light bulb moments #2

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GA TOLD LE IN a hushed voice ,as if he were afraid THE BOSS might be within earshot, that he KNEW THE SMELL IN THE TRUNK, Because he had smelled it b4 when he was in LE,and that nothiing else smells like it (death), but the day b4 Caylee's remains were found he told the nation ( as a clueless Larry King looked on ) that he was surprised that food could smell like that. (in response to a woman caller who demanded he explain the smell in the trunk).

Also, relative to the smell in the trunk, he asked the tow truck representative to walk around with him as he looked in the trunk, because he was afraid of what he might find.

Her reactions to every single new revelation....too numerous to recount, but only one thing could account for this demeanor.

Her 31 day investigation, within which she told NO KNOWN PERSON that her child was missing.

How did you find the Nanny? Oh, she took care of a friends child, except the friend did not have a child, and barely knew KC.

The "Good Life" tattoo she got after KC went missing when she was partying down, which in her mind WAS the Good Life.

"Shes near, I can feel it in my bones.........and then, sure enough, she turned up near, AND DEAD."

CA telling LK and the world that "our investigators are finding out that everything Cassee said was the truth." (my paraphrase)......this lie is beyond comprehension to me since most of what KC told LE the very first day was shown to be a lie. so, CA knew that many observers would know that she was lying but she did it anyway. What could compel anyone to lie when she knew that many, many people would recognize the lie.

Turning into a check forger the week her baby goes missing and the funds are not to pay for a PI to look for her child, but for beer for the boys...criminal behavior with no possible way to claim innocence shows a total disregard for serious consequences. whats a little jail time if you've killed your daughter. The killing has completely unhinged her.

Her mother and father visit her for the first time together after she has been jailed for the murder and CA is crying when they first meet, and KC's reaction was " She's crying already." ALREady.

The several times in interviews when she messes up and refers to Caylee in the past tense.

Her statments that the police weren't trying to help her find Caylee and that she had 'DONE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING SHE COULD TO HELP THEM' when the opposite was true, she had done nothing to help and everything to hinder. My god, its almost like shes saying, Thats right, I killed the little snot nosed anchor, now let me out of here.

i could go on, as could anyone following the case. She is the most obviously guilty baby killer I have ever seen or even heard about.

and it is my prediction that if the D. is able to unearth a juror sleazy or ignorant enough to hold out, then KC will be on trial till they have weeded put all the psychos and she is nailed for the murder. Only a minutely obsessed supreme court can offer this vile creature the light of day.

But someone inside will nail her before that could happen.

This is the most reviled woman in contemporary AMerican history because ther are so many "uh Oh" moments that clearly identify her as a baby killer,

Also because she is so arrogant and seems to think the rest of us are idiots, incapable of seeing through her disneylandlike version of events.

folks don't like baby killers and they especially dont like baby killers with holier than thou attitudes.

I quite agree. The Saga of Addicted WS'ers wouldn't translate well to the small web screen.

Back on topic: my most recent light-bulb moment was the pen flirtation in the most recent motion hearing. Flippant flipping.
I missed it.
I will check before assesing that as a LBM

GA TOLD LE IN a hushed voice ,as if he were afraid THE BOSS might be within earshot, that he KNEW THE SMELL IN THE TRUNK, Because he had smelled it b4 when he was in LE,and that nothiing else smells like it (death), but the day b4 Caylee's remains were found he told the nation ( as a clueless Larry King looked on ) that he was surprised that food could smell like that. (in response to a woman caller who demanded he explain the smell in the trunk).

Also, relative to the smell in the trunk, he asked the tow truck representative to walk around with him as he looked in the trunk, because he was afraid of what he might find.

Her reactions to every single new revelation....too numerous to recount, but only one thing could account for this demeanor.

Her 31 day investigation, within which she told NO KNOWN PERSON that her child was missing.

How did you find the Nanny? Oh, she took care of a friends child, except the friend did not have a child, and barely knew KC.

The "Good Life" tattoo she got after KC went missing when she was partying down, which in her mind WAS the Good Life.

"Shes near, I can feel it in my bones.........and then, sure enough, she turned up near, AND DEAD."

