Logan's PI Ken Gamble's Search for Gabe

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I think Mr.Gamble has done a wonderful job...And I do believe he is close to something..what ,we don't know...not for us to know at this time I guess...but I will entrust Mr.Gamble to be the one who eventually brings Master Gabe home......please do...
Ken Gamble: Well, I think that we haven’t finished the investigation yet and still a lot of information that we’re waiting on. We’re waiting on records to come in. We’re waiting on information to come by subpoena and once that information has been received and completely analyzed it should really tell the story. So, I’m very confident that we can find out who was involved and hopefully will be able to find the baby.

What records could they be waiting on? Information by subpoena?

Besides everything already mentioned maybe the Garmin (trip log)?
dumb question I'm sure, but the documents Mr.Gamble is waiting on is this from LE ???
And if so, wouldn't they have already had most of this done and readily available ??
dumb question I'm sure, but the documents Mr.Gamble is waiting on is this from LE ???
And if so, wouldn't they have already had most of this done and readily available ??

I'm confused too. If above is already done by LE, wouldn't the story already be in place and Gabriel found?

If above is NOT yet done by LE, yet deemed necessary to find Gabriel, what have they (LE) been doing last 4 months? :waitasec:
I'm confused too. If above is already done by LE, wouldn't the story already be in place and Gabriel found?

If above is NOT yet done by LE, yet deemed necessary to find Gabriel, what have they (LE) been doing last 4 months? :waitasec:

Going way too much on the assumption that Gabe is dead, and not nearly enough on the premise that Gabe is alive.
Well it's been almost a month now ,no new news. I hope/ and I am sure there is news we don't know about that Mr.Gamble is not sharing with John Q Public. But to know now that he is doing SOME work bothers me. I hope it's not because of finances, because the financial situation hasn't changed from the time he took on the case, I wouldn't think. Just very disappointed. Just so many questions and very few answers...
Per KM on Gabe's real FB she states that the PI is still receiving tips and leads!
well gabe's picture is still up at my car insurance place! they ask if he has been found everytime i go in! so I really hope this PI is on to somethig!! I am sad there has been no new news.
God's speed!!
Going way too much on the assumption that Gabe is dead, and not nearly enough on the premise that Gabe is alive.

Last night I saw the Disappeared episode featuring Maura Murray and had a similar thought about that case; the state police homicide officer in charge seemed to suggest in the on-camera interview that the answer to the myster is suicide (his on-record initial idea, bolstered by what turns out to be an inaccurate statement about a letter found in Maura's dorm room). If LE figures Gabriel is dead and EJ is in jail, well....it's over, in terms of investigation because looking for a body after all this time and after the landfill search is pretty much looking for a needle in a multi-state haystack. So the only hope for finding him alive rests with the PI and a vigilant public.
Last night I saw the Disappeared episode featuring Maura Murray and had a similar thought about that case; the state police homicide officer in charge seemed to suggest in the on-camera interview that the answer to the myster is suicide (his on-record initial idea, bolstered by what turns out to be an inaccurate statement about a letter found in Maura's dorm room). If LE figures Gabriel is dead and EJ is in jail, well....it's over, in terms of investigation because looking for a body after all this time and after the landfill search is pretty much looking for a needle in a multi-state haystack. So the only hope for finding him alive rests with the PI and a vigilant public.

LE needs to charge her with homicide or at least tell her if she does not tell them what she did with Gabriel they will press homicide charges against her.

If Gabriel was still alive, people would have come forward with information that they saw him here, here and here.

They would not come forward 4, almost 5 months after this child has been missing.
I think it is very possible that he can be with a couple outside of Texas, Arizona or Florida, and no one would have any idea that he is a missing child. Most people don't read internet blogs on missing persons, etc. And when is the last time this case saw intense national media coverage? Many working people, for example, don't watch Today because it's on in the morning. So I think it's possible that someone could have Gabriel and figure that every day means that his appearance changes a little more, and after a year, he might not be recognizable. He would also be a fixture in his neighborhood.
Last night I saw the Disappeared episode featuring Maura Murray and had a similar thought about that case; the state police homicide officer in charge seemed to suggest in the on-camera interview that the answer to the myster is suicide (his on-record initial idea, bolstered by what turns out to be an inaccurate statement about a letter found in Maura's dorm room). If LE figures Gabriel is dead and EJ is in jail, well....it's over, in terms of investigation because looking for a body after all this time and after the landfill search is pretty much looking for a needle in a multi-state haystack. So the only hope for finding him alive rests with the PI and a vigilant public.

