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Re: the 5:56 call going to voicemail

Looking over Toni's statements I have noted that LE did not ask him what time Casey arrived at his apartment on June 16th. I have been looking for some kind of reference point to gauge a time of arrival. Early on this article stated there was a call from Casey to Toni at 5:57.

Looking at records I do not see that call listed.

I gather that is an error in reporting. Am I correct in my assumption?

Yes, it seems to be an error. But maybe what they meant to say was that the 5:57 ping ("voicemail waiting") was the first one that pings from the area of Tony's apartment. The ping before that was at 4:53 pm, though, so it's hard to say when she really got there.

IIRC, Tony and Casey didn't arrive at Blockbuster until around 8:00 pm. At 7:42 pm Tony ends a cell phone call with a friend, then gets back on the phone with the same friend from about 7:51-8:02 pm. I've always thought that a likely reason for interrupting the call was that Casey rang his doorbell. But then what was she doing hanging around the area of his apartment from at least 5:57 pm-7:42 pm (and maybe up to an hour earlier)?
Yes, it seems to be an error. But maybe what they meant to say was that the 5:57 ping ("voicemail waiting") was the first one that pings from the area of Tony's apartment. The ping before that was at 4:53 pm, though, so it's hard to say when she really got there.

IIRC, Tony and Casey didn't arrive at Blockbuster until around 8:00 pm. At 7:42 pm Tony ends a cell phone call with a friend, then gets back on the phone with the same friend from about 7:51-8:02 pm. I've always thought that a likely reason for interrupting the call was that Casey rang his doorbell. But then what was she doing hanging around the area of his apartment from at least 5:57 pm-7:42 pm (and maybe up to an hour earlier?)

(bolded and underscored by me)

Thanks!!! That is exactly what I was wondering!!!!
I have a question and I know this is going waaaay back to the beginning of the case but there is something I have always wondered about.

Cindy goes to AL's and makes KC come home. KC will only say that Caylee is with the sitter and she doesn't want to wake her. Cindy calls the cops to report unauthorized use of the car trying to force or control Casey into taking her to Caylee. Okay, so let's stop it right there. Suppose that Casey never told Lee that Caylee had been missing for 31 days. Now the cops show up and all we have is a mom that is mad about her daughter using the car, the car being towed, (remember the smell of dead body in the damn car was actually never mentioned until after Cindy found out Caylee had not been seen for 31 days), and her daughter wont' take her to her grandaughter. Why couldn't Casey have just told the cops that Caylee was with a sitter and she was not going to wake her up and upset her with all the drama going on. She was Casey's daughter and it seems to me that she had no obligation or legal responsibility to take Cindy to where Caylee was. Okay, so my question is, if the almighty, smarter than everyone Casey had just kept her mouth shut, could the cops have forced her to take them or Lee or Cindy to where Caylee was? Or could Casey have bought herself enough time to be walking around today telling Cindy that she adopted Caylee out or just skip town never to be heard from again. What would have happened if she had just kept her mouth shut?

I've just always been baffled as to why Casey didn't just play along with the same story she had been telling Cindy. She is so smug and above everybody else that I can't believe Lee scared her with the scenario of the cops questioning her that she gave and told about the 31 days yet she hasn't given in and told the cops anything.
I have a question and I know this is going waaaay back to the beginning of the case but there is something I have always wondered about.

Cindy goes to AL's and makes KC come home. KC will only say that Caylee is with the sitter and she doesn't want to wake her. Cindy calls the cops to report unauthorized use of the car trying to force or control Casey into taking her to Caylee. Okay, so let's stop it right there. Suppose that Casey never told Lee that Caylee had been missing for 31 days. Now the cops show up and all we have is a mom that is mad about her daughter using the car, the car being towed, (remember the smell of dead body in the damn car was actually never mentioned until after Cindy found out Caylee had not been seen for 31 days), and her daughter wont' take her to her grandaughter. Why couldn't Casey have just told the cops that Caylee was with a sitter and she was not going to wake her up and upset her with all the drama going on. She was Casey's daughter and it seems to me that she had no obligation or legal responsibility to take Cindy to where Caylee was. Okay, so my question is, if the almighty, smarter than everyone Casey had just kept her mouth shut, could the cops have forced her to take them or Lee or Cindy to where Caylee was? Or could Casey have bought herself enough time to be walking around today telling Cindy that she adopted Caylee out or just skip town never to be heard from again. What would have happened if she had just kept her mouth shut?

I've just always been baffled as to why Casey didn't just play along with the same story she had been telling Cindy. She is so smug and above everybody else that I can't believe Lee scared her with the scenario of the cops questioning her that she gave and told about the 31 days yet she hasn't given in and told the cops anything.

