Levi Page Show 6/28 9 PM ET! RC may be on tonight

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:wave: Levi,

nice get, by the way. :highfive:

Thanks for that. You've got brass you-know-whats, you do. :giggle:

Not to mention, great instincts.

I thought at the beginning of GA's testimony, when JB asked him if he had an affair, GA said something along the lines of - ha, that is very funny. And he said it twice. That made it seem unbelievable to me. That kind of indicated he was lying. Yeah, I don't think he was being truthful. And inappropriate is exactly what I was thinking about the "comforting" her story. He seems immature, too....like all the A's. RC seems to have those problems, too....but maybe that's why they were attracted to one another....one reason, anyway.

Does anyone know if any of them...ESP. The parents are alcoholics? The dynamics of that family are very much like those of a family with a history of alcoholism. But I guess serious dysfunction could do the same thing. Maybe the one thing I agree with JB on - this is one hugely dysfunctional family.

Yes, I agree with your point that the Anthony family dysfunction is much like the alcoholic model, but the same model is used in family studies when one person has a huge family and the rest of the family cope around them.

The initial family model used an illustration I'll try to explain if I can in words, when a picture would be so much better. Picture the family members standing around in a circle, each tied to the other with a piece of rope ( I don't mean a tight rope). Then put the problem person in the middle of that circle and join every person to the person in the middle with a piece of rope. Then get the person in the middle to make a dramatic gesture and watch what happens to the circle. Every person in the circle is affected but each person is affected differently depending on whose rope was jerked by the movement. Some are knocked off their feet, some are only jarred but bump into the next family member.

So the example is meant to indicate whenever one person in the family has a big problem, everyone is affected.

Interesting, eh?
i belive her, totally believe her,,,and a middle aged man is more than capable of digging his fingernails in a ladies back
tomorrow will be interesting :)
So, I searched for pictures of Ms Whatever-her-names-are on Google images and well.....lets just say she must not be very good at math. I know what 10 is and she ain't it. Not even close. :loser:
i belive her, totally believe her,,,and a middle aged man is more than capable of digging his fingernails in a ladies baack
tomorrow will be interesting :)

Just curious, why would you believe her when she swore under oath in her depo that she and George did not have an affair?
Just curious, why would you believe her when she swore under oath in her depo that she and George did not have an affair?

fear, not wanting to get involved,,,but i do believe she is being straight up now
she might be shady,,,,,,but her anger is something to consider
Maybe she fell in love and was rejected. She sounds scorned. She might be in pain. Once involved she lied under oath and then sold her story to NE. I think she should have been told not to do this IV until after her testimony by JB.
I think...........Maybe CH/RC was with GA while CA was with DC so neither spouse really paid much attention to what the other was doing. What does it have to do with Caylee right?
I don't think it shows any unusual dysfuntion more than an average dysfuntional family group. What is it to ICA what her parents do? She should have been taking care of her baby and working and making a home. I wish the defense would stick to the relavent facts rather than all the perifial garbage that went on that means nothing to Caylee's life. If the defense can throw out junk and lies it seems they have no real case to defend their client. uggggggggggggg Defense Attorney Mark E on Dr. Drew says it is fundamentally wrong to present all these lies in court. Love that guy :)

Ahhhhhhh now I feel better. sorry for the ramble
Everybody beating up on River for being on an internet radio show with maybe a few dozen listeners? What about Dr Spitz who went on TV for a very lengthy interview with Tony Pipitone before his testimony? I guess that was ok.

Spitz was not credible either. Even less so, given his reputation. IMO.
fear, not wanting to get involved,,,but i do believe she is being straight up now
she might be shady,,,,,,but her anger is something to consider

If she's angry about anything my take on it is that she feels rejected. George actually laughed on the stand at the idea that he might have had an affair with her. That tends to pizz a lady off.

Did you know she claimed at one time to have pictures of her and George in compromising positions? And AFTER that she claimed that they never were romantically involved. Which is it? And why would someone who doesn't want to get involved take pictures of herself with a married man? Planning a little blackmail maybe? Or maybe hoping to grab her 15 minutes of fame?

Bottom line is, she approached him, she hung around every day, followed him from location to location, and then protests that she doesn't want to be involved. Then why the heck did she involve herself?
She only seemed to get upset when the topic was her. Her reputation, her past, her names, her role in the affair/non-affair. She was deflecting left and right, not answering direct questions about herself but instead going on defensive tirades. This indicates to me that she is afraid of the truth of those questions.

But when the topics were specifically about GA, she wasn't defensive. Her voice dropped. She paused now and then.

I believe her on George-related topics. I do not believe her when she says she is "straight," "not doing this for money," "doesn't want any part of this," and "has a clean past."

I think she purposefully inserted herself at that command station, purposefully inserted herself into George's sphere, and purposefully pursued a relationship with GA as the means to living a story she could later sell or use.

The big question: did she have any prior dealings with JB before meeting GA? You know, like Hoover and Dom Casey?
She said that she doesn't want to judge, she didn't say that she won't judge. One way or the other she's judging. If she agrees with the majority, then she's judged. If she doesn't agree with the majority, she has still judged. She just hasn't agreed with the others. Does that make sense?

So, although she doesn't want to judge, she will!

You are right. If she really didn't want to judge she would turn down jury duty, IMO. Can't do it because Religious reasons or whatever.
Everybody beating up on River for being on an internet radio show with maybe a few dozen listeners? What about Dr Spitz who went on TV for a very lengthy interview with Tony Pipitone before his testimony? I guess that was ok.

I hope I have more than a few dozen listeners! LOL! I know HLN's producers listen since I've been I've been invited on after they've heard listened to my shows.

