Live MSM coverage on Baby Lisa 18 October 2011

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If anyone finds the links to today's FOX interview with DB & JI, please post them. Thanks so much.
Please don't think because you take effexor that you are being compared to DB. DB has problems that goes beyond needing effexor.

I am surprised that anyone other than a psychiatrist would give people effexor. I never heard of this before. It can raise BP very high...and needs to be monitored.

I can't say too much more.

I'm sure no offense was meant but ... I take anti-depressants, xanax and see a psychiatrist. I don't consider myself crazy or a fruit loop. I don't have a flat effect either.

I don't like to generalize about how mental illness affects different people. DB is certainly saying & behaving in a way which makes me suspect her of doing something wrong. But just because someone may be suffering from a mental illness does not on it's own make someone a criminal or liar. I also would not consider it an excuse for DB's behavior. JMO

(I take mental health issues very seriosuly, especially the stigma attached)
Please don't think because you take effexor that you are being compared to DB. DB has problems that goes beyond needing effexor.

I am surprised that anyone other than a psychiatrist would give people effexor. I never heard of this before. It can raise BP very high...and needs to be monitored.

I have no idea who prescribed it to her, but as far as I know regular physicians are allowed to prescribe anti-anxiety meds. Regular physicians can obviously monitor blood pressure if needed.
Well i dont seem to have any extra energy? maybe i need to up my dose. moo

It doesn't give you extra energy. Stimulants do; not anti anxiety. If anything most people complain of lethargy as a side effect.
I take effexor and i dont go to a psychiatrist. I have panic attacks. :innocent: It treats alot of disorders. moo

There are plenty of people on meds for various disorders and they don't harm their children or other people. I look at it like diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, and so on. These people are normal law abiding citizens...I don't see her taking effexor as an issue except in the mixing with alcohol.
I would think mixing it with booze would be dangerous...I don't know though.

If she didn't give that information herself there are HIPA laws and she could bring a lawsuit against the news station.
Yes, regular physician can prescribe anti-anxiety medications.

While this is not the case with DB, my gyn prescribes anxiety and/or depression meds for many of his menopausal patients. I was not an ob patient with this physician, but I'm sure that he probably prescribes similar medications for post-partum patients. jmo
Please don't think because you take effexor that you are being compared to DB. DB has problems that goes beyond needing effexor.

I am surprised that anyone other than a psychiatrist would give people effexor. I never heard of this before. It can raise BP very high...and needs to be monitored.

Sorry, but i took ur post to mean that she was a fruit loop because she took effexor. I think shes gonna use all of this as a defense too. Effexor is common in treating many disorders. Not just all psychiatric conditions. moo :seeya:
Careful now - not everyone who suffers from depression or anxiety is a <modsnip>

Thats about the only thing about DB I can agree with. I too am on anxiety and depression medication. I know what I can and cannot do, but being in the medical field for as long as I was and knowing about my care also helps. I also know when I am not feeling well enough to warn my family and say, hey, just to let you all know, I need to lay down and have "me" time. They know to stay away... lol.. But seriously, many people are on these types of meds, it doesnt make them all murderers. What gives those of us on these meds a bad name is someone using the meds as an excuse.. IMO
My personal opinion,

She is going to play the "Postpartum Depression" Card...

Or Postpartum Psychosis..

Combined with effexor and alcohol black out...

Yes the PPD card has been on my mind for several days now...:maddening: But...this would be where the fact she is under the care of a psychiatrist should be beneficial because if she truely is seeing a psychiatrist they should note this since obviously she just had a baby and its very common. Their records would show depression vs signs of post partum depression..etc. But if this were still doesnt excuse any kind of cover up etc... someone say something!! Speak up please!! We NEED to find Lisa!!
Please don't think because you take effexor that you are being compared to DB. DB has problems that goes beyond needing effexor.

I am surprised that anyone other than a psychiatrist would give people effexor. I never heard of this before. It can raise BP very high...and needs to be monitored.

I can't say too much more.

In this City you can get a prescription of anything for any reason with no monitoring. This place is pill crazy. It is alarming that nearly all docs just write out scrips without much info, no follow up, nothing. Several people on 15 to 20 pills a DAY! (Psych pills) No one cares. Crazy making is what it is, I don't think it is helping.
I have no idea who prescribed it to her, but as far as I know regular physicians are allowed to prescribe anti-anxiety meds. Regular physicians can obviously monitor blood pressure if needed.

An obgyn could have prescribed it as well. Nurse practitioners can also prescribe effexor.
Any type of medication mix with alcohol can be dangerous to your health.

Even something like Tylenol can destroy your liver.

Most of the time, Your mind has to have a precursor to violent to commit a violent act..
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