Letters to Casey from Cindy and George

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Having a narcisstic in my family, I know I just toss their correspondence in file 13 without opening it. All their emails are blocked or in the junk folder. I don't answer any calls without looking at caller id.

I would bet ICA doesn't read them either, rather relying on AL, JB, and J Barrett to give her info now. And probably since Caylee was found. Remember how pizzed she and JB was about the memorial service that CA tok over against ICAs wishes. As if they counted anyway.
I'm sure many of you remember this noble statement in her letter - Cindy will die defending her daughter and fighting not to lose her. She has assigned herself the role of martyr again, while she secretly needles Casey to play along.

IMHO, Casey has washed her hands of her parents and Lee. She thought she was cutting the tie when she did away with Caylee, but these people just won't go away. She hates them and hates any happiness they find. Cindy, using passive/aggressive mechanisms knows mentioning the things she does is a cruel, secret little game to pay Casey back. I think this was the most toxic relationship between mother and daughter. So toxic an innocent little girl ended up dead.

Words can't express how much I totally agree with every word of this, Curious Me.

When I suggested earlier that I wasn't sure what it was about these letters that I found so revealing, I think I have finally figured it out for myself. Honestly, I didn't expect much from these letters. And please don't throw things at me, but I wasn't sure I even wanted to read them because - yes, I know, I know - prisoners have lost their right to privacy, but still something felt voyeuristic about reading someone's personal mail, especially from family members. However, I realize other than the early jail videos this is the only time we have seen/heard CA & GA address Casey personally. (I was going to say 'interact', but I think that takes someone responding. :rolleyes:)

We know how consumed KC is about her appearance. Yet we see CA sending her blouses she must know KC will hate (while STILL asserting her control-freak with a 'ruffles are in this year! anything is better than that blue jail jumpsuit.' IOW, doesn't matter what YOU want/think, I know what is best), we have GA sharing his concern about her weight gain, we see CA opining about how horrible her back looks after the Bella Vita tattoo pics were released....the continuing passive-agreesive tone more than implying 'Gosh, so sorry your life sucks stuck in jail, but we enjoyed our cruise so enclosing some pics to share', 'Mallory & Lee make the perfect couple', 'We enjoyed tacos w/o you', and on and on and on...

Bottom line, when Caylee was alive she was still too young to be the subject of the same criticism and not-so-subtle digs. She was George and Cindy's perfect angel and received the praise, adoration, unconditional love and approval that KC craved from her parents. IMO, due to her jealousy, part of KC hated Caylee for it. She hated her mother for it. She hated her father for it. In KC's warped mind, Caylee had to go. It solved all of her problems and punished the people she hated so much.

I don't think that is the ONLY reason she murdered Caylee, but I think it was a huge chunk of it.

If I were GA, I would be very afraid of what scenario the defense may be working on to blame him for Caylee's death. If that were the plan, then of course KC would no longer be willing to communicate with her family in any way. I suspect that she will tearfully explain at trial that she found GA and Caylee together, that GA had hurt and killed Caylee and then GA threatened KC if she didn't help him cover it all up. After all, he says that he last saw Caylee with KC and she could easily say the same thing. I have no doubt that KC is completely responsible for this horrible crime, but she has to blame someone else and poor George is the most likely suspect, IMHO.

I really hope that GA is totally fed up with the lies and the horrible allegations made by his daughter. Wouldn't it be a great thing if George finally removed himself from this insanity and surfaced as a stand up guy for his sunshine Caylee? Some of us have felt that he wanted to be honest about what really happened early on. Unfortunately, he caved under the pressure from CA I believe.

He has a second chance to be Caylee's hero. I pray he finds the strength to do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may as far as KC and CA are concerned. I believe he has a deep need to be respected and admired - he would receive that and more if he stood up for Caylee.

