Lies point us to the truth #2

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June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane
20 JOHN RAMSEY: Well Patsy had gotten a bunch
21 of gifts at FAO Schwartz up in New York in early
22 December, some of which were for them were for
23 Burke's birthday, which was in January. She didn't
24 know they were in the closet exactly,

June 1998 Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Thomas Haney and Trip DeMuth
14 TRIP DEMUTH: Okay. It is hard to sort of
15 figure out where all of these pictures are taken, but
16 there is another package over here.
17 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh.
18 TRIP DEMUTH: Does that look out of place or
19 in the proper place?
20 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I had -- you know, I
21 stacked up some packages along there (inaudible).
22 Kicked (inaudible) or something. I kind of have it
23 backed up here.
24 TRIP DEMUTH: Okay. So the packages in 146,
25 it looks like it is out of place to you?
1 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh. Yeah. See, that
2 looks -- the door would be here.
3 TRIP DEMUTH: It is hard.
4 PATSY RAMSEY: So that would be back in here
5 somewhere. I was right in front of the door.
6 TRIP DEMUTH: No. Here are the screens. You
7 see the screens over here, the small screens, so it is
8 more back in this.
9 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. I would tuck them
10 there.
11 TRIP DEMUTH: I guess the point is, there
12 wasn't one that was off by itself. They should have
13 all been together.
14 The location in picture 148 is the correct
15 place for all of the packages to have been?
17 TOM HANEY: Before we go on, could we just
18 talk briefly about the packages, these were presents
19 for whom, the ones that were left in there?
20 PATSY RAMSEY: I believe for, you know, I
21 held some back for Burke's birthday which is in
22 January.
24 TOM HANEY: So that could have been that.
25 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. I don't remember what
1 was in them.
2 TOM HANEY: Would any of these packages be
3 opened?
4 PATSY RAMSEY: Probably. Well, see, these
5 came up, I was at FAO Schwartz in New York when
6 JonBenet and I were up there for a trip, and I had them
7 sent back to Boulder and they wrapped them, free gift
8 wrapping.
9 So like right here it looks like I kind of
10 peeled a little back to see what was in it because I
11 couldn't remember what was in them.
12 TRIP DEMUTH: If the wrapping has been undone
13 partially, that was --
14 PATSY RAMSEY: I probably would have done
15 that to peek to see what was in there.
17 TOM HANEY: Where did you do the bulk of your
18 Christmas shopping, the items you put in there?
19 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, all of this stuff right
20 here was from FAO Schwartz in New York. JonBenet got a
21 bicycle that year. I got a university bicycle, and she
22 got a twin doll which I mail ordered, and --
23 TOM HANEY: Did she get to ride her bike?
24 PATSY RAMSEY: She got to ride her bike.
25 TOM HANEY: Christmas day?

James Kolar, Foreign Faction, Excerpt
I learned, over the course of my inquiry, that it was Burke who had actually been responsible for tearing back the paper of the presents while playing in the basement on Christmas Day, and I wondered why Patsy would claim responsibility for doing this. Patsy had also told investigators that the unwrapped box of Lego toys in the same room was being hidden for Burke's upcoming January birthday.

I didn?t give much thought about the presence of Christmas presents in the room at the time, but would later think these played a role in some of the events that took place on Christmas day.
And YES!

Perfect examples as to why the lies shall lead us to the truth.

Good work UKGuy!
PR says "
: I probably would have done
that to peek to see what was in there."

This part of the transcript, becomes a statement in kolars book that reads:

"I wondered why Patsy would claim responsibility for doing this."

Is it fair to use the the statement, and put it in a book that she claimed responsibility? That's taking some liberties at best, and completely misrepresenting at the worst.

I'm keeping an open mind here. But tell me again. How having larger underwear on her body help the ramseys fool the police?

She told them what she bought, where she bought them, when she bought them, why she purchased them. And where she kept them.

Lastly, bpd could have taken anything they wanted anytime. It's not the Rs fault they didn't.

June 1998 Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Thomas Haney and Trip DeMuth


James Kolar, Foreign Faction, Excerpt

And YES!

