Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Here's my theory on why the PI's went to the Brackenwood house:

I think KC gave clues to JB or LA on where the "nanny" had warned her she would place Caylee if she didn't follow the script....making vague references to the wooded area, the abandoned house, the 3 pavers.

She remained somewhat vague because she wasn't "positive" (eyeroll) but those would be good places to check.

She hoped they would come across the remains and her family would believe it was the Nanny that did it because she said she would if KC told on her. (eyeroll)

That is the only reason I can think of why they would check both spots.
Yes.... KC gave hints... to lots of things... ALL LIES !:liar:
But it still really R E A L LY bugggggs me that it never made her
Zanida for KILLING my BABY ! ! Find her ... search to the ends of
the EARTH.... HURRY>>>L@@K for her NOW>>> I want to make
sure ZANNY pays for what she did to my CAYLEE & for putting
me behind bars :cool::behindbar
instead...... she keeps quiet.... & ask for medication !
& never tells her side and never ask the USA/WORLD to help

Sorry ! It just makes me CRAZY and Very SAD!!!

Here's my theory on why the PI's went to the Brackenwood house:

I think KC gave clues to JB or LA on where the "nanny" had warned her she would place Caylee if she didn't follow the script....making vague references to the wooded area, the abandoned house, the 3 pavers.

She remained somewhat vague because she wasn't "positive" (eyeroll) but those would be good places to check.

She hoped they would come across the remains and her family would believe it was the Nanny that did it because she said she would if KC told on her. (eyeroll)

That is the only reason I can think of why they would check both spots.

I just re read this .... this makes some sense to me !!!!

*** C O U L D BE ! ! ! ?:waitasec:

It bugs me soooooooooooooo much !
I hope LE has it ~ ALL ~ figured out !!!

KC Needs to be punished for what she did.
NO mother lets ANYONE Take their child.... NOT Report it...
IF CHILD COMES UP DEAD>>> then PARENT?/Mother wants
to do
everything in their/ her power to hunt down the Murderer and
bring them to JUSTICE ~ Not sit in a jail cell eating snacks ! ! !

with out any tears... or pain./ or agony ! ? NO CRYING ! ! !
NO ~ M O U R N I N G ~ ! ? ! ? :confused: :confused: :confused:
:furious: :furious: :furious:\
Really ~ R E A L L Y bothers me !

& the Grandparents.... Seems like they would be
SEEKING the Murderer.....

not helping / form a Kid finder business at this time.... perhaps later!

but it just does NOT L@@K ~ RIGHT !
it just does NOT Feel RIGHT ! ! ! ! ?

It really bothers me !

God Bless !
Here's my theory on why the PI's went to the Brackenwood house:

I think KC gave clues to JB or LA on where the "nanny" had warned her she would place Caylee if she didn't follow the script....making vague references to the wooded area, the abandoned house, the 3 pavers.

She remained somewhat vague because she wasn't "positive" (eyeroll) but those would be good places to check.

She hoped they would come across the remains and her family would believe it was the Nanny that did it because she said she would if KC told on her. (eyeroll)

That is the only reason I can think of why they would check both spots.

I agree. Good theory.
No, it was a single sheet of writing paper in Casey's handwriting, I think in red ink, as a matter of fact, it was about the size of her diary pages and it was at the very beginning of the case. I saw the name and filed it in the back of my mind and just thought it was strange. She was very serious about renting a house and as I recall, didn't she use the money from her grandma to put in an escrow account to buy a house?

:waitasec: Wasn't some of the entries in the diary written in red ink? If the paper and ink match the diary, well that would be some kind of connection I would think. Or am I thinking of something else? :waitasec:
:waitasec: :confused:

I wonder if the neighbors by the abandoned house ~ ever saw
KC's car > ???
I wonder if she might have parked in that drive way sometimes...

or even used the back yard....?

It really bothers me that the PI went there poking around...

remember when the news reporter went there neighbors drove up
while they were taping the news !

Something inside me wonders ~ cause if KC will steal money
from friend AMY while she is sleeping... and
if she will drive Amy's car...and use her check book...etc...
pick her up from the Airport all at the same time...

I figure that it L@@Ks like.... she does NOT think the rules

apply to her ! ! !

cause I also think she has a fake Zanida ( SP?) Driver's License...
possibly tied to the Break in at the Blogger/ mom Zanida (SP ?)
office break in....

I believe because KC WANTS ~ she will break any law !
I believe Because KC thinks NO One will cross her....
she can do what she wants...
I believe because she watches CSI Miami she thinks she is
smarter than LE

and We will S O O N ~ see about that ! ! ! :behindbar:behindbar:behindbar


God Bless !

