Letters to Casey from Cindy and George

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You're right they're totally contrived! I am seeing them in a whole new light after reading those...Cindy's little 'zings' are just great! George's final letter shows up all the rest as total BS too, no great shock in him as regards to her having already 'destroyed Caylee' he's known that all along....really looking forward to seeing Cindy on the stand!

Not through the thread yet, but I saw your title "Letters to Casey from Cindy and George" and I instantly thought of them trying to publish a book by that name, totally filled with lovey-dovey letters to Casey.

Yep, especially with Cindy's ego, I can totally see that happening...or worse, "Letters to Caylee from Cindy and George"

I am not surprised at all. Look how easily Casey disassociated herself from her own daughter and the horrible circumstances of her heinous murder, going out partying and carrying on as if nothing in the world had happened.

Disconnecting from her parents is a breeze, I'm sure, compared to that. It's Casey's way of dealing with things -- if she doesn't have to see it, hear it, live it, be reminded of it, then it doesn't exist. She thereby frees herself up so that she can live in a world of her own choosing, a world containing only what she wants it to contain.

It's probably extremely easy for her to dissociate herself from the outside world. Remember, when she first went to jail, she had Jose B. Then she struck up friendships with jailmates, writing extensive letters to them to pass her days, there was also attorney Jose G. whom she developed a crush on. So much to look forward to, Mom and Dad were so yesterday. By this time, she's accustomed to her jail cell. Who cares about seeing the parents? She's content where she is. I can understand not wanting to see Cindy. :blushing:
Not through the thread yet, but I saw your title "Letters to Casey from Cindy and George" and I instantly thought of them trying to publish a book by that name, totally filled with lovey-dovey letters to Casey.

Yep, especially with Cindy's ego, I can totally see that happening...or worse, "Letters to Caylee from Cindy and George"


Just when you think they cannot possibly be any more loathsome than they already are.... ugh- I am sure you are right, Caylee's name will be on it somehow, gotta rake in that $$$
Respectfully Quoted ynotdivein :)

Nutshell for me, thank you. That is and has been my bias in this case, I have always suspected what you describe as the dynamic between Cindy and Casey. It is my bias because I see my mother(and grandmother)as being this way. They IMHO, were cruel. And, if confronted(which didn't happen often)they either acted as though they did not know what you were talking about(or change the story to something new)-or say they were doing it out of "love."

But my mother did not allow us to misbehave or act out in any way. There were consequences for our actions. Casey got a narcissistic mother who also enabled her daughter's narcissism. My mother was trained to feel empathy for her mother, but not her children. My siblings and I were trained to have sympathy for everyone else but ourselves, and especially to have empathy for my mother. The empathy for everyone else was so we would be "good" people in other people's eyes, and for my mother that was how she could show what a good job she had done. Cindy liked to show a different kind of "perfection" to the world and so taught her children to wear that mask.

If I get some of Cindy's letters right, she is all like: "Casey you don't deserve to be in there, I am fighting for you and Caylee, we can get through this because we fight and you are being framed and LE isn't going to get away with this. When we do win, because you/we are so obviously the underdogs being picked on, our lives will be great because Caylee didn't die for no reason because AL can get you into her law school and JoJo has your drivers license ready for you, he kept it updated." (severely paraphrased, of course)

Websleuthers pointed out that Cindy and George are probably trying to keep things upbeat and I can see that(plus that it is hard to write people that are in jail, what do you say?)but there is that "something else" in there that is uniquely Cindy(and George). It is exactly what was pointed out by ynot and other sleuthers in similar posts, reading between the lines are the "digs."

My mother would complain of her mother getting in her "digs" in the guise of being a "loving mother", in fact it was the bane of her existence, even after my grandmother died my mother wonders why her mother said and did the cruel things she did...and my siblings and I have the same complaint of my mother and she truly thinks we are liars or she can't understand why we would think her love is anything other than that, love.