Perfect examples as to why the lies shall lead us to the truth.

Good work UKGuy!

Rain on my Parade,
So why should many of the Ramsey statements contradict each other?

What is the link between the Ramsey's and the Stine's, like who ever elects to inject themselves into a homicide case, then end up being employed by the Ramsey's, i.e. giving up your current work, and residence and moving on, pretty drastic action?

I reckon most of what in the wine-cellar, including the gifts is all staging, otherwise JR would not be impelled to say what he said about Patsy knowing nothing, really ?

Then there is the missing video and extended photographs of the gifts being opened Christmas morning, i.e. would these depict any of the gifts latterly found in the basement?

As regards the missing video, you never know, there may have been footage that captured an earlier Christmas event e.g. JonBenet enacting a pageant display?

Note how the Stine's have vanished into the ether. How will DS respond to any media requests for interviews once JR leaves the planet.

There is more to the case than what LHP says and the Intruder proponents claim, as its patently obvious the parents attempted to stage BR, out of the case but failed, along with them being hit Child Neglect and Assisting an Offender Charges.

It does not look good, despite years of JR popping up on the media regularly to reassure us he was STILL looking for the intruder!

Sure do. Some say he was privy to inside information. Apparently he was advised to retire from the case?

I reckon he knew more about the Stine-Ramsey link than he let on, as his theory relies on some unknowns which we could speculate about but never really confirm, e.g. Dec 23rd, what really happened?

Yes, I believe he had inside info. Idk if he was advised or if he died. If he's still here lurking, I wish he'd PM me! I've been here since 1999 (when River owned W'sleuths). I think back on things he posted and now I think "wow". He may have been a part of LE etc... who knows. Aside from the present popular theory (which was castigated back in the day), he talked of others who were/may have been involved. He just had SO much info.

BlueCrab, if you're here under a different name, please PM me!
Note how the Stine's have vanished into the ether. How will DS respond to any media requests for interviews once JR leaves the planet.UKGuy,
I hope I can post this here:

Their address in Boulder was:
816 10th St.
Look on google maps and it’s down 15th St., L on Cascade and their home was 4 1/2 blocks into their alley on the R.
2nd house from the corner.
That close they lived to one another.

I hope the media is on DS and BR, before JR is buried.
There is more to the case than what LHP says and the Intruder proponents claim, as its patently obvious the parents attempted to stage BR, out of the case but failed, along with them being hit Child Neglect and Assisting an Offender Charges.

It does not look good, despite years of JR popping up on the media regularly to reassure us he was STILL looking for the intruder!

He should be ashamed.
Yes, I believe he had inside info. Idk if he was advised or if he died. If he's still here lurking, I wish he'd PM me! I've been here since 1999 (when River owned W'sleuths). I think back on things he posted and now I think "wow". He may have been a part of LE etc... who knows. Aside from the present popular theory (which was castigated back in the day), he talked of others who were/may have been involved. He just had SO much info.

BlueCrab, if you're here under a different name, please PM me!

I agree, I reckon he had access to inside information, whether on the legal side or LEA?

It was his claims about BDI that alarmed Team Ramsey. They wanted the world to know it was an Intruder case.

So the alleged story is BlueCrab was tailed by a Private Investigator, or/and his Internet IP Adress was compromised which led to him being advised it would be advantageous for his health if he never commented on the case again?

He was here on a regular basis then he just vanished one day ... really curious.

As you say he might be deceased, who knows?

He was on the money regarding the case being BDI. This was long before the parents were hit with those True Bills. BlueCrab would have had a field day posting about that.

It could be he posted sensitive info that only an insider would know, thus compromising his position.

I hope I can post this here:

Their address in Boulder was:
816 10th St.
Look on google maps and it’s down 15th St., L on Cascade and their home was 4 1/2 blocks into their alley on the R.
2nd house from the corner.
That close they lived to one another.

I hope the media is on DS and BR, before JR is buried.


He should be ashamed.

Ashamed, JR, you gotta be joking. As a JonBenet Media Consultant he just loves those fat juicy checks for his Media Appearances.

Once JR leaves us I guarantee lots of folks will be appearing on your TV screens.