CA telling LK and the world that "our investigators are finding out that everything Cassee said was the truth." (my paraphrase)......this lie is beyond comprehension to me since most of what KC told LE the very first day was shown to be a lie. so, CA knew that many observers would know that she was lying but she did it anyway. What could compel anyone to lie when she knew that many, many people would recognize the lie.

Turning into a check forger the week her baby goes missing and the funds are not to pay for a PI to look for her child, but for beer for the boys...criminal behavior with no possible way to claim innocence shows a total disregard for serious consequences. whats a little jail time if you've killed your daughter. The killing has completely unhinged her.

Her mother and father visit her for the first time together after she has been jailed for the murder and CA is crying when they first meet, and KC's reaction was " She's crying already." ALREady.

The several times in interviews when she messes up and refers to Caylee in the past tense.

Her statments that the police weren't trying to help her find Caylee and that she had 'DONE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING SHE COULD TO HELP THEM' when the opposite was true, she had done nothing to help and everything to hinder. My god, its almost like shes saying, Thats right, I killed the little snot nosed anchor, now let me out of here.

i could go on, as could anyone following the case. She is the most obviously guilty baby killer I have ever seen or even heard about.

and it is my prediction that if the D. is able to unearth a juror sleazy or ignorant enough to hold out, then KC will be on trial till they have weeded put all the psychos and she is nailed for the murder. Only a minutely obsessed supreme court can offer this vile creature the light of day.

But someone inside will nail her before that could happen.

This is the most reviled woman in contemporary AMerican history because ther are so many "uh Oh" moments that clearly identify her as a baby killer,

Also because she is so arrogant and seems to think the rest of us are idiots, incapable of seeing through her disneylandlike version of events.

folks don't like baby killers and they especially dont like baby killers with holier than thou attitudes.

Well said!

<respectfully snipped for space>

This is the most reviled woman in contemporary American history because there are so many "uh Oh" moments that clearly identify her as a baby killer,

Also because she is so arrogant and seems to think the rest of us are idiots, incapable of seeing through her disneyland like version of events.

folks don't like baby killers and they especially dont like baby killers with holier than thou attitudes.


The entire post was a good read. The last three sentences were great content I :applause:
here is a lightbulb moment I had this weekend when I re~watched the fbi interview ( the looooong one) with George.

At one point in the interview he said that he, at one point, found a resume' of Casey's and it had universal from 2004-2006 Then what was listed after that was NANNY. He confronted her and asked why she would put something on her resume that she had never done and she replied that it was something she was thinking of doing. George also stated he had suspicions that she was not working and also sending herself fake work email from one computer in the house to the other.

So Casey was an aspiring nanny..... would explain where she got the word!

BTW, George stated he tried to find that resume again after this happened and could not find it..... still, he is on the record talking about it...
here is a lightbulb moment I had this weekend when I re~watched the fbi interview ( the looooong one) with George.

At one point in the interview he said that he, at one point, found a resume' of Casey's and it had universal from 2004-2006 Then what was listed after that was NANNY. He confronted her and asked why she would put something on her resume that she had never done and she replied that it was something she was thinking of doing. George also stated he had suspicions that she was not working and also sending herself fake work email from one computer in the house to the other.

So Casey was an aspiring nanny..... would explain where she got the word!

BTW, George stated he tried to find that resume again after this happened and could not find it..... still, he is on the record talking about it...

I think George was the most forthcoming & truthful in the first interviews, often saying, I don't want my wife to know this......It's just between us!! He also seemed to alway be apologizing for himself, looking for support & validation from LE.

I think it a good idea to re-visit the early interviews. (before George succummbed to CA mind control)
I think George was the most forthcoming & truthful in the first interviews, often saying, I don't want my wife to know this......It's just between us!! He also seemed to alway be apologizing for himself, looking for support & validation from LE.

