long weekend break: discuss the latest here #101

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In that video starting at 1:07:10, the exchange between JA and JW is strange...JA seems to look down at JWs breasts and make a weird movement with a smile....

just a very strange exchange there....

We need a thread dedicated to clips of weird things we see in the trial (JA popping pills, sneaking a folder, notes passed to her mom). Even weird stuff like the headstand in the interrogation room.

I love that stuff. It's fascinating.
Hi everyone! :seeya:

Obviously I can't catch up as I've been off since last night.

Just wondering what came of JA passing notes to her mom. Do we know what the punishment was? Was the mitigation lady reprimanded and if so, how? TIA!

Oh brother, I must have missed something. Did they get caught?
Please don't feel sorry for Dr. S

He has had a long career and I could go on about his experience, his associations etc.

The bottom line is Jodi Arias is a killer, she murdered someone in cold blood after planning this horrible unthinkable thing due to rage, jealousy and her inability to let go (to criminal proportions)

IF he indicates he does not believe that at all and she is a passive gentle woman that was abused then my respect for him plummets to less than zero. I know that he knows exactly what she is and what she did, he cannot believe the story she is telling even though he said he believes her.

That can only mean one of two things. He is either the worlds worst judge of character and worst therapist, psychologist that ever lived and believes everything his clients tell him because he has NO instincts whatsoever.

OR, he is doing this for money and he tailored his answers and reports to favor the Defense in the typical Expert Witness fashion and he could care less if he ever contributed to a Killer or Sex predator getting back out on the street as long as the check they give him is good.

Both options are bad.
Do we really know how he felt about losing Jodi to Travis? They bought a house together, she was great with his son as he said. Did he plan on spending his life with Jodi and she was ripped away from him by a young strapping, good looking man and by the Mormon Church? He may be a man still obsessed with Jodi and his lost dreams. He may have absolutely despised Travis for wrecking his life with Jodi. Maybe he feels triumphant that Travis was taken out and chooses to stand by Jodi out of undying love (obsession) for her. We have no idea what kind of guy DB really is. Maybe the same thing happened with his first wife and he carried anger about that too, blaming the man more than the woman and his anger was only heightened by this second round of deep emotional loss.
Of course I can only speculate, but isn't it possible?
ETA: It was quite evident that when he was on the stand that there is some deep emotional hook that Jodi still has him on. She played his heart strings with her face during his testimony big time. He still has a thing for Jodi in my mind and she knows it. She continues to emotionally manipulate him and he responds to it just as she knows he will and so evidently did.

Or just maybe Jodi has some dirt on him that would cause problems with his visitation with his son? we can only guess.
Blood atonement is a complete red herring regarding the JA case.

Like any intelligent murderer JA wanted to dispatch TA with finality.
Many people(myself included) reason that if murder is the aim why not use the most efficient means to achieve this end. Shooting TA in the head while he was confined in a shower stall is a priori the best possible method.
Using a knife to effectuate the murder of TA is uncertain and inherently unsafe.

It stands to reason that JA could have shot TA in the head to incapacitate him and then proceeded to attack with a knife. TA obviously defended himself with a certain but otherwise unknown amount of vigor. JA could NOT have known how an initial knife attack on TA would have turned out. In the knife first theory TA could have just as easily disarmed and overpowered JA – since he was bigger stronger and more agile than JA.
It also stands to reason that JA did NOT anticipate a blood bath or the need to slice TA throat.

There is NO reason to believe that JA had a “blood lust”. TA delivered some 4-5 liters of his own warm blood onto the bathroom and bedroom floor plus whatever amount got washed down in the shower stall. This situation presented itself truly as a “HOT MESS”.
It is somewhat of a mystery why JA chose to “clean up the scene”. She certainly had no desire to hide the nature of death. The only reason why she would “clean” is to expunge any evidence of her presence at the crime scene namely fingerprints, hair fibers, any lingering DNA residue, and her own blood splatter.

[If I had been JA and was bent on murdering TA with a knife alone I would have used GLOVES].

