Let's leave George & Cindy to grieve in peace & focus on Casey

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they made themselves media stars and they are going to be discussed.

In the begging they did put themselves out there because they wanted the media to show Caylee's photos. Cindy stated more than once, she didn't care where KC was or that KC will be fine, it is circumstantial evidence against her. She was in hope of finding Caylee. She believed KC; because she had too to get Caylee back.. That did work because they were so angry all the time. I think the anger was at KC but the media and protester gave them a place to put that anger. As for all the rest, it is what it is. I just want a trial now.
count me in! whether or not they helped casey cover up they did it out of the belief it was an accident .. now they are realizing its NOT . thus ga doing what he did ..leave the gp alone ..
count me in! whether or not they helped casey cover up they did it out of the belief it was an accident .. now they are realizing its NOT . thus ga doing what he did ..leave the gp alone ..

But see...apparently they still think KC is innocent. It has been suggested that he said in his suicide letter that he thought KC was innocent. So they are still in denial of her involvement...still unable to see.
What I bolded in pink is what I try to do with balance. I feel deeply that GA, CA and LA have done things for the wrong reasons, some legal and some not. It's the things that might bring charges that I can't ignore. I feel that many here can call the situation as it is without expressing hate. Calling the situation as it is is not the same as being hateful and un sympathetic. I am not a hateful person. Suspicion solves crimes, not wearing rose colored glasses. There is much bashing, not just towards the A's but towards people that don't have the same view you do. I see more of that than I do bashing of the Anthony's and that bothers me greatly. Bashing is bashing, no matter what form it's in. Frankly, I'm fed up with it.

I do feel for GA and what he did last night, but that does not change my opinion that he and his family sold out Caylee to save Casey, there is no excuse for that. I will of course express this within the terms of the TOS and will continue to do so.

Very well stated! :clap:
But see...apparently they still think KC is innocent. It has been suggested that he said in his suicide letter that he thought KC was innocent. So they are still in denial of her involvement...still unable to see.
then mabey he was unknowingly part of the coverup ? mabey cindy told him what to say and he did it out of love to her and his daughter and later figured out just what was going on ? ah who knows :( its so tragic all of it
Who was it that made the statement to the media that Cindy was mad at George over this latest incident? Was it LE? Was it their own attorney?

This type of information being given out is going to make people want to discuss it. That's just the way it is. This is a discussion forum.

I am certainly not in favor of namecalling, rudeness, etc. And the moderators here do an OUTSTANDING and swift job of seeing to it that it is not tolerated here.

But to think that no one is going to discuss the Anthonys any more - well, it just isn't going to happen.
I know this may bring a lot of protests, but I think we should turn a new leaf and focus our attention on Casey and the evidence and leave George and Cindy to grieve in peace. It is pretty clear who killed Caylee, let's focus on her. George and Cindy to this day have not been charged with anything at all. At all. Yes, there have been hints of legal trouble for Lee, but that's it.

I think the only thing they are guilty of is trying to keep faith in the fact that their daughter could not have done something this horrible. Just like most parents would. Yes, they knew she lied and stole, but I doubt the thought of murder ever crossed their minds. Put yourself in their shoes for a few minutes and try to imagine their pain and sorrow.

Peace be with you George and Cindy, you are in my thoughts and prayers . . .

Totally agree!
I agree with Tricia that the Anthony family are victims, yet are also key players in this crime-- they put themselves there through their actions.

However, as I have stated before on this forum, I try look at them and everything they have done with compassion. They are sick. They do not act the way human society expects them to act because they are sick. I do not agree with what they have done in putting Casey's interests before Caylee, but their actions are indicative of the family's dysfunction and "sickness".

My late husband was a Native American Traditional Healer-- what you would call a "medicine man." There were times in his life that he had people come to his door looking for help and healing-- people who had tried to do harm to him or one of his children-- and he did not turn them away. He always told me that it is up to the Creator to judge, not him. His job was to help people. He acknowledged that is was difficult for him to help a person he knew were spreading lies about him behind his back or conducting ceremonies to harm his family, but he had to set those feelings aside because he was taught by the Elders to have compassion for these types of people because they were "sick".

