Live MSM coverage on Baby Lisa 18 October 2011

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:seeya:just jumping off your post merc...

do we have a link that it is, in fact, effexor? or was it on live teevee... tia...

I think we have to wait for that video. I was watching FOX and Megan interviewing DB, and right after the interview Megan said DB was taking Effexor (sp) and Megan said she should have put that in the clip, but she didn't.
Has LE checked the attic, the crawl space, in the house. If someone's mind was in an addled state, they may have put Lisa somewhere that made sense to them in that moment. Where should volunteer searches for Lisa begin? (Even if the police do not think that is best) Where should a command post be set up by the family? What advice would you give the family directly to get Lisa back? I am asking all of this because the MSM doesn't seem to be getting them anywhere, and at this point LE has no leads that involve the public.

I wonder if they have checked? A mom killed her infant where i live and put the body in the attick and they didnt know for a long time. Her husband was military and deployed i believe. Somebody started complaing about the smell next door. ugh! moo
Just thinking out loud here but wouldn't it make more sense to keep this kind of thing to yourself and your attorney unless/until they find Lisa? I'm struggling with the fact that they have so completely overwhelmed the spotlight in this case with Mom's "issues" and defense instead of putting it back on the child.

Young, Naive, trapped, scared, vulnerable, alone, cornered, not street wise, little common sense, expects the best out of others, trusts easily. I could go on.
A medical doctor can prescribe Effexor. Did they say she is seeing a psychiatrist?

You can prolly buy them off the internet, but I don't know why she would. Too pricey when you can go to a doc for a script. If she's not seeing a shrink, my guess is a general MD can give them to her. Can LE get her medical records or are those off limits?


The phones are not off. They can not (supposedly) make outgoing calls. Doesn't mean they can not be tracked as far as I can tell.

Her response was not to a ping/tracked, but about a call being made from them.
I have no idea who prescribed it to her, but as far as I know regular physicians are allowed to prescribe anti-anxiety meds. Regular physicians can obviously monitor blood pressure if needed.

I guess they can do want they want. IMO, it should not be prescribed by any doctor other than a psych. It needs to be monitored...all psych meds do. Family physicians do not have the background to monitor. Of course, they can watch the BP if you go regularly. What people may think are panic attacks could be something else.

I don't think Effexor is worth all this debate. It, in itself, is no big deal. I was looking at the bigger picture. IMO, DB has more going on than a little depression and anxiety.
How old is DB? She just seems really immature. I'm thinking, here is a young woman with a (or more?) child from a husband whom she's not living with, living with her boyfriend and his kid(s) and their baby and she is how old? Do we know her education level? She seems very very young with a bit of an entitlement mentality.. typical teenage type mentality..

Just some thoughts...

I think she is 25. IIRC. But we must remember that her mother died when she was 15. That makes her 'younger' because she did not have that support system during that critical time in her life. That must have been a traumatic time for her.
Young, Naive, trapped, scared, vulnerable, alone, cornered, not street wise, little common sense, expects the best out of others, trusts easily. I could go on.

Alittle digging into her past, and that defense might go right out the window, imo.
Has LE checked the attic, the crawl space, in the house. If someone's mind was in an addled state, they may have put Lisa somewhere that made sense to them in that moment. Where should volunteer searches for Lisa begin? (Even if the police do not think that is best) Where should a command post be set up by the family? What advice would you give the family directly to get Lisa back? I am asking all of this because the MSM doesn't seem to be getting them anywhere, and at this point LE has no leads that involve the public.

I have to say I am surprised there are no volunteer searches for Lisa. Once again, that is unheard of to me. I dont remember a case of a missing child where there werent volunteer searches. I also wonder how well they checked the house out, the parents would have to give permission to do this without a warrant and they wont do that now, but with the dogs in the house yesterday, wouldnt they have picked up on a scent. If she were dead in the house, there would be a smell at this point.

I wouldnt even waste my time wondering why the parents have not set up a command post because they havent done a thing except hang a few posters on their tree for 2 minutes and then take them down. we cant even get them to release a new pic of Lisa. They are of no use.
I have no idea who prescribed it to her, but as far as I know regular physicians are allowed to prescribe anti-anxiety meds. Regular physicians can obviously monitor blood pressure if needed.

my regular doctor gives me my anti-dep...I suffer from depression and axiety, i'm not crazy or anything...I knew the minute she said that she took an anti-anxiety med that people would jump all over that, like that makes her some horrible sad...and judgemental.

I guess they can do want they want. IMO, it should not be prescribed by any doctor other than a psych. It needs to be monitored...all psych meds do. Family physicians do not have the background to monitor. Of course, they can watch the BP if you go regularly. What people may think are panic attacks could be something else.

I don't think Effexor is worth all this debate. It, in itself, is no big deal. I was looking at the bigger picture. IMO, DB has more going on than a little depression and anxiety.

BBM, the next question should have been have you been diagnosed with postpartum depression?
I think she is 25. IIRC. But we must remember that her mother died when she was 15. That makes her 'younger' because she did not have that support system during that critical time in her life. That must have been a traumatic time for her.

Traumatic time, yes but making her younger no. I know a few people who have lost a parent at a young age and if anything they were stronger because they had to take on so much responsibility themselves.
I take effexor and i dont go to a psychiatrist. I have panic attacks. :innocent: It treats alot of disorders. moo

My hubby takes it. He doesn't go to a psychiatrist either. It doesn't make him sleepy or hyped up. He hasn't cleaned my house. It does make him less argumentative which I like. And he occasionally drinks with no ill side effects.
Alittle digging into her past, and that defense might go right out the window, imo.

Not looking at a defense, looking at the reaction to the spotlight and the surroundings of her missing daughter. Why would she say all this, why would she/they put themselves out there for all this?
my regular doctor gives me my anti-dep...I suffer from depression and axiety, i'm not crazy or anything...I knew the minute she said that she took an anti-anxiety med that people would jump all over that, like that makes her some horrible sad...and judgemental.


I agree...

Also as a nurse I know that these meds can and are prescribed by doctors across the spectrum.
My hubby takes it. He doesn't go to a psychiatrist either. It doesn't make him sleepy or hyped up. He hasn't cleaned my house. It does make him less argumentative which I like. And he occasionally drinks with no ill side effects.

Me too! :seeya: the doctor told me that i could drink , but im not a everyday drinker maybe on a friday or sat with my girlfriends. moo
Please don't think because you take effexor that you are being compared to DB. DB has problems that goes beyond needing effexor.

I am surprised that anyone other than a psychiatrist would give people effexor. I never heard of this before. It can raise BP very high...and needs to be monitored.

I can't say too much more.

regular doctors give anti-dep/anti anxiety drugs all the time...nothing unusual about that at all...and when a psychiatrist does give these meds out, they send them right over to the regular doc to be monitored...i have never heard of the psychiatrist doing the monitoring of blood pressure etc....
Not looking at a defense, looking at the reaction to the spotlight and the surroundings of her missing daughter. Why would she say all this, why would she/they put themselves out there for all this?

Oh, I misunderstood you. Sorry.

Still, my personal feeling is that DB is not vulnerable, niave, nor un-streetwise. Just stating my opinion. I'll leave it at that.
Did JT say, "Two parents who are grieving the return of their child..."?! For a prominent attorney, she sure does put his foot in his mouth alot. :waitasec:

Yesterday, JT said that "the parents are grieving the loss of their child" - then hastily added that he hoped "the baby would be returned to them". He's refining the script :D
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