Letters to Casey from Cindy and George

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There were several envelopes with a "FAKE" return address - which contained hate mail or info that would not be pleasant for Inmate Anthony to read.
Cindy wrote to Inmate Anthony that someone was sending letters to the Anthony home using fake names of Holly G, Cindy, George, KidFinders, Kathi B, and they were trying to figure out who was doing it. page 172


page 85 - fake return address of George Anthony - not his handwriting
page 86 - contains Blink on crime comment

page 175 - fake return address of Mallory P

page 526 - page 541 fake return address of Holly G

page 614 - same person as fake Holly G address - used return address of "JoJo + CeCe" and sent KC news articles about the cruise

page 618 - same person as fake Holly G address - sent KC photo of her ugly back sores and tattoo
I just read the letters--I had a few thoughts that I thought I'd post. Apologies if this doesn't add anything to the conversation; others have already mentioned much of this...

-Did KC call George "Papa Joe?" This struck me: "Please Casey, let Papa Joe/Dad come to visit." (Pg 202) It must have burned Casey that he effectively defined himself first as Caylee's grandfather, and only second as Casey's dad.

-I get the sense that the family is turning Mallory into the new doted-upon Anthony daughter, now that KC's in the clink and Caylee is gone. They talk about how awesome Mallory is, how she works (unlike KC), goes to school (unlike KC), how she calls them and visits with them (unlike KC), how she goes to church with them (presumably unlike KC). That must infuriate KC, too--she thought she'd offed the competition.

-I'm confused about the blink on crime letter (pdf page 217) tucked in between George and Cindy's letters. The heading addresses Casey, but the envelopes before and after are from George and Cindy. Did Cindy or George print it out and send it? If so, were they trying to warn her against a legal strategy that would try to pin the blame on them??

-From Cindy to KC: "So your (sic) not sure about dad and mine (sic) newest adventure." (re: the tattoos). (pdf pg 233/doc page 15007) I suspect she got this from Jose? It must have infuriated KC that Cindy overcame the personal news blackout between KC and her parents, if only in a small way. I imagine that Cindy spends a lot of time badgering Jose about news of KC, and KC spends a lot of time telling Jose not to tell her parents anything.

-I get the impression that since KC asserted the ultimate control over Caylee's life, Cindy has now asserted the ultimate control over Caylee's memory; Cindy is Caylee's voice (hence, Cindy can "speak" for Caylee with the "I love you mommy"'s. I read a weirdly triumphant vibe in Cindy's letters in that regard (i.e., "I still have Caylee's things, her pictures, her memories. You have nothing. Was it worth it? You lose.") Maybe that's not the case--but that's the impression I get from these letters.

And now, based on multiple references to Cindy calling and texting JB, KC and Cindy are fighting over control of Jose.

-The way George speaks to KC strikes me at the very least as inappropriate. Even if there's nothing there, I read a weird, boundary-less romantic/sexual undertone there.

-I think all the discussion from Cindy about JG, Amy's sisters, NY, etc. are just another way for her to try to draw KC out and get her to respond. If KC maintains radio silence, KC wins. If Cindy or George get her to talk, Cindy wins.

-I agree with everyone who's posted about Cindy's constant passive-aggressive jabs. However, it seems to me that at this point, KC has them coming.

-I think Cindy simultaneously knows KC killed Caylee, and still wants KC out of jail. IMO Cindy can't stand the idea that anyone else is in control of KC--she wants control of her, and if anyone is going to punish her daughter, it's going to be Cindy herself. Meanwhile, as someone noted earlier in the thread, KC has finally found a way to get away from Cindy and "support herself" without Cindy's help.

All of this is MOO.

