Like it or not, JBR murder a DNA case.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Taken separately, the leggings DNA, the underwear DNA, and yes the fingernail DNA may not be significant due to their degraded state. Taken together, where each sample of DNA matches the other, is HUGELY significant. It no longer matters if the DNA is degraded, as long as it matches.

Well, I still disagree, for several reasons. But I'll say this: I applaud your reasoning.

Thats why the latest thing we've got out of an official body and the media is the 'intruder DNA' and how 'the Ramseys should be treated as victims and not suspects.'

Its time to get with the times if anyone is really, truely interested in a solution. The evidence tells us that the solution is with an intruder scenario.

You forget: the case is in different hands now.
You forget: the case is in different hands now.

I did not forget that. Its irrelephant, thats all.

Why did you claim that I forgot that? I read that the BPD was given the case from the DA's office, just not for the reasons you suggested. Its not like moving the case from one floor to another is going to alter the facts.

Not even the TABLOIDS are RDI anymore, SD. Your book is going to sell better as IDI. Mind if I write one?

Note to voinich: I think RDI is getting that Darth Maul feeling.
It should be possible to evaluate the probability of competing claims of fiber innocent transfer and DNA innocent transfer under controlled laboratory and real-life simulation.

I'm open to the intellectual and scientific possibility that JB hugged a 4 y/o boy, and then touched her vagina, and hence transfer. But it seems equally possible that fibers that are consistent w/R's clothing were found in cord, surprise-surprise, but it may be unlikely scientifically speaking, or it could be likely.

I have cat hair in my clothing b/c, surprise, surprise, I have a cat. Cats & dogs though do vary a lot in their shed rates.

Initially, beavers AFAIK are an endangered species, and I thought there might be legal issues w/beaver clothing,
I admit that while having a pet beaver is pretty remote --- there are signs saying "beaver introduction, do not harm the beaver, habitat restoration in progress" in some lakes and streams around the US, beaver hair is more likely to have come from beaver boots than a pet beaver.
Note to voinich: I think RDI is getting that Darth Maul feeling.


Darth Maul "at last we will reveal ourselves to the jedi, at last we will have our revenge"

I kinda am jealous that SD-WON has co-opted the much cooler more powerful SITH for the RDI, leaving us w/Jedi-IDI :behindbar

I quite frankly believe in SW, the Sith are indeed more powerful than the Jedi. I've debated this on SW forum. I think Sidious beat both Windu and Yoda.
It should be possible to evaluate the probability of competing claims of fiber innocent transfer and DNA innocent transfer under controlled laboratory and real-life simulation.

I'm open to the intellectual and scientific possibility that JB hugged a 4 y/o boy, and then touched her vagina, and hence transfer. But it seems equally possible that fibers that are consistent w/R's clothing were found in cord, surprise-surprise, but it may be unlikely scientifically speaking, or it could be likely.

I have cat hair in my clothing b/c, surprise, surprise, I have a cat. Cats & dogs though do vary a lot in their shed rates.

Initially, beavers AFAIK are an endangered species, and I thought there might be legal issues w/beaver clothing,
I admit that while having a pet beaver is pretty remote --- there are signs saying "beaver introduction, do not harm the beaver, habitat restoration in progress" in some lakes and streams around the US, beaver hair is more likely to have come from beaver boots than a pet beaver.

I did not forget that.

Why did you claim that I forgot that? I read that the BPD was given the case from the DA's office, just not for the reasons you suggested.

Good enough. And you're right: it wasn't given back for the reasons I gave. Anywhere ELSE, it would have been.

Its not like moving the case from one floor to another is going to alter the facts.

Just the way they're viewed.

Not even the TABLOIDS are RDI anymore, SD. Your book is going to sell better as IDI.

I don't care about the money, HOTYH. I thought you knew that by now. I'm no sell-out.

Mind if I write one?

Why would I? I don't own this case.
It should be possible to evaluate the probability of competing claims of fiber innocent transfer and DNA innocent transfer under controlled laboratory and real-life simulation.

THAT I'd like to see. But how to DO it...

I'm open to the intellectual and scientific possibility that JB hugged a 4 y/o boy, and then touched her vagina, and hence transfer.

Very good.

But it seems equally possible that fibers that are consistent w/R's clothing were found in cord, surprise-surprise, but it may be unlikely scientifically speaking, or it could be likely.

VERY good.

Initially, beavers AFAIK are an endangered species, and I thought there might be legal issues w/beaver clothing,
I admit that while having a pet beaver is pretty remote --- there are signs saying "beaver introduction, do not harm the beaver, habitat restoration in progress" in some lakes and streams around the US, beaver hair is more likely to have come from beaver boots than a pet beaver.