So, I ask myself "is Cindy/crazy or just mean?" Even having the mother I did, I still don't have the answer about my mother. None of this excuses Casey, being hurt like that made me want to never hurt others in that way. I do agree that Casey hurting Caylee was to hurt Cindy, and that each has been just as mean to the other, although Cindy had to have started it(she is the mother)I think it is Casey that was set on ending it. Sometimes I see Cindy as the more "cruel" because if she is as cold hearted as her actions, then she never loved Casey or Caylee and Casey getting rid of Caylee and in turn getting rid of herself(if given the DP or LWOP) doesn't hurt Cindy at all. Especially, if she receives her "narcissistic supply" from being the grieving grandmother in her convicted daughter's size four jeans.


bold is mine.

ITA with your post. That one bolded part about your mother is my mother to a T. And I absolutely agree with you about Cindy. She'd rather hide her family secrets in a dark closet and make her children wear masks of perfection than teach them morals and make them face consequences. Instead, she plays harsh and cruel headgames, all the while shoving them into society as perfect people. No wonder Casey is the way she is. She learned at her mother's knee that life is what Cindy says it is, and you better stand behind no matter what anyone else says or what you know to be the truth. There's only "mistruths" and "halftruths".

These letters only worsen the suspicions I had about this family. Cindy is totally torturing Casey anyway she can, and further, I think she LIKES doing it and likes the thought of how much Casey must be tortured. It's sick that she's willing to tear down Casey like this even Casey did murder Caylee. It's like she's making sure Casey pays for taking Caylee way in every painful way possible. I think if it were up to Cindy, SHE'D be the one to put the needle in Casey's arm. She's only against the death penalty because she knows she wouldn't be in charge of it or get to carry it out.

For the first time ever, I feel a bit sympathy for Casey for growing up under a most horrific parent. If this is what it was like for Casey everyday of her life, and then to have sweet, innocent Caylee come along and be reminded everyday of how not perfect she is in comparison to Caylee, yes, I can see her snapping and thinking the only way out was to kill Caylee. Of course, she also just could have left and started over somewhere. So my sympathy stops at her ultimate choice here.

And her father and brother just bowed their hands and let Cindy do what she did everyday so they wouldn't face more of her wrath. Maybe they were glad Casey got the brunt of it, and maybe George can't understand why she'd destroy him and Lee because they literally didn't DO ANYTHING to her or for her over the years. George seems to think the LACK of action on his part exonerates him somehow. How dare Casey accuse him of DOING something when she knows he DIDN'T DO anything. Cindy's the bad one because of all of things she DID do.

Hate to tell you this, George, but not doing anything can be worse than doing something. I bet she hates you and Lee for knowing what went on in that house and not doing a damn thing to help her. No wonder she's set more on destroying the two of you than Cindy. And trying to help Casey now is just way too little, way too late.
I also think if there was abuse of any kind, it was at the hands of Cindy. Obviously there was truckload of mental abuse, and if she was anything like my mom, there was also hair pulling and slapping. I believe it also possibly went beyond that. I believe Cindy did whatever she could do to control Casey and make Casey feel worthless and unloved, all to make Cindy a perfect mother no matter what the cost. Why teach Casey morals and that there's rules to follow when it's more painful and effective to chastise her for all the things she continues to do wrong? Cindy didn't try to fix Casey because it was easier, in her mind, to control Casey by letting her be out of control and then having Cindy make her pay for it each time. "I've done nothing but be a perfect mother to you, and look what you've done!" (I can totally hear her saying that, too). It was a sick game Cindy got into and enjoyed on top of that. Add in Casey being sociopathic and narcisstic, and it's a perfect recipe for disaster once Casey decided to NOT let her mother control her and tell her what to do anymore.

It's also ironic that they're so worried about losing Casey that they are ignoring the one child that could bring them more grandchildren and happiness. If Lee is still as mad as Cindy says he was in that one letter, they aren't going to have any children left after all of this is said and done. Yet George says he will be a grandfather again.

