light bulb moments #2

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She is one evil b!tch!!!
It's a small consolation, I know...But try to keep in mind that the paper bag she has in her hands - holds the belongings that she was most likely allowed to keep with her in jail.


Gives me some sense of peace...

IIRC when CA found the stuff in the car what she found was a resume of AH (if you look thru the text msgs from KC & AH you will see that AH was asking KC if she had given a resume to Univerasal as she wanted to get a seasonal job there) but what I also find interesting is that when the police searched the car they found a peice of paper in it with RM address on it...You can hear this on the police interview with KC when they had her in the conference room at universal.....So you have AH resume with RM address which is also where AH lived...So she may have been setting them up if the car would have been found by LE at amscott rather than being towed away...I still think that KC was trying to get the guy in California to fly her out there with the hope that when the car was found if she was gone it would have looked like something bad would have happened to both KC and Caylee....I doubt that KC would have flown out of Orlando using her own name I bet she had other ID's on her that she could have used as an alias....
Here is another big HUH???? moment for me..

Remains located----Dec 11th-2008
Anothony's fly in from California---Dec 12-2008
Retain new attorney----ASAP
BC starts talking about immunity for A's---Immidiatly
LA hires attorney---Right after remains are located
LA Attorney--starts talking about charges his client might face
PI's--Start talking about tape that shows no body--Dec 16th-
PI--DC starts lying about why he was in the woods--1st wk of Jan--2009
Hoover--admits that DC knew remains were in woods--Dec 14th

Something is very wrong with this picture and there are so many light bulbs going off you could lite up Orlando...I can't wait to see what the SA has on this family and I hope to god they are indicted on something so they cannot profit off of this poor baby....They have already gotten more than enough and I hope at they very least they lose everything they have...I am so dang mad at this family I cant beleive they are still leaving that poor baby's remains just laying at the funeral home without a proper burial...If they can do this I am not surprised that they were able to leave her just lying in the wood to furthur decompose so LE could not determine how she died....This case is so much past Bizare I don't even know what to call it anymore...

Sorry for the rant.
It is possible. ANYTHING is possible with her. I think she and Ricardo may have been playing with the chloroform as a sexual enhancement and that is how she began to come to use it on Caylee...I think she was using it with someone else first and I think that someone else was Ricardo. But where did she GET it is a big question that has not been answered yet? She researched it, but does LE know from what source it was finally obtained?

this reminds me of the incident where Amy "changed her clothes in her sleep and then her money ended up missing", and I've always thought kc had something to do with that, but never thought about her possibly having an "accomplice" until now. What if kc and RM did knock Amy out and then possibly did some "untoward" things to her before taking her money?

far fetched, it just made me think about it when you posted that
Also think we may discover in Amy's testimony that Casey had her "resume" unauthorized...or that perhaps Casey was attempting to assume Amy's identity by obtaining employment in HER name...or that she was making an effort to cast doubt in Amy's direction by having all of her personal info in the car where the baby was left for days. Maybe she hoped they would blame Amy because her resume was in the car? Let's face it, Casey WAS a criminal, but the girl was/is as dumb as a rock as far as any logic or reason is concerned. She has been given credit too many times as having been "bright" or "smart" and I do not believe she was either of these. She was criminally-minded, cunning, conniving, manipulative, sneaky and underhanded, but none of these are the qualifiers of higher intelligence.

Hiya Magic :) IIRC in several of their texts, AH mentioned she was looking for another job, and KC told her she would try to put in a word for her at Universal and get her a job. KC told her they were hiring seasonal employees. I think that was the purpose of the resume. I think KC had asked her for the resume, and pretended to do her a favor. JMO
this reminds me of the incident where Amy "changed her clothes in her sleep and then her money ended up missing", and I've always thought kc had something to do with that, but never thought about her possibly having an "accomplice" until now. What if kc and RM did knock Amy out and then possibly did some "untoward" things to her before taking her money?

far fetched, it just made me think about it when you posted that
If KC did have an accomplice in that I think it would be someone in her new crowd of friends. I am just now rereading all the transcripts and just saw that for the first time about Amy changing her pants in her sleep. Amy said she never told KC about that incident but that doesnt mean that KC didnt have first hand knowledge.
I'm resorting back to the call that took place between KC and LA on July 26th.. Now that I'm going back and reading this again I have a better understanding with all the recent news dealing with these P.I's possibly ... taking into consideration when MR claims he first called in the tip in August... Shorty after didn't Lee sort of Dissappear? The blue is KC and LA the red are my thoughts.