This makes me soo sad!! sitting here holding my baby that is almost the same age as Gabe, i can't imagine the police not continueing to search for her if she was missing, no matter the circumstance!! dead or alive!!! so innocent. i do agree with the multi state haystack comment. so sad!!:furious:
I think it is very possible that he can be with a couple outside of Texas, Arizona or Florida, and no one would have any idea that he is a missing child. Most people don't read internet blogs on missing persons, etc. And when is the last time this case saw intense national media coverage? Many working people, for example, don't watch Today because it's on in the morning. So I think it's possible that someone could have Gabriel and figure that every day means that his appearance changes a little more, and after a year, he might not be recognizable. He would also be a fixture in his neighborhood.
P..I do so agree with this..Master Gabe could be..who knows where...I live in a very rural area and NO ONE would ever question me, EVER!!!
P..I do so agree with this..Master Gabe could be..who knows where...I live in a very rural area and NO ONE would ever question me, EVER!!!

Just look at Sandra Bullock...how high profile is she, and people are hounding her all the time....yet her and Jesse James managed to hide a baby since January. Not only that, but even AFTER the media circus began over his affairs and papparazzi were all over, she moved all of her baby's things as well as the baby...in front of them all...and no one noticed. Now imagine someone no one is looking at...how easy would that be?! I have met my neighbors on both sides of me....but across the street, and behind me? Nope! If I had a little more land, like an acre or more, it would be even easier to mind my own business and be a hermit, or even if I lived in an older neighborhood where people have come and gone. No one pays attn anymore to their neighbors. Just sayin'.
I have to agree, kissdegirl. I live in a quiet cul-de-sac and know all my immediate neighbors and many on the outer street. One of the houses right outside our c-d-s has a family I know NOTHING about. I see the husband, who's a sheriff coming home from work in the am's and see the woman checking the mail sometimes but that's it. The other day while walking by their house, I heard a toddler age baby in the back yard and thought "wow, I didn't even know she'd had a baby". Then seeing your post today, I realized -- maybe she didn't . . . . certainly not that I'm accusing them of stealing a baby, but you did just point out how easy it'd be to hide a baby and I realize it really is that easy.
We know Mr.Gamble is still working on the case. I am still holding on to the fact he believes GB was handed off and is still alive. He HAS reasons to believe this I would think. I'd have to think if he thought otherwise he would have said it by now or never said anything about the handoff at all...
We know Mr.Gamble is still working on the case. I am still holding on to the fact he believes GB was handed off and is still alive. He HAS reasons to believe this I would think. I'd have to think if he thought otherwise he would have said it by now or never said anything about the handoff at all...

i feel ken's tv appearance was a final attempt at getting some tips IF there were any witnesses of this supposedly park meeting - but no one knows IF there was a meeting (not even ken), and i guess there were no viable tips afterwards cuz otherwise, we'd find gabe. in this journal ej spoke of a meeting, but WHO knows if ej wrote the truth, and who knows if this meeting took place, and who knows if EJ didn't just make up this meeting as an alibi, or in her mind, and who knows even IF the meeting was to take place, IF she even went to it at all?
i think even if ken thought otherwise now, he would not make a tv appearance and say, hey, i was wrong, there was no park meeting... 1st he'd be making a fool of himself, and 2nd, what good would it do to anyone? and 3rd he'd devastate gabe's family. might as well keep the hope alive, cuz no body no murder right? and there's still a chance he's alive, no matter how slim that chance may be.
Who knows if any viable tips came out? A tip doesn't necessarily mean that someone says "Jane Doe has Gabriel at 123 Main St, Anytown, USA"; a tip could be something as minor as "I saw a car that had out of state license plates at the park". Tips can take months or even years to develop into something. Just because he hasn't been found yet AS FAR AS WE KNOW, doesn't mean there are no tips out there, or that Ken isn't on Gabe's trail. Not everything that PIs or LE knows is going to be made public - in fact, I believe the majority of what is known has never been released. Doesn't mean that nothing is going on behind the scenes.
I believe Ken is very selective about what he has released publicly when he is trying to pursue a specific lead and wants to find out if anyone in the public has a missing piece for him.

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