Ex-Case LEA for example will want to extend their inflation hit pensions with some controversial Talking Points.

DS will be requested to an interview since he chatted with BR so soon after JonBenet's death, never mind the SS intervention.

"Hey DS what did you think about your Mom listening in on you and Burke talking about how JonBenet was killed?"

LW cannot prevent anyone offering opinions on the parents or JonBenet as they are deceased, and you cannot libel the deceased.

Also I reckon LW has some current legal issues of his own to deal with ...

PR says "
: I probably would have done
that to peek to see what was in there."

This part of the transcript, becomes a statement in kolars book that reads:

"I wondered why Patsy would claim responsibility for doing this."

Is it fair to use the the statement, and put it in a book that she claimed responsibility? That's taking some liberties at best, and completely misrepresenting at the worst.

I'm keeping an open mind here. But tell me again. How having larger underwear on her body help the ramseys fool the police?

She told them what she bought, where she bought them, when she bought them, why she purchased them. And where she kept them.

Lastly, bpd could have taken anything they wanted anytime. It's not the Rs fault they didn't.

I'm keeping an open mind here. But tell me again. How having larger underwear on her body help the ramseys fool the police?
That's the point it would NOT. Larger Underwear is a Red Flag surely you get that?

She told them what she bought, where she bought them, when she bought them, why she purchased them. And where she kept them.
She never told them what she purchased as she had periods of Ramnesia during her interview.

Where she kept them is unknown. Patsy claims she put them in JonBenet's underwear drawer.

Anyway by analysing her statement its possible to work out Patsy purchased a set of size-6 Bloomingdales for JonBenet and a set of size-12 Bloomingdales for her niece.

Otherwise there should have been TWO sets of size-12 Bloomingdales in the house or specifically in JonBenet's underwear drawer, as per PR's claims, whatever!

In Patsy's interview BPD state NO size-12's were found in JonBenet's underwear drawer and by extension the house as it was turned over during a search for forensic evidence.

You cannot blame the BPD investigators for not finding whatever the Ramsey's have already removed, e.g. JonBenet's size-6 underwear, the pair worn to the White's Party, is missing!

Checkout Patsy's Atlanta 2000 interview.

Since JonBenet was found wearing the size 12s , their existence is not in doubt. The 12s were a failed attempt at coverup. Ironically, the long johns served as a cover up of the 12s. (Maybe no one shall notice, if another layer is piled on top.) Burke was wearing the long johns already? The Rs later returning a set of 12s to BPD is another coverup of a coverup. Passive-agressive like PR.

The final assault happened before the redressing. The size 6 Wed. pair had to disappear as they were incriminating in this regard. Acting in panic, this move is understandably motivated. Getting rid of the 12s as well need not to have occurred immediately. This additional step indicates a cool head. Would they stop the staging at this point? The tape and cord were never found.

Why was JB wiped down? The redresser surely would have wiped JB before putting her in the 12s, and not afterwards. Nothing visible indicated this dangerous necessity. The wiper did not require prompting. They came in contact with the ill fitting 12s. Even if they learned about it that night, they were aware of the SA, and were concerned about its implications. Why else focus on this part of the body? The final attack may have utilized the paintbrush. But that proceeded the use of the brush as garrote. The timeline is confusing. LOL The brush assault/garrote were staging? This seems simpler, but perhaps not convincing.

None of the Rs may have had complete knowledge of events when BPD arrived. Would the killer of a family member be willing to assume full responsibility? It'd be expected for them to offer a whitewashed account.
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Selecting another Wed. pair was too clever by half. This initial, glaring mistake was left unremediated throughout the rest of the staging. It's possible that the redresser was not aware of the error. Patsy never fumbled an explanation. Did she know why JonBenet was found in the size 12s?

None of the WC staging aligns with the RN.
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Please note, I'm not trying to be combative, or disagreeable in any way shape or form here.

Tone is lost in the written word. But my tone is meant to be challenging, but friendly. Please know this.

Let's start with the easy stuff.

First the overarching notion of just how poorly this was handled by bpd. It plays into a few aspects that are being held against the Rs.