The dysfunction of this one family is just mind blowing. I'm surprised Cindy allowed Casey to live to get into a jail cell in the first place. George and Lee just need to cut ties with her and get far away. And Cindy needs her own padded cell and straitjacket stat because the only reality she will ever believe is the one she continues to make up.

I think Casey divorced herself from this family, and has not looked back since. I think her mother's continued torturing does weigh on her (for a few minutes), but she must be happy to be surrounded by her "boys" in court, and then to get back to her "independent" jail cell and make a whole new reality Anthony free for herself. No wonder she doesn't write them or even acknowledge them. No wonder she's willing to write to complete strangers instead of her only family. She's desperately trying to make a new replacement family for herself, anything to stay away from her real parents and brother. Her sociopathic and narcisstic nature just makes this easier for her to do than for people who actually have feelings.
I don't think Cindy's personality is passive aggressive -- I think she's just plain aggressive. But because the situation won't allow her to be overt with it, she has to resort to sticking it to her daughter in a less obvious way, but in a way that she knows will cut Casey to the core.

I think Cindy's motives are complex -- this is not about a loving mother trying to support her rotten, murderous child because she deeply and selflessly loves the child (even if she hates what she's done). I believe very much that it's about Cindy's trying to preserve whatever she can of the ideal fantasy she maintains for her own psychological benefit, while at the same time finding ways to vent her anger and let her "beloved" daughter know just how much utter contempt she really has for her.


Have to agree with you. That's exactly how it appears to me, too. Why else would she be sending pictures of Caylee in her car seat inside the car? Why would she be sending pictures of Caylee with notes on them signed FROM Caylee? Why give KC a Mother's Day card? These are NOT loving gestures. These are 'rub salt in your wounds' kind of gestures. Obviously KC knows exactly what Cindy is doing, therefore, no touching family visits. I don't believe Jose is the one who's blocking those visits. I believe it's KC. Jose is covering for her to the media saying it's because the tapes will be released. KC refusing to see her family looks far worse than Jose saying they can't visit. Cindy blaming the media for lack of visits keeps up the facade that theirs is a loving family and Cindy is a great mom.
Can any of us really blame Cindy for reacting this way to Casey? Heck I have expected this type of reaction all along from Cindy, George and Lee. To me it is the more normal reaction than what they have shown to the public. I look at it this way, if they really support Casey and send her nothing but loving, heartfelt letters then they are saying that Caylee didn't matter. If they say the loving things to the public but send her the "hurtfull" letters privately then they are letting Casey know that they do not approve of what she has done, they are wanting to take Caylee's side but feel they have to show public support for Casey. I personally would have nothing to do at all with Casey if she were my child or sister or any other family member. What Casey did was wrong, there was no need for it, she is completely evil. A person like that can not be helped so why continue to support them? I guess I just can see why Cindy is "passive-aggressive" since if it were me I would just be aggressive.
I read the letters and had to take a walk for fresh air. This "family" should be the poster clan for disfuntional studies!
Too much to comment on here but I take the words of GA and observing his behavior throughout all this circus and am 100% convinced he did in some way get sexual with KC. W A I T!! I am not about to defend KC. I am just stating an opinion about one of the wackadoos.

There is just too much about him to comment on, but one thing is obvious. he is hung up on HIS needs. He misses getting KC's hugs the most (she is an adult now G!) He misses his "strong women". A weak male giving in to female dominance (CA example) is common among molesters. Not relevant to the murder of an innocent child other than to say this;

I sincerely believe KC plans to use her Papa Joe as a scapegoat. I also believe she is capable of taking her own twisted motivations for killing her child and putting that on GA by saying she was protecting Caylee from her "papa" molesting Cayle. It has been done before and I think this is the card KC will use when she is truly backed up against the wall with all the evidence, so she can only hope for a lighter sentence (or none at all) by saying she had to protect Kaylee from the "monster' papa.
In the beginning KC wanted ONLY to see her dad. Now she avoids him in the most obvious and public way possible. She is making some kind of plan and it won't be good for her dad. I never make predictions, but I feel certain this will come into the court proceedings in a big way. What a 'family'!
All MHO of course
I do find George's letters a bit creepy. I also thought it creepy when he'd visit her in jail and call her "beautiful" and "gorgeous". It has nothing to do with the fact that I don't find Casey the least bit attractive. It's just creepy that a father would say that to his daughter, and to a daughter who's in jail for murdering his own grandchild!

