Legal Arguments - What went on behind Closed Doors?

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Yes she was and she has accepted responsibility for it, I just can't help but wonder how different her life could have turned out had she not met this piece of garbage. MOO

While I don't think 'innocent dupe' is the correct term for TLM, as she is definitely just as guilty, it is clear that she was used and manipulated. She was NOT the driving force. She is mentally ill and did it 'for a little bit of love'.

I don't think her life would have turned out much differently. She probably wouldn't have killed a child, unless she met a different man with such desires, but I do believe that she would have went on to kill somebody.

Makes you wonder how two sick people end up meeting randomly, like Paul and Karla imo.
I am beyond disgusted with what has come out so far, feeling sick to my stomach. Not sure if this has been posted so far, it's not really clear why this woman did not testify:

The jury also did not know that in January 2009 a woman Rafferty met on dating website Plenty of Fish, where he met most of the other women he dated, invited Rafferty over to her house to watch a movie. According to a police complaint, he arrived with an already opened bottle of wine, poured her some, but did not drink any himself.

She told police she started to feel "fuzzy," the room started to spin and Rafferty climbed on top of her on the couch. He started choking her, removing her clothes and tying her hands behind her back, according to the police report, which was cited in court documents. She started vomiting, and Rafferty anally raped her while still choking her, she alleged.

There were no charges laid in the matter.

For the love of GOD !!! Do you know how angry I would be if I were on the jury.... after this is over and they find out all this extra crap ??? I would be soooo angry and I bet they will be too !!
Wonder what the people who didn't feel MR is guilty on all counts are thinking now...
Oh I wasn't commenting on Tara, just wishing the jurors knew this info, it was something that gave me pause is what I'm saying, and now I know, but what I know is not important, the part I am upset about is the jurors don't know JMO

The jurors did hear that JG had a drug debt (as testified to by TM).

From the snippet you posted, it is my impression that the convo about taking a child was an interrogation between JG's dealer and LE, not a convo between JG and the dealer.

Make sense?

MR had the chance to tell LE IMMEDIATELY AND HE DENIED, DENIED, DENIED ALL ALONG. He is a despicable piece of garbage. The truth is he has a sexual deviant mind and his laptop proves that. TLM is an angel by comparison (of course I'm a wee bit exaggerating on the angel word) as she had the decency to come forward and I am now really believing MR is the one who killed Tori. What will be more telling is to see what hidden info comes out about TLM. Probably none as I believe she wasn't as devious as MR. It took MR to poison her mind. MOO

TLM a few opportunities to save Tori when MR was not in the car. I don't believe for a second she was an innocent dupe. She is just as involved.
So according to the interrogation MR did have a criminal record...hmm. Wow he sounds so pathetic in these interviews. "Poor sick guy". PUKE! MOO
MR had the chance to tell LE IMMEDIATELY AND HE DENIED, DENIED, DENIED ALL ALONG. He is a despicable piece of garbage. The truth is he has a sexual deviant mind and his laptop proves that. TLM is an angel by comparison (of course I'm a wee bit exaggerating on the angel word) as she had the decency to come forward and I am now really believing MR is the one who killed Tori. What will be more telling is to see what hidden info comes out about TLM. Probably none as I believe she wasn't as devious as MR. It took MR to poison her mind. MOO

bbm: I don't think there is a thing decent about her but I agree with all the rest
I am beyond disgusted with what has come out so far, feeling sick to my stomach. Not sure if this has been posted so far, it's not really clear why this woman did not testify:

The jury also did not know that in January 2009 a woman Rafferty met on dating website Plenty of Fish, where he met most of the other women he dated, invited Rafferty over to her house to watch a movie. According to a police complaint, he arrived with an already opened bottle of wine, poured her some, but did not drink any himself.

She told police she started to feel "fuzzy," the room started to spin and Rafferty climbed on top of her on the couch. He started choking her, removing her clothes and tying her hands behind her back, according to the police report, which was cited in court documents. She started vomiting, and Rafferty anally raped her while still choking her, she alleged.

