'Let Beautiful Madeleine Come Home'

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Feb 26, 2005
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The parents of a three-year-old who has gone missing in a Portuguese holiday resort have made an emotional appeal for her safe return.


"Words cannot describe the anguish and despair we are feeling," said the father of the missing girl, Gerry McCann, in a televised statement.
"Please, if you have our Madeleine, let her come home to her mummy, daddy, brother and sister."
Mr McCann also begged members of the public who might have information regarding his daughter's disappearance to contact the police.
A major hunt is under way in the town Praia da Luz for the British girl after she disappeared from her bedroom in a holiday apartment while her parents were eating in the hotel dining room 40 yards away.
Sky's Ian Woods, who is at the destination, has said: "With every passing hour, one must fear the worst."
"That Madeleine simply walked out the apartment on her own seems the least likely scenario."
Madeleine, from Rothley, Leicestershire, had been sleeping in a locked apartment at the Ocean Club, a Mark Warner resort.
The toddler's aunt Trish Cameron described how Madeleine's mother, Katie, had returned to check on her children when she encountered the horrifying scene.
"The door was lying open, the window in the bedroom and the shutters had been jemmied open," said Mrs Cameron.

more at the link http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,70131-1264104,00.html
The parents were 40 yards away, dining, while the children were sleeping, in security that may not have been as secure as this families own home.. (he is a Cardiologist). These parents are obviously partially blaming themselves over this.

I hope they find their little angel!!
Someone must have been watching the every move of the parents to know that they were eating breakfast and the little girl was there alone. They must have had a key to get into the motel. I wonder if it is a motel worker? How would anyone else get in? Do they think that whoever took the little girl went in through the door as the door was open when mom went to check? I wonder if anyone had been paying any particuliar attention to the little girl during the family's vist there? Someone who may have been talking to her or watching her? I hope she is found soon.
The toddler's aunt Trish Cameron described how Madeleine's mother, Katie, had returned to check on her children when she encountered the horrifying scene.
"The door was lying open, the window in the bedroom and the shutters had been jemmied open," said Mrs Cameron.

more at the link http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,70131-1264104,00.html

I wonder what the ages of the other children were and if they heard or saw anything. It sounds like someone enterered through the bedroom window and left out the door. I would think the shutters had to be opened from the outside. I hope they check the shutters for fingerprints.
Madeleine is a beautiful little girl. I just pray someone saw her and just had to have her for their own and that she is being cared for. My prayers are w/ the family.
Oh how sad. My prayers are with little Madeleine and her family.
Mods, could you bring the original thread down from "Crimes In the News" and merge it with this one? Lots of us are very interested in this case and it would be nice to only have to keep up with one thread. Thank you!! :blowkiss:

It emerged today that police are investigating the possibility the toddler was abducted by a British man, according to newspaper reports in Portugal.

Newspaper Correio da Manha reported that police suspect a British captor. Broadcaster RTP also interviewed Barra da Costa, a former inspector in the Judicial Police, PJ, who said that sources within the force believed that Madeleine's abductor could be from the UK.

He said that contacts in the investigation team had told him that a working description detectives are using suggested someone of English appearance
I've been jumping on Portugese (sp?) newspapers trying to keep up with this case and sort of surprised it has not been on the news much at all. It is very scary for sure and these parents are going to be forever feeling so guilty. Were there no cameras at entrances or around this resort? How can this family go forward? How would I deal with this myself?
I saw this in the London Times and thought I'd share here. This story is terribly disturbing --- almost dismaying. I cannot believe that such rings operate, apparantly daily, with on-demand online access to live shows, and there is no full-court press to put these people away for life!?!?!? How do you stop this from ever happening ever?

Something is going on with the search for Madeleine. They are searching a villa that is a mere 100 yards away from the complex where she was abducted.

I hope this little angel is found soon safe and unharmed. But why would the parents go to dinner and leave two little kids alone?? Something smells fishy about this story to me for some reason. I hope the parents didnt harm her and then went to dinner so they could say she was kidnapped...
I agree that it was negligent for the parents to leave the children alone. But I do believe their story. I think that they were tired people who wanted a little break from their kids and made a bad decision. There was child care available at the resort but they probably didn't use it because it was bedtime for the kids.
I know that the parents will never forgive themselves, but they should be cited for negligence.

There is absolutely no reason to leave children alone at night. Ever.

I used to have that fight with my exhusband on a daily basis, but I still never left my kids alone. When my kids were little (toddlers, kindergarten age) my ex had to be at work at 4am every day. Since he lost his liscense, I had to drive him. It took about 20 mins to drive him to work and get back home. He used to fight me every single morning about getting the kids in the car so we could take him to work. He wanted me to leave them in bed since I would only be gone a few minutes, and they probably wouldn't have woken.