If I were GA, I would be very afraid of what scenario the defense may be working on to blame him for Caylee's death. If that were the plan, then of course KC would no longer be willing to communicate with her family in any way. I suspect that she will tearfully explain at trial that she found GA and Caylee together, that GA had hurt and killed Caylee and then GA threatened KC if she didn't help him cover it all up. After all, he says that he last saw Caylee with KC and she could easily say the same thing. I have no doubt that KC is completely responsible for this horrible crime, but she has to blame someone else and poor George is the most likely suspect, IMHO.


OMG....that is sobering.
Do you remember the media tours and their soundbites..... Mr. Kronk should equally have been considered a suspect as much as Ms. Anthony?

You are right, Pop could be next in line, without mercy.

If she thought it was a means to an end, and considering her silence ( not righteous indignation ) one would expect press conference denials defending Lee, I agree.... Cindy could very well ;as she has said herself , sell her soul to the devil if it would get Casey off.

That old saying, "If they'll do it with ya, they'll do it to ya", fits. If Casey, and Cindy and George can sit around a kitchen table and throw around ideas of who to blame, then surely Cindy and Casey can do the same to dad. In his FBI interview George admitted first they discussed a theory of maybe Jesse held Casey down at the park to let someone take off with Caylee, then ..hmmm maybe Zanny held Casey down at some park...who knows...these are just possibilities...I have no idea guys. ( paraphrasing ). The point is it was clear to infer indeed the possibilities were being manufactured, imo.

What an excellent point. Welcome here. We are so glad to have you with us.
I honestly think Casey feels remorse and guilt, not enough to be honest and respectful of her daughter and family but enough to cause an inconvinience to herself. She is only in contact with the people who she believes, she has persuaded into believing her innocence.
I think she knows that her family (if she stays in contact with them) will eventually see through her lies or she'll let something slip. Seeing them reminds her of her guilt, it takes her out of whatever fantasy world she has created and locked herself into with Jose. Its the 'real' world so to speak when/if she was to have them visit. I dont know if that made as much sense as it did in my head sorry i'm having a hard time finding the right way to express it.
Words can't express how much I totally agree with every word of this, Curious Me.

When I suggested earlier that I wasn't sure what it was about these letters that I found so revealing, I think I have finally figured it out for myself. Honestly, I didn't expect much from these letters. And please don't throw things at me, but I wasn't sure I even wanted to read them because - yes, I know, I know - prisoners have lost their right to privacy, but still something felt voyeuristic about reading someone's personal mail, especially from family members. However, I realize other than the early jail videos this is the only time we have CA & GA address Casey personally. (I was going to say 'interact', but I think that takes someone responding. :rolleyes:)

We know how consumed KC is about her appearance. Yet we see CA sending her blouses she must know KC will hate (while STILL asserting her control-freak with a 'ruffles are in this year! anything is better than that blue jail jumpsuit.' IOW, doesn't matter what YOU want/think, I know what is best), we have GA sharing his concern about her weight gain, we see CA opining about how horrible her back looks after the Bella Vita tattoo pics were released....the continuing passive-agreesive tone more than implying 'Gosh, so sorry your life sucks stuck in jail, but we enjoyed our cruise so enclosing some pics to share', 'Mallory & Lee make the perfect couple', 'We enjoyed tacos w/o you', and on and on and on...

Bottom line, when Caylee was alive she still too young to be the subject of the same criticism and not-so-sublte digs. She was George and Cindy's perfect angel and received the praise, adoration, unconditional love and approval that KC craved from her parents. IMO, due to her jealousy, part of KC hated Caylee for it. She hated her mother for it. She hated her father for it. In KC's warped mind, Caylee had to go. It solved all of her problems and punished the people she hated so much.

I don't think that is the ONLY reason she murdered Caylee, but I think it was a huge chunk of it.


Grandma Shirley is with you. "Casey hated Cindy, more than she loved Caylee".