The motivation behind the RAGE and or PANIC knife thrashes is purely speculation. She certainly could have “enjoyed” the knife thrusts as a source of revenge. But this “enjoyment” is pure luxury when one is in the heat of battle where one or the other is likely to die in the outcome.
I subscribe though to the panic reaction theory, I think JA shot him first and he did NOT die immediately, I suspect she shot again and true to the Ninja Story the gun jammed. She panicked . She had access to her knife and she began flailing indiscriminately at JA front side and then his back side. Because TA simply would NOT die on the spot JA opted for the coup de grace by attempting decapitation. This scenario comports nicely with the crime scene blood splatter pattern on the bathroom tile and sink.

I believe she DID use gloves as part of her murder getup. She took them off after cutting herself when the knife slipped, so that would have happened before the bloody handprint on the hall wall.

The need for hastening his death--and another reason for the throat slitting-- would be to shut him up. He was screaming and screaming (remember the ninja story) "not like a girl" and she was afraid someone might come home at any time and hear.

How do you account for the lack of blood in the tissues, sinuses, bruising in the face if the gunshot was first? And the fine mist of spray at the sink looks like it would have to be from the lungs, i.e., coughed, don't you agree? THe sink looks like there were other wounds bleeding freely--I'm just talking about the bloody mist on the backsplash.

Would like to hear your take on these. I like the way you think.
Do any of you receive notifications from the AZ Public Notification Website regarding this case? If so, did you receive this notification:

Case Numer S-0700-CR-2008031021
Stat of AZ v. Jodi Arias on 3/22/2013
Event(s) --> Charge(s).

This was posted by someone on the State vs. Jodi Arias Facebook page. I went to the Court site, but could not find it, but I believe they are 24 hours behind posting to the websites.

Any idea what this is about? TIA
When you go to that site, you can sign up for e-mail alerts on the case - maybe they send those before they actually post them?
Hi everyone! :seeya:

Obviously I can't catch up as I've been off since last night.

Just wondering what came of JA passing notes to her mom. Do we know what the punishment was? Was the mitigation lady reprimanded and if so, how? TIA!

I noticed Ms Gossip Mitigator sat in court with her mouth shut and alone throughout the day. No running over to Arias during breaks. Sooooooooo (quoting Jodi) I have feeling someone busted her big time esp having her on TV tape passing notes to Arias' Mom.

She sat pouting (it seemed) quiet and alone (time out) like a good little girl!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Sadly, because I have studied these witnesses and in my experience known some on a personal and professional level, I found a lot of what he said very logical and very correct. So I know the real Psychologist is in there. He also does not insist she is innocent, he leaves the wiggle room to say it's possible she is lying and even with PTSD, this does not mean she should go free.

I am just very disappointed he took the case and agreed to stay within such a narrow margin to make her out to be a victim.

I would give my right arm (and or left since I am right handed) to know the names of the previous Experts that examined her and did not take the case because they could not help the Defense with this story of hers.
Martinez the Honey Badger. You want to get on the stand and spout a bunch of BS, thinking you'll be treated with kid gloves? Honey Badger don't care.

I think of Kipling's Rikki-Tikki-Tavi...a mongoose. He was a house pet, gentle and kind to all...except snakes. He had a nose for snakes and once he spied them they soon "passed away".
Please no attacking because I am pretty sure everyone knows I am completely on the side that I want JA to get the DP...but I have to ask this.....I am just now listening to yesterday's cross of Dr. Samuels by JM and I love JM but does anyone think that he possibly could have been a little less attacking of him. I believe it is obvious to most that he is/was completely disorganized and extremely ill prepared and, imo, inappropriate at times....but I think everyone can pick up on that without JM being so aggresive. I do not want ANYONE to think some of the doctors discombubulation has come from this cross. Just not sure he needed to be so aggresive....again, JMO and not even sure I believe this way, just afraid some of the jurors might.

I don't think JM was too aggressive with the Dr. He's not just disorganized, and ill prepared, he's dishonest. He's fudging scores to get the DT the results that they want, and that goes way beyond inappropriate in my view. Samuels is the one who set himself up for this, and I love the way JM is proving what a shady charlatan he really is. :seeya:
JM: "Do you have problems with your memory then?"

RS: "No more problems than you do." What's up doc, getting a little snarky there ? Quack, quack quack

JM: "Have you conducted a diagnostic test on the prosecutor?" :floorlaugh: :woohoo: Go Juan! Gawd, I love this man... This just made my day :D
I would really like to believe that JA shot him first and he was incapacitated and did not suffer. However, I think this is very unlikely for a number of reasons:

1. Lack of internal blood in the cranium and facial area as a result of the gunshot wound, which suggests he was dead or close to dead when the shot was fired.