I try to put myself in her place, and I can't imagine getting letters like that from my dad. I think it would send chills up my spine to read my dad just wants to hug me, especially knowing that he knew I killed my child. :eek:

I can't compare Cindy's letters to my mom because I know I wouldn't have been around to receive any letters. My mother would have killed me if I had bumped off my child. No doubt about it. My daughter reminds me of that quite frequently when I talk about Cindy and say, "My mother would have never done that." Daughter says, "Your mother would have been the one in jail for killing you.", and she's right. No way would my mother have gone 30+ days without knowing where her grandchild was! :rolleyes:

I do agree with the posters who say Cindy was an abusive mother. How dare her children do anything unbecoming the family! I'm sure Casey got the brunt of it because Casey was the imperfect child. It is interesting how they ignore Lee, even now, even in the letters, putting more emphasis on Mallory and the turtle than on Lee. He must feel great about that. :snooty:

INMATE Casey Anthony writes in letters to fellow inmate Robyn that her attorneys have passed letters and other contraband, including an American Greeting card and bracelet and a writing pen - a THIRD DEGREE FELONY

Conway admits to media that it was done
Lee Anthony admits it was done in texts to his parents
Cindy Anthony writes in a letter to INMATE Casey that it was done
Cindy Anthony did it herself at the courthouse and told Good Morning America about it
George Anthony told River that it was done
When will the guilty parties be held accountable for this FELONY?


Super Duper Quote Respect Think Tank! :)

Amazing work! BBM: THANK YOU! Yes. When?!! Is the law the law...or? I thought JB got past this one...this has been known by WS for a while(in my experience of reading at WS I saw many who thought JB had been passing these letters for the Anthonys)...is it that the "authorities" are unaware? Or they just don't care?

Why shouldn't Casey, Cindy, JB and "the rest" believe they can do, say and get away with anything? Just as in Casey's life with George and Cindy...there seem to be no consequences to their(JB, the defense team, etc.) actions? Boo! Boo!! I say. :furious:

I just watched a show about Folsom(sp?)prison. They showed the officer opening every one of the envelopes sent to inmates and doing an inspection. He said all mail must come through them, be looked at by them...that it was a big job but it had to be done. I know that must be true of all jails...people could send a lot of things in the mail but ICA is special...ya know. :sick:

I'm not saying this to be mean or glib but in all seriousness, I have to really question CA's sanity. I mean to pursue a fantasy of a live Caylee and actually ask an investigator to follow up? I wonder if this will have an effect on her credibility as she testifies? I seriously do not in all seriousness understand how she is not institutionalized for a period of time. I think she could be dangerously delusional.


Perhaps that's what they want the public to think. If Cindy is seriously delusional and has mental issues perhaps her testimony can't be relied upon. Including her remark about the car smell. :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:

I put nothing past this defense. They don't want Cindy's testimony in at all. And I can understand why. But Cindy will never truthfully testify about what could really sink her daughter- what really went down in that argument on the 15th. She'll never admit that argument on the stand. Because ultimately as we have all surmised that argument was the catalyst for Casey killing Caylee. It may not have been the ultimate reason but I firmly believe it was the catalyst for the murder. Because Caylee's murder shows rage. You would have to be in a rage to put not one but THREE strips of tape across your little 2 year old daughters face.