As Websleuthers (and per Tricia's comment), we do try to separate the crime and dysfunction or "sickness" from the human being, but sometimes it is difficult to do.

I think what we have here is a situation where, although many or us may not agree with George's actions, we feel the need to acknowledge his suffering and have some compassion for him. If he lied under oath or obstructed justice, that will be found out and justice will prevail. It seems like he still does not have clarity around the truth-- and that denial is probably a defense mechanism. But we should also remember that, although he is "sick" and still in denial of his daughter's actions, he loved his grandaughter and needs to be able to mourn her in private.
They've had all they can take. The A family has been crushed by a mother that never took her responsibility seriously for whatever reason. KC had a problem with pathological lying long before Caylee was ever born and as a result it became her reality and this is the destruction left in her path. GA and CA didn't ask for this........nor did they ever think it could possibly occur in their family. They simply have been handling it through their emotions and at times the wrong way but can any one of us say that we wouldn't have reacted as they have in some ways. They weren't able to protect Caylee so they reacted out of fear and did what they could to protect KC. It's natural until you get enough space to clear your head. To see things for what they really are. With so much criticism being thrown their way, I can see it only delayed the inevitable truth from sinking in. Everyone has been coming at them from all sides for months now. They couldn't even find peace in their own home with screaming protesters, cameras, reporters, etc. It's no wonder they are on the verge of breakdown. I'm not saying they handled things maturely, they reacted through emotions that ran deep and responded at whatever was being thrown their way in hopes that the truth would finally emerge as a different outcome.

Kimster said it best earlier in this thread.............

Personally, last night was a wake up call for me. These are real people going through hell on earth. I am praying for them more earnestly now. I've spent a lot of time reflecting on what it would be like if one of my sons killed my grandchild. The dynamics would have been different, my choices would have been different, but my pain would be the same.
I know this may bring a lot of protests, but I think we should turn a new leaf and focus our attention on Casey and the evidence and leave George and Cindy to grieve in peace. It is pretty clear who killed Caylee, let's focus on her. George and Cindy to this day have not been charged with anything at all. At all. Yes, there have been hints of legal trouble for Lee, but that's it.

I think the only thing they are guilty of is trying to keep faith in the fact that their daughter could not have done something this horrible. Just like most parents would. Yes, they knew she lied and stole, but I doubt the thought of murder ever crossed their minds. Put yourself in their shoes for a few minutes and try to imagine their pain and sorrow.

Peace be with you George and Cindy, you are in my thoughts and prayers . . .

I don't see them as trying to keep faith that Casey didn't do this to Caylee.

They are in DENIAL---period!!!!
When it was said GA had another job interview that day... how many has he had since Caylee went missing? I am sure he is a good employee, however, being under the microscope for so long all the media junketts and being comsumed with KC he can not hold down a job. Aside from the grieving of Caylee gone and all the BS thrusted upon them due to how they handled this from day one....................... the bad outweighing the good or normal as the people from the outside looking in............ No matter my feelings on C&G, I will not post a negative thought on this site again about them, GA's cry for help was a wake up call for me personally. I will stick to facts only and no assumptions.

Denial is the same thing as keeping faith that Casey didn't do this.

Faith is a belief, characteristically without proof. It is the confident belief in the truth of or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.

Denial is a defense mechanism in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead.

I don't see these to as being the same!! :waitasec:

The Anthony's have DENIED from the beginning that Casey has done anything wrong.

This is JMO...
With all that has been said abouth the A's- it doesn't matter which side one is on-
the thing that sticks in my mind is- the extended family of GA. Parents, siblings-etc.,
this has to be just as hard on them- they may or may not be close to CA, LA, or KC, however, GA is blood, as was Caylee. My heart goes out to them, along with prayers for their well being.
I would venture to say that most people have lived through experiences where they can "analyze" in retrospect how they may have done things differently. Let's just hope that none of us ever have to go through an experience like the one the Anthony's are going through in order to demonstrate to everyone the behaviors that are "accepted" by the general public and the media in situations like these. I would guess that most everyone who had the misfortune of having their daily lives viewed by strangers through a magnifying glass would end up under a degree of scrutiny by casual onlookers. Sound bytes do not make the person...would YOU pass the test?????
But see...apparently they still think KC is innocent. It has been suggested that he said in his suicide letter that he thought KC was innocent. So they are still in denial of her involvement...still unable to see.
Unless we are equipped to provide another mechanism by which they can protect their hearts and minds, it is not for us to peel back their shroud of denial so that they see the truth.