That is the entire matter wrapped up in one simple, true statement.
Well, I have been reading here for 2 years and finally decided to post. I think the letters from Cindy and George are really helpful to all of us who are "looking in." We have so many of our questions answered.

We know Jose at one time was passing letters (shame on you Jose).
We know Cindy has titanium memorial jewelry (yep, we thought so........but I have always wondered if they bought Casey a bracelet or necklace to wear when she walks out of jail).
We find out that Cindy only trusts Mort now. What happened to your private PI Cindy?
We find out that Jose and Andrea are at odds about the family visits, but more important, seems like Casey is the one refusing to see her family and she is using Jose and the "excuse" of the media to cover for that.
We discover that Cindy will not stop trying to pin this on somebody else (Amy has a sister, let's check her out).
We discover George isn't happy about being called a molester (Wake up George, there may be more bad stuff down the road).
We can see the passive aggressive stuff Cindy continues feeding Casey. (I can't bear not to touch you again but boy did I have a great time on the cruise and getting my tattoo).
We can see who "didn't write to her." Has anyone ran into letters or cards from grandma Shirley or Uncle Rick?
We can see that Casey is still being a spiteful b, as her parents beg her to acknowledge them in court, even glance at them for a moment.
And I guess we can reason that Casey has yet to write a letter to anyone in her family. That must cut them to the core.

Yes, I did learn quite a bit of family dynamics from this dump!

Wonderful posting thanks. I hope you don't mind if I append a few followup questions and thoughts.

We know Jose at one time was passing letters (shame on you Jose).
Yeah we have "known" that, but seeing it in writing from CA is another matter. I wonder of that opens up any ethical or bar related issues for JB?

We know Cindy has titanium memorial jewelry (yep, we thought so........but I have always wondered if they bought Casey a bracelet or necklace to wear when she walks out of jail).
suspicion is no. Remember CA's controlling nature. And how it related to the funeral and final arrangements. I'm betting CA is keeping Caylee close to her. It is a less than subtle eternal jab to KC that Caylee is Cindy's. Granted it would be very very telling to actually know if CA planned on equipping KC with one of the settings, as it is a clear indication of what CA's real state of mind regarding KC and her guilt or innocence is. Do we know how many pieces of jewelry were made? I wonder if that is something that LE would or could inquire into. If not to convict KC than to impeach CA or possibly use as part of any legal action taken against Cindy.

We find out that Cindy only trusts Mort now. What happened to your private PI Cindy?
I think it's probably safe to assume that Cindy only trusts the voices in her own head. It's been that way for a long long time. Trust is rather obviously not a foundation that that family is built around. She trusts noone, and only believes that which fits her world view.

We find out that Jose and Andrea are at odds about the family visits, but more important, seems like Casey is the one refusing to see her family and she is using Jose and the "excuse" of the media to cover for that.
we've actually known that from very early on. KC pulled her parents from the allowed visitors list at the jail. That has not changed to this day. More interesting is the conflict between JB and AL. Which we have seen other subtle signs of in more recent times. The two are obviously working at cross purposes and goals. I have long suspected that CM was brought on board in part to help strengthen AL's position against JB.

We discover that Cindy will not stop trying to pin this on somebody else (Amy has a sister, let's check her out).
and won't she be surprised when her darling daughter seeks to throw her under the bus. She hasn't figured out yet that that excited utterance 911 call is really the only thing preventing her from being bumped up to 'likely suspect #2". Something that I am sure JB is wanting to capitalize on. Without the tape CA becomes the one in the power struggle with KC over Caylee, and reports of a violent incident where she attacked KC the night before.

We discover George isn't happy about being called a molester (Wake up George, there may be more bad stuff down the road).
and it is so predictable. Straight out of the sociopaths handbook. George had to truly be a fool if that one surprised him in any way.