Sorry I just think she used that vacant house just like she
used ~ ALL ~ the people she knew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~ She's Not a very nice person !!!~~~~~~~~~ JMO:rolleyes:
I don't venture out of lurkdom often, but when you all were sleuthing and brilliantly found the Brakenwood house to be the other site that the P.I.'s were searching, it certainly seemed to mean something.....at least to me anyway.
I could be wrong, but from what I recall, wasn't the homeowners name (at the Brakenwood House) Gonzales? And the names of the residents who resided in the two homes at the end of Hopespring Dr. (in front of where Caylee was eventually found), Gonzales and a Zenieda?
If I understood correctly, then it would seem that the tip that the P.I. received could have simply been "behind the Gonzales home" and that would be the reason for searching both places.
If I have my info wrong, please feel free to let me know! Like I said, I usually just lurk as I don't hold a candle to the brilliance of some of you Websleuthers!!
I don't venture out of lurkdom often, but when you all were sleuthing and brilliantly found the Brakenwood house to be the other site that the P.I.'s were searching, it certainly seemed to mean something.....at least to me anyway.
I could be wrong, but from what I recall, wasn't the homeowners name (at the Brakenwood House) Gonzales? And the names of the residents who resided in the two homes at the end of Hopespring Dr. (in front of where Caylee was eventually found), Gonzales and a Zenieda?
If I understood correctly, then it would seem that the tip that the P.I. received could have simply been "behind the Gonzales home" and that would be the reason for searching both places.
If I have my info wrong, please feel free to let me know! Like I said, I usually just lurk as I don't hold a candle to the brilliance of some of you Websleuthers!!


Like I see you noticed...
and like it really buggs me....

These c l o s e ~ Names ~ cross-over names ~

I don't think any of this is a mistake...

I think it is TRUE ! I think God is Helping to CONVICT

KC for her wrong doings..... KC NEVER in a million years...
thought for 1 NO NOT ONE ~ SINGLE MINUTE that
would >>>>>>>>>>> KNOW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< or CARE ! ! ! ! !

she just thought... ok NOW.... I'll go on with my LIFE>>>

ME !!!!! M E !!!!! KC !!!!!! KC !!!!! KC ! ! ! ! ME ~~~
ME ~~~~~~~ MY SELF ~~~~~~~~~~~ AND I ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but she got a surprise... She took the life of one of

GOD's Little Children ! ! ! Little Angel C A Y L E E !!!!!!
HE CARES !!!!! and he is helping to provide PROOF & EVIDENCE !!!!

It is a Miracle !!!! & It will be proof to put KC :behindbar:clap:

Gonzales House !
Gonzales Name !
Zenaida House !
Zenida Name !
Zenida ZANNY?/NANNY ? !

KC / Casey Mom / Casey PI/

CMA? / CMA ? / CMA

1 dead ( The Angel that should be a l i v e & = 2 alive :liar::liar:

but guess what.........
:blowkiss::Banane12::Banane12::Banane12: Which door is the Liar BEHIND??????????????????????????????????????????????????
:eat: Jail time snacks ! ? ? ?
:Benny_monkeysmilies:treadmill: "EVIL"
:raincloud: Might just rain on your P A R A D E " KC"
What cha Gonna do ~ When they come for you !!!


God Bless !
Anyone know who's shed this is? It's pic #7: http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/19106388/detail.html

Does it look like the shed at the abandoned house?
I also have been looking for still shots of Hoover's video to compare the shed at the abandoned house and the blanket that Dominic threw out of the way while he was searching to compare to the picture's that were released by LE. The more I think about it, I feel it had to be Baez or Lee on the other line with DC the times he was out searching. He had a point of interest..the three white stones and one reporter was able to see some of DC's pictures of the search and stated that they were more telling than the video. Those pictures have not been released. I wonder what they could be?

Video of abandon house: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDxDvZLTHbA"]YouTube - Geraldo - 1/11/09 PI Video[/ame]
Yes, that is the shed on the property of the sawgrass Apartments, it was searched, nothing ever found.
Anyone know who's shed this is? It's pic #7: http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/19106388/detail.html

Does it look like the shed at the abandoned house?
I also have been looking for still shots of Hoover's video to compare the shed at the abandoned house and the blanket that Dominic threw out of the way while he was searching to compare to the picture's that were released by LE. The more I think about it, I feel it had to be Baez or Lee on the other line with DC the times he was out searching. He had a point of interest..the three white stones and one reporter was able to see some of DC's pictures of the search and stated that they were more telling than the video. Those pictures have not been released. I wonder what they could be?

Video of abandon house: YouTube - Geraldo - 1/11/09 PI Video
Yes.... KC gave hints... to lots of things... ALL LIES !:liar:
But it still really R E A L LY bugggggs me that it never made her
Zanida for KILLING my BABY ! ! Find her ... search to the ends of
the EARTH.... HURRY>>>L@@K for her NOW>>> I want to make
sure ZANNY pays for what she did to my CAYLEE & for putting
me behind bars :cool::behindbar
instead...... she keeps quiet.... & ask for medication !
& never tells her side and never ask the USA/WORLD to help

Sorry ! It just makes me CRAZY and Very SAD!!!


ITA! Another example of it's not always what someone Says, but rather what they Don't Say! She's claimed to be a victim too, yet never cries out for her tormentor to be caught!:waitasec:
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