List - What didn't the jury hear?

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The defense prohibiting all psychiatric testimony regarding KC's mental/behavioral analysis.

Not that it would have even mattered if those experts testified...ugh
the jury didn't hear the evil that everyone else heard in that last jail recording the SA played.

it was right there, in front of them, plain as day, and the sa had provided them with a clear picture

but they didn't see it

they didn't hear it

they didn't get it.

i'd like to know why. everybody else saw it.

i need to talk to tony.


what about Casey?

callin you guys was such a waste.


but they din't get it?


i really would like to know why.

i really would.

this sounds like a partial answer. there are others. I'm sure of it.

I am with you too..and Vinnie actually showed the tweets or emails..and He is just furious..and even Def Attny's are hedging in their comments..

I agree...This was NOT a truly DP qualified jury..and maybe it was JP's fault trying to rush things..but the bottomline..well it seems this jury didnt even bother to look at the evidence..and decided not find find ANY criminal offense just to be sure she wouldnt get the DP..What a waste of Taxpayers money!!

JP with all his concern for his sequestered jurors appears NOT to have instructed them adequately or properly...Maybe SA should NOT have gone with DP.thus strike a jury period.....I am sure there are alot of questions being asked right now in the assigning DP to anyone at this point by SA's..

I feel most bad for JA..he put off his retirement for 3 years only to have wasted his efforts due to a jury who had NO CLUE!!

This is deporable in my view..but its only my personal opinion..:banghead:
That she stole from grandfathers medical account, how much she stole from C & G, and Amy. Did the jury hear she deleted over 200 of Caylee's photos and the date she did it. Why does the law allow telling bs about her being a good mother but not her evil ways. I just don't get our justice system. What about the text msg's: snot head, what about how hard she was trying to get A house,duct tape msg between Amy and her. What about how little she ever mentioned Caylee in her text.
IMO, the jury didn't hear enough about:

How decomp odor can absorb into porous materials
How the body could possibly have been kept out back of the home then moved after the 24th, not be boxed in with one theory on that
How the shorts and tshirt could have been in the bogus babysitter bag
How she did not have time according to cell pings and texting for Caylee to die accidentally
How the decomp could have leaked on the backyard spot
The thefts AFTER Caylee went missing should have been allowed
Having only read the title of this thread - What didn't the jury hear?


Now they can live with it. :gavel:
"Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee" - SP
Apparently the *cough* jury *spit* was too busy planning for cruises and wanting to get back home for their fun summer to hear much of anything. Caylee's missing out on a lot of fun summers, isn't she? I still can't believe that not even ONE of these <snipped myself> could show some backbone.
All of Tracys testimony. She spent two weeks with ICA when she was bailed out
I think they should have showed more than the one pic of her at fusion. Maybe the one of her peaing in the parking lot or humping her girlfriend?
I think they heard everything they needed to, and not much barring a murder video was gonna change the outcome. Funny though I was thinking something last night about this case and Marcia Clark just mentioned the same thing on HLN.... I was thinking what if (and it's kinda out there) but what if the jurors threw the trial to cash in... the more shocking the outcome the more likely they can ink book deals and commit to interviews for big big cash, heck just said one juror was mulling a 5 figure deal for an interview... so maybe not that far out there.
They didn't hear anything - I think they were wearing earplugs!
I have already posted some on this topic because imo it is The single most important issue that EVERYTHING pretty much hinges on.. It is what was missing and it is the reason why the dots were not easily connectable being this issue is the entire glue that holds and ties everything together.. And it gives the true and accurate motive behind why Caylee was murdered by Casey..
Lisa0477 you bring up a good point that I had briefly wondered about the other day when listening to JA's closing argument..

I was so very disappointed that SA went the route of it being Caylee's age and progression in communicating/talking therefor soon would be telling the truth that momma ain't gotta job and there sure ain't a Zanny Nanny that we stay at.. That's momma's boyfriend, Ricardo..

