope" in the phrase, "envelope of suspicion" to let MS suspect but not be sure that LE knows MS was the evil driving force behind lovely Dr. Teresa's brutal murder. I think SMS wanted to throw MS off balance, and I bet he did.
And that's what you would call "spin." Of course LCSO asked him to be silent... to the public and media, not THEM and their investigation. We are not imbeciles, Mr. Hollander with all due respect.

As for what the girls know - they know Mommy is " gone"? Surely I hope this means they know she is deceased, I agree hold the details, and I assume they know since they attended the funeral, but please tell me they are being told the truth and getting professional help to deal with it? The use of the term "gone" is abhorrent to me, she didn't leave them she was taken from them. <end rant>

The thread where I wanted to post this has been closed. So here goes...

Remember all the back and forth early on about MS not speaking up? Seemingly no anger toward the BFF accused of the BFT murder of MS wife? Innocent people want their name cleared. Innocent people want to get to the bottom of the murder of their spouse. Yeh, MS clammed up tighter than dick's hat band. Afraid to get caught in lies, is my guess.

It is gonna be an AWFUL day when the girls realize the reason why mommy is gone...and the person responsible. SMH.
The thread where I wanted to post this has been closed. So here goes...

Remember all the back and forth early on about MS not speaking up? Seemingly no anger toward the BFF accused of the BFT murder of MS wife? Innocent people want their name cleared. Innocent people want to get to the bottom of the murder of their spouse. Yeh, MS clammed up tighter than dick's hat band. Afraid to get caught in lies, is my guess.

It is gonna be an AWFUL day when the girls realize the reason why mommy is gone...and the person responsible. SMH.
Hit it right on the mark!!!! No, pun intended, of course.

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Hollander added that is was unclear why, if detectives alleging Sievers orchestrated the death of his wife, they haven't arrested him."
"They are just trying to screw with him. I really have no idea at this point what they are going to do."
Just wanted to add a few comments from MS's council.

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Hollander added that is was unclear why, if detectives alleging Sievers orchestrated the death of his wife, they haven't arrested him."
"They are just trying to screw with him. I really have no idea at this point what they are going to do."
Just wanted to add a few comments from MS's council.

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Thank you OBSERVATION I love this affirmation: "Sievers' attorney, Lee Hollander, said his client denies any involvement in his wife's slaying."

I would really be worried if this high profile attorney asserted...."My client is innocent! I believe him! He is a fabulous businessman, who didn't need his wife's money and we are going to prove it in a court of law!"
Simply repeating "his client's denial" for an article that appeared in the New York Times (via the API)....hmmm....seems like a missed opportunity to proclaim your client's stellar accomplishments and likability. (accomplishments & likability...thank you spell check! I'll duck now..)
Hollander added that is was unclear why, if detectives alleging Sievers orchestrated the death of his wife, they haven't arrested him."
"They are just trying to screw with him. I really have no idea at this point what they are going to do."
Just wanted to add a few comments from MS's council.

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underlined: also from article
Hollander said he hadn't read the documents released last week that alleged his client planned his wife's death.
Umm maybe he should read the documents that were released last week I :dunno:...instead of going ONLY what your client says...
BBM ~ And no Hollander, it's the other way around. YOUR client MS is screwing with YOU. Of course he didn't do it. Neither did CWW, and he's got affidavit's from the whole Trailer park to PROVE it. :giggle:
underlined: also from article
Hollander said he hadn't read the documents released last week that alleged his client planned his wife's death.
Umm maybe he should read the documents that were released last week I :dunno:...instead of going ONLY what your client says...
BBM ~ And no Hollander, it's the other way around. YOUR client MS is screwing with YOU. Of course he didn't do it. Neither did CWW, and he's got affidavit's from the whole Trailer park to PROVE it. :giggle:

bbm DMACKY.... That is a fantastic observation "he hasn't read the documents released last week"
Why would he want to read about CWW; his client's best friend, brother from another Mother who drove all the way to Florida, and ended up on Jarvis Rd, the same day Teresa Sievers was murdered? After all, it has nothing to do with his client, Mr. Sievers. dontcha ya know? :banghead::banghead:

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