Like it or not, JBR murder a DNA case.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


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Mar 28, 2005
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For years, officials and the media have been reporting 'mystery male DNA points to an intruder'. More recently, a DNA test was used as a basis to officially exhonerate the R's as suspects in the case.

JBR murder therfore now seems to be a DNA intruder case.

The DNA fits in well with the other evidence. That is, it is mutually supportive of and not conflicting with evidence that already existed. It was already reported that JBR was sexually assaulted. Sure enough, the DNA is found under the fingernails of both hands, in her underwear mixed with her blood, and on either side of the waistband of her longjohns.

I'm just a layman, but it seems to me that the odds an innocent male managed to get his DNA in these exact places at a child murder scene are astronomically remote. Exponentially more likely is the DNA is owned by an assailant who made more than glove contact, who JBR managed to fight with a bit.

Since nobody has found a handwriting or DNA match in 12 years, I'd venture the 'small foreign faction' part of the RN to probably be true. The DNA then would only be applicible to countries that have shared DNA databases.
I'm just a layman, but it seems to me that the odds an innocent male managed to get his DNA in these exact places at a child murder scene are astronomically remote. Exponentially more likely is the DNA is owned by an assailant who made more than glove contact, who JBR managed to fight with a bit.

Edited to correct:

I take back my earlier statement. Disagreement is one thing; this was another. I offer no excuse.
For years, officials and the media have been reporting 'mystery male DNA points to an intruder'. More recently, a DNA test was used as a basis to officially exhonerate the R's as suspects in the case.

JBR murder therfore now seems to be a DNA intruder case.

The DNA fits in well with the other evidence. That is, it is mutually supportive of and not conflicting with evidence that already existed. It was already reported that JBR was sexually assaulted. Sure enough, the DNA is found under the fingernails of both hands, in her underwear mixed with her blood, and on either side of the waistband of her longjohns.

I'm just a layman, but it seems to me that the odds an innocent male managed to get his DNA in these exact places at a child murder scene are astronomically remote. Exponentially more likely is the DNA is owned by an assailant who made more than glove contact, who JBR managed to fight with a bit.

Since nobody has found a handwriting or DNA match in 12 years, I'd venture the 'small foreign faction' part of the RN to probably be true. The DNA then would only be applicible to countries that have shared DNA databases.

So if its only the DNA the RN & all evidence means NOTHNG? *AND* who says there hasnt been a handwriting match???:)
So if its only the DNA the RN & all evidence means NOTHNG? *AND* who says there hasnt been a handwriting match???:)

For your information, there are a number of ransom note cases, LaMarca for example, where a positive handwriting match proved to be the 'big break' in the case.

JBR's currently isn't one of them. Either that, or I missed the 'big break' part.
You didn't miss it, Holdon. The DA just chose to ignore it.

I'll send you Fifty Bucks if you promise to NEVER mention the fictional "fingernail DNA" again.
Since nobody has found a handwriting or DNA match in 12 years, I'd venture the 'small foreign faction' part of the RN to probably be true. The DNA then would only be applicible to countries that have shared DNA databases.

Perhaps the ransom note is what it is---and no one believed it.
Perhaps the ransom note is what it is---and no one believed it.

Wouldn't it be something if all these years, a small foreign faction has been laughing it up at all the RDI & IDI antics, anti-wealth, the 'decadent society', and how we see ourselves?
Wouldn't it be something if all these years, a small foreign faction has been laughing it up at all the RDI & IDI antics, anti-wealth, the 'decadent society', and how we see ourselves?

Did you type that with a straight face??:waitasec:

Seriously....This "SFF" spent all this supposed time/money & resources on ONE crime? That proved???

Lets face it other than us "internet hold outs" & the family the death of JBR affected who? If 9/11 didnt change this "decadent society" how does one random crime?
For years, officials and the media have been reporting 'mystery male DNA points to an intruder'. More recently, a DNA test was used as a basis to officially exhonerate the R's as suspects in the case.

JBR murder therfore now seems to be a DNA intruder case.

The DNA fits in well with the other evidence. That is, it is mutually supportive of and not conflicting with evidence that already existed. It was already reported that JBR was sexually assaulted. Sure enough, the DNA is found under the fingernails of both hands, in her underwear mixed with her blood, and on either side of the waistband of her longjohns.