Wow, great question - this never occurred to me. Will be interested to see what the great minds here come up with. Casey didn't give the impression she was afraid of the police from the interviews I've watched and read of her.

Maybe driven by her overwhelming need to be the center of attention at all times?
I have a question and I know this is going waaaay back to the beginning of the case but there is something I have always wondered about.

Cindy goes to AL's and makes KC come home. KC will only say that Caylee is with the sitter and she doesn't want to wake her. Cindy calls the cops to report unauthorized use of the car trying to force or control Casey into taking her to Caylee. Okay, so let's stop it right there. Suppose that Casey never told Lee that Caylee had been missing for 31 days. Now the cops show up and all we have is a mom that is mad about her daughter using the car, the car being towed, (remember the smell of dead body in the damn car was actually never mentioned until after Cindy found out Caylee had not been seen for 31 days), and her daughter wont' take her to her grandaughter. Why couldn't Casey have just told the cops that Caylee was with a sitter and she was not going to wake her up and upset her with all the drama going on. She was Casey's daughter and it seems to me that she had no obligation or legal responsibility to take Cindy to where Caylee was. Okay, so my question is, if the almighty, smarter than everyone Casey had just kept her mouth shut, could the cops have forced her to take them or Lee or Cindy to where Caylee was? Or could Casey have bought herself enough time to be walking around today telling Cindy that she adopted Caylee out or just skip town never to be heard from again. What would have happened if she had just kept her mouth shut?

I've just always been baffled as to why Casey didn't just play along with the same story she had been telling Cindy. She is so smug and above everybody else that I can't believe Lee scared her with the scenario of the cops questioning her that she gave and told about the 31 days yet she hasn't given in and told the cops anything.

I think Lee was right, though--the cops would have "asked" her to take them to Caylee in a way that would sure seem like they were "telling" her to take them to Caylee. And then I suppose LE could have arrested her even without the "confession" that ZFG took Caylee, because the car smelled like a dead body, the car was abandoned with the carseat in it, and Casey refused or was unable to explain where Caylee was. (Imagine how it would have gone if she had stuck with the original story: "Caylee is fine and with her nanny ZFG, whom I trust." LE: "OK, can we call or visit ZFG's apartment and just make sure?" Casey: "No. I don't want to disturb Caylee's routine." LE: "OK, can we tag along when you pick her up in the morning?" Casey: "No, um, I, um, don't want to answer any more questions actually.")
I think Lee was right, though--the cops would have "asked" her to take them to Caylee in a way that would sure seem like they were "telling" her to take them to Caylee. And then I suppose LE could have arrested her even without the "confession" that ZFG took Caylee, because the car smelled like a dead body, the car was abandoned with the carseat in it, and Casey refused or was unable to explain where Caylee was. (Imagine how it would have gone if she had stuck with the original story: "Caylee is fine and with her nanny ZFG, whom I trust." LE: "OK, can we call or visit ZFG's apartment and just make sure?" Casey: "No. I don't want to disturb Caylee's routine." LE: "OK, can we tag along when you pick her up in the morning?" Casey: "No, um, I, um, don't want to answer any more questions actually.")

Sorry I thought the question was meant if the LE did not know about the smell in the car.:blushing:
Would Casey have been able to get away with it then?
Sorry I thought the question was meant if the LE did not know about the smell in the car.:blushing:
Would Casey have been able to get away with it then?

I don't think so. I believe that CA could have still requested that they do a "I can't remember what it is called - well being check or something like that" and the police would have done it. All I think it would have taken is for CA to tell LE that she had not seen her granddaughter in 31 days or however long and that the mom was refusing to tell where she was but she felt that something was very wrong.

The LE would have ask Casey for the info and ran out on any wild goose chases KC may have sent them on and we would still be right back where we are today.
I don't think so. I believe that CA could have still requested that they do a "I can't remember what it is called - well being check or something like that" and the police would have done it. All I think it would have taken is for CA to tell LE that she had not seen her granddaughter in 31 days or however long and that the mom was refusing to tell where she was but she felt that something was very wrong.

The LE would have ask Casey for the info and ran out on any wild goose chases KC may have sent them on and we would still be right back where we are today.

Thanks 100% AGave - good to know and I missed the well being check thing.

