Lois sent Local 6 an email she recieved from Cindy who is standing by Casey.

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I'd like to see this entire email exchange from the beginning.

I'd settle for seeing the entire e-mail from Cindy. I paused the video on the e-mail (as I'm sure many WS did) and although I could only see the left hand portion, it looks to me like CA was on a bit of a rant. I'm sure she had a reason.
It amazes me that CA continues to bicker with outside folks, especially after finding out that Caylee is definitely deceased. I'd be in such deep grief, I wouldn't even hear them. They would be the last thing on my mind.

It reminds me of her behavior with the protestors. We continued to see her outside, fighting with them, yelling.. she even hugged one of the women she was fighting with.

I think she has ADD. Her mind can't stay focused on any one thing.. even her granddaughter's death.

Also reminds me of her behavior with Rick P, her brother, in the nasty e-mails. Perpetuating a love/hate relationship. I would have not responded back if I were Cindy but she just kept on stirring the pot.
But Dakota wasn't at Blanchard Park with Lois. Lois said on the webcam that day that Dakota was with friends. Lois only went with Murt the one day. Maybe you're remembering the day before, when Lois said she wasn't sure if Dakota was going to go or not? There were people upset then about the idea of Lois taking Dakota with her for the search, in case Caylee's body was found.

There were Websleuthers there at BP that day who saw and talked to Murt and Lois; any one of them should be able to confirm that Dakota wasn't there with Lois and Murt.

I was not there, did watch it on Murt cam part of the time. I do remember Lois saying something about Dakota being with friends, I remember Lois getting some kind of phone call Murt said was from CA & getting upset, I remember Lois injecting herself in the conversation with the cowboy & Lp & the news there..........and I remember at some point D being there, with Lois ON THE SIDEWALK. I know what I saw & stand by that.
Lois strikes me as someone who is several apples short of a bunch, that said perhaps the better approach would have been to ignore her if indeed her emails were provocations.

but then there would not be the news story or this thread or....:crazy:
She doesn't have to admit that Casey is guilty, but why on earth does she have to keep spewing the innocence boloney? That just makes Cindy look delusional, at best (and I won't say what it makes her look like at worst!).

from the small part of the e-mail we have heard, I'm not seeing where she is "spewing the innocence baloney". She said KC never HURT Caylee. If the defense will be that an awful accident ocurred followed by a very bad kidnapping story and coverup, then perhaps Caylee was not HURT physically by KC.
IMHO, this is just ANOTHER person trying to some how, some way insert themselves in the chaos. I personally have no respect for ANYONE subjecting a child to this mayhem. Dakota apparently had a mental breakdown, and this woman continued to bring this innocent child around to different "FIND CAYLEE" functions by her OWN admission. She is no better than the protestors IMO that had their little ones at the A's house. It's funny how one of the days at Blanchard Park, she got on Murt's webcam and began trashing her own daughter. THEN she goes and subjects a child that is in HER care to this mess, it's unreal IMO. She has tried numerous times to stick her nose in this case and it's a total shame. I feel bad that Dakota has this to call Grandma. Call it libel, call it what you want, I find it to be a crying shame and that is my OPINION. I'm a mother and I know how a child should and should NOT be treated. It all makes me want to cry.

:clap::clap::clap: I have often wondered how she could call into question Cindy's parenting skills when I dont see her doing so well by Dakota. Have I ? some of the A's parenting of KC, yes, I have. BUT, I dont have a child I would subject to this, I dont have a child who has lost custody & I dont think anyone has ever called into ? my skills as a mother or grandmother.
Just as a heads up, when it's time for my funeral (like 60 odd years from now I hope) I want you all to know that there's an open invitation for all of you to attend! I want a nice Irish wake and the drinks will be on me!

We need three chairs for the body.

Hip, hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip, hip hooray!

Thanks for inviting me. I'll be there, with bells on. God willing that I'm here 60 odd years from now, which is doubtful, but I'll hold out hope. Nothing like a free drink to quench the thirst. ;) :woohoo:
I expect we'll have a long list of well-publicized "misinvites" before this is over.
I must admit to the same crime, I watched all those days ..and Dakota was not there.

The only singing she did was for Murt on tape after the search in the park in her own home..

Yep Dakota sang on murt cam at her home when murt stopped there after the search:) Dakota was not at BP while they were searching:)
I am adding this reply for someone who wants to remain anonymous and has received emails from Cindy and Lee. She does not want to seem like she is defending anyone, she just wants the truth to be told for once since so many tend to lie.

By: XXXXX Lois contacted Cindy first. not the other way around. Lois emailed Cindy to see about Dakota going to the private funeral. Cindy said of course but I don't want you to come. Now is not the time for me to have to defend the Anthony's. I just don't like people thinking things that aren't true and I know the truth ya know.

Just being a messenger here.
I am adding this reply for someone who wants to remain anonymous and has received emails from Cindy and Lee. She does not want to seem like she is defending anyone, she just wants the truth to be told for once since so many tend to lie.

By: XXXXX Lois contacted Cindy first. not the other way around. Lois emailed Cindy to see about Dakota going to the private funeral. Cindy said of course but I don't want you to come. Now is not the time for me to have to defend the Anthony's. I just don't like people thinking things that aren't true and I know the truth ya know.

Just being a messenger here.

Not surprised; and I believe it. This is just too coincidental after the repeated complaints of Emails from Lee and Cindy and the "accidental" Fwds that went to Lee from Lois which have been discussed on this board in the past. If she was really upset and/or concerned about it she would have blocked them from her contact list. If she was concerned about D she would have cut all avenues of contact with this case in every way, shape, and form including having her on Murts cam since Murt's room is all about Caylee.
I really can't believe this woman -- CA.

In the last few days she has

1. unvited LP to a non-existent public memorial
2. exchanged contentious emails with a non-entity
3. proclaimed grave robbers might be out to steal Caylee's remains
4. Is doing battle with a low-life (IMHO) PI
5. Is purportedly selling Caylee search memorabilia (via GA).

Is there no grace in grief? I feel terrible about what has happened to their family, but from "day one" she has exhibited a "me against them" combative mentality that borders on mind-boggling.

Really hard to fathom!

I gave up!
Thanks for the clarification MadJGNLaw. Much appreciated. :)
I am adding this reply for someone who wants to remain anonymous and has received emails from Cindy and Lee. She does not want to seem like she is defending anyone, she just wants the truth to be told for once since so many tend to lie.

By: XXXXX Lois contacted Cindy first. not the other way around. Lois emailed Cindy to see about Dakota going to the private funeral. Cindy said of course but I don't want you to come. Now is not the time for me to have to defend the Anthony's. I just don't like people thinking things that aren't true and I know the truth ya know.

Just being a messenger here.

Thank you for the information. I'll give CA credit for not lying ,this time.:) It's the other hudred that make it easy to become suspect of everything.
Lois was a little Kooky on Murt cam during JB search.
This family really makes me sick. They are so far out there that it is plain scary. They know KC did this, but I guess it is hard to admit you raised a cold blooded killer. She is right tho, it will be proven in court.
LOL! I know. As soon as I read this, I couldn't help but wonder how long her list is of people to uninvite. Is it illegal to go to a funeral/memorial that you have been uninvited to?
It's not like it matters, as the funeral/memorial seems to be just as imaginary as the nanny.Lanie

Bolded by me

CA to everyone she has a grudge against - "You are on the "Will not be invited to the funeral list."

Casey to CA - "List starts with you, dad and Lee...."
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