Wow! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Terrific insight.
ThinkTank, you ROCK! Thanks much for the time & work supplying the 'shortcut indexes' and references. :blowkiss:
George letters to KC - signed "Dad - Papa Joe"
http://www.wftv.com/pdf/24039447/detail.html - Part 1
(1) Nov 4, 2008 - page 1
(2) March 3, 2009 - page 70-72 - Cindy's return addr label - letter from George
(3) March 16, 2009 - page 73-75 - Cindy's return addr label - letter from George
(4) Apr 1, 2009 - page 76 -78 Cindy's return addr label - letter from George
(5) Sept 1, 2009 - page 83-84 - Cindy's return addr label - note from George
[Sept 1, 2009 page 85 - fake return addr of George Anthony - Blink article]
(6) Sept 29, 2009 - Part 3 - page 677 - Cindy's addr label - letter from George
(7) Nov 3, 2009 - page 103 - 106 George addr label
(8) Nov 16, 2009 - page 116-118 Cindy's addr label - letter from George
(9) Nov 18, 2009 - page 119-121 - Cindy's addr label - letter from George
(10) Dec 3, 2009 - page 127-130 - Cindy's addr label - letter from George
(11) Dec 20, 2009 - page 143-145 - Anthony addr label - letter from George
(12) Dec 7, 2009 - page 146-148 - Cindy's addr label - letter from George
(13) Dec 21, 2009 - page 136-140 - Cindy's addr label - letter from George
(14) Jan 13, 2010 - Part 3, page 678 - Cindy addr label - letter from George
(15) Feb 17, 2010 - page 158-163- - Cindy's addr label - letter from George
(16) Feb ?, 2010 - page 187-194 - Cindy's addr label - VALENTINE DAY card,
photo of Caylee vacuuming, note from Cindy, note from Caylee
(17) March 10, 2010 - page 194-196 - Cindy's addr label - St. Patrick's card from
(18) March 25, 2010 - page 197-198 - George handwrites his own addr label - WHY? WHY?

[NO more letter from George to KC after the March 25th letter asking WHY?
George did not attend the May 11, 2010 or the June 1, 2010 Hearings]

Cindy letters to KC
http://www.wftv.com/pdf/24039447/detail.html - Part 1
Feb 23, 2009 - page 4 - envelope from Cindy - contents from "Joyce" page 6
Feb 25, 2009 - page 38 - envelope from Cindy - note from Brenda Katz page 39
Feb 23, 2009 - page 46 - env from Cindy- letter inside from Judith Brush page 47-51
Feb 24, 2009 - page 52-54 - env sent to Anthony home - from Betty Beusen
(1) Sept 19, 2009 - page 79 -80 Cindy's return addr label - card from Mom & Dad
(2) Sept ?, 2009 - page 81-82 - Cindy's return addr label - card from Mom & Dad
note from the cats and dogs
(3) Sept 1, 2009 - page 87-93 - Cindy sent photos of Caylee's 4th bday party
Jose cannot give or read ltrs to KC any more
Andrea turned KC towards parents - Cindy told KC "I love you"
Cindy asks KC to try to mail a ltr out to Cindy - Brad or Jose will keep it safe
(4) Oct 14, 2009 - page 94 - 102- Cindy sent photos of Caylee in carseat, cat, Caylee
looking out sunshiny window w/curtain
Cindy says her and George are closer than ever
Cindy incriminates Jesse, says Amy & Jodi signed Memorial guest book
Cindy gave Zanny's hair straightener to Sgt Allen
Cindy taking break from foundation
pg 98 Jesse had paternity test done in Ohio by friend of Richard
pg 100 - photo of Caylee in Big Trouble shirt
pg 102 Cindy mad about photos of KC's back sores
Cindy says KC is not sure about their new adventure (tattoos)
pg 103 - Jose said KC won't wear the ruffle shirts Cindy gave
(5) Nov 4, 2009 - page 107-115 Cindy sent photos of KC and Caylee, framed photo of
baby Caylee, Caylee sleeping, Caylee in lawn chair,
Cindy disappointed she can't see KC
Joyce Story had dinner - says she is KC's God mother
Mallory goes to Eastside Bpt
may move to SC near Shane Stutzman
Andrea can get KC into her law school
Cindy talking about Jesse and Johnny Nelson in Jacksonville
asks about Zanny's mother working
(6) Nov 25, 2009 - page 122-126 - Cindy sent photo Cindy & George, photo Lee &
pg 124 they visited with Jeanene (mitigation specialist)
the team is gaining momentum
tomorrow is Thanksgiving
pg 126 Perry the cat died Wednesday
Dec 14, 2009 - page 130-135 - Anthony addr label - note from Kris Turk - Cindy said it
came to their house but had stickers on it, which KC cannot receive
date? - page 140-142 - Cindy's addr label - Holiday card from Russell
Feb 20, 2010 - page 153-157 - Cindy says from friends at church put $ 50 in KC's acct
scripture verses - signed "R.J.M."
(7) Jan 14, 2010 - page 163-167
got CDs and movies back from OCSO
dinner with Mallory and Jody tonight
pg 165 Holly divorce final in Dec -moved to Shane's home
support KC 100%
(8) Jan 31, 2010 - page 168 - 174 - Cindy proud of her check fraud plea - sent photos of
Caylee and note "from Caylee" - page 174
ask Chaplin Gonzalez to call Cindy
pg 170 - Grandma P meeting with Jeanene today
Jeanene met with Grandma & Pa A and Sonnie & Uncle John yesterday
pg 171 someone tells Cindy Caylee is alive in NY with Zanny
Cindy believes KC is being framed
wants to know where KC got Lee's black band - wraps it around Caylee's
titanium memorial bracelet
pg 172 - someone sends ltrs posing as Holly, Cindy, George, KidFinders,
Kathi Belich
still trying to find a way to see KC w/o the world watching