INMATE Casey Anthony writes in letters to fellow inmate Robyn that her attorneys have passed letters and other contraband, including an American Greeting card and bracelet and a writing pen - a THIRD DEGREE FELONY

Conway admits to media that it was done
Lee Anthony admits it was done in texts to his parents
Cindy Anthony writes in a letter to INMATE Casey that it was done
Cindy Anthony did it herself at the courthouse and told Good Morning America about it
George Anthony told River that it was done
When will the guilty parties be held accountable for this FELONY?


Excellent! When I saw your comprehensive list I was singing and dancing around my kitchen...this is how we do it!!!! for Think Tank
it is my virtual throw you a party. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjfDPHT5Ik8[/ame] Great job!
Quote Respect AZlawyer :)

I think this is what the "also" means. IMHO, George wants to ask Casey; "why do/did you want to destroy ME?" But, he can't ask that because he is afraid of the answer(s)he will get. Not necessarily the "incest/molestation" accusation having to be true(I don't know that it is or isn't)but George has done enough "negative" stuff that Casey could throw back in his face.

My father is much like George. He had the role of my mother's "fourth child" her words, not mine. He could not stand up for us because he was too busy covering up for himself and protecting himself. George calls Casey, beautiful and gives her compliments to butter her up and get his way: my guess is this is how George operates with all women(people) and it works sometimes but not all the time. When my dad wanted something from me, "don't tell mommy" he would find ways to flatter me(with my dad it was usually a twenty or promise of a ice cream) and then ask for what it was he wanted.

It's a kind of emotional molestation, imho and it may be dynamics such as this between Casey and her father that causes/caused her to claim George had sexually molested her. At one point as a young adult I was attempting to leave my parents house by staying with a friend but my parents wanted me home. I began to tell my father(over the phone)of the cruel things my mother did and said when he wasn't around and his response to me was, "the next thing you know you'll be accusing me of sexually molesting you." I was as shocked when he said it and I still think about it because I don't know why he said such a thing unless he felt he had used manipulation to get what he wanted from me, which is how I had felt. I think George runs with mega guilt when it comes to confronting Casey between his behavior and not doing anything about Cindy and the way she treated Casey. Of course there were plenty of times when it was Casey and Cindy against George, imo. When my mom was uber mad at my dad she started mocking my dad in front of us and invited us to join in..."look how drunk your dad is kids, look how stupid he is...etc." Of course she would flip flop eventually when she was mad at us and join forces with him. The "changing loyalties" is another dynamic I see at work in the Anthony home, it makes enemies under one roof out of what is supposed to be the ultimate loving safe place to be. It is some of this dynamic which causes Casey to be and feel quite safe incarcerated. IMO. Jail is kind of like home, yet also "safer" than home...although this is not the true reality but to Casey it is better than being with her parents.


ITA! The thanks button wasn't enough. I like the words "emotional molestation" because that is exactly what I think the abuse in the household was. I've never thought that there was direct sexual abuse, but you articulated what I was trying to get at in my last post. Manipulation can make you feel very very violated, almost as much as sexual abuse. They are not the same, but both can really mess a person up. I know from experience that manipulators are one of the worst people out there. They don't even have to touch you, and they can make you feel violated, betrayed, and worthless. And when you have multiple people emotionally manipulating you all the time - George with his sweet words and bribes (most likely) and Cindy with her anger and criticism, and the constant shifting of who is ganging up on who at any moment, well, it's no wonder Casey turned out the way she did.

She didn't have to choose to kill Caylee to get away from it, but I can definitely see her using that murder to finally free herself from that home. She must have known that as long as Caylee was pawn to be used against her, as long as Caylee existed, Casey's life was going to be more and more miserable from manipulative, mental, and emotional abuse from her family. She saw ending Caylee's life literally as a beautiful new beginning of her life AWAY from her dysfunctional and abusive family. That's why she got the tattoo - it wasn't about being free to party, it was about being free from her own family!

