Lee Hollander - Attorney representing Mark Sievers

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AZ... Wouldn't the client have to approve the time spent to go through all of that? (I would guess I spent a good 20 hours going through everything... ). Does a client normally approve such a thing in this situation?

How does approval to go ahead and spend >20 hours payment usually work BEFORE charges ( assuming he's paying for it and not getting it pro bono for the lawyer to get publicity)?

Some clients want to approve big projects before you start, others say "do what it takes."
He wouldn't be entitled to copies. But if I were his lawyer, I would be on Websleuths reading them. :)

Lee, if you're here, you better contribute to the PayPal fund!

Really discreet of you to whisper that last line, AZ. ;)

I want to make sure he heard it loud and clear though so excuse me for using a bit more emphasis and repeat what you just said -

Lee, if you're here, you better contribute to the PayPal fund! :gavel:

heh, charge it back to Mark. Leads to billable hours, Lee. No worries, Mark's got the cash. (Need a link to pics of all the money/valuables laying around?) Better milk what you can while the getting is good. I'd suggest a hefty supplement to the retainer because history shows that collecting later will prove to be nearly impossible.
he wouldn't be entitled to copies. But if i were his lawyer, i would be on websleuths reading them. :)

lee, if you're here, you better contribute to the paypal fund!

azlawyer has rested her case
LOL @ beach ~ gavel....same thoughts, same time
Here's a good example of time wasting in a case.


Curtis Reeves is the guy the killed someone at the movies after an argument about texting during the previews.

We're over two years in from the original complaint (1/13/14) and the trial keeps getting bounced along...Reeves will probably die of old age before he gets to trial.

The Pasco County clerk is nice enough to post the whole history to the link above

Sorry if slightly off-topic
And that's what you would call "spin." Of course LCSO asked him to be silent... to the public and media, not THEM and their investigation. We are not imbeciles, Mr. Hollander with all due respect.

As for what the girls know - they know Mommy is " gone"? Surely I hope this means they know she is deceased, I agree hold the details, and I assume they know since they attended the funeral, but please tell me they are being told the truth and getting professional help to deal with it? The use of the term "gone" is abhorrent to me, she didn't leave them she was taken from them. <end rant>

Oh for crying out loud Counselor, give the girls some credit, they are not dumb by any means. Where do you suppose the girls think their
mum is...Disney World?

LvsAMystry, he's spinning alright, just like a washing machine and its time to add the bleach.
Oh for crying out loud Counselor, give the girls some credit, they are not dumb by any means. Where do you suppose the girls think their
mum is...Disney World?

LvsAMystry, he's spinning alright, just like a washing machine and its time to add the bleach.
I agree. Especially since we know they are intelligent children. Also, they don't need the Internet to know that something bad has/is happening.

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Have we heard a peep out of Marks attorney since this latest dump?
Dr. Sievers is 'gone'??????? What a way to put it. These poor little girls went to their Mother's funeral and they know she is dead. They know she is not ever coming back. I do not see how they could miss knowing that their own Dad is thought to have something to do with it. These girls are 8 and 10 years old, not 2 and 5. They know what's going on, IMO.

It just kills me that he has those poor girls in his clutches. :sigh:
Have we heard a peep out of Marks attorney since this latest dump?

Nope. February 4th is the last time published that the press attempted to communicate with MS and his attorney.

As the wait continues to finalize the case, everyone's wants an answer to the question that's been badgering them -- when will justice come?

While covering this case, we've tried reaching out to Mark several times, but he refuses to comment.

We called his attorney Thursday to get his take but have yet to hear back.
I wonder if he is still representing MS? If he is, I wish I could watch the trial. Will trial be opened to the public ? Read some interesting rating reviews.
Mark Sievers' attorney, Lee Hollander, said he was not notified of his client's arrest by the Lee County Sheriff's Office. Sievers has maintained his innocence all along, and Hollander said there was no change Friday.

"I'm still trying to get information on who, what, when, where and how," Hollander said. "There will be a first appearance tomorrow morning. We'll ask for some sort of bond. The judge may or may not set one. But for right now, that's about all."

Mark Sievers' attorney, Lee Hollander, said he was not notified of his client's arrest by the Lee County Sheriff's Office. Sievers has maintained his innocence all along, and Hollander said there was no change Friday.

"I'm still trying to get information on who, what, when, where and how," Hollander said. "There will be a first appearance tomorrow morning. We'll ask for some sort of bond. The judge may or may not set one. But for right now, that's about all."


Bond? Really? Surely doesn't really think so.... I wonder if MS will keep LH. I bet MS thought he was smarter than LH and could manipulate him AND the system.
I hope MS never sees the light of day again. So freaking greedy and senseless.
This has shown me we never really know who is truly evil. Mark Seivers is an evil person who had his wife and her family fooled- to a degree. Bet he doesn't fool a judge and jury.
Just a thought but perhaps MS "forgot" to pay his lawyer, hence we was not notified in advance of his client's arrest today.

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It's getting into late night, another one allowed to release our tension?...

Commenting on the rather unusual step taken by sheriff&#8217;s officials in making Wright undergo a &#8220;perp walk&#8221; in front of news reporters and photographers, Hollander said that &#8220;they wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame. Whatever floats their boat.&#8221;

The maximum penalty for second-degree murder is life in prison, the attorney said. It takes a grand jury to indict someone for first-degree murder, which comes with possible penalties of life in prison or the death penalty upon conviction.

Regarding Wright&#8217;s plea deal, Hollander said: &#8220;It sounds like they bought and paid for Wright&#8217;s testimony."


re the BBM I think the report is in error. He was referring to Mark Sievers his client and the perp walk.
Ticya, I agree. That attorney can't even get the name of his client right? Wonder if the attorney has had an opportunity to read the docs yet? He has had plenty of time to catch up.

I know this is wishful thinking....it sure would be nice if trial could be avoided and MS would plead guilty. LWOP sounds about right.

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