I hated that very "iffy" scenario was used as the actual motive for killing Caylee.. And the main reason I hate it so much is because I don't feel it's true.. IMO the true motive of "why" is the exact reason that Cindy has fought so damn hard for Casey's life!!

The motive that took things from zero to 60 in a blink of an eye and IMO had Caylee dead less than 24short hours after it all occurred.. That incident was Cindy Anthony's final straw that broke all hell loose.. Resulting with not only Cindy going ALL THE WAY with Casey verbally but very much physically as well.. Cindy having just returned from a days visit with Caylee to see Cindy's dad in the retirement home(most recognize this video as it is where we saw Caylee sing "You are my Sunshine" and sat on her Papaws lap.. The last video of Caylee, June 15,2008.. And IMO Caylee was dead less than 24 hrs after the video was made).. Cindy while on this day visit she learned of Casey's thieving ways were now being used on her elderly parents and stealing hundreds of dollars from her dad's fixed income for payment for the home he was living in.. Cindy found out from her mom that this theft had occurred while during her visit that day..

It was the straw that broke the camels back and damn it this is one thing I side with Cindy and fully understand her breaking point.. Casey had been stealing from her parents.. Literally hundreds of checks and thousands of dollars.. And once Cindy learned that Casey now had the gall to steal like this from her grandparents, Cindy's parents on a fixed income.. Well.. Cindy broke.. She literally lost it on Casey that night.. IMO all well deserved and Casey had it coming..*

This was the fight of all fights between these two who My God obviously these two clash horns and butt heads on a regular basis.. But this was different IMO Cindy really really let it all out.. And I mean let every bit of it all hang out.. She was fed up and she was gonna be damned if this spoiled bratty beeeotch daughter of hers was not gonna dare go there(stealing)from Cindy's elderly parents.. She lost It!!! She lost it!!! I mean Cindy really lost it!! Telling and calling Casey all of the things she had wanted to call her and say to her for years.. I bet it was pretty damn brutal for little Miss Casey who was the family's thieving liar thT tended to get away with chit.. Yea pretty much get away with murder(pun intended) and now Cindy had her fill and it was all being slung in Casey's face like nothing she had ever ever experienced.. Thet included and I believe pretty much drew to a close the entire Cindy breaking bad on Casey fiasco.. And that was George having tO literally peel his wife and her hands literally off of and away from Miss Casey's neck..

You guys this is the damn motive!! It is the very event that resulted in less than 24 hrs later Caylee was dead..

U see Casey/Caylee immediately hauled *advertiser censored* out of the Anthony home that night after George had peeled her mother off of her.. This is what made Casey decide late on the night of June 15th, actually still Fathers Day, to forever take the one great joy, precious love that without a doubt Casey knew would be the ULTIMATE KNIFE IN HER MOTHERS HEART!!!

Casey murdered Caylee not outta fear of Caylee talking.. Nope.. Casey murdered that child
In cold blood out of sheer hatred, venomous hatred at that moment for her mom, Cindy.. Casey would teach Cindy the ULTIMATE LESSON NOT TO EVER EFF WITH HER BECAUSE MOM WHEN YOU DO YOU BETTER DAMN WELL BELIEVE I WILL MAKE YOU PAY.. and she did.. She murdered Caylee because she had the utmost of seething hate, resentment, and in that moment straight up cold hearted revenge .. Casey killed Caylee that night of the 15th..

And the story that we now are led to believe is that Casey Caylee didn't leave the house the night of the 15th.. 100% denial that the fight of all fights even had occurred the night of the 15th.. Nope.. The story now goes that Casey/Caylee spent the night there at home the night of the 15th and then as many may then remember the part(that is actually 100% fabricated) is that George was home that day the 16th watching a cooking show when Casey/Caylee came thru the living room where he was as they were leaving with Caylee's little backpack..1pm on the 16th last to see Casey/Caylee as Casey was off to work at Universal and to drop Cays at Zanny the Nanny's.:

That ^above^ is a complete know why? And at whose direction it was to lie, fabricate, and create
A completely false scenario as the last time Casey and Caylee were seen before the start of the now infamous "31days"???..

