Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

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Why no more media appearances? and WHY are they only going to ABC?

If my child was missing and possibly in danger, I would be going on EVERY major network trying to get out info that could lead to my child being returned safe and unharmed.

Something stinks to high heaven.
Why no more media appearances? and WHY are they only going to ABC?

If my child was missing and possibly in danger, I would be going on EVERY major network trying to get out info that could lead to my child being returned safe and unharmed.

Something stinks to high heaven.

Oh dear Lord, please don't tell me ABC is going to be dumb TWICE and court ANOTHER missing child story!!!! Hello ABC, that didn't work out the FIRST time you did it!!!! Wow, they are quickly turning into the dumbest network ever!
I'm going to pose this question in the question/ answer thread too, but so many more seam to check out this thread.

If you are the main caregiver of a baby that is caring for a baby that is 10/11 months old, would you expect to put a child down for the night @7:30 and expect that child to sleep through the night? If you looked in on the baby @10:30 and everything looked okay, how long would you expect that baby to sleep? I'm asking the question without factoring in the possibility of the baby having a mild cold/cough.
In the timeline given no one that I know, or in my own experience, would expect a baby at this age to sleep that many hours.
This Mom has stated that Dad woke her at 4:00am.
To be clear, my point is that's a long time to assume that a 10 month old baby with a cough/cold (in the same diaper) would stay sleeping without a sound.

It is so hard to say - babies are so unique! My daughter is 13 months old now and at 10 months she caught a cold. She would wake up every few hours just miserable, stuffy nose, couldn't breathe right, etc. I would normally but her to bed at 8pm and she would wake up around 1am, eat a bottle and fall back asleep until 7am or so. On weekdays I would wake her up at 6am for daycare.

My nephew is 5 months younder than my daughter and he will sleep 10 hours STRAIGHT! It is just so hard to say what is "normal"...

I do know one thing - when my daughter had a cold at around 10 months - there is NOTHING OTC that you can/should give them to help the symptoms. As a parent you feel totally helpless, but their little bodies can't filter out the toxins in some of these medications OR it is so easy to overdose them by not knowing how much medication to give (most OTC children's cold meds start dosing chart at age 2 years).

Some people probably don't know about technology or how to cover something up. I remember watching a show a while back for a guy who murdered his ex in Kansas. On his computer, he was searching for things like "How to cover up a murder" etc.

Little did he know the FBI technology lab would recover his searches as well as him searching for how to avoid going through the toll booth between towns so he wouldnt be detected on camera.

I even recall an episode of the First 48 where they didn't have a phone, but they were able to obtain the text messages that were exchanged. I noticed on here somewhere last night a person stated AT&T didn't have a way to go back and look at text messages. Trust me. I'm sure everything is stored somewhere for a period of time, just not accessible by the general public. I would then wonder in trial disputing privacy issues etc. but I'm not sure what all is covered by that when it comes to texting. I can't recall for certain if the text messages were complete, or if it just showed the two numbers exchanging the texts with the date and time stamps...

In this case, maybe someone was too stupid thinking by taking the cell phones that there was no other way to trace anything. You just never know...

You are exactly correct - texts, calls, etc are kept by the carrier and you need a court order to release them.
DB says their Black Lab would bark at any noise and/or if a stranger was trying to break it. The dog did not bark that night.

Their Black Lab was outside that night BTW

I guess what I meant was that I would also say that the dogs would bark. Or that their barking would wake me. But one of those things is wrong (at my house). Maybe they are like me and are assuming both of those facts.

Claiming that, even though it makes them look worse, actually makes them look less guilty to me. Why would anyone emphasize the details that make your story less credible?

I'll say it again - this case is making me :crazy:
Ok so I've been researching the Andrea Yates case a bit, still in progress.

This video is a bit hard to watch, but I am putting it here for reference. In it, it goes over how Andrea Yates calls her husband and tells him to come home, and he finds all of the kids dead. When she was asked why she did it, she said that she was a bad mom and was saving them from hell.