We can see the passive aggressive stuff Cindy continues feeding Casey. (I can't bear not to touch you again but boy did I have a great time on the cruise and getting my tattoo).
Cindy's ongoing and seemingly insane support for KC is not an act of love. It never has been. Much of Cindy's actions and statements have been designed to keep up a sterling public face, while at the same time grinding it into KC in as many painful and subtle ways that she can. It's about petty vengeance while preserving the all important public image.

We can see who "didn't write to her." Has anyone ran into letters or cards from grandma Shirley or Uncle Rick?
or Lee

We can see that Casey is still being a spiteful b, as her parents beg her to acknowledge them in court, even glance at them for a moment.
And I guess we can reason that Casey has yet to write a letter to anyone in her family. That must cut them to the core.
yep the pure mean spirited petty disfunction to one another continues even with the horrific loss of Caylee. Truly sad isn't it. In KC's case this is all just another sign of what a truly narcisistic and sociopathic personality she is. Most of us cannot imagine walking away from our family like that. Whereas the sociopath can simply turn it off like a switch and adapt to whatever serves them next. They operate on the illusion of feelings and empathy and as such can shut them down or dismiss them pretty much at will.
I honestly think Casey feels remorse and guilt, not enough to be honest and respectful of her daughter and family but enough to cause an inconvinience to herself. She is only in contact with the people who she believes, she has persuaded into believing her innocence.
I think she knows that her family (if she stays in contact with them) will eventually see through her lies or she'll let something slip. Seeing them reminds her of her guilt, it takes her out of whatever fantasy world she has created and locked herself into with Jose. Its the 'real' world so to speak when/if she was to have them visit. I dont know if that made as much sense as it did in my head sorry i'm having a hard time finding the right way to express it.


I know what you are saying. Eddie Murphy joked about this type of thing in one of his stand up routines

"Don't be fooled fellas. It is the shy one's you've gotta watch! They slutted it up in their old neighborhood, moved to your town and got "shy" "

It is like the gal that marries into a wealthy, cultured family and her shady past has to be a secret she takes to her grave, she cuts off all ties to those other people and places she used to know and just blocks it out as if that was never her. Is that what you mean?
I really hope that GA is totally fed up with the lies and the horrible allegations made by his daughter. Wouldn't it be a great thing if George finally removed himself from this insanity and surfaced as a stand up guy for his sunshine Caylee? Some of us have felt that he wanted to be honest about what really happened early on. Unfortunately, he caved under the pressure from CA I believe.

He has a second chance to be Caylee's hero. I pray he finds the strength to do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may as far as KC and CA are concerned. I believe he has a deep need to be respected and admired - he would receive that and more if he stood up for Caylee.


Gosh I'm so jaded by the whole Anthony clan that by now I think if George stands up and does the right thing-it won't be for Caylee. He's had plenty of time and opportunity to do that. I'm afraid that if he stands up and does the right thing it will be because he's seen the light and it's coming from the headlights of a monster bus and KC is the driver!!
Watch out George!

I can hear KC singing this as she steps on the gas!
I honestly think Casey feels remorse and guilt, not enough to be honest and respectful of her daughter and family but enough to cause an inconvinience to herself. She is only in contact with the people who she believes, she has persuaded into believing her innocence.
I think she knows that her family (if she stays in contact with them) will eventually see through her lies or she'll let something slip. Seeing them reminds her of her guilt, it takes her out of whatever fantasy world she has created and locked herself into with Jose. Its the 'real' world so to speak when/if she was to have them visit. I dont know if that made as much sense as it did in my head sorry i'm having a hard time finding the right way to express it.

By all observation KC does appear to be a true sociopath. A true narcisist. What this means is no, she does not feel the guilt or remorse that you are thinking of. At all. At least not for the acts you are thinking of. She feels no guilt or remorse for what happened to Caylee. She will however feel remorse for what has happened to herself as a result of what happened to Caylee. ie "she is suffering in jail". "OMG they want to murder her". her mother did this to her when she called the police in. etc etc. It is always how it impacts her. She may feel a minor regret that Caylee is no longer hers so to speak. She's lost a toy. But actual guilt over the act or murder. Nope. She is simply not wired that way.