I know someone upthread made mention of there being possible fabricated "scripts" that Casey were told to follow and that they were created by George.. Nope.. Not George..

It was at Cindy's absolute direction that this completely false account of Casey and Caylee's last being seen to be leaving the Anthony home was at 1pm on June 16th..NOT ON THE NITE OF JUNE 15th AFTER THIS HELLACIOUS FIGHT BTWN CINDY/Casey.. Instead the fabrication doesn't even have Cindy present, but rather she was at work, George home to see his daughter/granddaughter off to work at his daughter's make believe job and Cays off to the make believe Nanny named Zanny!!

This ^above^ is the script.. This is a false, completely untrue fabricated story.. Fabricated by Cindy and per her direction George was to stick with the script.. Why?.. I think the answer is obvious.. But it's all about the hellacious fight to end all fights.. The usual very much in control, leader of this family, Cindy Anthony's breaking point that sent her to a literal point of no return.. Her losing control on Casey in a way that IMO probably even scared and shook up Cindy, herself once calmed down and realizing the full extent of just how far she had gone with Casey..

It is that very event that Cindy without a shadow of a single doubt knows 110% that is what then sent Casey over the edge and resulted in little Caylee's life being forever extinguished.. Cindy knows just as well as she knows her very own name.. And because of Cindy's guilt and shame of having went that far with Casey.. Along with that she has also sadly taken on the burden of guilt and shame of her actions being the very spark to ignite the murderous anger that her daughter then took out on Caylee by killing as the ULTIMATE OF PUNISHMENT all directed at/on Cindy..

It is Cindy's self induced guilt and shame and carrying the burden of feeling in a way indirectly responsible for Caylee's life being lost that fateful night of June 15th..

It is that very event that is 100% the reason why the last time Casey/Caylee were seen was completely made up and fabricated.. It was to cover up the hell that broke loose in the Anthony home the night of the 15th involving herself
And Casey.. It was to keep that detail out.. To make it as tho it never even occurred. And Cindy even under oath, without even blinking an eye absolutely 100% now denies it happened.. But it did..*

And because Cindy knows not only it did occur but the guilt of what she feels at fault for and IMO will never forgive herself for.. It is every bit of the reason you have seen her fight, and I mean even unusually, fight fiercely to defend and truly even fiercely feels the need to even save Casey from suffering punishable by law consequences to her murdering Caylee.. Cindy feels it is the least she can do since she feels that it was ultimately her choices and actions that then indirectly led to Casey's killing Caylee..

Now that is the motive.. That is also what we know is fabricated and we know why it was fabricated..

Everything shoved into a nutshell is related to what occurred in the Anthony home the night of June 15, 2008.. and when the actual truth is seen, laid out in it's true form.. It just doesn't get anymore self explanatory or easily connecting those dots that we know that juries really need to be able to connect and see and understAnd that 1+1=2 *and that just az clear as day that the small equation of 1+1=2 is seen how it is added and totals the correct number of 2.. No bs about it.. No wheelin-dealin, fast talkin, big named "EXPERT" talking his unintelligible babblings that don't fit together, doesn't add up to what he's attempting to "say" that it does.. Basically just spewing bs..

IMO if the truth of what and why and exactly when and with who the true account of June 15th, 2008 was given to the jury as the actual true motive of why Caylee was dead less than 24 hours from those events happening..

If the true motive were simply and honestly laid out just as it happened.. The simple equation of why all of it occurred would be seen just for what it was..1+1=2'and IMO *most likely Casey would be receiving the punishment that fit the crime of murdering her defenseless toddler for the simple motive of hatred, resentment and the ultimate knife twisted into a mother's heart..revenge.. Caylee paid the price.. It was Caylees murder that served as Casey's ultimate revenge on Cindy..