BTW, I still think she deserves either death or LWOP. I'm like some here have said, I'm understanding of why she is the way she is and why she did what she did, but in no way do I excuse it or think she should get a walk because of her abusive family. I also think she manipulated them too, and is still manipulating them. She learned well how do it from both of her parents. All IMO.
Just my :twocents:, FWIW...

I took this as George asking why she is destroying them in addition to herself. If he thinks she is guilty, she destroyed her life by killing her daugher. If he thinks she is innocent (rolling my eyes here), then she has destroyed her life by telling such a ridiculous story about what really happened.

I have no use for child molesters, and they can all burn in hell for all I care. I do have a difficult time believing Casey was molested by either George or Lee. While, IMO, she does display some classic symptoms, those symptoms are not exclusive to victims of molestation, and also, they don't seem to have manifested until Casey was already an adult, and in my layman's experience, real child victims show these symptoms at a much earlier age.

I agree. And believe me, aside from murderers, I think the lowest of the low are child molesters. That being said, I have a hard time believing that Casey was molested by her father and brother.
ITA! The thanks button wasn't enough. This is what I meant when I thought about the abuse in that household. I've never thought that there was direct sexual abuse, but you articulated what I was trying to get at in my last post. Manipulation can make you feel very very violated, almost as much as sexual abuse. They are not the same, but both can really mess a person up. I know from experience that manipulators are one of the worst people out there. They don't even have to touch you, and they can make you feel violated, betrayed, and worthless. And when you have multiple people emotionally manipulating you all the time - George with his sweet words and bribes (most likely) and Cindy with her anger and criticism, and the constant shifting of who is ganging up on who at any moment, well, it's no wonder Casey turned out the way she did.

She didn't have to choose to kill Caylee to get away from it, but I can definitely see her using that murder to finally free herself from that home. She must have known that as long as Caylee was pawn to be used against her, as long as Caylee existed, Casey's life was going to be more and more miserable from manipulative, mental, and emotional abuse from her family. She saw ending Caylee's life literally as a beautiful new beginning of her life AWAY from her dysfunctional and abusive family. That's why she got the tattoo - it wasn't about being free to party, it was about being free from her own family!

BTW, I still think she deserves either death or LWOP. I'm like some here have said, I'm understanding of why she is the way she is and why she did what she did, but in no way do I excuse it or think she should get a walk because of her abusive family. I also think she manipulated them too, and is still manipulating them. She learned well how do it from both of her parents. All IMO.

OR, she could have gotten a job and moved out of the house like any normal Mom of that age. But then she would still have Caylee around ruining her chance to be totally free. Good try though but it won't work.......pretty much like KC. KC had her chance to get out of the house with Jesse...he wanted to marry her and be a family but Jesse ruined it by getting too attached to Caylee and treating her like his own child. That's what we do when we have a child....they are suppose to be more important in all our eyes than our significant other. It's what she has accused Jesse of doing, loving Caylee more than her. jmo
Cindy is one of those people that needs pain and drama to feel alive. If she were to move away to somewhere quiet and new, she would make herself notorious in the new town in no time. Casey is just a Cindy Jr. in stripper boots.

She could have remained private as Lee has. She chooses this life she has, make no mistake about it. Once Lee has a baby, Casey will be lucky to get a letter once a year, unless it is on Caylee's anniversary and there are at least two news cameras to memorialize her trip , stroller in tow with the replacement baby for the photo, while she delivers it to the new post office near her, new, much grander home she bought with her media rights. That is the photo she'll want Casey to see on the news accounts. I have got her number, one doesn't need to be a psychologist. You may very easily predict her future behavior by her past behavior, self absorbed narcissism and feeling powerful by being cruel to others. Lee , the best advice I could give you is still what it was two years ago. Son, grab your girl and get the hell out of dodge. Do what mom and pop do. Say you'll write.

BBM & snipped by me.