I think it a good idea to re-visit the early interviews. (before George succummbed to CA mind control)
I agree GA was the best, but still somewhat evasive and we suspect now less than totally honest. Trying to imagine myself anywhere in this sordid plot is difficult, but I think at some stage anger would kick in for me. Anger at the murderer, even though in this case it is his daughter. Maybe that is what this "Breakdown" stems from? Bottling that outpouring of anger.
I think when it was listening to the phone calls from the original arrest. Just the
way Casey used terms of affection like sweetheart and honey and I love you.
There was no real feeling or emotion. It sounded like she was talking about the
weather. I didn't see these tapes, but heard them first. Sometimes when
the jailhouse tapes are played I just listen and don't watch.
I think when it was listening to the phone calls from the original arrest. Just the
way Casey used terms of affection like sweetheart and honey and I love you.
There was no real feeling or emotion. It sounded like she was talking about the
weather. I didn't see these tapes, but heard them first. Sometimes when
the jailhouse tapes are played I just listen and don't watch.

The way KC uses terms of affection without the honesty of real emotion gives away her psychological diagnosis of psychopath. Logically, she knows how people are suppossed to communicate, so she tries her best to emmulate "real" human beings. She fails miserably!
I don't think you are missing anything by hearing the jail visit tapes without seeing the images too. She can fake her physical image easier than she can fake her words or the sound of the feelings behind them.
I didn't think about the heart tattoo connection until people posted after Nancy Grace-- thank you for addressing it! Even if "ZG" wasn't written on the sticker, it's creepy to imagine Casey may have put the sticker on the tape to leave (what was in Casey's deranged mind) an awesome clue, leading back to ZFG.

I don't know if that's what happened, but thinking about the possibility gives me chills!

Thank you NB for your support. Seems most who've read, "poo-poo" this thought. Maybe even consider it too simplistic. However, IF KC set out the morning of July 17 to find A REAL ZG to blame Caylee's murder on, then she just may have physically seen ZG and the hand heart tattoo would have been fresh in her mind. She quickly puts a small heart sticker on the duct tape with ZG written on it, to implicate A REAL ZG that she has been able to find.

OK. I'm working on a theory here. Not well thought out or researched yet but the bottom line of where I'm going with this is:
KC kills Caylee for the motive that 1000's of people (in the USA at least) are killed for every year---to SILENCE her. Either Caylee spilled the beans on mommy on the 15th or CA THOUGHT that Caylee might have some info to share and threatened KC that the next day (16th) she would be grilling Caylee on it...(where she spent her days while mommy was working?)

So, silencing Caylee was the motive. KC killed in anger. No back-up plan or out. Then she thinks, hmmm...I've already made friends and family believe that I have this Nanny, ZG. Go with that. Only now, she needs to find a REAL ZG to pin the crime on. So she researches, Facebook, Myspace, etc. Finds you-know-who follows her around the next day. Has success at Sawgrass, gets her info and notices the tattoo. Brilliant! KC thinks, I'll get a heart sticker and write ZG on it and stick it on Caylee's remains. This will implictate her for sure!!!!
So, KC does all this...but then can't quite figure out the rest of how to implicate a complete stranger. She tries to buy time. She tells folks that Caylee is away with ZG. She (KC) tries to think up a grand scheme, but quickly relizes, that's just not going to work. She then resigns herself to the fact that she WILL evientually get caught, so she spends the next 28 days or so living life to the fullest without care for others. She steals blatently from Amy. Why not, she KNOWS she'll be caught soon and will spend her entire life in jail. She parties. And parties hard! Why not. She KNOWS her life will soon be over.
Like I said, not quite all thought out yet, but it's important to me to find a WHY in all of this. This is all I've got so far. Am I crazy too?
Here's one that has me going hmmmm - it's that trip the friends took to Puerto Rico - Amy, Troy, & Ricardo I think. Casey took Amy to the airport on July 8th for this trip & kept Amy's car while she was gone. Casey was supposed to go on this trip with these 3 friends - and one of them said she was the one that chose the location - and supposedly booked everyone's flights on the computer months in advance - everyone's except her own but only told the friends in mid-June that she would not be going. Was she ever planning on going with them? If so, why didn't she book her flight when she booked theirs "months" before? Did she know when they were making these plans that she wouldn't be going? Why lead them to believe she would be going if she never had any intention of going?