She was diagnosed with post-partum psychosis.

Here is the video:

What makes cases like these so complex and mysterious IMO is that the action appears to be inconsistent with other observed behaviors. In other words, I think we have all probably seen evidence that Debbie loved her children. Intentionally murdering Lisa is not consistent with that.

I don't know much about post-partum psychosis at all, but after seeing the Andrea video and hearing her motive, it struck me that she was possibly posessed, or in other terms, suffering from schizophrenia.

I then remembered the wine. It made me raise the question if the wine could have perhaps precipitated an episode of scizophrenia in Debbie and caused her state of mind to be so violently changed.

Here is what I found on that topic:

It would be interesting to me if there is any evidence in Debbie's past of schizophrenic behavior.

MOO! :twocents: :seeya:

:waitasec: JMO, with no disrespect intended to yours: the part about schizophrenia seems like a really big jump.
It is so hard to say - babies are so unique! My daughter is 13 months old now and at 10 months she caught a cold. She would wake up every few hours just miserable, stuffy nose, couldn't breathe right, etc. I would normally but her to bed at 8pm and she would wake up around 1am, eat a bottle and fall back asleep until 7am or so. On weekdays I would wake her up at 6am for daycare.

My nephew is 5 months younder than my daughter and he will sleep 10 hours STRAIGHT! It is just so hard to say what is "normal"...

I do know one thing - when my daughter had a cold at around 10 months - there is NOTHING OTC that you can/should give them to help the symptoms. As a parent you feel totally helpless, but their little bodies can't filter out the toxins in some of these medications OR it is so easy to overdose them by not knowing how much medication to give (most OTC children's cold meds start dosing chart at age 2 years).

I was just talking with my husband about this last night as we were watching coverage of the case. I know that each baby is different BUT, the sheer fact that you aren't supposed to give OTC cold meds to children until they are at least two just leaves me feeling like the chances that Lisa would have slept comfortably from 7:30 PM until who knows when are pretty slim.
Something that occurred to me just this morning...if DB wanted to leave her husband and take her kids, the only problem she would encounter would be Lisa. The one boy is not JI's biological child, the other boy is not DB's biological child, so the only child he could fight her on would be Lisa.

Just food for thought.
I was just talking with my husband about this last night as we were watching coverage of the case. I know that each baby is different BUT, the sheer fact that you aren't supposed to give OTC cold meds to children until they are at least two just leaves me feeling like the chances that Lisa would have slept comfortably from 7:30 PM until who knows when are pretty slim.

I would agree with you on that point.
I did an experitment last night. My house is 24x48. Two bedrooms on one end and a bedroom and large laundry room at the other end, with the LR and K in the middle with a half wall seperating the two. We leave the kitchen light on at night, every night.

I opened the front door and the two little dogs came running of course, but no barking since they know me. I turned on the light and listened, no one stirred, and this light shines right in on my hubby in one BR and my GD in another BR. I walked in the BR on the other end of the house, picked up my 2 mth old GD from her bassinet (which is right by my daughters bed) and walked back to open and shut the front door again. NO ONE woke up. I had put my light jacket over my shoulder and fixed it to where the baby would not get the light in her eyes and I don't have carpet, all wood floors. I put the baby back (she stirred, but a pacifier was all I needed to settle her down).

So, I say with the BR doors closed, it would be even easier. If a cell would have been in sight, I could have very well picked it up.

If I had woke the baby, I would be in deep doo doo with my daughter, lol.

It could happen!
:waitasec: JMO, with no disrespect intended to yours: the part about schizophrenia seems like a really big jump.

It sure does. People with schizophrenia can not turn it on and off. This woman got on TV multiple times and appears to be completely normal. Andrea Yates had an obvious psychiatric problem-so there is no comparison whatsoever.
You are exactly correct - texts, calls, etc are kept by the carrier and you need a court order to release them.