It's a very hard concept for someone who has not experienced someone like this to grasp. All emotions are tied to themselves. All feelings are tied to themselves. They can turn off others at a whim and at will. Those mental connective ties to others that all of us have a simply not there, or are wired completely differently. This is what allows KC to casually accuse her father and brother of molesting her. Most of us could not do that because of those mental and emotional ties we have with such close family members. KC has none.
Still trying to catch up with all the letters here, I have to take frequent breaks from them all. ( And, it's still a bit early to pull out the Kettle One. ) However, one of the most enlightening things I have read is Cindy's clinging to Mort, her new Dom. It screams D Casey has turned states side, and I so look forward to all he has to share.
I'm no psychiatrist, but I have been to therapy (kinda like I'm not a lawyer but I've seen one on TV? Oh well, never mind). Anyway, I see several pathological symptoms revealed in these letters. First, Cindy is not just in denial -- in an effort to protect herself from the unbearable truth, she appears to have gone into complete disassociation from the horror or what her daughter has done. She cannot help herself at this point, it is not a completely conscious choice. Her mind just CANNOT deal with the facts. Casey HAS to be innocent or Cindy cannot cope. And it's apparent she still has not completely accepted that Caylee is dead even though she sometimes talks about her being gone and wears her ashes around her neck. God help her when and if reality breaks through.

Second, there is a lot of what my therapist referred to as "magical thinking" going on in this family. They all have these mysterious "connections" that allow them to know what they others are thinking, know when something is wrong. Like the special mother/daughter connection that allowed Casey to know Caylee was safe and close to home, Cindy knowing ahead of time that something was wrong the day Caysey fell in the elevator, etc. etc.

Third, there appears to be a very unhealthy level of "enmeshment" between family members. Many have commented on it. It's evident in the things that bother us the most, ie the A's preoccupation with Casey's physical beauty, the need to hold her and hug her, Cindy's obvious inability to even conceive of life without Casey living with them.
They all "need" each other much too much. They are all one unit, the family "united". Don't know that I'm explaining it all that well.

All IMO of course. We have observed and commented on the family dynamics since this case began, and these letters have provided us with a unique insight into what they think and how they interact. Any mental health experts out there willing to express what they observe?
I haven't caught up with the entire thread yet, but it's so apparent Casey wants nothing to do with her family. She wrote Robyn and Maya how many letters? Yet not one to Cindy, George, or Lee - even with all of their begging and pleading. Robyn and Maya seemed more important to Casey than her own family.
If I were GA, I would be very afraid of what scenario the defense may be working on to blame him for Caylee's death. If that were the plan, then of course KC would no longer be willing to communicate with her family in any way. I suspect that she will tearfully explain at trial that she found GA and Caylee together, that GA had hurt and killed Caylee and then GA threatened KC if she didn't help him cover it all up. After all, he says that he last saw Caylee with KC and she could easily say the same thing. I have no doubt that KC is completely responsible for this horrible crime, but she has to blame someone else and poor George is the most likely suspect, IMHO.

WOW mrsj and World, hadn't thought about it that way. This could very well be why Casey hasn't seen her parents or answered their letters. There are even more reasons the defense could suggest that George should have been considered a suspect than there are reasons that Kronk should be considered. So why did they go there with Kronk, but not George? George was one of the last people to see Caylee alive, George may have molested Casey, the duct tape belonged to and was used by George, etc.

I'm going to go a little further here with something that I have said before. In her jailhouse letters, Casey not only reveals that Lee molested her and George may have, but she talks about something that only she and her attorneys know -- that she was about to secretly take Caylee and leave. IMO the defense will suggest she was leaving because of the recovered memories of what George did to her and her need to protect Caylee from him. They will present that Casey knew her mother would never believe her seeing as how she never believed her when she told her what Lee was doing. They could suggest that George found out that Casey was recovering her memories, found out she was leaving, killed Caylee and threatened to do the same to Casey.