page 171
Jan 31, 2010

Casey I don't want to upset you but I keep getting messages from someone that is claiming Caylee is alive & in New York specifically the Bronx or Manhatten. Said Zani is there with her half brother (Hector) she supposedly was/has been in California since at least Nov 2008. Same area we got that tip that Caylee was in New Port Beach Nov 2008.
I've sent Mort the info. I hope he follows up on it. He's about the only one I trust. I still believe you are being framed and need so desperately to prove it. I pray everyday for something to come out so you can come back home.

(9) Feb 17, 2010 - page 180-187 Cindy sends photos of Caylee and KC, Caylee &
looks grimmer to see KC
Cindy does not agree with Jose any more about not seeing KC
pg 183 Andrea said KC not seeing family is the worse thing that
could happen to KC - let potential jurors see that you are the
great person that I know
Cindy says KC was the greatest mom
pg 185 someone needs to be punished for destroying their family
pg 185 - year to change people's perceptions - NG diehards
Feb 17, 2010 - page 187-194 - Cindy's addr label - VALENTINE DAY card,
photo of Caylee vacuuming, note from Cindy, note from Caylee
Cindy says KC is isolated and not agree/with Jose keeping KC from parents
Cindy needs to talk to KC - not wait a year

June ? 2009? - page 199-203 - Cindy's addr label - ltr from Shane Stutzman church in SC

ThinkTank, has anyone stopped to tell you lately how awesome you are? :dance:

Thank you so much for this list and for all your sleuthing! :blowkiss:

I certainly hope not because I feel the exact same.

eta: I can't really call it 'sympathy' for myself...I just have a clearer understanding of how she became who she is. Hope that makes sense...

Sadly it does make sense, and its scary to actually understand how she got so screwed up. I feel that Cindy's constant jabbs at the daughter who she claims to love is going to be brought up as to the why Casey snapped. I honestly think its in their genes, the dynamics and psychology of this family will be studied for years.
Why, why did GA use the word "also" in these questions? Who's left? Casey? I hate this letter because to me it is exactly what I would expect from a guilty person: "I know I hurt you, but it was because I loved you, and there's nothing we can do now about you being hurt, so why ALSO hurt everyone else by telling them?" But the As have such a strange and stilted way of using language that I can't be sure...

I believe that George uses the word 'also' because he's implying that Casey has already destroyed her own life.
IMO, George's letter is a flabbergasted response to his daughter's implication. I don't think he is guilty of abuse. George & Cindy are guilty of only one thing. Spoiling Casey rotten.
Cindy's letters show that she is choosing to live in a state of denial. She knows the truth but it's easier to go thru her life and pretend that it is possible for a different outcome. Caylee is alive and Casey will come home. I can't help but feel extremely sorry for her. I hope that Mallory and Lee get married and have a baby fairly soon. A new grandchild is going to be the only way Cindy can heal. It won't replace Caylee but it will give her joy again.
I can't help but wonder if CA's thoughts were really truthful in these letters, or if she was just taunting KC to jerk her chain (passive aggressive). I mean, just because she writes it to KC, doesn't necessarily mean she believes it. Could it be part of a game she's playing?