There are lots of hmmms for me in this case - this is just the one that I'm thinking of at the moment...
Here's one that has me going hmmmm - it's that trip the friends took to Puerto Rico - Amy, Troy, & Ricardo I think. Casey took Amy to the airport on July 8th for this trip & kept Amy's car while she was gone. Casey was supposed to go on this trip with these 3 friends - and one of them said she was the one that chose the location - and supposedly booked everyone's flights on the computer months in advance - everyone's except her own but only told the friends in mid-June that she would not be going. Was she ever planning on going with them? If so, why didn't she book her flight when she booked theirs "months" before? Did she know when they were making these plans that she wouldn't be going? Why lead them to believe she would be going if she never had any intention of going?

There are lots of hmmms for me in this case - this is just the one that I'm thinking of at the moment...
First she had to steal the money, cause i don't think cindy will give it to her.
I do think that Cindy would have been ok watching Caylee. but when cindy had to asked Casey where does she drop Caylee at the babysitter when she goes to work.Casey don't have a babysitter address to give her. So Casey didn't go. and if she told her friends in mid June was that after Caylee was missing???? hmmmmmmmmmm
I didn't think about the heart tattoo connection until people posted after Nancy Grace-- thank you for addressing it! Even if "ZG" wasn't written on the sticker, it's creepy to imagine Casey may have put the sticker on the tape to leave (what was in Casey's deranged mind) an awesome clue, leading back to ZFG.

I don't know if that's what happened, but thinking about the possibility gives me chills!

I admit, I read the NG thread but came up late on the converstation about it but posted this and really didn't get any type of response until now.

Post 180, IIRC. No one discussed it until now & I don't think ZFG had anything to do with this case or imply anything to the fact. I just found it odd that a heart sticker was on the duct tape, the Sawgrass mystery, the phantom Nanny, and all of the other crazy stuff, did KC possibly notice the heart tattoo on ZFG, in person somewhere? Just curious. I know the pictures had hearts applied to them, I think after Caylee went missing, via computer alterations, but did KC know about the heart tattoo? I think it's a possibility.
My next LBM would be "tattoo parlor" connection... applies only to ZFG and where this big "Nanny" lie came from? I swear, it's like playing a game with this mind she has...
I admit, I read the NG thread but came up late on the converstation about it but posted this and really didn't get any type of response until now.

Post 180, IIRC. No one discussed it until now & I don't think ZFG had anything to do with this case or imply anything to the fact. I just found it odd that a heart sticker was on the duct tape, the Sawgrass mystery, the phantom Nanny, and all of the other crazy stuff, did KC possibly notice the heart tattoo on ZFG, in person somewhere? Just curious. I know the pictures had hearts applied to them, I think after Caylee went missing, via computer alterations, but did KC know about the heart tattoo? I think it's a possibility.

Dr. Know-Now I feel really bad.!If ANYONE had picked up on the signifcance of this through my post, I would have came clean. Let me explain. Last night, I caught the first airing of NG. Saw ZG's tattoo and the "light bulb" went off for me. Wanted to post about it immediately but couldn't quite remember the details of the initials inside the tattoo. Thought it was a simple straight-forward ZG. Decided not to post until I re-watched the NG re-reun. I did. When I signed on to post about this, I first searched the NG 2/2/09 thread. On page 8 I found your post, then read all following posts. Only 1 person responded to you, and their post was rather "dismissive" to say the least. I tried to post too. But it was after midnight and the post was locked.
I then wrote about this on the light bulb thread. Wrote a few different drafts before posting. Edited out the part that fellow poster Dr. Know had "scooped" me. Since nobody was interested in my post either, I never felt it neccessary to give you full 1st credit for mentioning this. Truth be told, I think you and I are the logic and sane ones here. Would being willing to place a $100 bet with someone (not you) that you and I are correct. Forgive me?
How about we join forces and force this issue. Others are still dismissing it as trivial and insignificant.
My next LBM would be "tattoo parlor" connection... applies only to ZFG and where this big "Nanny" lie came from? I swear, it's like playing a game with this mind she has...