2. The bullet casing landing apparently undisturbed in a pool of blood.

3. Defensive wounds on Travis' hands. Medical Examiner said the gunshot wound probably would have knocked him unconscious immediately.

4. MOST IMPORTANTLY - It matches the pathological liar's version of events regarding his death

I don't know if anyone has posited this yet, but I've always thought she held the gun on him while she began stabbing him. If he was sitting there under threat of a gun, he may have been waiting for an opportunity to grab it or to get away. If he lunged to escape the shower, maybe she stabbed him in the chest and that's when he staggered to the sink and the rest of the events occurred.

I can't figure how else it could have happened, and truly it's disturbing to even think about.

And the killer's not going to tell the truth unless maybe she's sitting on death row and thinks it'll get her some last bit of attention.

Just MOO.
I don't think JM was too aggressive with the Dr. He's not just disorganized, and ill prepared, he's dishonest. He's fudging scores to get the DT the results that they want, and that goes way beyond inappropriate in my view. Samuels is the one who set himself up for this, and I love the way JM is proving what a shady charlatan he really is. :seeya:
Juan does not suffer fools lightly, and he hit the jackpot in Samuels. Juan is outing him for the world to see, and his reputation is almost beyond repair.
He better invest that $ from the DT very carefully - it may be his last gig.
JA knows the post cards will hit the media and her fathers new restaurant will be bombarded with hate mail....she's diabolical
I just watched it this morning! :lol: I also found it amusing when Nurmi stormed over to JM's table and grabbed it! He was sooooo mad! :lol:

I do believe the doc has/had sympathy for her!

That was awesome! I am baffled by the DT's obvious animosity towards JM. They are like a couple of juveniles throwing hissy fit after hissy fit because they're being thwarted at every turn by the prosecution. LoL, they should just sit back sometimes and watch a pro in action. Maybe they'd learn something. :great:
Here is the current outstanding list of items that point to JA premeditation:

*Renting a car in Redding vs Yreka (better rates and selection in Redding)
*Opting for a white car vs red car
*Reported burglary of .25 caliber pistol
*Purchase or borrowing 3 gas cans
*+/- Dyed hair from blond to brown
*Alteration of license plates
*Cell phone charger/ power in OFF position
*No Credit card transactions in Arizona
*Lied about rope
*Testified to an implausible alternate theory of the crime

How did JA insure there would be no witnesses?
Where did she park in order to be undetected both in entering and exiting?
What was the sequence of JA baggage. . . how was it brought in and how did she bring it out?
How could JA explain the odometer reading of her rental car? She was tripped up by unaccounted for time spent traveling to Pasadena and Utah. How would she explain away the extra 1000 miles?

What is the smoking gun regarding premeditation?

The smoking gun is an amalgam of the evidence that you listed. Any one, taken by itself, can be explained away as coincidence...but taken together it all adds up to premeditation.

All good questions that you have here. I don't think anyone will be able to definitively answer any of them...unless, our little sociopath wants to someday write a book. On the other hand, that book will be in the fiction section, so I guess we'll never know. <shrug>
Sadly, because I have studied these witnesses and in my experience known some on a personal and professional level, I found a lot of what he said very logical and very correct. So I know the real Psychologist is in there. He also does not insist she is innocent, he leaves the wiggle room to say it's possible she is lying and even with PTSD, this does not mean she should go free.

I am just very disappointed he took the case and agreed to stay within such a narrow margin to make her out to be a victim.

I would give my right arm (and or left since I am right handed) to know the names of the previous Experts that examined her and did not take the case because they could not help the Defense with this story of hers.

I agree with you some what except with his snobbery discounting "other highly qualified licensed mental health professionals" (uhum like someone here typing). Additionally, I disagree with areas in his sloppiness with testing, his out and out dishonesty with some of his testimony to be paid big bucks, and his dx is dubious. That is such a disgrace to our profession which we walk a thin line with the public anyway we don't someone like Samuel making our public image worse.

My Professional Opinion.
RS now disputes the Webster's definition of compassion as being sympathy... So now he has his own dictionary even :lol:
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