Her goal could be two-fold - knowing the letters are public info she wants to appear as never giving up hope and never giving up on KC, and at the same time, to taunt and emotionally/mentally torture KC in the process (retaliation). Sad to say, but it is a possibility - anything's possible. From everything that's been released in this case to date, it's apparent that mind games were/are a way of life in that household.

Along with the other instances that appear to be passive aggressive (many have mentioned earlier in this thread), she also makes a point to focus on KC's photos of her back that were released. Writing about how bad it looks and that she doesn't want it to turn into MRSA or staph, etc. I think she even sends KC a photo of her back. (I'll search for the page # in the PDF.)

If you hadn't seen or talked to your daughter in ages, would you use the time to write something like that that you know will make the average person (and especially a superficial person) feel badly about themselves and give them something else to worry about?

Would have been nice to see one normal instance of empathy from a mother to a daughter even under the circumstances. When compassion is shown, to me it's overshadowed by comments relating to how badly things are for CA.

Lastly, isn't it ironic that CA and GA are begging KC to write to them and let them visit, yet she is instead writing to fellow inmates? (http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2010/0406/23069328.pdf) Speaks volumes.

Perhaps it was just the "perfect storm" ... all the necessary factors came together and everyone played a part? Boggles the mind!

Sorry to ramble ... perhaps I should wake up before I post! LOL!

Disclaimer: Thouhts and opinions expressed are my own.

I got through reading close to half the letters and realized that all were completely one-sided, either GA or CA asking questions or telling about what was happening in their lives. None were letters in response to something Casey had written, and many were begging her to write or let them visit.

At that point I thought of Casey's jailhouse letters. Casey won't write one word to her parents, but had no hesitation in striking up a pen-pal relationship with an inmate and writing back and forth to the inmate.

I'm sure that at that point, knowing that Casey was writing to someone GA and CA had to know that Casey not responding to them was done purposely.
I think they would, if and only if KC was a man. Unfortunately I suspect that once the jury gets a good hard look at the totality of the twisted nest of vipers and evil that is the psychological dynamics of the A household, that they will feel just enouh sympathy to go for LWOP, and not the DP.

mmhmm.. sadly, I think she's gonna walk.
I just had a convo with my hubby about this last night... Scott Peterson was convicted on circumstantial evidence... but he was a dude. I seriously don't see KC getting convicted because she's a young woman. Well, that and I think the jurors are going to be way too confused with what her counsel is trying to spin. She's already betting on a mistrial herself.

A distant cousin of mine actually got off on vehicular manslaughter because of a mistrial. She was high on cocaine and drunk when killed like 4 people in an accident when she was speeding home from a bar one night.
The part that made the jurors confused was half of them didn't want to send her to prison because she was a 35 year old female with a nurse's license and she was needed to help care for her sister's twins (she died the year before in a shady situation)
And if I'm reading ThinkTank's summary correctly, as of the doc dump, CA had not written to KC since late Feb.?

It would be fascinating to see these incoming CA/GA letters side by side in a table with the KC to Robyn letters, with maybe the dates and general topics of the "general public" letters added in... I hope & pray there is somebody in OC law enforcement tackling this homework assignment as I type... :innocent:
Cindy's letters show that she is choosing to live in a state of denial. She knows the truth but it's easier to go thru her life and pretend that it is possible for a different outcome. Caylee is alive and Casey will come home. I can't help but feel extremely sorry for her. I hope that Mallory and Lee get married and have a baby fairly soon. A new grandchild is going to be the only way Cindy can heal. It won't replace Caylee but it will give her joy again.
I feel very sorry for the girl who looks like Caylee that lives in Newport Beach, CA!:rolleyes: They'll continue to hound her...
mmhmm.. sadly, I think she's gonna walk.
I just had a convo with my hubby about this last night... Scott Peterson was convicted on circumstantial evidence... but he was a dude. I seriously don't see KC getting convicted because she's a young woman. Well, that and I think the jurors are going to be way too confused with what her counsel is trying to spin. She's already betting on a mistrial herself.