Sorry so very long but I wanna know why in the hell was not the simple and purest of alll motives honestly told to these jurors.. The truth??? The true motive for why Caylee was murdered by her mom late night of June 15, 2008??

Wouldnt most agree the truth would have or could have made all the difference in the world with the outcome we have???

IMO it's a very real possibility that what I just defined ^above^ in this post is all that it would have taken for our Caylee to have received that long awaited justice on her behalf..

I wanna know why the truth wasn't given?
When they do find this all out they are going to feel pretty foolish.
I guess that's what you get for believing a compulsive liar.
It was the straw that broke the camels back and damn it this is one thing I side with Cindy and fully understand her breaking point.. Casey had been stealing from her parents.. Literally hundreds of checks and thousands of dollars.. And once Cindy learned that Casey now had the gall to steal like this from her grandparents, Cindy's parents on a fixed income.. Well.. Cindy broke.. She literally lost it on Casey that night.. IMO all well deserved and Casey had it coming..*

This was the fight of all fights between these two who My God obviously these two clash horns and butt heads on a regular basis.. But this was different IMO Cindy really really let it all out.. And I mean let every bit of it all hang out.. She was fed up and she was gonna be damned if this spoiled bratty beeeotch daughter of hers was not gonna dare go there(stealing)from Cindy's elderly parents.. She lost It!!! She lost it!!! I mean Cindy really lost it!! Telling and calling Casey all of the things she had wanted to call her and say to her for years.. I bet it was pretty damn brutal for little Miss Casey who was the family's thieving liar thT tended to get away with chit.. Yea pretty much get away with murder(pun intended) and now Cindy had her fill and it was all being slung in Casey's face like nothing she had ever ever experienced.. Thet included and I believe pretty much drew to a close the entire Cindy breaking bad on Casey fiasco.. And that was George having tO literally peel his wife and her hands literally off of and away from Miss Casey's neck..

You guys this is the damn motive!! It is the very event that resulted in less than 24 hrs later Caylee was dead..

I agree this is possible, but it could be twisted to say that Caylee got injured during the fight, maybe hitting her head on something causing an accidental death or Cindy was so mad choked Caylee to get at Casey or something to that effect, Caylee died and the whole family covered it up.

I think any motive you could come up with could be picked apart so I don't think if the state went with this verdict the results would have been any different. I just don't think the jury really paid attention to the evidence after the dramatic opening statement by Baez because drama is a lot more interesting than the forensics. When it got complex they probably just tuned out.
If these people are not intellectually capable of understanding and fulfilling the Judge's charging instructions...they should never, ever have been on a jury in this country. It makes me so flipping angry.:banghead: Where were these people educated? What psychological make up do they have that makes them uncaring about the events around them...who actually trusts someone with a responsibility such as becoming a juror on a DP case...that does not care enoough about the world around them that they do not read a paper, check the news online or watch the news on tv? OMG.

The more I think of this, the sicker I feel. I have never seen such a lazy and incompetent jury. totally irresponsible. Can someone please explain to me why notes were never taken. I have been intensely following the case since the very beginning and I sometimes have problems keeping track of all the different characters and mysteries of this case. How did the jury keep all of that in their head? I really think that they wanted to go against the grain and voted "not guilty". Like Sue Moss said last night "you do not go swimming with duct tape around your head!!". The duct tape should have been enough coupled with Caseys behavior. I have a new person to hate now... that disgusting juror named Jennifer Ford. Waste, huge waste. Amazing tht they managed to gather the 12 most unintelligent and lazy people in Pinellas county to sit on a jury. It would be a price well paid if they ended up in a fatal accident on I-95 in a few months and Casey was the driver.
The physical and verbal fight she and CA got into the night before she killed Caylee.

I think this was the motive.
To spite and hurt CA.

does anyone have any documentation of this fight? where did this come from? just wondering

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