Anyway, I was talking with River and she got a subpoena last week, went to court, waited outside, and wasn't called. From what I understand the subpoena expired since she didn't testify. NOW she has been informed that she will testify tomorrow (Wed) morning around 11.

So if she wasn't under subpoena, when she gave the interview, I don't think she violated witness sequestration...

I also don't think there is anything wrong with giving an interview, if there isn't a gag order in place.
She only seemed to get upset when the topic was her. Her reputation, her past, her names, her role in the affair/non-affair. She was deflecting left and right, not answering direct questions about herself but instead going on defensive tirades. This indicates to me that she is afraid of the truth of those questions.

But when the topics were specifically about GA, she wasn't defensive. Her voice dropped. She paused now and then.

I believe her on George-related topics. I do not believe her when she says she is "straight," "not doing this for money," "doesn't want any part of this," and "has a clean past."

I think she purposefully inserted herself at that command station, purposefully inserted herself into George's sphere, and purposefully pursued a relationship with GA as the means to living a story she could later sell or use.

The big question: did she have any prior dealings with JB before meeting GA? You know, like Hoover and Dom Casey?

I'm not defending River, just passing along what I was told by her. But I remember her telling me that the private investigator for the defense had been attempting to contact her, she didn't answer calls, he came to her home, she didn't answer the door... And she didn't want anything to do with the defense team... And was even worried at one time, they were going to implicate her in the death of Caylee since she had been connected to George.

She has an attorney and has since had meetings with members of the team. If you listened to the interview she doesn't think George molested Casey and she doesn't think George got rid of the body. So it isn't like she is out to get George.
i belive her, totally believe her,,,and a middle aged man is more than capable of digging his fingernails in a ladies back
tomorrow will be interesting :)


okay, what if George's fingernails got lucky? Well, perhaps lucky is not the best word choice, but anyway...

Even so, I'm still with George.

What I'm trying to say is ... it's poppycock and worthless informatin - even if he confided that it was an accident that snowballed, it could easily have been George's wishful thinking that his daughter did not intentionally kill his granddaughter.

I mean, he's got decomp in Casey's car, Casey's 31 lying days, and Caylee's remains. There are only 2 conclusions. His daughter killed Caylee, or ... his daughter can't admit Caylee accidentally died.

if wishes were horses. poor George. :cow:
i belive her, totally believe her,,,and a middle aged man is more than capable of digging his fingernails in a ladies back
tomorrow will be interesting :)

I must be doing something wrong. I've NEVER had a man dig his nails into my back.

I don't understand why the Judge even allowed Baez to question George about Kryster Hollowruise. George isn't on trial. Anything George may said to Kryster is hearsay. And even if George did have an affair, what does it matter? It doesn't change what happened to Caylee. I'm a bit perplexed about why the judge allowed this line of questioning. It had absolutely no relevance.
I'm not defending River, just passing along what I was told by her. But I remember her telling me that the private investigator for the defense had been attempting to contact her, she didn't answer calls, he came to her home, she didn't answer the door... And she didn't want anything to do with the defense team... And was even worried at one time, they were going to implicate her in the death of Caylee since she had been connected to George.

She has an attorney and has since had meetings with members of the team. If you listened to the interview she doesn't think George molested Casey and she doesn't think George got rid of the body. So it isn't like she is out to get George.

I'm sorry but I think IF River avoided answering the door it was more likely that she didn't want to be impeached by her ever changing stories. If she's not out to get George, why did she ever make their relationship public? No one would have ever known if she'd kept her mouth shut.
I hope I have more than a few dozen listeners! LOL! I know HLN's producers listen since I've been I've been invited on after they've heard listened to my shows.

Anyway, I was talking with River and she got a subpoena last week, went to court, waited outside, and wasn't called. From what I understand the subpoena expired since she didn't testify. NOW she has been informed that she will testify tomorrow (Wed) morning around 11.

So if she wasn't under subpoena, when she gave the interview, I don't think she violated witness sequestration...

I also don't think there is anything wrong with giving an interview, if there isn't a gag order in place.

So you're saying you managed to gracefully sneak in an interview between River's sequester time frames? :detective:

Was that a close call or what?!!
Yes, I agree with your point
The initial family model used an illustration I'll try to explain if I can in words, when a picture would be so much better. Picture the family members standing around in a circle, each tied to the other with a piece of rope ( I don't mean a tight rope). Then put the problem person in the middle of that circle and join every person to the person in the middle with a piece of rope. Then get the person in the middle to make a dramatic gesture and watch what happens to the circle. Every person in the circle is affected but each person is affected differently depending on whose rope was jerked by the movement. Some are knocked off their feet, some are only jarred but bump into the next family member.

So the example is meant to indicate whenever one person in the family has a big problem, everyone is affected.

Interesting, eh?

Yes! That is very interesting. I could visualize what you are saying and it makes so much sense. Thanks, LogicalGirl! I love stuff like that....
If she's angry about anything my take on it is that she feels rejected. George actually laughed on the stand at the idea that he might have had an affair with her. That tends to pizz a lady off.

Did you know she claimed at one time to have pictures of her and George in compromising positions? And AFTER that she claimed that they never were romantically involved. Which is it? And why would someone who doesn't want to get involved take pictures of herself with a married man? Planning a little blackmail maybe? Or maybe hoping to grab her 15 minutes of fame?

Bottom line is, she approached him, she hung around every day, followed him from location to location, and then protests that she doesn't want to be involved. Then why the heck did she involve herself?

Hi Chilly Willy, I think that a lot of people are getting River confused with her sister.

The sister told WFTV: "The sister also said that she had photos on a phone of she and George in intimate situations and shared them with detectives as well as the numerous text messages they exchanged using all three of George's cell phones." Source: http://www.wftv.com/news/22846532/detail.html
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