I didn't care. There was NO WAY I was going to risk it. Not even for a minute. So I fought it out with him every single day (until I left him and filed for divorce!) Aside from the risk of fire, I couldn't stand the thought of them waking up, looking for me and being scared. And that was in their own home! Imagine how scary it would be for a child to wake up in a strange hotel room and not be able to find their parents!!!

Even now, when my kids are teenagers... if I leave the house before they get up, I always leave them a note. Plus, we all have cell phones and they can always reach me.

But to leave a small child alone is just..... unforgivable, to me. There is simply no excuse.

If I had been in this parents situation, I would have stayed in the room and sent their dad out for some take-out food. Or called room service. But never, ever would I have left them alone for any amount of time.
I know that the parents will never forgive themselves, but they should be cited for negligence.

There is absolutely no reason to leave children alone at night. Ever.

I used to have that fight with my exhusband on a daily basis, but I still never left my kids alone. When my kids were little (toddlers, kindergarten age) my ex had to be at work at 4am every day. Since he lost his liscense, I had to drive him. It took about 20 mins to drive him to work and get back home. He used to fight me every single morning about getting the kids in the car so we could take him to work. He wanted me to leave them in bed since I would only be gone a few minutes, and they probably wouldn't have woken.

I didn't care. There was NO WAY I was going to risk it. Not even for a minute. So I fought it out with him every single day (until I left him and filed for divorce!) Aside from the risk of fire, I couldn't stand the thought of them waking up, looking for me and being scared. And that was in their own home! Imagine how scary it would be for a child to wake up in a strange hotel room and not be able to find their parents!!!

Even now, when my kids are teenagers... if I leave the house before they get up, I always leave them a note. Plus, we all have cell phones and they can always reach me.

But to leave a small child alone is just..... unforgivable, to me. There is simply no excuse.

If I had been in this parents situation, I would have stayed in the room and sent their dad out for some take-out food. Or called room service. But never, ever would I have left them alone for any amount of time.

I know that the parents will never forgive themselves, but they should be cited for negligence.

There is absolutely no reason to leave children alone at night. Ever.

I used to have that fight with my exhusband on a daily basis, but I still never left my kids alone. When my kids were little (toddlers, kindergarten age) my ex had to be at work at 4am every day. Since he lost his liscense, I had to drive him. It took about 20 mins to drive him to work and get back home. He used to fight me every single morning about getting the kids in the car so we could take him to work. He wanted me to leave them in bed since I would only be gone a few minutes, and they probably wouldn't have woken.

I didn't care. There was NO WAY I was going to risk it. Not even for a minute. So I fought it out with him every single day (until I left him and filed for divorce!) Aside from the risk of fire, I couldn't stand the thought of them waking up, looking for me and being scared. And that was in their own home! Imagine how scary it would be for a child to wake up in a strange hotel room and not be able to find their parents!!!

Even now, when my kids are teenagers... if I leave the house before they get up, I always leave them a note. Plus, we all have cell phones and they can always reach me.

But to leave a small child alone is just..... unforgivable, to me. There is simply no excuse.

If I had been in this parents situation, I would have stayed in the room and sent their dad out for some take-out food. Or called room service. But never, ever would I have left them alone for any amount of time.
I agree with you 100%. And with him being a doctor, I feel that surely they could have afforded child care.

Still, my heart breaks for these parents and their families. I'm sure they are doing a fine job of beating themselves up. I pray that little girl is found safe and sound.
I agree with you 100%. And with him being a doctor, I feel that surely they could have afforded child care.

Still, my heart breaks for these parents and their families. I'm sure they are doing a fine job of beating themselves up. I pray that little girl is found safe and sound.

I, of course, feel so sorry for the parents. I don't believe they intentionally meant harm to the children, and they will have to pay for this until she is found, hopefully safe.

I said the same in the thread of the child that was a victim of hit and run. Her mom had to live the terror of watching her child killed, but if she only had looked out for her, held her hand......then she wouldnt' be living the hell she is. We all make mistakes as parents, just some are more costly.
Portugal have placed a man under formal investigation. The man was one of three people questioned late Monday after detectives and forensic experts searched a villa. Under Portuguese law, opening a formal investigation is a first step toward possibly bringing formal charges.


I have a really bad feeling - she may not be alive if this was the act of just one psycho.
More information at Snopes:


Sorry to be critical...but to leave the children alone sleeping was negligent, IMO. A fire could have killed all 3 children (4-yr old, 2-yr. old twins).

I agree with you, BUT this is a European family, with different cultural values. Their practice of leaving the children is apparently not that uncommon in Europe.
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