LEE: Hey Casey are you there

Hey. Yeah I’m here

LEE: Sorry my cell phone reception is terrible

CASEY: It sucks at the house I know

LEE: I still want you to know that you can call me and I’ll try you know get as much out there as I can before anything, what ever dies. I know it s not a good situation , you know what can we do. You know ( What ever dies? Are they refering to Caylee, Maybe KC told LA she knew were Caylee was? )

CASEY: Yeah absolutely

LEE: Um, so do you understand what I was trying to say for that, that you know, you can reach out to them ( Them = P.I's Possible DC & JH?) and they, I know that you said that when we did visitation and I want you to know that you don’t have to necessarily have to put everything through your attorney if you feel like you wanted to speak to them about anything at all, you can still request that he be there, but he doesn’t have to and you don’t have to do that through him

CASEY: Oh I know. But that’s something we had talked about yesterday actually

LEE: Ok good. Do you plan on speaking with any of those guys at all? ( The P.I's?)

CASEY: We’re going to set up a meeting for Monday, Jose was going to think about stuff, how we were going to set things up over the weekend. He was going to be here with me when we bring then in, um, you know and as far as what I answer, how I answer, you know how all that goes down he was going to figure that out this weekend. He was actually going to come up either today or tomorrow and bring a couple of the videos I guess for me to watch from some of the news stuff that’s been going on, I guess some of the talk shows. Just to try to update me on some of the stuff. Plus he wanted me wanted me to get a good laugh. ( Maybe JB was careful as to what KC was allowed to tell the P.I.'s incase they came forward any time in the future?)

LEE: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before and you understand how all this works, now. but do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, that would help?
( Is he asking for the location of the body?)

CASEY: There’s nothing I can think of at the moment. I’m actually going to try and get something together, you know today so I can write a couple letters to the family. I’m even going to get with (intelligible) and stuff to see if he does get that directly. But still put out my own specific so if anything happens, if there’s any lapse you still will get what I’m trying to put across too.
( By Lapse does she mean she will fill in the missing info with a 2nd letter sent later?)

LEE: And just remember that if you give it to the attorney…. ( He may not forward the letter if too direct)

CASEY: They can read it and choose whether or not to even fix it which is why I’ll do a secondary letter to make sure it’s direct ]( secondary possibly to LA through mail without Attorney?)
LEE: Perfect I would encourage that 110 percent. So is there anything specifically, I know you’re going to meet with, you know the investigators and everything, you know. Is there anything specifically the details that you want to clarify to me now so that I’m following up on my own leads and my own information, putting the stuff together, you know then I can start working on it now? ]( LA has own leads serperate from everyone else? No kidding huh)

CASEY: Um, at the moment there’s nothing specific or nothing that you know should probably be said here. Um, again I’ll put something together before I see Jose or when I see Jose and you know make sure that I have something also to put out. ( Can’t talk about it now, too risky ) LEE: Right.

CASEY: So that way you can get whatever you like ( Move /take something? )

LEE: Ok. And just so remember when you get to talk to those guys um, you know, you mentioned that you’re going to have your prep and everything with Jose. But remember truth don’t hurt. ( Those guys being the PI’s?)

CASEY: I know but there are some things that I have told them that were misconstrued and not used to their benefit. I gave them the same resources that I gave you and you found out a hundred more things then they did. And they were given the same information. So it’s just about the approach I guess and using the resources to their full extent. Again I’m everybody’s biggest resource; you have said that, Jose has said that, mom and dad have said that.