There were no charges laid in the matter.

WTH, why was this information withheld from the jurors? All the ridiculous technicalities BS. I'm sure it was the defense who fought to keep this information at bay. I hope people take great notice of the type of information which can be held back during these trials and be very mindful should they ever find themselves sitting on a jury. MOO What you see is not always what you get, there's much more telling evidence.
MR had the chance to tell LE IMMEDIATELY AND HE DENIED, DENIED, DENIED ALL ALONG. He is a despicable piece of garbage. The truth is he has a sexual deviant mind and his laptop proves that. TLM is an angel by comparison (of course I'm a wee bit exaggerating on the angel word) as she had the decency to come forward and I am now really believing MR is the one who killed Tori. What will be more telling is to see what hidden info comes out about TLM. Probably none as I believe she wasn't as devious as MR. It took MR to poison her mind. MOO

When TLM testified that she murdered Tori, I truly believed her. Now, I'm really not sure what to believe about who actually used the hammer. I guess as long as they are both doing life, I'll accept that...

And Swedie, I agree with you about TLM. Thou certainly no angel, it does seem she has at least a shred of decency to speak up and take responsibility. I've wondered what this trial might have been like without TLM's help in trying to find Tori's body, her drawings, her confessions, etc. Would they even have ever found Tori with just cell phone pings; would they have discovered the Home Depot video; or would they have even been able to match the suspicious Honda up with MTR?
bbm: I don't think there is a thing decent about her but I agree with all the rest

I already replied to swedie but I did give TLM a "shred" of decency just for helping them find Tori and nail MTR...
What a disgusting vile excuse for a human being. I can't believe he has the gall to put Tori's parents through this trial, not to mention waste court resources, tax dollars and all of the time, energy and emotion being spent on this trial.

Effing disgusting. I hope see never sees the light of day again.


I am not allowed to express what I really want to say.
The jurors did hear that JG had a drug debt (as testified to by TM).

From the snippet you posted, it is my impression that the convo about taking a child was an interrogation between JG's dealer and LE, not a convo between JG and the dealer.

Make sense?


And from what I have heard the jury heard who the drug debt was with so they know this wasn't over a drug debt.
Wonder what the people who didn't feel MR is guilty on all counts are thinking now...


I am SHOCKED that this kind of information was withheld. It is SHAMEFUL! Those jurors will be FURIOUS!

I also feel SO NAIVE because I just could not have imagined that there could be yet "another" couple of SICK SICK SICK individuals that would happen to find each other!
With any luck a few days from now Mr will be sitting in the cell next to PB. Wonder how sick he will feel then.

Maybe Roller-Eyes Rafferty was practising up for googly eyes at PB as Jim Smyth warned MTR in the interview.
No quetion the terms "underage rape", "real underage rape", "real underage rape picture" could in anyway be miscontrued for exactly what they are.

The same vile filth as what happened to Victoria.

Make me want to get sick.

Piece. Of. Trash.

I can only in my worst nightmare imagine what this did to Tori.

Rot in HELL, Rafferty.
Wonder what the people who didn't feel MR is guilty on all counts are thinking now...
I believe they were going only by the evidence that was admitted and "innocent until proven guilty" and were swayed by Derstine's rhetoric. I also think there are people on this board who have aspirations to the legal profession and take the role of devil's advocate just for the sport and to see how far they can take it.

Knowing what we know now, it makes me wish that in its closing arguments, the Crown could have told the jury what they heard was only the tip of the iceberg and a large part of the evidence had to be suppressed because of a bungled search warrant and other technicalities.

What really frightens me is that the jury could find him not guilty, or just guilty of a lesser charge. They would never forgive themselves after learning the truth. I have always dreamed of serving on a jury, but when crap like this happens where a jury has to rule on inadequate evidence when the truth is withheld, I would want no part of it.

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