The only problem with our ideas is that I don't think they will put Casey on the stand. Can the defense go there, by questioning Casey's jailhouse friends about what she may have revealed to them and presenting what Casey said in those letters?
WOW mrsj and World, hadn't thought about it that way. This could very well be why Casey hasn't seen her parents or answered their letters. There are even more reasons the defense could suggest that George should have been considered a suspect than there are reasons that Kronk should be considered. So why did they go there with Kronk, but not George? George was one of the last people to see Caylee alive, George may have molested Casey, the duct tape belonged to and was used by George, etc.

I'm going to go a little further here with something that I have said before. In her jailhouse letters, Casey not only reveals that Lee molested her and George may have, but she talks about something that only she and her attorneys know -- that she was about to secretly take Caylee and leave. IMO the defense will suggest she was leaving because of the recovered memories of what George did to her and her need to protect Caylee from him. They will present that Casey knew her mother would never believe her seeing as how she never believed her when she told her what Lee was doing. They could suggest that George found out that Casey was recovering her memories, found out she was leaving, killed Caylee and threatened to do the same to Casey.

The only problem with our ideas is that I don't think they will put Casey on the stand. Can the defense go there, by questioning Casey's jailhouse friends about what she may have revealed to them and presenting what Casey said in those letters?

Don't give 'em any ideas! About three hours after AZ lawyer posted a possible strategy recently, it wound up, miraculously in a defense motion. (Kidding.. I'm kidding)

You are brilliant..all the stuff you mention could create doubt in some jurors minds. If the defense has Mr. Anthony on the stand they can pound him with these question and let the jury infer what they will without necessarily saying pop did it. I need one of the lawyers to help us. They wont be asking about any molestation, but they may get by with asking
isnt it true the duct tape belonged to you sir and not your daughter;
isn't it true indeed it was still in your possession..if it will help your memory look at these news clips provided by local reporter, Ms. Belich, here you are sir, we see you using it hanging up posters;
isn't it true it is you who deals with the back of that trunk with your detailing of cars experience from your dad's dealership years;
isn't it true you were the last one seen with Caylee;
isn't it true that both the garbage bags and the laundry bag are the same or similar to the ones in your home;
isn't it true that it is your fingerprints on the pool ladder;
did you try to kill yourself after the incident;
isn't it true you were not at work during the time the searches for chloroform and neck breaking were done on your home computer;
in your years of police work you would have learned how to cover up a crime;
have you lied to the police or federal agents or in any depo, criminal or civil in this case,
we can show you the transcripts if not play tape of the contradictory testimony you gave, if that will refresh your memory
Sir were you lying then or are you lying now?
Isn't it true your daughter does not wish to see you ; when was the last time she took a visit with you; isn't it true that despite your begging she has not written you one letter in two years;
and they will let the jury take all that back to the jury room to consider.
I do believe George knows or should have already been counseled to expect this and worse. Casey will sit there, flat affect, preening her hair .....throughout.

Then they will do the same to Cindy and Lee too, who had access also. In closing arguments they will say there is no proof beyond a reasonable doubt that one of the other family members couldn't just have likely killed this baby, or the baby drowned/ had some accident and they panicked and tried to stage a kidnapping and his the body in the woods, not one shred of physical evidence the state has shown you points to her more than any of them. For the love of God people, the baby's body was put there after Caylee was jailed. That leaves those three. Can't you just hear that out of Jose or Cheney?