Sorry to shout but what does everyone think the next WTH will be?
thank you AZlawyer, logicalgirl and 100%Agave. The question was intended to mean if they were not aware of the smell in the car. But I guess Cindy would never have just let it go. She would have continued to call the cops for every little thing or staked out AL's place or something until it all came out anyway. It really is sad to think about how close Casey came to getting away with this. For example, what if she had gone to CA to be with that guy she knew there and never told her parents exactly where she was or cut off all ties. Wonder if Cindy ever regrets calling the cops that night? Wonder if she would have helped Casey cover up. Very very sad because I believe she does blame herself for the way things turend out because she called the cops and if she had to do it all over again, I don't think she would.
thank you AZlawyer, logicalgirl and 100%Agave. The question was intended to mean if they were not aware of the smell in the car. But I guess Cindy would never have just let it go. She would have continued to call the cops for every little thing or staked out AL's place or something until it all came out anyway. It really is sad to think about how close Casey came to getting away with this. For example, what if she had gone to CA to be with that guy she knew there and never told her parents exactly where she was or cut off all ties. Wonder if Cindy ever regrets calling the cops that night? Wonder if she would have helped Casey cover up. Very very sad because I believe she does blame herself for the way things turend out because she called the cops and if she had to do it all over again, I don't think she would.

Sorry for the misunderdtanding. If Ga/CA has never known about the smell in the trunk or let's say that they had never received the letter from the tow yard so there was absolutely no way that they would have known about the odor, I think that it would have eventually come down to where it is now but it might have taken CA a little more time to find out exactly where KC was.

The finding of the car led to a number that she could call to find KC. So if we take the car out of the equation completely, I think that it would have taken longer but we would still be here today.

CA and GA were both hot on her trail no matter what they tell the public. I can't see either of them sitting around going "Oh, I know that we haven't seen Caylee for a couple of weeks...but no big deal...we will see her when we see her."

It would have taken longer but I really can't see either of them letting this thing go on for too much longer. They saw Caylee every day of her life, I don't see them waiting for KC to bring her around.

KC taking off to California would not have stopped this either. CA would have eventually followed her and we would still be in the same place just a month or more later.

Also the car would have eventually been discovered. There would have been another notice sent or the tow yard guys would have discovered the smell and figured it out or whatever.

Oh, one more thing, she still stole money from AH and that would have been reported unless KC had some really fantastical story to tell AH but why she took the money. If she told AH that someone else must have taken the money AH would have still gone to LE and we would still be here.

Fact is, for me, that fate plays a role in all things and things fell together the way that they did because of fate. Even with GA/CA trying to sandbag fate at every opportunity, things are still falling into place.
I was wondering why we haven't seen Mallory's depo yet. Does anyone know why?
I would also like to ask why it takes so long to address the motions and why only a couple at a time?
Are there motions from a long time ago that haven't been addressed?
I think that Casey decided to let this ride as long as she could, and realized that night that the jig was up and she had to tell Lee that Caylee was missing and start that ball rolling, even as unprepared as she was. I think she had always known she was going to finger ZFG from the beginning, thus the possible creation of the Zeinaida/Dora myspace page that we have been talking about for so long. She probably figured she could wing it, there would be a big fuss for a while, then she could get back to her regular routine. I don't think she would have ever told Cindy that she adopted Caylee out... no way... the kidnappinng scenario made Casey a sympathetic figure in all of this and took all responsibility away from her.
does anyone know when BC was hired on as CA/GA's attorney? I'm thinking it was around the day the babys' remains were discovered but for some reason I'm just drawing a big blank, oh.....mid-life........I can hardly wait for my "golden years" to get here!!! :razz::razz::razz:
does anyone know when BC was hired on as CA/GA's attorney? I'm thinking it was around the day the babys' remains were discovered but for some reason I'm just drawing a big blank, oh.....mid-life........I can hardly wait for my "golden years" to get here!!! :razz::razz::razz:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Anthonys New Attorney - Brad Conway[/ame]
The papertowels from the trunk of the car is said to have decomp fluid on them.
Is there any way to obtain DNA from decomp?
CA and GA seem to maintain that they do not believe that Caylee was in that trunk. CA debunked the air testing that indicated decomp from the trunk.
Could DNA be obtained from the papertowels or the trunk liner, or carpet or anything from the trunk?
And what about the brush that CA gave to LE that was supposed to have been one that only Caylee used... she told someone she purposely gave them a brush that was used by both KC and Caylee.
Did LE ever get any items that were only Caylee's for DNA testing / matching ?
Did anyone (LE or anyone else) ever point blank ask her why in the world she would deliberately do something like that ??
Thanks WS !
Does anyone know where the A's are physically residing at this time? At house on Hopespring Dr. or elsewhere, close by?
Does anyone know where the A's are physically residing at this time? At house on Hopespring Dr. or elsewhere, close by?

I haven't seen any media articles indicating that the Anthony's are living anywhere else but at their home.
I haven't seen any media articles indicating that the Anthony's are living anywhere else but at their home.

Deemed to be an unsubstantiated rumor by questionable source, Patty!

You haven't missed anything! :dance:
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