LEE: Right but at the same time we still we just need to figure out how we can be clear on what ever we’re giving to them, so even if we have to you know speak very direct or we can’t really speak in generalities with them, with anybody is what I’m finding out . Or if we tell them I’m not completely sure on the spelling or I’m not completely sure on this or that. They take everything exactly up front to the ‘T’. Exactly how you provide it. So if it’s off at all they don’t even think to look in any other areas ….( LA explaining that he and KC need to be on the same page as to what she is going to tell them,etc. )

CASEY: That’s why I gave them things multiple times. Each officer I gave the same information at least two or three times, I’ve done the same thing with you, the same thing with mom, the same thing with Jose. Everyone has the same information, same spelling, same names. None of that has altered because that’s it

LEE: What do you think, where do you think. You think Caylee’s ok right now? ( Notice he first ask “what then where do you think.” He realizes he’s about to have his sister answer an incriminating question so he then says is she okay?)

KC: My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I got through the court, um in my gut she’s still ok. And it still feels like she’s close to home. ( She follows up with she’s okay - and then gives a LOCATION!)

LEE: Ok ( Now he know’s where to start looking )
This is just my opinion on when LA found out the general location of the remains...There was a time when KC was out of jail and at the A's house that KC & LA went out and sat in his car...My thought is that this is when she finally told him where Caylee was at...And from that point on the investigation that the A's were conducting themselves...went to giving out false sighting info especially when the searches around orlando were going on..They were constantly trying to get the public to beleive that Caylee was alive in hopes that less people would show up and help search for a dead Caylee...I would bet money that there were numeous times that LA was in those woods and then when he had no luck finding the remains he decided to send the PI out to look around himself not thinking that DC would call hoover and they would tape it and it would all come back to bite them in the a$$.
Hey folks, I've been lurking around here for weeks... this story has more twists and turns than anything Hollywood could concoct. Anyway, I've been reading the threads and never saw this mentioned, but one of the things that for me was a light bulb moment was during the July 25th Jailhouse visit by GA and CA at 2PM when Casey begins crying and such... she says:

"Caylee is so lucky to have both of you... you've... you've... I can't even put into words how glad I am that she's *had* both of you..... and that she still has both of you."

It always struck me as a little odd that she used the past tense in this phrase. If she believed in fact that her daughter were still alive wouldn't she use the present tense? In fact I think she caught it herself and had to backtrack, which is why she immediately followed with the "and that she still has both of you"...

Anyway, it could just be me, but that for me set off my hinky meter. :confused:
Hey folks, I've been lurking around here for weeks... this story has more twists and turns than anything Hollywood could concoct. Anyway, I've been reading the threads and never saw this mentioned, but one of the things that for me was a light bulb moment was during the July 25th Jailhouse visit by GA and CA at 2PM when Casey begins crying and such... she says:

"Caylee is so lucky to have both of you... you've... you've... I can't even put into words how glad I am that she's *had* both of you..... and that she still has both of you."

It always struck me as a little odd that she used the past tense in this phrase. If she believed in fact that her daughter were still alive wouldn't she use the present tense? In fact I think she caught it herself and had to backtrack, which is why she immediately followed with the "and that she still has both of you"...

Anyway, it could just be me, but that for me set off my hinky meter. :confused:

Definitely noticed fact I think she uses the past tense than changes it immediately several times throughout their visits. I am sure this will be used as evidence.
WEFFY..............that is great!!!
when reading this about the 2nd letter and the time period.......
JB might of took it and then JB knew CAYLEE was dead and made the statement 'finding a body would NOT be in kc interest'.........something like that on TV. LA HAD to know in LA/KC speak, exactly where CAYLEE was.........also CA heard kc 'whispering' stuff to LA when she was talking to LE on the phone about smell in car and granddaughter gone!! MOO
Hey folks, I've been lurking around here for weeks... this story has more twists and turns than anything Hollywood could concoct. Anyway, I've been reading the threads and never saw this mentioned, but one of the things that for me was a light bulb moment was during the July 25th Jailhouse visit by GA and CA at 2PM when Casey begins crying and such... she says:

"Caylee is so lucky to have both of you... you've... you've... I can't even put into words how glad I am that she's *had* both of you..... and that she still has both of you."

