Letters to Casey from Cindy and George

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It was with the letters that were released...Cindy sent pics. Scroll through the docs and you will see them.

ETA: check here...p2. pdf


Thank you, RR!! I did see those top two pics and I guess I didn't look closely enough at the bottom one, not realizing it was of Cindy's dad. I probably thought it was just another picture of Horace, the crapper.....

Cindy obviously knew those pics would end up in discovery, as she so frequently mentioned in her letters. WHY would she even put that out there if she wants to protect her father so badly?

I don't get that woman. But then, I guess, I don't really want to. Her mind scares me.
First of all, I don't think CA is off her rocker. I think she knows what she is doing. In order to stay out of work I would think she has to provide some proof she is too overpowered with grief that she cannot function so that is part of the "Caylee's alive" thing.

Now the rest of it, as referenced above, I think she knows KC has a good chance of getting the DP and maybe, just maybe, the mitgation person dropped a hint. Some of this is just too far out from the way CA acted in the beginning. I do not believe CA has lost it. I believe she knows exactly what she is doing and she is staying focused. jmo

I wish I could agree with you all about Cindy knowing exactly what she is doing and that she is attempting to manipulate the media and those watching. While she may very well be doing that - I just don't think and can't see where she has accepted that ICA was the person who murdered Caylee.

In some small dark place in her heart, she may know this to be true, but as I have said before - I don't believe that knowledge has ever surfaced to the light of day. I do think she now accepts that Caylee is dead and will never be coming home to her (and ICA) - her letters pretty much show that when she says let us feel comforted by the time they did have together with Caylee. But I have seen nothing at all that tells me Cindy is convinced her daughter is guilty.

Yes, I do think she is concerned that ICA will be convicted, but at this point in her mind it is she and ICA against the world, and she is trying to convey to ICA (and the world) that her family believes in her innocence and they support her. She says how proud she is that ICA is staying strong (in her innocence) and how she is looking forward to the day ICA is set free.

Yes, she lies, yes, she twists everything to her own way of thinking and yes, she has absolutely done some terrible things to completely innocent people - and I think part of her knows that if she takes that step to declare to the world that the LE find the real killer - she will descend into madness. For me, she is halfway there now - and not the in control manipulator she is being described as.

It is going to be quite something to watch her attempt to hold herself together during the trial. Not sure she's going to be able to.

Sorry folks - I know this is a very unpopular stance. :truce:
Cindy's letters make my skin crawl! Ugh, emotional incest. I feel all itchy now.
Wow. If I didn't know before looking at that pic that Lee and Mallory were in it, I would have been like, who are those two good looking people in that picture? How nice!

They are almost totally unrecognizable. Yet neither can respect Caylee or the court enough to look nice. Yep, that narcissism passed right down to Lee, and I'm guessing Mallory will do anything to impress Cindy. I guess they only get dressed up to make themselves look good. After all, there's still part of a perfect family left!
ITA! Nice to know he can put on a tie for his party. Did he even tuck in his shirt at Caylees memorial?
(bbm) For WHAT??
For the reason in KC's heart she's growing her hair I think. It's all about the hair. It may have to do with Sampson and his strength being in his hair? In any case there's no strength to her story or the evidence so she might as well put faith in the hair lol!
I love how CA gets her spin on things out through these letters. Here's her explanation for why Lee has been laying so low, from the Aug. 5 2010 letter (page 20 of 26 in the PDF here):

"Lee was right all along that they would do this to you. He said that nothing we do or say to you will be private. I guess I still hoped there would be some justice. Lee's always been a very private person, so his wisdom has kept him away from most of this nonsense."

OK, once I calm my gag reflex down, I may go noodle around and see if there was some higher than usual speculation about Lee's involvement and whereabouts starting in June/July of last year, out here in the blogosphere. For all she rails against the Sunshine Laws, now that her lawyer has yanked her from the news channel rounds, these letters are the only public podium she has and she makes the most of it!

And GA? Did GA get a sudden infusion of "wisdom" to make him stop writing to his daughter? Oooooohhhhh, that's right, he sure did....
I find it telling that in the 9/1/2010 letter 'My dearest Casey', CA should open with this....
My sincerest apologies for not writing sooner. I know that (Jeanine?) had told you first how hard its been these last few weeks. So many times I had picked up a pen and piece of paper to write, but I just couldn't get the words out without pouring out my heart and how much it hurts sometimes not to be able to speak to you freely.

I appreciate that every day must be difficult for Cindy and anniversaries even more so. I get that. What I don't get is Cindy telling the death penalty mitigation specialist to tell ICA how rough things are for her. Nothing in the letter about Jeanine tells me this or that about you or that you're having a hard time with the anniversaries and we support you. It's all about CA.
I think most of us would want to protect our wrongly accused child from our pain and specifically mention to Jeanine to please not say anything to KC, sensing an innocent KC's pain was even greater than hers. Not Cindy though.