I couldn't agree more with your entire post but mostly with what I snipped above. I literally snorted when I read your Cindy Jr. comment. Spot on.
OR, she could have gotten a job and moved out of the house like any normal Mom of that age. But then she would still have Caylee around ruining her chance to be totally free. Good try though but it won't work.......pretty much like KC. KC had her chance to get out of the house with Jesse...he wanted to marry her and be a family but Jesse ruined it by getting too attached to Caylee and treating her like his own child. That's what we do when we have a child....they are suppose to be more important in all our eyes than our significant other. It's what she has accused Jesse of doing, loving Caylee more than her. jmo

I do agree with you. She was too lazy to actually get a job and do the right thing, and that still burns me up when I think about it. Just because that household was horrible and abusive doesn't mean she couldn't have risen above it and done the right thing. Maybe she thought she was only capable of good life in her own little world. I have a friend who told me something interesting one day. He said as a kid, when he was accused of something he didn't do, he'd get so mad he'd just go and do it anyway just because a parent believed he'd done it in the first place! It was like, "Okay, you believe I'm this way, so I'm going to act this way!" Maybe all of those years of being belittled, manipulated, and emotionally abused, she decided she was as bad as her mother thought and lived her life that way to spite her.

But you are right, she could have chose to do things right and legally, and she never did. Instead, she gave in to rampant jealousy and went the wrong and illegal route to get what she wanted, something most people wouldn't even think of doing.
I may well be in the minority on this but after reading through the Cindy letters, I have to say I do agree that she said some very hurtful and mean things. And there really is no excuse for that BUT I do think Cindy may have some very severe mental issues herself. I am flabbergasted by the extent of her denial. All along, I have believed she was faking it but I am beginning to have second thoughts along those lines. I may be all wrong on this but I wonder if Cindy just doesn't have a clue how she comes across to others. I do think in her own mind she is a loving and devoted mom (heck, Casey probably thinks SHE was a good mom to Caylee) and perhaps she really does "love" Casey deeply but it is clear to me that something is terribly wrong in the way this family communicates, IMO. Hope this makes sense.
I'm thinking the horrible thing that happened to Casey was Cindy.

I couldn't agree more. I don't doubt for a minute that Casey was abused in that house. But I don't think it was by Lee's or George's hands. After reading Cindy's letters and her constant jabs at Casey I'm inclined to believe that this is something Casey had to endure all her life.

Do I think it negates her responsibility for the role she played in Caylee's murder .. absolutely not. But I do think that Cindy ranks right up there with being the most vicious mother I've ever seen. Although I can also understand Cindy wanting to make those vicious jabs if behind closed doors I thought Casey vindictively and violently killed my granddaughter.

I also think Mallory is the biggest fool in the world. If I were her I would be running for the hills so fast it would make all the A's heads spin. There's not enough money in the world that could be given to me to EVER EVER I mean EVER marry into that twisted family. Walking into that house must be like walking into Satan's den.
Well KC can't, no internet access :D, but, when DD was in jail awaiting trial, I renewed hers online and after the trial while she was in prison, I renewed it again (we live in FL as well), all you need is the license #, and the SS #, even in jail or prison, an inmate normally still has a "home address".

I just don't understand why it was such a big deal to GA :waitasec:

I agree with you. I can not understand why getting ICA's driver license renewal is so important to GA. Is GA trying to give ICA some hope of one day driving? Seriously!!!

Why else would she be sending pictures of Caylee in her car seat inside the car? Why would she be sending pictures of Caylee with notes on them signed FROM Caylee? Why give KC a Mother's Day card? These are NOT loving gestures. These are 'rub salt in your wounds' kind of gestures.[/QUOT]

Exactly. When I saw those pictures I thought of Etan Patz's dad sending his son's killer a picture of Etan every year, I think he writes a message on there like , "I know what you did." or something.

It would be cruel to do that to a grieving mother, so Cindy must realize that Casey isn't grieving, and she wants to force Casey to remember how sweet and cute Caylee was. Before they entered twilight zone, I remember Cindy telling Casey: blame yourself for telling lies. I think the pictures are in the letters to say: blame yourself.

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