Lisa's Parents Want New Detectives

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pfft.... something smells like a 2 year old throwing a fit. Really?

Here's what I have to say to these parents;

Your child is GONE and you want to play F. Lee Bailey with the very people helping you find her... (modsnip). You ask that the world forgive you for being a drunk, neglectful, mother who endangers her children, but you can't move past the idea that the detectives are just doing their job? (Even though you fell all over yourself in interview telling people you understand this is the case.) This reeks of guilt.

Wondering how much of the taxpayer money this (modsnip) is going to cost us? Meanwhile, we have to go on a magical mystery tour to potentially save her child's life.
BUT the FBI is already involved in this one! :waitasec: moo

Initially all LE agencies get involved because this is a missing child case. An Amber Alert was issued and it was considered an abduction. I don't know at what point a federal agency steps aside and lets local LE handle the case. My guess is when local LE tells them the crime is local and no evidence is presented to suggest a suspect has crossed State lines.

Many of the other cases I've followed and continue to follow had FBI involvement but then it was left to local LE to solve.
I personally would want new detectives, old detectives, the CIA, FBI, the mob, congress and anyone else I get..they would throw me in the nut house. I would have talked to LE so much their ears would be bleeding.
IDK, but I have a feeling LE may have being playing hardball with them and making some shocking accusations. Just a thought. Also, if your baby was missing, say you had nothing to do with and knew nothing, wouldn't you want LE to be looking for your baby and who did it, not spending all their time and effort on you? Just another thought.

Yes! Like, "interrogate me, ask me anything you want, tell me what you need, let's get this done post haste so you can rule me out and look for the real culprit." But that's not what DB and JI have done.
Gah, I resent that. I'm sick of people blaming trained professionals because they can't control things. I totally agree with you and I've thought this from the beginning.
Anyone who behaves the way, they have, can blame themselves for the way things are going.
I'm sure the detectives would like a different case too.


ITA. These two unusual individuals have wasted precious time. They have squandered any empathy I could have spared for them. I have seen and heard too much nonsense to ever believe they are innocent in the disappearance of this baby.
I personally would want new detectives, old detectives, the CIA, FBI, the mob, congress and anyone else I get..they would throw me in the nut house. I would have talked to LE so much their ears would be bleeding.

Yep. Yet another big fat waste of time. You can basically take every stall tactic and put them in a hat and pick out one a day. That seems to be what is happening here.
Sorry, I don't know much about Amber's case. How long was she missing before her mother requested FBI help?

Even though it's been a little over three weeks since Baby Lisa vanished, an eternity for most, it's it a bit soon to start requesting new investigator's?


I don't recall off hand. Local LE were on the "runaway" theory and at the same time looked at her stepfather as a person of interest. Family was totally innocent

She was murdered by a registered sex offender. He murdered another girl shortly after Amber.

Cops do get it wrong sometimes.
I am just exasperated! For real? So much has come out w the HRD, the man walking , woods searched, but they want new detectives? Give them new detectives and get after it. Throw me back to CA wanting only a live Caylee searched for, Elisabeth Johnson w her broken trust. Sorry to say these parents are lumping themselves w some very hinkey people. Birds of a feather?
Yes. Amber Dubois mom (Carrie) took her case to the FBI because she was fed up with local LE.

i had never heard of this case,so i went and watched an episode of 48 hours mystery about it.i think i cried just about the whole 40 mins.

stranger danger is real but its still not changed my opinion of these 2.

these girls parents/step parents did everything that DB/JI SHOULD be doing,yet they are throwing tantrums and worrying about themselves
Maybe LE could start looking too while they wait for the interviews instead of telling media their complaints.
Maybe they should look down by the river, there has been talk here that it is accessible by foot.
Maybe LE should find the blob in the gas station footage and rule him/her/it out. I am not local but have they gone on the local stations and asked for this person to come forward or do they just want to discuss how the parents wont meet.? Seems like they could be doing things to look also.
Yes, LE needs to look at the parents, but in the meantime they could be working to rule out other options.
Personally Im on the fence, I have no idea what happened, but it seems like LE could act a little more professional too.
I will also add that its possible LE does have allot more info, maybe they have the pings from the cell phones or proof of calls or something, maybe they have what they feel is evidence that the parents did something and just are not able to to say.
I still feel like they could arrest her for child endangerment for being intoxicated while YOUR BABY DISAPPEARS, so I dont get why LE plays in to the media.
i had never heard of this case,so i went and watched an episode of 48 hours mystery about it.i think i cried just about the whole 40 mins.

stranger danger is real but its still not changed my opinion of these 2.

these girls parents/step parents did everything that DB/JI SHOULD be doing,yet they are throwing tantrums and worrying about themselves

I respect your opinion but have to disagree. If the Press release is true regarding what these parents did then I believe they have done everything in their power to ensure they get ruled out so LE can focus on finding their daughter.