The good news is there is the other evidence that will help the prosecution, and imo she will indeed be convicted. I am only saying I would not for a second put it past the defense taking this course of action, with Casey's full and enthusiastic approval to do so.
Lee, it is inevitable, they will do it to you too.
Cindy, make that three helmets.
WOW mrsj and World, hadn't thought about it that way. This could very well be why Casey hasn't seen her parents or answered their letters. There are even more reasons the defense could suggest that George should have been considered a suspect than there are reasons that Kronk should be considered. So why did they go there with Kronk, but not George? George was one of the last people to see Caylee alive, George may have molested Casey, the duct tape belonged to and was used by George, etc.

I'm going to go a little further here with something that I have said before. In her jailhouse letters, Casey not only reveals that Lee molested her and George may have, but she talks about something that only she and her attorneys know -- that she was about to secretly take Caylee and leave. IMO the defense will suggest she was leaving because of the recovered memories of what George did to her and her need to protect Caylee from him. They will present that Casey knew her mother would never believe her seeing as how she never believed her when she told her what Lee was doing. They could suggest that George found out that Casey was recovering her memories, found out she was leaving, killed Caylee and threatened to do the same to Casey.

The only problem with our ideas is that I don't think they will put Casey on the stand. Can the defense go there, by questioning Casey's jailhouse friends about what she may have revealed to them and presenting what Casey said in those letters?

Then again she could just be a pathological liar.

She had no money, no job, no income other than what she could steal.
Her 'plans to leave' are about as solid as her plan to tour the country in an RV when she gets out of jail..
I'm no psychiatrist, but I have been to therapy (kinda like I'm not a lawyer but I've seen one on TV? Oh well, never mind). Anyway, I see several pathological symptoms revealed in these letters. First, Cindy is not just in denial -- in an effort to protect herself from the unbearable truth, she appears to have gone into complete disassociation from the horror or what her daughter has done. She cannot help herself at this point, it is not a completely conscious choice. Her mind just CANNOT deal with the facts. Casey HAS to be innocent or Cindy cannot cope. And it's apparent she still has not completely accepted that Caylee is dead even though she sometimes talks about her being gone and wears her ashes around her neck. God help her when and if reality breaks through.

Second, there is a lot of what my therapist referred to as "magical thinking" going on in this family. They all have these mysterious "connections" that allow them to know what they others are thinking, know when something is wrong. Like the special mother/daughter connection that allowed Casey to know Caylee was safe and close to home, Cindy knowing ahead of time that something was wrong the day Caysey fell in the elevator, etc. etc.

Third, there appears to be a very unhealthy level of "enmeshment" between family members. Many have commented on it. It's evident in the things that bother us the most, ie the A's preoccupation with Casey's physical beauty, the need to hold her and hug her, Cindy's obvious inability to even conceive of life without Casey living with them.
They all "need" each other much too much. They are all one unit, the family "united". Don't know that I'm explaining it all that well.

All IMO of course. We have observed and commented on the family dynamics since this case began, and these letters have provided us with a unique insight into what they think and how they interact. Any mental health experts out there willing to express what they observe?

Excellent observations, steadychick. I didn't know what to call it but your description of 'enmeshment' in the family is spot on. One thing that bothered me in Mallory's letter was her telling of the incident with Lee's bracelet. The security guard accidentally cuts it, and she fears that Lee will go ballistic. She sounded actually surprised when he didn't. I don't know if that speaks more about his anger management issues or enmeshment, or both.
Ya know TWA, I said somethings like your theory after more docs were released about the lack of forensic evidence that clearly shows who and how Caylee was murdered.

I still have that theory that Caylee was murdered on June 16, 08 while the fight was on going or finished and CA and GA were present. Due to the lack of definitive forensic evidence I can see all the As being blamed/charged. Most here thought I had an off the wall theory but as more and more evidence like these letters get released, the more I see the bus actually hitting all four As in one or more typed of charges to Caylees murder.
page 15069

"Every day is a struggle for you and I can't even begin to compare my struggles to yours. At least I have most Caylee's things to hold close when I can't bear not to smell or touch her. Teddy & Baby are being loved."

The ultimate DIG!

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