Several years ago my then 12 (nearly 13) year old and one of his friends sent a threatening text to a girl in their class to get back at her for upsetting another friend of theirs to the point that she changed classes. At the time son had a pay as you go phone so they were certain that the message couldn't be traced (for good measure they signed another girl's name to the text, lol). Two days later there was a cop knocking on the door looking for my son. When we activated the phone we had registered it in his name with our address and LE had been able to quickly get a subpoena requiring the carrier to turn over that information. They were also given a copy of the text that was stored on the server.

This past summer my husband and I split up for a period of time. During that time he sent me some texts that I saved at the advice of my attorney only to have my phone destroyed and the texts lost. I was able to contact Verizon and get a copy of every text he had sent in the past 30 days because the account is in my name. Funny O/T, my husband and my son's numbers are 1 digit apart and I first requested son's records by accident. I was informed I would have to pay priniting costs plus hourly wage for w/e amount of time it took to print the 30K+ texts he averages a month. Husband averages less than 500 texts a month and I was sent those records at no charge.
I think whatever happend to baby Lisa was an accident. THe reason no one can find baby Lisa is either:

A) babies body physically injured or
B) babies body was intoxicated with over the counter medication.

I beleive mom knows what happend to Lisa, and had to hide her body to protect herself.
Something that occurred to me just this morning...if DB wanted to leave her husband and take her kids, the only problem she would encounter would be Lisa. The one boy is not JI's biological child, the other boy is not DB's biological child, so the only child he could fight her on would be Lisa.

Just food for thought.

I was there too,but... then I wondered where would she go and how would she go. She is not married to jeremy,she gets child support for her son, not much.She has no car that we know of, and it appears she doesn't have a license or if she does it's suspended so how would she drive. I just don't know. It doesn't make sense.
I was there too,but... then I wondered where would she go and how would she go. She is not married to jeremy,she gets child support for her son, not much.She has no car that we know of, and it appears she doesn't have a license or if she does it's suspended so how would she drive. I just don't know. It doesn't make sense.

Did you ever wonder if maybe she wanted to go out for the night and left the kids in the home with a relative? Just curious...because I've thought of several different scenarios trying to see if any might fit.
I was there too,but... then I wondered where would she go and how would she go. She is not married to jeremy,she gets child support for her son, not much.She has no car that we know of, and it appears she doesn't have a license or if she does it's suspended so how would she drive. I just don't know. It doesn't make sense.

Well if you know how to drive than you can drive without a license. Of course if police stops you, you are in trouble. But if really needed to drive somewhere you could.
Well if you know how to drive than you can drive without a license. Of course if police stops you, you are in trouble. But if really needed to drive somewhere you could.

I would think more often than not that is the case. In my wilder and much younger days my license was suspended for failing to pay a ticket. I did drive from time to time, but was too scared most of the time of getting pulled over. We would probably be surprised how many people are on the road driving with suspended or revoked licenses.

Well if you know how to drive than you can drive without a license. Of course if police stops you, you are in trouble. But if really needed to drive somewhere you could.

I really believe that a pedophile took the baby. It could be someone that was never registered as a SO, someone that would never be suspected of being one. It could be that a neighbor had a friend or family visitor that happened to see baby Lisa on their visit. I wish that LE could take a look at all the neighbors computers. These sickos view child *advertiser censored* very secretly and family members have no clue.
FTR, I'm a mom of two young children and only recently (thanks to babycenter) learned that they stopped making cold medicine for children. When my now 3 y/o was 11 months they still made benadryl for 2-4 y/os. Our pediatrician told us how much to give her and how often. We used it, when we ran out we got more.

They've just recently stopped making infant tylenol b/c parents didn't realize there was a difference between the infant and the children's and when their pedi would give them the dosage of childrens they were giving them infant tylenol. Infant tylenol is far more concentrated and requires much less, which is great when you have kids that hate it.

I'm not thinking there was an accidental death, even if Lisa was given cold medicine and OD'd what are the chances that DB would know that's what caused her death? I wouldn't have jumped to that conclusion, if Lisa died in her sleep, wouldn't the logical conclusion be SIDs?
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