There is still that struggle going on with LE and until that is resolved, I don't know how much more they can do. Unfortunately, they had to get an attorney because LE were pointing the finger at mom.

The attorney set up a website, media is all over the case, they made pleas in the early days, flyers have been posted, LE did a door to door canvassing of the neighbourhood. What else can a parent do but rely on LE? Where does one even begin to search when the ones who are supposed to help you think you killed your child?

I don't know if they're guilty. So far, I have not seen real factual evidence to point to their guilt and until then even if I think some of the story is screwy, I will continue to believe they are not involved. Someone took Lisa and she needs to be found..........YESTERDAY!

I wish they would hire a PI whose only focus is to find Lisa. Deep down, I like to believe there is one looking for her and it's being kept a secret. It makes me feel better knowing that. :(
I can empathasize with that and have...

But surely these parents were not so naive to think that there weren't other detectives and officers out searching and interviewing/canvassing the neighborhood, while they were being interviewed at the station? I don't have the exact counts, more than a few hundred counting FBI...even in the early days of this case, IINM.

And now, *3 weeks* later, they surely cannot claim naivety on this point. There is MSM "evidence" of the searches and canvassing. I simply don't believe that they haven't read/watched the news on TV and online. If not, their family members and friends have surely clued them in. Other than that, I guess they have to go with what they think is SOP and their gut feelings, in addition to what LE/FBI has told them in person and on the phone.

I can't say for certain- because I'm not in their position- but I believe my stance would be something along the lines of "question me all you want, by whoever you want, as long as you can proove to me that you you are also following up on other investigative leads that will help find my baby, and keep me in the loop with those leads and searches."

i think even if LE met all their "needs" they still wouldn't answer questions.

Wow! Has there EVER been a point in this investigation where they've made their MISSING BABY a priority???

These people infuriate me. Are they mad that the police are focusing too close to home? Newsflash: new detectives would do the same thing! If they have nothing to hide then they should be cooperative!

HOw many times can they stall by requesting new detectives? New ones come in, will NEED answers to the SAME question...will they get the boot from the parents too?

I have a feeling Dehrah likes control... so far.. it's working!! Imagine that!

Also, I am totally disgusted that HER baby girl was KIDNAPPED by a STRANGER(her words, not mine) and she is holding up the investigation with her teenager games.... "we don't like him, we want a new one" ...

i don't understand why they want to do this,your BABY is missing you should be answering anything and everything that they want to ask you,the only way they can clear you from being a suspect (i know they've not been named as suspects my LE) is letting them interview you, with no restriction on questions IMO. if you are innocent there shouldn't be a problem.

DB dug herself a massive hole with all her inconsistencies,a case of foot in mouth. the way JI is acting seems a bit creepy to me,no emoticon nothing.

they are acting like spoiled little children IMO and having a tantrum cause they can't get what they want.


Honest people would answer any question, guilty people would be afraid of certain questions....The questions that the parents do not want to be asked must hit too close to the Gods honest truth

They are making such a huge deal about being interviewed....did they forget that their daughter is missing.

I always say to my kid, "how does it feel to want." Now, when he texts me something he "wants", my reply is "and I WANNA million bucks.

Their baby is missing! Get it done, stop whining! LE will call their bluff, give them someone new to interview them, and they still won't answer the damn questions. JMO! These parents and their attorney's are outrageous in their "wants and expectations" of LE." It's all about them (parents), nothing about their little baby missing! How does stalling and not speaking to LE help find Lisa? It doesn't! I said this from the beginning, it's CYA mode. Poor little Lisa.

I'm sick of people blaming trained professionals because they can't control things. I totally agree with you and I've thought this from the beginning.

Anyone who behaves the way, they have, can blame themselves for the way things are going.

I'm sure the detectives would like a different case too.

I personally would want new detectives, old detectives, the CIA, FBI, the mob, congress and anyone else I get..they would throw me in the nut house. I would have talked to LE so much their ears would be bleeding.

Yes! Like, "interrogate me, ask me anything you want, tell me what you need, let's get this done post haste so you can rule me out and look for the real culprit." But that's not what DB and JI have done.

These two unusual individuals have wasted precious time. They have squandered any empathy I could have spared for them. I have seen and heard too much nonsense to ever believe they are innocent in the disappearance of this baby.

these girls parents/step parents did everything that DB/JI SHOULD be doing,yet they are throwing tantrums and worrying about themselves

ITA with all the above !!

I can't say for certain- because I'm not in their position- but I believe my stance would be something along the lines of "question me all you want, by whoever you want, as long as you canprove to me that you you are also following up on other investigative leads that will help find my baby, and keep me in the loop with those leads and searches."

iirc, LE has cleared some 1500 "leads"... shouldn't that tell DB and JI that LE doesn't -or didn't- have only a one track mind? (even despite certain d@mning evidence)

how can they claim that LE was/is only focused on them??! :banghead:

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