link between Johnny G, other Iowa boys, and Jacob W?

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well, how would you describe them then?
HeartofTexas said:
In my lifetime I've read about many varying kinds of threats on people's lives. Sometimes it's a former spouse who threatens to kill us, sometimes it's a perp, sometimes it's a molester who threatens a child with wiping out their entire family if they "tell". But sometimes I've read about cases where LE, or even worse, government officials, have threatened people's lives. I have no way of knowing if the latter threats are real, but they would certainly give me a reason to pause before going to any kind of authority figure with my concerns. After all, if LE is threatening you, it's hard to feel safe going to LE with your concerns. There was a case a few years back of a woman married to (I believe) the Seattle Chief of Police. She tried to talk to some of the officers about his constant threats to her, but nobody believed her and the SPD sided with the husband. He finally killed her. Obviously, this doesn't quite fall under the category I just described about LE and/or gov't officials, but it's still a keen reminder that sometimes the very agencies in place to help us end up doing nothing or, in a worst case scenario, thwarting justice.

So what I guess I'm saying is that I think there are different levels of threats on our lives that we have to take into consideration when deciding whether or not to go to LE with our concerns. It's more than a little difficult to hide from some agencies since they are privy to every kind of background and address information on all of us.
having been a victim of a threat from a law enforcement officer who later turned out to be dirty and covering up for major drug dealers, you sometimes don't know who's dirty and who's not. It's taken me years to get a slate of clean cops I can go to.
I just post once in a while, mostly just read. But, as a mom, I see your point about a son not leaving again, but remember by this time Johnny would have been a man. I don't know how she could have stopped him. There would be no police who would believe her. Then, too, if things happened as she said, she would have been scared for him and for her.
I stated this in a different thread but......

If Johnny was my son and visited me in the middle of the night there would be no way in hell he would be leaving again. Sorry just not gonna buy it. I believe any mother would react the same. "I lost you once but I'm not going to lose you again" I dont care if there is/was a mean pedo ring or the FBI or what ever....they'd have to kill me to get him back. Just my opinion but....I think I speak for alot of mothers out there.
There is a new, equally disturbing photo of Johnny bound & gagged on the Gosch Foundation website this morning.
William R Thomas said:
There is a new, equally disturbing photo of Johnny bound & gagged on the Gosch Foundation website this morning.
Not to be argumentative, but I don't think it has be established and verified that any of these photos are of Johnny Gosch.

With that said, I don't think a mother could ever forget the way her son looks.
Noreen says they are, and that's quite frankly all I need to hear. YOU might forget what your children look like. I don't believe she has.
This new photo shows, I would say, the same boy (Johnny) as in the photo that Noreen posted on her site on August 27th (b&w version) and September 18th (color version). The bindings around the wrists and ankles are different -- rope is seen. The gag is different, too -- a red paisley kerchief is used this time. Looks like the boy is on the same bed (notice the frame), but different sheets--with a pretty distinctive pattern. On the table next to the bed I see an alarm clock, a flashlight, lots of books/papers. I can't tell what that object is next to the flashlight, the thing with the yellow cap(?). (Pill bottle?) There's also an object next to the boy's wrists, perhaps a pillow or a towel?
Do you think so? I think it actually is the same room. We're just seeing the bed at a different angle. The earlier photo shows the left side of the bed (the photographer is facing the headboard), and the later photo shows the right side, with the night-table on the right.
Perhaps. I thought the exact opposite! I'm going to blow them both up in photoshop again, and put them side by side in one photo. then anyone who wants to compare can. Hopefully I can get it done by tonight.
The thing I noticed most in the picture is how Johnny's fists are clenched so tight. That kind of thing can't be faked, so I don't think these are "staged" pictures... I think they're real.

Maima, don't laugh, but I thought the aerosol-looking can with the yellow lid looked something like burn foile, or some such spray used to calm burned skin. Obviously, I could be WAY off!
I agree with Maima re it being the same room and definitely the same bed. If you look at the headboard in the other picture of Johnny, there are two pieces of wood on the headboard that are like cutouts. There are the same two pieces in this picture, too, if you look right above the corner of the mattress above Johnny's shoulder.
I'm pretty sure that the thing on the dresser is a spay paint can like Rustoleum in yellow. Sheets look like a difinitive 70's pattern that would be hard to come by nowdays since the fibres would have been worn. I wonder if anyone can isolate the readin material to see the title of the book? Also the corn of the table looks like a kleenex box to me. Also same pants as in other photo since the stains are consistant. The other thing I noticed is that the boy seems to have no underwear on. Black Lacquer furniture was popular in the early 80s. Jsut some thoughts......
When you click on the link for Jacob's tales, you now see this twittering little message about how the site was accused of having child *advertiser censored* on it and how they are looking for the pics and will turn over those who submitted them to the law.

yeah, right.

Anyway, interesting developments to be sure. I only wish that they would finally lead to something not just more questions...
Apparently, the scuttlebut is that something significant is going to be happening very soon in this case. Noreen has said this twice now.

Since this appears to be our new thread, I'm gonna take my shoes off and make myself at home. I don't get the feeling that the old thread is reopening any time soon.

:silenced: :silenced: :silenced:
William R Thomas said:
Perhaps. I thought the exact opposite! I'm going to blow them both up in photoshop again, and put them side by side in one photo. then anyone who wants to compare can. Hopefully I can get it done by tonight.
Have you blown the photos up yet? I've been searching all day to figure out what the "spray can" is by the flash light. I've blown the photos up but been to blurry, so Im looking for a program I used to have that would keep the aspect ratio when inlarging a pic, can't remember the name of it for the life of me.

Also, I just don't get the feeling this photo is stagged, the look of terror on the boys face is all to real for me.
I agree that the look of terror on this child's face seems all too real... and I also notice how white some of his knuckles are, which means that his hands are also clenched in terror and not in some staged kind of way.
My only point is that these are photos stuck in time. They are not recent photos or even pictures of johnny when he was 17. I know that there are "trophy photos" but wouldnt there be more pictures out there of differnet ages? I only prepose this because I still wonder if he is even alive.
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