It always struck me as a little odd that she used the past tense in this phrase. If she believed in fact that her daughter were still alive wouldn't she use the present tense? In fact I think she caught it herself and had to backtrack, which is why she immediately followed with the "and that she still has both of you"...

Anyway, it could just be me, but that for me set off my hinky meter. :confused:

Welcome! and you are so right about kc slipping now and then about CAYLEE in the PAST TENSE!! imo:furious:
This is just my opinion on when LA found out the general location of the remains...There was a time when KC was out of jail and at the A's house that KC & LA went out and sat in his car...My thought is that this is when she finally told him where Caylee was at...And from that point on the investigation that the A's were conducting themselves...went to giving out false sighting info especially when the searches around orlando were going on..They were constantly trying to get the public to beleive that Caylee was alive in hopes that less people would show up and help search for a dead Caylee...I would bet money that there were numeous times that LA was in those woods and then when he had no luck finding the remains he decided to send the PI out to look around himself not thinking that DC would call hoover and they would tape it and it would all come back to bite them in the a$$.

ITA with all of your posts!

This video becoming public really has all of them CYA.

What do you think they were going to do if they did find her?
Looking to see if this Lee Anthony story is on any of the wires yet. Isn't.
Found this comment which was interesting though.

Topix poster....
just heard something I haven't heard before on the jail house tapes. Casey says to Cindy, "Yuri has it set in his mind that I've done something." Cindy replies by saying, "Well, he thinks you GUYS did something to Caylee." Just an accidental observation I stumbled upon.
Here is another big HUH???? moment for me..

Remains located----Dec 11th-2008
Anothony's fly in from California---Dec 12-2008
Retain new attorney----ASAP
BC starts talking about immunity for A's---Immidiatly
LA hires attorney---Right after remains are located
LA Attorney--starts talking about charges his client might face
PI's--Start talking about tape that shows no body--Dec 16th-
PI--DC starts lying about why he was in the woods--1st wk of Jan--2009
Hoover--admits that DC knew remains were in woods--Dec 14th

Something is very wrong with this picture and there are so many light bulbs going off you could lite up Orlando...I can't wait to see what the SA has on this family and I hope to god they are indicted on something so they cannot profit off of this poor baby....They have already gotten more than enough and I hope at they very least they lose everything they have...I am so dang mad at this family I cant beleive they are still leaving that poor baby's remains just laying at the funeral home without a proper burial...If they can do this I am not surprised that they were able to leave her just lying in the wood to furthur decompose so LE could not determine how she died....This case is so much past Bizare I don't even know what to call it anymore...

Sorry for the rant.

the A's returned at 4:45 on Dec.11 the same day remains were found
Looking to see if this Lee Anthony story is on any of the wires yet. Isn't.
Found this comment which was interesting though.

You are right! I forgot about that. I wonder who else Yuri suspects as having something to do with this.
It has always bothered me as to how and why she picked the name of the nanny. I was reading through the topics this morning and it just kind of hit me.
The name seems quite unusual to most of us and it seems that way to her friends. It may have seemed unusual to her at first also. The more we know about her the more we are seeing that name in different variations. such as, a former classmate, a neighbor, and the woman from who went to Sawgrass looking for apartments.
We know the two last names are very common. This name may have stuck in her mind because as she first thought it to be unusual, she is running into it everywhere.
By using this name she may have felt it could send LE on such a wild goose chase that it could last for years. With the hyphen, they would have to check both last names. This is also most likely one of the first names she heard or saw after killing Caylee.
She is not very smart and didn't think this through. She underestimated LE and tried to get them to keep checking around. She is used to people believing everything she says, or at least pretending to believe it. If she had not mentioned Sawgrass Apartments this could have gone on for a long time.
And, if you recall, Cindy said in an interview shortly thereafter, that she had not called KC home on that night or any night that Caylee was there. Did not happen. That of course, was before she started COVERING.

So does anyone have a theory on where Casey put Caylee on this night? The night she removed Caylee from the bed she was sharing with RM. Where do you take your 2 year old child in the middle of the night? If there was no ZFG and CA did not call her home with Caylee, then where did she place this baby? The trunk? the abandoned house on Brackenwood? Geez this girl has no limits to her meaness.

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