I'm just a layman, but it seems to me that the odds an innocent male managed to get his DNA in these exact places at a child murder scene are astronomically remote. Exponentially more likely is the DNA is owned by an assailant who made more than glove contact, who JBR managed to fight with a bit.

Since nobody has found a handwriting or DNA match in 12 years, I'd venture the 'small foreign faction' part of the RN to probably be true. The DNA then would only be applicible to countries that have shared DNA databases.

Until someone can show me the same DNA on the rope, paintbrush handle...I ain't buying it.
Please, think for yourself and allow me the privilege to do the same. TY.:)
How have I denied your privilege??

You think ,you post,I think,I respond.........what part dont you get??
You know darn well how it works here.........dont be cute with twisting my sig quote around.........thats a cheap way of avoiding my questions...........seriously please enlighten me about the "SFF".
Did you type that with a straight face??:waitasec:


Seriously....This "SFF" spent all this supposed time/money & resources on ONE crime? That proved???

Uh, not proven. It'd be news, wouldn't it?

Lets face it other than us "internet hold outs" & the family the death of JBR affected who? If 9/11 didnt change this "decadent society" how does one random crime?

What made you think somebody wanted to change society with this 'random crime'? My guess is that somebody wanted JBR and screwed up.

Its not really a 'random crime' is it. I mean, its really a 'high profile murder'.
That's just it this is a high profile murder a small forgien faction would had put their name to it more than Saved BY The Cross..Even a small forgien faction would want their name known what better way than a high profile murder..And besides if a forgien faction is going to do something like this I think they would pick someone higher than John Ramsey to make their point clear..
That's just it this is a high profile murder a small forgien faction would had put their name to it more than Saved BY The Cross..Even a small forgien faction would want their name known what better way than a high profile murder..And besides if a forgien faction is going to do something like this I think they would pick someone higher than John Ramsey to make their point clear..

Mentioning the SFF was another stupid detail that was added in a hurry,probably because it sounded interesting at the time and was pointing FAR away from those who composed it.

You didn't miss it, Holdon. The DA just chose to ignore it.

You may be more right than you know, DeeDee. There are several hints in PMPT that at least some of the experts were ready to testify to a match and that those reports are very likely buried deep in the police file.

I'll send you Fifty Bucks if you promise to NEVER mention the fictional "fingernail DNA" again.

I'll match that!
Media and LE reports it, RDI doesn't like it, so it becomes fictional?

I suppose if the DNA were R DNA, it would be magically less fictional? It would be "OMG thats it, that proves it!" when degraded R DNA would be expected on JBR.

Too bad they didn't find any R DNA in the underpants. Only DNA from an unknown male.
Media and LE reports it, RDI doesn't like it, so it becomes fictional?

If there's one thing this case has taught me, it's to not believe everything you read in the paper.

I suppose if the DNA were R DNA, it would be magically less fictional? It would be "OMG thats it, that proves it!" when degraded R DNA would be expected on JBR.

Not at all. Like you said, it would be expected.

Too bad they didn't find any R DNA in the underpants. Only DNA from an unknown male.

Yeah, they found something ELSE from the Rs in there!
Like the date?

HOTYH, I could write a whole separate book on how media laziness can ruin stories we the people should know about. Or have you forgotten that whole "Weapons of Mass Destruction" deal? I sure haven't.

Right. Like fiber.

You don't understand. It's not that fibers WERE found, it's WHERE they were found and how no one could come up with an innocent explanation that meshes with their OWN stories!

Right. Like fiber.


I'd let male intruder DNA evidence supersede parental fiber evidence any day of the week.

I'll bet you would.
Taken separately, the leggings DNA, the underwear DNA, and yes the fingernail DNA may not be significant due to their degraded state. Taken together, where each sample of DNA matches the other, is HUGELY significant. It no longer matters if the DNA is degraded, as long as it matches.

We no longer care if its degraded, because we're told by labs, not politicians, that it matches.

It really turns the whole case around.

Thats why the latest thing we've got out of an official body and the media is the 'intruder DNA' and how 'the Ramseys should be treated as victims and not suspects.'

Its time to get with the times if anyone is really, truely interested in a solution. The evidence tells us that the solution is with an intruder scenario.

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