light bulb moments #2

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But KC said *her* ZFG had no tattoos that were visible while ZFG was wearing a two-piece bathing suit. Surely if she meant for the heart sticker to be a clue about the heart tattoo she would have mentioned the tattoo when specifically asked, right? :waitasec:

I think the careful noting of the camera person on ZG's tattoo is to show, in essence, this is NOT KC's ZFG, see, she clearly has tattoos.
But KC said *her* ZFG had no tattoos that were visible while ZFG was wearing a two-piece bathing suit. Surely if she meant for the heart sticker to be a clue about the heart tattoo she would have mentioned the tattoo when specifically asked, right? :waitasec:

I think the careful noting of the camera person on ZG's tattoo is to show, in essence, this is NOT KC's ZFG, see, she clearly has tattoos.

Of course you are correct on this. I just meant that she may have actually seen ZFG and concocted (sp) her plan. Parts of the truth. That's all. DK Walks out and hangs hat up with a sigh...until tomorrow. Thanks for your post.
Let's face it, Casey WAS a criminal, but the girl was/is as dumb as a rock as far as any logic or reason is concerned. She has been given credit too many times as having been "bright" or "smart" and I do not believe she was either of these. She was criminally-minded, cunning, conniving, manipulative, sneaky and underhanded, but none of these are the qualifiers of higher intelligence.

She is used to lying in a blink of an eye and has a good vocabulary. I've heard she's quite a reader. As a life-long bookaholic, I also have a good vocabulary, so I can sometimes recognize that trait in other people. That aspect has, no doubt, been a great aid to her in her efforts to spin stories and to have people who don't know her well believe her. Someone who uses "smart-sounding" words can be very impressive to people with more limited vocabularies.

Back in the 1980s I had a boyfriend who was not very intelligent, although he had managed to squeak by well enough to have an accounting position. The more I talked to him, the more I realized how different we were in that respect. Sometimes I was downright astounded by what he did not know or THOUGHT he knew, not to mention his lack of problem-solving skills. But I was dazzled by hormones and his looks and really, REALLY wanted to be in luuuv, so I ignored that. I stroked his ego as much as possible, pretended not to notice, and we moved in together. The odd thing was that he turned out to be downright DIABOLICAL when it came to finding little (and big) ways to hurt me, even while actively romancing me. Even when there was seemingly no reason whatsoever for it, he was instinctively doing little things that he KNEW would make me doubt myself or take the wind out of my sails whenever I was happy or had planned something special. It turned out that he led something of a double life whenever he left the house and he lied about many, MANY things. To this very DAY I'll occasionally remember something he did or said and suddenly realize that he did it on purpose! His lack of intelligence was in sharp contrast to his cunning, deceit and seemingly intuitive knowledge of how to psychologically wound someone very deeply in an incredibly insidious manner.

The really freaky part is that he saw himself as a deeply sensitive, gentle, romantic, caring soul. And he would do WHATEVER IT TOOK to preserve that image that he had of himself, despite all evidence to the contrary. That's the really frightening part. So whenever things got dull and day-to-day life settled in, it was time to push me and push me and push me to the point of breaking up, because THEN he could go into an INTENSE wooing phase to try to win me back with roses, jewelry, poetry, etc. We HAD to be a state of high romance AT ALL TIMES in order to for him to see himself as the wonderful guy that he envisioned himself to be. I caught on to his M.O. about the 3rd time he did it. I realized that the roses, gifts and words of undying love and adoration were not for ME at ALL, but solely for HIM. I was merely another prop on the stage of his life. And the show MUST go on -- or ELSE.

There are different kinds of smart.

ETA: From that point on I've always HATED getting flowers or teddy bears.
Dr. Know-Now I feel really bad.!If ANYONE had picked up on the signifcance of this through my post, I would have came clean. Let me explain. Last night, I caught the first airing of NG. Saw ZG's tattoo and the "light bulb" went off for me. Wanted to post about it immediately but couldn't quite remember the details of the initials inside the tattoo. Thought it was a simple straight-forward ZG. Decided not to post until I re-watched the NG re-reun. I did. When I signed on to post about this, I first searched the NG 2/2/09 thread. On page 8 I found your post, then read all following posts. Only 1 person responded to you, and their post was rather "dismissive" to say the least. I tried to post too. But it was after midnight and the post was locked.
I then wrote about this on the light bulb thread. Wrote a few different drafts before posting. Edited out the part that fellow poster Dr. Know had "scooped" me. Since nobody was interested in my post either, I never felt it neccessary to give you full 1st credit for mentioning this. Truth be told, I think you and I are the logic and sane ones here. Would being willing to place a $100 bet with someone (not you) that you and I are correct. Forgive me?
How about we join forces and force this issue. Others are still dismissing it as trivial and insignificant.[/

Bold is mine

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I posted the question last night @ 8:30 on the NG thread & didn't get an answer. Dr. Know you posted only an hour later, were you trying to steal my thunder, by saying 'I haven't read all the threads here"??