So, am I right in assuming you've pretty much given up on that one?

Darth Maul "at last we will reveal ourselves to the jedi, at last we will have our revenge"

I kinda am jealous that SD-WON has co-opted the much cooler more powerful SITH for the RDI, leaving us w/Jedi-IDI :behindbar

We have CHOSEN to break our chains. That's all.

I quite frankly believe in SW, the Sith are indeed more powerful than the Jedi. I've debated this on SW forum. I think Sidious beat both Windu and Yoda.

I figured that out long ago.
THAT I'd like to see. But how to DO it...

Very good.

VERY good.

So, am I right in assuming you've pretty much given up on that one?

Yah I've given up on beavers. I still think that the fiber evidence could be the result of innocent transfer, and that at best, fiber evidence states that the fibers are consistent, but not proven 100%. A red Santa Claus outfit or another red sweater could give red fibers. While DNA could be the result of transfer, and I'e seen the link for the laboratory technician being a serial killer in several countries due contamination, I'm kinda skeptical that applies here as different DNA laboratories w/different technicians worked on it, and I'm not sure what the background % is for DNA innocent transfer.

Maybe Westerfield got an innocent transfer of Van Dame DNA. Maybe Nicole Simpson's DNA on OJ socks is an innocent transfer.
We have CHOSEN to break our chains. That's all.

I figured that out long ago.

Not that I believe in Yoda, but "once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny"

Um, maybe Windu did beat Sidious in open combat, based on his Vaapad sith-slaying new technique he and Sora Bulq pioneered. And Sidious did not kill Yoda, which surely a loss for a Sith.
Yah I've given up on beavers.

Works for me.

I still think that the fiber evidence could be the result of innocent transfer,

By itself, that's possible, no doubt. It's the way everything else around it fits.

and that at best, fiber evidence states that the fibers are consistent, but not proven 100%. A red Santa Claus outfit or another red sweater could give red fibers.

There's just one problem, voynich: PR admitted they are hers. And the way she did it just added to the pile.

While DNA could be the result of transfer, and I'e seen the link for the laboratory technician being a serial killer in several countries due contamination, I'm kinda skeptical that applies here as different DNA laboratories w/different technicians worked on it, and I'm not sure what the background % is for DNA innocent transfer.

They may have been different labs, but by then the contamination had already happened. Think about how compromised that crime scene was; how the coroner didn't even bother to use a different clipper for each nail, how the scraper was contaminated as well. There are a lot of problems here.

Maybe Westerfield got an innocent transfer of Van Dam DNA. Maybe Nicole Simpson's DNA on OJ socks is an innocent transfer.

Highly unlikely. And the reason I say that is because of what kind of DNA was involved, just in case you think I'm just pulling this stuff out of my nether regions.
Not that I believe in Yoda, but "once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny"

It does not dominate me. I dominate it.

Um, maybe Windu did beat Sidious in open combat, based on his Vaapad sith-slaying new technique he and Sora Bulq pioneered.

Sidious LET himself be beaten, voynich. I'd say that's fairly obvious.

And Sidious did not kill Yoda, which surely a loss for a Sith.

Only because he ran when he knew he was beaten.
SuperDave;3844976[COLOR="Blue" said:
]It does not dominate me. I dominate it.

Sidious LET himself be beaten, voynich. I'd say that's fairly obvious.

Only because he ran when he knew he was beaten.

If the most powerful highest midichlorian conceived by the force chosen one could not dominate the DS..... i must obey my master

of course i've heard that POV argued. in matthew stoward's novelization, he spells out that it was windu's superconducting loop of vaapad directing the ds against sidious that allowed him to prevail.

or Yoda knew that continuation of the fight would result in innocent lives lost, against Jedi code. you will see this is true, from a certain POV, SD-WON

If the most powerful highest midichlorian conceived by the force chosen one could not dominate the DS..... i must obey my master

of course i've heard that POV argued. in matthew stoward's novelization, he spells out that it was windu's superconducting loop of vaapad directing the ds against sidious that allowed him to prevail.

or Yoda knew that continuation of the fight would result in innocent lives lost, against Jedi code. you will see this is true, from a certain POV, SD-WON

He never had a chance to truly master it.

If you read it closely enough, it's still a question of playing possum.

Face it: the green one was too old and too old-fashioned.
He never had a chance to truly master it.

If you read it closely enough, it's still a question of playing possum.

Face it: the green one was too old and too old-fashioned.

that's vader's fault then.

If that's the case, Sidious has a level of precognition that far surpasses any Jedi. Which would make him most powerful.

i agree 100%.
Yes, the dark side is not for the weak.

You will find that several sources do in fact give him that ability.

So did he.

The novelization credits Windu's win to his "shatterpoint" mastery

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