List - What didn't the jury hear?

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The text messages between her and Tony where she is putting him off from coming over her house.

Also, that Tony told KC he didn't want kids yet and that he preferred to have boys.

The Anthony's were close to becoming financially bankrupt with Cindy drawing from her 401K which added fuel to the big fight about KC stealing from her.

Cindy's therapist's advise to kick KC out of the house and stop supporting her and Caylee financially.
Kio Maries statement that Casey use to bury pets in the spot Caylee was found.

In my opinion, her statement was strong enough that right from the start (as soon as we heard that statement) I was convinced Caylee would be found there. It said a lot to me that is where she was found.
I don't think it would have mattered. Alternate juror #14 stated that pretty much that JB's opening statment was what made him think she was not guilty.

:waitasec: Opening Statement ... something that is NOT EVIDENCE ...

:waitasec: Too bad the Judge did NOT know this on Day 1 of the Trial ... it would have saved a lot of money and time for a lot of people ...

This Jury ... a WASTE ... HUGE WASTE ...

The physical and verbal fight she and CA got into the night before she killed Caylee.

I think this was the motive.
To spite and hurt CA.

Yes, this was the Smoking Gun - if the prosecution could have presented this it would have sealed her fate. Her family would never admit to it. I always believed the jailhouse conversation that started with "You haven't said anything have you?" was about the fight. That was the tipping point, that was the motivation and the reason Caylee died the next day.

Cindy lied lied lied about it being a nice night on the 15th of June watching the video from that day.
That clip of her after the sidebar when she went into a rage behind Jose's back and all her other actions outside of the jury's presence.

That was probably the exact face Caylee saw as she was snuffed of her precious life.

BBM: Yes ... I wish the Jury would have gotten to see the REAL ICA in action ...

She played her "acting role" out well ... she sat there at the defense table like some "innocent" young girl, dressed in those Mother Hubbard looking clothes ... and the "posing" ...

Which that, in itself, is a a travesty of justice! Not to bash ANY of the jurors or alts, but if they aren't intelligent enough to reach a verdict on the FACTS, not the OPENING STATEMENT, which isn't a FACT, then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to serve on a jury? :banghead:

If these people are not intellectually capable of understanding and fulfilling the Judge's charging instructions...they should never, ever have been on a jury in this country. It makes me so flipping angry.:banghead: Where were these people educated? What psychological make up do they have that makes them uncaring about the events around them...who actually trusts someone with a responsibility such as becoming a juror on a DP case...that does not care enoough about the world around them that they do not read a paper, check the news online or watch the news on tv? OMG.
What didn't the jury hear? Apparently, the truth, in spite of it being presented to them by the defenders of Caylee Marie Anthony.
I think it will be interesting now that they verdict is in for those jury members to research this case and see what all was hidden from them.
They were duped!

They chose to ignore evidence and instructions that were placed under their nose by the court. What makes anybody think these people are interested in evidence or the truth?
Text messages and instant messages with friends and guys in the months leading up to June 15th. Comments like no one to watch the snot nosed brat, comments about how she cant go out her mom is being mean to her and wont watch the kid (paraphrasing here). Also testimonys from friends of the parties where she went and took Caylee with her. That alone is child abuse IMO taking a 2 year old to an adult party where there is alochol, pot, and who knows what else. I also think the video of her reaction to the body being found should have been allowed. Alot of important stuff IMO was left out.
I'm finding this to be the most difficult part in dealing with this entire situation: THEY DIDN'T HEAR CAYLEE!! None of those jurors heard Caylee and it makes me so incredibly angry. She was permanently silenced....first by KC and then by this jury. We are told to respect the jury and the sacrifice they make, but in this instance,I can't shake the feeling that the sacrifice they made is equal to the one made by KC....her daughter. Sorry if this is inappropriate, mods, but I had to get this off my chest.
"You are my Sunshine..."
Important evidence was deemed "too prejudicial to the defendant." That just floors me!

I can understand prior criminal history and things not at all related to the crime and/or the cover-up not being allowed, but anything related to the crime or the cover-up, including statements or behaviors of the defendant during the investigation process, should be allowed as evidence at trial. Of course it will be prejudicial. Evidence usually is!
I havent watched most of the day due to disgust..But Vinnie is on and has received some sort of email or tweet from a few jurors..and it appears they did not believe she was innocent and they found their verdict based on a possible sentence..which is NOT part of the equation for them at the time...Vinnie is just fummmmmmingggg..Juror's should never base a verdict on their fears of sentencings..Yikes...

Once again, The system will learn a lessonl..please instruct accordingly..JP please please listen to the actual mentality of this jury..Yikes!!

I am so disgusted right now, I about to scream:banghead:
-That Casey told friends she wanted Caylee put up for adoption, but Cindy wouldn't let her

-That Baez was charged by previous judge with instructing Dominic Casey to find the body and report it to him and not police
I havent watched most of the day due to disgust..But Vinnie is on and has received some sort of email or tweet from a few jurors..and it appears they did not believe she was innocent and they found their verdict based on a possible sentence..which is NOT part of the equation for them at the time...Vinnie is just fummmmmmingggg..Juror's should never base a verdict on their fears of sentencings..Yikes...

Once again, The system will learn a lessonl..please instruct accordingly..JP please please listen to the actual mentality of this jury..Yikes!!

I am so disgusted right now, I about to scream:banghead:

Are you saying that they found her not guilty because they were afraid she may recieve the DP???

This is outrageous!!!!! if this bears out to be true, this is the fault of JP, as I NEVER believed this jury to be DP qualified! This is a travesty of EPIC scale:banghead:
-although Casey had a "zanny" for years, she retrieved the name "Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez" just a few weeks before the murder off a sign in card at SawGrass Apts. This shows premeditation.
The physical and verbal fight she and CA got into the night before she killed Caylee.

I think this was the motive.
To spite and hurt CA.

Jeff Ashton said just now on InSession (interview with Beth Karras) that Cindy wouldn't admit to it and Casey didn't bring it up or admit to it either. That's why they didn't use it.
That Tony didn't want children and especially not girls.
Are you saying that they found her not guilty because they were afraid she may recieve the DP???

This is outrageous!!!!! if this bears out to be true, this is the fault of JP, as I NEVER believed this jury to be DP qualified! This is a travesty of EPIC scale:banghead:

I am with you too..and Vinnie actually showed the tweets or emails..and He is just furious..and even Def Attny's are hedging in their comments..

I agree...This was NOT a truly DP qualified jury..and maybe it was JP's fault trying to rush things..but the bottomline..well it seems this jury didnt even bother to look at the evidence..and decided not find find ANY criminal offense just to be sure she wouldnt get the DP..What a waste of Taxpayers money!!

JP with all his concern for his sequestered jurors appears NOT to have instructed them adequately or properly...Maybe SA should NOT have gone with DP.thus strike a jury period.....I am sure there are alot of questions being asked right now in the assigning DP to anyone at this point by SA's..

I feel most bad for JA..he put off his retirement for 3 years only to have wasted his efforts due to a jury who had NO CLUE!!

This is deporable in my view..but its only my personal opinion..:banghead:

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