BTW, after much consideration, I do feel it trivial & insignificant after much insightful reading, but one never knows! Let's just all pay the devil their due!
ITA! I boogles my mind that this is overlooked and/or dismissed by others. Hello! According to LE, Caylee was not placed in her final resting place till the 18th or later. ZG was at Sawgrass on the 17th. So was KC say I. Could KC have walked into an empty office, stood around, then ZG walks in and hands KC the info card, thinking she was employeed there? Is ZG left handed. Does it matter? Just wondering would a leftie be more inclined to "pass" a card to another with their left hand. Therefore, upon looking at the hand of the "passee" one might notice a tattoo boldly in plain sight. So many thoughts to ponder...

Here's another one, maybe a rumour, maybe not but apparently ZFG's ex-boyfriend worked at the Tattoo parlour where KC got hers:confused::eek:
Dr. Know-Now I feel really bad.!If ANYONE had picked up on the signifcance of this through my post, I would have came clean. Let me explain. Last night, I caught the first airing of NG. Saw ZG's tattoo and the "light bulb" went off for me. Wanted to post about it immediately but couldn't quite remember the details of the initials inside the tattoo. Thought it was a simple straight-forward ZG. Decided not to post until I re-watched the NG re-reun. I did. When I signed on to post about this, I first searched the NG 2/2/09 thread. On page 8 I found your post, then read all following posts. Only 1 person responded to you, and their post was rather "dismissive" to say the least. I tried to post too. But it was after midnight and the post was locked.
I then wrote about this on the light bulb thread. Wrote a few different drafts before posting. Edited out the part that fellow poster Dr. Know had "scooped" me. Since nobody was interested in my post either, I never felt it neccessary to give you full 1st credit for mentioning this. Truth be told, I think you and I are the logic and sane ones here. Would being willing to place a $100 bet with someone (not you) that you and I are correct. Forgive me?
How about we join forces and force this issue. Others are still dismissing it as trivial and insignificant.[/

Bold is mine

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I posted the question last night @ 8:30 on the NG thread & didn't get an answer. Dr. Know you posted only an hour later, were you trying to steal my thunder, by saying 'I haven't read all the threads here"??

BTW, after much consideration, I do feel it trivial & insignificant after much insightful reading, but one never knows! Let's just all pay the devil their due!

So what are you saying reeseeva-If the rest of the community picks up on this, this "first original" posting credit goes to YOU? lol. Just kidding around with you...:crazy:
So what are you saying reeseeva-If the rest of the community picks up on this, this "first original" posting credit goes to YOU? lol. Just kidding around with you...:crazy:

Pick up all Ye may, that's what we are here for...& some Kudos!....YUP, Original Posting Credit Goes to Me.........Oh, I can sleep now!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Sorry if I missed the original post. Thanks Reeseeva. I read back!
Kimmer might have a point. Before I moved to my new place, there was an attorney somewhere in our neighborhood. Our wireless network and her wireless network were unsecured. The pc's would pick up the strongest signal at the time we were logging on. I found this out when I noticed some folders that said "Gloria" in (I think) the 'my network places' file. We looked in the files and found out she was an immigration atty and there was her clients info. Name, DOB, you name it. So we can't assume Sawgrass's files weren't accessible.

It's possible. You normally have to SPECIFICALLY make a folder or drive sharable, but someone could have done just that. I live in a 6-plex with houses, bigger apartment buildings, a church and a small strip mall all nearby. Whenever I have to refresh my wireless network list (which I have to do more often now with my newer model DSL modem as opposed to my older one :mad:) quite a few other wireless networks pop up. Nowadays most broadband modems default to a SECURED status when you set them up, as opposed to unsecured, and you can EASILY see which ones are which. Lately there is only one out of the 6 or so that I routinely see listed that is unsecured, but a couple of years ago only MINE was secured so I had my pick of networks, if I had chosen to do so. The signal wasn't very good though :) It never occurred to me to see if any of them had any shared folders.
Maybe I'm just dense, but I don't think anyone was being snarky or less than nice. Let's rejoice in the fact that we now have 3 on our team! Let's convince the rest.
This is the ONLY way I can make any "sense" of the heart sticker.
I quite agree. The Saga of Addicted WS'ers wouldn't translate well to the small web screen.

Back on topic: my most recent light-bulb moment was the pen flirtation in the most recent motion hearing. Flippant flipping.
I agree with that. Appeared that JB wrote something, I am guessing that some sort of multiple choice, while MN was talking and KC picked the one she agreed with - I thought it was obvious and tacky and the way KC pointed to whatever JB wrote was soooooo over dramatic and out of place in the court room
I admit, I read the NG thread but came up late on the converstation about it but posted this and really didn't get any type of response until now.