As far as Lee not writing because of his wisdom and need for privacy. (LMAO!!) I'm pretty sure that private people don't air their breakup dirty laundry on Myspace....at least if they're wise.
In the September letter she writes, "So even though I can't see you, and you can't write back to me..."

Can't? I thought it was WON'T

Hi mom,
Thanks for your letter. It is lonely here.
I miss your cooking.
Thanks for keeping $$ in my account.

Yep that would be a humdinger for us all. Of course she could write home. What I wrote above says basically nothing more then "hi" and "thanks for the $$". :shrug::waitasec:
It's hard to believe that someone could be so irrational that they believe that there's a vast conspiracy involving numerous LE agencies, county and federal, plus state prosecutors, all out to frame her daughter. The numbers are staggering, and why would they want to frame her daughter? She must also believe that conspiracy extends beyond just LE and prosecutors, and to medical testing labs too.

You bring up and important point regarding Cindy's failure to look for Caylee if she really believes she's still alive. If she really and truly believes that Caylee's alive, doesn't she see that finding Caylee would bring all this to an end?

I don't think Cindy is really crazy or irrational. I think she really believes that she's being very clever and is manipulating the public and the media with what she says. I don't think she understands that no one believes her, and she also doesn't understand how transparent she is. She not pulling the wool over anyone's eyes.

The word paranoia comes to mind.
What cracks me up is that Cindy uses the word "chilaxing" (which I am not sure is an actual word) in the Sept. letter. Yeah, that made you sound so hip and cool, Cindy! LOL

That is as vulgar as her using the term "J. Grizzle"...:puke: :bang:
...the continued denial about why GrannyP does not want to be at the Anthony home, and in earlier remarks at jail visits CA tells KC that the whole thing has been really "hard" for Shirley.
Spit it out, Cindy, your mom knows what KC did, she discussed it with your brothers, and she is sick about it.

Thank you, Shirley, though you obviously love your daughter and will not abandon your relationsip with her (though I think Shirley should abandon anyone in her family that has chosen to behave in an evil/toxic fashion, JMO), I get the feeling you also won't participate in the bizarre lie-fest.

SP must have worried that being in the A house would be like being in the Twilight Zone.
Thank you Shellbells for taking the time to do this....

Here Caylee is deceased....but the next letter, when you are released we will find Cays together...tell me this woman isn't totally confused and acting a fool...intentional, she knows these letters will be released tho' she continues to blame the state...:crazy: I believe she is wackadoodle... and I believe all this fodder is for the penalty phase, this will be in mitigation to save this prisoners life...the defense will show how confusing it was to grow up with CA as a mother. Contrary Cindy should be her name...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

IMO she is not confused, she is fully aware of what is going on, what she is doing and what she is saying...acting like a fool, that's always a possiblity...welllllllll thanks IMO
I just knew she was growing her hair for a reason...


hope she cuts it for the trial as it looks bad imhoo...
Totally agree with this! CA has required KC to be her "best friend" and she did her best to keep CA from reaching maturity (enabling her to lie, letting little things like graduation from High School "slide by")...all in an effort to keep KC "home".

I've thought that for a long time. In the FBI interview CA talked about Lee moving out when he got a job and how she would rather have her kids at home. I wondered why noone encouraged either one to go to college. She seemed to always want her kids to stay kids.
"Family therapists point out that 'incest, whether technical or, a million times more commonly, the situation where a parent offers a child a closer emotional relationship than the other parent receives...stop the child growing up'[15] - with special reference to 'the situation where the parents...are allowing their sexual feelings to be displaced on to the children, even though in very disguised and unconscious ways '[16]. "
snipped from the wki-article.I think that's exactly what happened to ICA.
I love how CA gets her spin on things out through these letters. Here's her explanation for why Lee has been laying so low, from the Aug. 5 2010 letter (page 20 of 26 in the PDF here):

"Lee was right all along that they would do this to you. He said that nothing we do or say to you will be private. I guess I still hoped there would be some justice. Lee's always been a very private person, so his wisdom has kept him away from most of this nonsense."

Snipped with respect.

Did anyone notice how CA is always giving extra information that KC should already know i.e. "Lee is private" or "We took Grandpa to Golden Corral which is his favorite". It all reads like a Christmas letter, you know the ones that tell the world what has been going on in your family.

Anyway, since when is Lee Private? Do we need to revisit the first 6 months of his investigative actions? Also, what private person mouths the words "I LOVE YOU" in open court to a person who accused him of molesting her? All for the camera my friends!
I just knew she was growing her hair for a reason...


hope she cuts it for the trial as it looks bad imhoo...

Love ya nursebeeme but I hope she does not cut it. It is an institutional look that is very appropriate. I like the way that will play with the jurors!

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