Again, bowing down to Dr. Know. Scooped again. The "common denominator" between KC and the "REAL" ZG is the shared tattoo parlor. Cast Iron.

Dr. Know, I've made many a post of my "theory" that ZG is mistaken when she claims to have never seen KC before. I've argued that perhaps they had a run-in that really pissed KC off. The incident could have been SO INsignificant to ZG that she blocked the image of KC from her mind. Therefore, doesn't recognize her.
What say you?
Dr. Know-Now I feel really bad.!If ANYONE had picked up on the signifcance of this through my post, I would have came clean. Let me explain. Last night, I caught the first airing of NG. Saw ZG's tattoo and the "light bulb" went off for me. Wanted to post about it immediately but couldn't quite remember the details of the initials inside the tattoo. Thought it was a simple straight-forward ZG. Decided not to post until I re-watched the NG re-reun. I did. When I signed on to post about this, I first searched the NG 2/2/09 thread. On page 8 I found your post, then read all following posts. Only 1 person responded to you, and their post was rather "dismissive" to say the least. I tried to post too. But it was after midnight and the post was locked.
I then wrote about this on the light bulb thread. Wrote a few different drafts before posting. Edited out the part that fellow poster Dr. Know had "scooped" me. Since nobody was interested in my post either, I never felt it neccessary to give you full 1st credit for mentioning this. Truth be told, I think you and I are the logic and sane ones here. Would being willing to place a $100 bet with someone (not you) that you and I are correct. Forgive me?
How about we join forces and force this issue. Others are still dismissing it as trivial and insignificant.

I don't usually bet unless in LV, but it is a clue for ZFG case now. And also where the heck did she pull ZFG out of her you know what from? Thanks for a reply, it's after the fact for most, but to me it seems important to notice the heart tattoo as the information about the heart sticker being released makes me wonder which person shoveled up that info, or was she right with ZFG at a parlor, apartments, or something. Thanks for your reply Ripley! I just couldn't believe no one commented until tonight. Thanks again. I might do $50...LOL (WS not LV)
I don't usually bet unless in LV, but it is a clue for ZFG case now. And also where the heck did she pull ZFG out of her you know what from? Thanks for a reply, it's after the fact for most, but to me it seems important to notice the heart tattoo as the information about the heart sticker being released makes me wonder which person shoveled up that info, or was she right with ZFG at a parlor, apartments, or something. Thanks for your reply Ripley! I just couldn't believe no one commented until tonight. Thanks again. I might do $50...LOL (WS not LV)

ITA! I boogles my mind that this is overlooked and/or dismissed by others. Hello! According to LE, Caylee was not placed in her final resting place till the 18th or later. ZG was at Sawgrass on the 17th. So was KC say I. Could KC have walked into an empty office, stood around, then ZG walks in and hands KC the info card, thinking she was employeed there? Is ZG left handed. Does it matter? Just wondering would a leftie be more inclined to "pass" a card to another with their left hand. Therefore, upon looking at the hand of the "passee" one might notice a tattoo boldly in plain sight. So many thoughts to ponder...
Ripley, let me read back on your theories and I will contact you. I remember some of them. The tattoo shop seems very logical, the apartments do too as Tone was looking for a place to move at that time, the one female person at the apartments has not or has? been interviewed by LE, at least their interview hasn't been released by the state, just too many things to make this simple heart tattoo as "part of her plan". But, must say it is a coincidence to say the least. NG obviously replayed the video of her tattoo on her show from last night until tonight. Media scares me...I feel we are at least, 2 weeks behind on this case at all times as far as info goes somedays.
I had to take a job for about 5 months when I relocated from Fla to Az early nineties, I took over a bankcrupt apartment complex as a Property Mgr. Whole nother story...long time ago. Anyway, when I wasn't in the office, sometimes I forgot to lock it. Anyone could have came in. When we moved into the adjoining apt. we made sure the office door was locked when leaving as our apt. was connected through a door we left unlocked during the office hours. So, I say yes, the agent/employee could have left the office unlocked possibly. I would come back to the office and would find people waiting to pay rent, see an apartment, lock out, or whatever. Lock you doors! And, have a doorbell if a Mgr. of people. LOL

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