Post 180, IIRC. No one discussed it until now & I don't think ZFG had anything to do with this case or imply anything to the fact. I just found it odd that a heart sticker was on the duct tape, the Sawgrass mystery, the phantom Nanny, and all of the other crazy stuff, did KC possibly notice the heart tattoo on ZFG, in person somewhere? Just curious. I know the pictures had hearts applied to them, I think after Caylee went missing, via computer alterations, but did KC know about the heart tattoo? I think it's a possibility.
wow! because of your post I have a question/statement - If LE knows the connection between KC and this ZG, exactly how KC found out about ZG being at Sawgrass Apts, and all her info, like NY car tag & tattoo etc. they would not say anything at this point would they? Not to help ZG's case - they are waiting until the trial. Sorry this is a Stream of Consciousness epiphany moment
epiphany is a good word/feeling, and it's hard to think about somedays. Epniphanies, I love them, relish them, and hope for many more. Yep, LE didn't need to say anything at this point. Until, the crime scene evidence with the heart residue and the actual sticker being found. Who found it first....? Always a question.
wow! because of your post I have a question/statement - If LE knows the connection between KC and this ZG, exactly how KC found out about ZG being at Sawgrass Apts, and all her info, like NY car tag & tattoo etc. they would not say anything at this point would they? Not to help ZG's case - they are waiting until the trial. Sorry this is a Stream of Consciousness epiphany moment

Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!
okiedokietoo-THAT'S what I'm saying. If the heart sticker had a big ZG written across it, we wouldn't know. Because it would be detrimental to the REAL ZG. This info could ONLY come out in the open during trial, where the prosecutors could speak of it IN CONTEXT! ie-KC's lame attempt to frame a complete stranger named ZG.
The reason I personally was dismissive about the tattoo is because:
- lots of people have heart tattoos
- KC specifically said Zenaida had no tattoos
- I don't believe KC had actually ever seen Zenaida, she just went off the information written on the card. If she had met Zenaida face to face, she wouldve given a proper description.

This is just my 2 cents though. It's a good clue to keep on the back burner, but I do think as of right now that hearts are too common & it's a coincidence.

wow! because of your post I have a question/statement - If LE knows the connection between KC and this ZG, exactly how KC found out about ZG being at Sawgrass Apts, and all her info, like NY car tag & tattoo etc. they would not say anything at this point would they? Not to help ZG's case - they are waiting until the trial. Sorry this is a Stream of Consciousness epiphany moment

And yes, PS, IF KC placed the heart sticker on the duct tape over Caylee's mouth in order to implict THIS ZG then THIS is BIG PROFITABLE info for the REAL ZG. All those talking heads last night, saying, geesh, get over it. People are falsely implicated by others every day of the week. If they all sued, the courts would be backed up for years. OK. So maybe innocent people are publically implicated every day of the week. Are they all on national/international TV? I think not. Go ZG! GO!
And once again if GA did say that Casey told him they were spending the night with Zanny, then why would she be going to pick Caylee up? She would be going to spend the night too right? Even if she tried to turn it around to say oh well just Caylee was spending the night, then again, why would she go to pick her up?

Brought this quote over from the "what's KC been doing for the past 2 yrs" thread....

Oh, Duh!!!!!! I've heard that interview with GA & GVS over & over and never put this together!! Kinda puts the Kabosh on KC original statement to LE right from the Get go! Hope the SA uses this in opening statement!
Brought this quote over from the "what's KC been doing for the past 2 yrs" thread....

Oh, Duh!!!!!! I've heard that interview with GA & GVS over & over and never put this together!! Kinda puts the Kabosh on KC original statement to LE right from the Get go! Hope the SA uses this in opening statement!

none of the stories matched to much....kc also said she worked 9-1---making the 12:50pm a little off....considering work got over in 10 minutes.....
I had to take a job for about 5 months when I relocated from Fla to Az early nineties, I took over a bankcrupt apartment complex as a Property Mgr. Whole nother story...long time ago. Anyway, when I wasn't in the office, sometimes I forgot to lock it. Anyone could have came in. When we moved into the adjoining apt. we made sure the office door was locked when leaving as our apt. was connected through a door we left unlocked during the office hours. So, I say yes, the agent/employee could have left the office unlocked possibly. I would come back to the office and would find people waiting to pay rent, see an apartment, lock out, or whatever. Lock you doors! And, have a doorbell if a Mgr. of people. LOL

you comment about the office led me to think of how Casey boldly walked into Universal like she owned it. Seems that same boldness could have allowed her to walk into an empty unlocked office to browse through renter cards, documents etc browing for names. It seems if she was in there when ZG came in, Casey would have quickly acted the part of an employee and accepted the card. She's played so many parts already and is an accomplished on the spot liar.

as to the tattoo, I agree she saw it either in person or perhaps via some photo album tatoo parlors routinely maintain of custormers and tattoo styles.

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