A distant cousin of mine actually got off on vehicular manslaughter because of a mistrial. She was high on cocaine and drunk when killed like 4 people in an accident when she was speeding home from a bar one night.
The part that made the jurors confused was half of them didn't want to send her to prison because she was a 35 year old female with a nurse's license and she was needed to help care for her sister's twins (she died the year before in a shady situation)

You can rest assured she isn't going to walk....there is so much evidence - circumstantial, and forensic that points straight to Casey that she's done. Really. The only question is whether or not she will get LWOP or the DP.
mmhmm.. sadly, I think she's gonna walk.
I just had a convo with my hubby about this last night... Scott Peterson was convicted on circumstantial evidence... but he was a dude. I seriously don't see KC getting convicted because she's a young woman. Well, that and I think the jurors are going to be way too confused with what her counsel is trying to spin. She's already betting on a mistrial herself.

A distant cousin of mine actually got off on vehicular manslaughter because of a mistrial. She was high on cocaine and drunk when killed like 4 people in an accident when she was speeding home from a bar one night.
The part that made the jurors confused was half of them didn't want to send her to prison because she was a 35 year old female with a nurse's license and she was needed to help care for her sister's twins (she died the year before in a shady situation)
Think Susan Smith, that ought to reassure you! Casey isn't a nurse, she barely ever worked, and she has noone to take care of. Besides, there is no accident theory, nor is there a plausible SODDI, and she won't be able to meet the definition for an insanity defense, so all they are left with is attacking the evidence, which is very strong!
And... there is no nanny, she was the last one seen with Caylee, she had no job, she's a convicted felon, and a proven liar- who ya gonna' believe???
Oh my. If LA and MP truly want to have a family together, the best thing they could possibly do is to move AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE from this toxic mess.

You can rest assured she isn't going to walk....there is so much evidence - circumstantial, and forensic that points straight to Casey that she's done. Really. The only question is whether or not she will get LWOP or the DP.
yeah. I was sure that OJ Simpson was going to be found guilty (for the murder of his ex wife and the Goldman man)...but no! I honestly don't think we can "rest assured" yet. It does trouble me that we don't know how Caylee died and when she died....big issues.
Think Susan Smith, that ought to reassure you! Casey isn't a nurse, she barely ever worked, and she has noone to take care of. Besides, there is no accident theory, nor is there a plausible SODDI, and she won't be able to meet the definition for an insanity defense, so all they are left with is attacking the evidence, which is very strong!

I agree. And any "sweet young thing" image the defence tries to create for ICA will be destroyed quickly by the prosecution playing the 911 calls and the jailhouse phone calls, particularly the one where she is after Tony's number. A mother desperate to find her child? Huh!!!

INMATE Casey Anthony writes in letters to fellow inmate Robyn that her attorneys have passed letters and other contraband, including an American Greeting card and bracelet and a writing pen - a THIRD DEGREE FELONY

Conway admits to media that it was done
Lee Anthony admits it was done in texts to his parents
Cindy Anthony writes in a letter to INMATE Casey that it was done
Cindy Anthony did it herself at the courthouse and told Good Morning America about it
George Anthony told River that it was done
When will the guilty parties be held accountable for this FELONY?

yeah. I was sure that OJ Simpson was going to be found guilty (for the murder of his ex wife and the Goldman man)...but no! I honestly don't think we can "rest assured" yet. It does trouble me that we don't know how Caylee died and when she died....big issues.

We definately cannot take anything for granted, but the OJ case was a whole different can of worms, with societal layers and implications that are way off the charts compared to KC. Sooo many people were protective of OJ as a celeb/athlete, there was a racial element attributed more to signs of the times than OJ himself, there were failures on the part of the prosecution that we will not see here (unless LDB starts dating Jeff Ashton and Yuri Melich has old tapes of himself making disparaging remarks about 22 year old white girls.)

OJ was The Juice, KC is just a milker.
Sorry to throw this off topic :(

But I hope ya'll are right! I can listen to interviews and look at what evidence has been released and know she's guilty beyond a reasonable doubt..
Most of us here can.. but you have the general public who aren't on WS.. who don't look thru the doc dumps or watch NG.... I can totally see how an "outsider" can easily be swayed by her defense... or just be confused to the point where they have a teeny tiny bit of doubt and not want to send her to death row.

Does the jury have the option of convicting her to LWOP? Or is it the DP or nothing?

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