Truly, if they remain wrapped in denial for the remainder of their lives, it will change nothing. It will simply permit them to get out of bed each morning intact and put one foot in front of the other as they move through the day.

Denial is a useful tool. We will not see it dissipate until they are helped to use more adaptive tools. That may never happen. No one should fault them if they're never equipped to face the horror that their daughter murdered their beloved granddaughter. It's a very human response. It is one any one of us might exhibit if pushed into such a dark, dark place.

Our frustration really doesn't lie with the defense mechanisms used by distraught parents and grandparents to protect their sanity. It lies with the perpetrator of this horrendous crime.

They did not do it. They did not cause it. They are simply responding.

They may not be responding the way we'd like. But really, their response doesn't matter even a little bit when it comes to proving the case.

Why are we so intent on making them see? Their blindness is the key to their survival right now.
Do not forget Caylee. She had no voice as it was taken away. She had no choice as it was taken away. Justice for Caylee means truth. No one has heard the truth yet. Where will it come from? If we don't stand up for what we feel is right...where will Caylee's truth come from?


I think it is sooo sad for Caylee that G & C have refused to co-operate with poice into the investigation of the murder of their baby grandddaughter. They should co-operate, whether granted immunity or not. How could you not want to see justice done for an innocent baby?
I have never cared about how Cindy, George and Lee acted. I've never seen any of their interviews either. I'm interested in this case because it is an interesting one at that. Casey is a very attractive young lady who ended up killing her darling daughter. Cindy and George are simply the parents who happen to be involved because of Casey. They are not the ones, IMO who killed Caylee. If they are covering up, I don't care. If they are standing by Casey's side, I don't care. I do care about them and what they are going through though. I care that the media is having a field day with them and that nothing in their life is private.

I don't think George and Cindy knew how much this was going to effect them. I don't think they knew how much their public lives were going to be on display. I think now that Caylee was found and all the details of how she was found, has got to be hard. I truly don't think Cindy and George knew how Casey tossed Caylee out like a piece of trash. In my heart of hearts, I believe they are ANGRY at Casey but maybe afraid to show it. Maybe they don't want to be angry at her because after all she is STILL THEIR DAUGHTER who is now in jail awaiting a murder trial. Something they never thought would ever happen, I'm sure..

George and Cindy can not make a move without all eyes on them. Good God, they even have people discussing jewerly for Caylee. IMO, I personally think it's a sweet idea. I just do. There are people who bury their loved ones with something just to show love. I think the jewerly incident was just that type of act. Did it throw George over the edge? I don't know, Cindy may think it did but shouldn't that be between them and not the whole world???

Believe it or not, it was actually nice having George and Cindy out of the spotlight after Caylee was found.. Now they are back in and I'm sure not by their choice. The media is all over it. They can't even have a breakdown, or grieve the way they feel they need to without us telling them how they should be acting :boohoo:

The End! :behindbar
Faith is a belief, characteristically without proof. It is the confident belief in the truth of or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.

Denial is a defense mechanism in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead.

I don't see these to as being the same!! :waitasec:

The Anthony's have DENIED from the beginning that Casey has done anything wrong.

This is JMO...

Denial can also mean: statement that something is not true; contradiction; dissent.

Your description of denial is a subconscious act - mine is a conscious decision to deny, and that's the one I've always recognised in the A family.
George Anthony is where he is today because he is in the middle of a nightmare and is in horrible pain. Unless you have been there it is impossible to say what you would do or how you would react. George can't rectify his situation because his baby girl is dead and there is nothing he can do to bring her back. It is the loss of Caylee that has taken him to the depths of depression or the black hole as I call it. Unless you've been there it is impossible to make anyone understand what it is like. Having a child or grandchild murdered is one way to get to that place.

And lying to police about the murder of that grandchild is probably another way to get to that place.

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