1. Let's assume they did kill her. There is no way in hell, they could have ever, in a million years have expected them to miss the body on the first sweep. So any notions about JR, and the way he reacted could have possibly been pre-planned. As a rational human would have banked on the body being found.

1a. Anything the Rs asked to take from the house, could have been refused and or inspected. Any failure to do so is entirely in BPD.

1b. I'm not inclined to think they did it. But if I were in that grand jury, I would have wanted it looked into. I would have indicted them as well. Doesn't mean I think they killed her. Means I think it needs to be looked into.

2nd. I know women are a little better at remembering small, insignificant things like what was purchased on a particular shopping trip. Personally, if there was a cop in our bedroom right now, asking where I bought something- I would have no clue for almost 95% of the stuff I own. Unless the store tag was on it. Like old navy or something.

So I'm impressed she recalled that at all.

I still don't fully understand how telling the police the who, what, where when and why about the underwear is helpful, to the R's.

(I need to add, just because the police said there were no size 12s doesn't mean that's true. Or that she was even wearing them. The police don't have to tell the truth, they could have been trying to manipulate the conversation, to serve some purpose we don't know about)

Lastly,I don't see how this ties into the ransom note, or anything else....presuming they were red herrings.

Little of this makes sense, to me.
Grand Jury thought both parents were involved. With ALL the available info?

So both parents... that leaves BR. Don't know very many other ways to look at it.
Patsy and the size-12 Bloomingdales.
Atlanta 2000 Patsy Interview excerpt
18 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Well, let's start

19 with what - I will make it very simple for

20 you, Mrs. Ramsey. What information are you

21 in possession of or what do you know about

22 the underwear that your daughter was wearing

23 at the time she was found murdered?

24 A. I have heard that she had on a

25 pair of Bloomi's that said Wednesday on them.


1 Q. The underwear that she was

2 wearing, that is Bloomi's panties, do you

3 know where they come from as far as what

4 store?

5 A. Bloomingdales in New York.

6 Q. Who purchased those?

7 A. I did.

8 Q. Do you recall when you purchased

9 them?

10 A. It was, I think, November of '96.

11 Q. In the fall of 1996, how many
Patsy hints the size-12 Bloomingdales were already open BEFORE they were given to JonBenet!
Atlanta 2000 Patsy Interview excerpt
13 Q. Knowing yourself as you do, if it

14 was, if it had caught your attention or came

15 to your attention, do you think you might

16 have said, JonBenet, you should, those don't

17 fit, put something on that fits, that is

18 inappropriate? Do you think, if it came,

19 had come to your attention --

20 A. Well, obviously we, you know, the

21 package had been opened, we made the

22 decision, you know, oh, just go ahead and

23 use them because, you know, we weren't going

24 to give them to Jenny after all, I guess,
Patsy says she put the size-12s in JonBenet's underwear drawer.
Atlanta 2000 Patsy Interview excerpt
2 Q. (By Ms. Harmer) Was there - I'm

3 sorry. Do you recall making a decision then

4 not to give them to Jenny or did JonBenet

5 express an interest in them; therefore, you

6 didn't give them to Jenny? How did that --

7 A. I can't say for sure. I mean, I

8 think I bought them with the intention of

9 sending them in a package of Christmas things

10 to Atlanta. Obviously I didn't get that

11 together, so I just put them in her, her

12 panty drawer. So they were free game.

13 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) At the time,

14 how old was Jenny?

15 A. I don't know. Probably -- I

16 don't know. She is older than JonBenet, but

17 I don't know exactly how old she was.

18 Q. Would these panties, size wise, be

19 more appropriate for -- is she an older

20 girl?

21 A. Yes.
Patsy has a spell of Amnesia.
Atlanta 2000 Patsy Interview excerpt

5 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Let me ask it

6 this way. Did you say you bought more than

7 one set of Bloomi's?

8 A. I can't remember.

9 Q. You bought some for JonBenet?

10 A. I can't remember.

11 Q. Why is it that you remember

12 buying Bloomingdale's panties in November of

13 1996?

14 A. Because --

15 MR. WOOD: Because she remembers

16 it. I mean --
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