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They are attempting to show JA as a battered woman. This is to mitigate the killing & overkill by having an expert tell us that she "snapped" due to all the violence she suffered at Travis' hand.

The PTSD is to explain her non-explanation of the killing--especially the stabbing, since it was so horribly brutal and heinous. She "can't remember" due to PTSD and trans-global amnesia or whatever.

In other words, Jodi HAD TO kill Travis.:furious:

I can't believe they expect people to believe she "snapped" when she hadn't seen him in months, she drove miles and miles to his house, she's going to be a proven of perjury on the stand by the Walmart representative, and there is no evidence she was ever physically harmed by TA, ever except the liars lies!! It's so unreal, it's insulting.

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Thanks for the video Tigerbalm!

She never ceases to amaze me.... At about 19:40 .... "I believe in the 10 commandments, thou shalt not this or that, but it doesn't say thou shalt not fornicate!" :lol:

She's a consultant and qualified expert (legal distinction, not mine) who I believe was originally to be called as a mitigation specialist. Covers a wide variety of professionals who are often hired to work with the defense or prosecutor.

Not covered because JM got all the records. Defense listed her as an expert witness.
Asking again. Sorry to be a bother. :blushing:

Go to Page 1 of this Thread and somewhere on it, the myspace, facebook, blog links are all listed.

I just looked and it is in the first post by nursebeeme.
Personally, I think the biggest moment in the case is yet to come. Remember the testimony about Matt McCartney?

Martinez said that the only time Arias may have told the truth was in a phone conversation with McCartney. According to Martinez's questioning, Arias called her ex-boyfriend, Matthew McCartney, in the hours immediately after she left Alexander's house when she said she stood on the side of the road washing blood off of her hands with bottled water.

"You were lost. You called Matt. He was a friend, an ally, someone who would not betray you," Martinez said.

"He betrayed me," Arias answered.

Arias told news reporters in September 2008 that McCartney would never betray her.

"With regard to the phone call you made to him, you didn't think he wouldn't betray you," Martinez said.

"Right," she said.

I'm thinking that any testimony from McCartney about that phone call could potentially mean the end for Jodi and her bag of tricks!

Let's hope so.
My understanding is that she contacted the bishop IN ARIZONA after she had moved to Yreka and after Travis was murdered, for the purpose of finding out what he knew.

She would never have gone to the bishop and confessed while Travis was still alive because her bishop would then have promptly contacted Travis' bishop and Travis would be called in.

The fact that Travis went to his bishop and confessed after JA moved back to Yreka means that he 1)promised not to see her again, and 2) was put on probation (possibly disfellowshipped which means can't receive communion or bless people)...but he wasn't excommunicated because he came forth voluntarily. If he sinned again, he would certainly be excommunicated unless there were mitigating circumstances (such as being tied up and forced).

We see this in his behavior when he did not follow through on his plans to visit JA in Yreka. He was sincere in his repentance.

When you understand that Jodi might not have known Travis had been to his bishop, you begin to see how the motive was accelerated for the murder. She shows up and he rejects her sexual advances. Over the following hours she learns that Mimi Hall has replaced her on the Cancun trip. She already knows he wants to get married but perhaps thinks the secret travels/sexcapades are going to continue regardless-- until she finds out he has been to the bishop without telling her.
In Mormon culture, it is considered a betrayal to go to the bishop and confess without giving your partner the opportunity to do the same thing concurrently, and thereby avoiding a perpetrator/victim view of the fornication. If you each go to your separate bishops at the same time, or both go to one bishop, it goes much easier on you If you say you are setting a wedding date, it will go very easy on you. Chances are you will not even be disfellowshipped.
With Travis putting his membership in jeopardy if he has sex with JA again, that clearly points to JA's motive to fake a sex scene to go with the phone sex in order to blackmail TA into silence. At this point, she knows she will not remain his girlfriend or his dirty little secret because he is not going to give up his membership for her--no way. That would ruin him at PPL as well. And his ability to sell a book would be nil. An excommunicated person sometimes can't even get work in Utah and some parts of Idaho and Arizona.

Her only chance to continue to prey on Mormon men and meet wealthy ones who don't know her low class morals and social status, is to silence Travis. He foolishly has threatened to expose her to all their friends for the things she has done and the stalking, etc. He knows she is a sociopath but somehow does not know they are DANGEROUS. If he follows through with his threat, she is back to living off tips in her grandmother's extra bedroom.
This is why he had to die. He refused to be silenced and she knew one foolproof way to maintain her ability to continue the Mormon/PPL goldmine she discovered and that was to kill him.

I am sure jealousy was a factor but survival as a female bombshell predator feeding on these virginal returned missionaries was paramount, imo.

This is great!

Here are my somewhat muddled thougths.
* May 10 sex audio-
JA planned to record TA and expose him to Mimi
JA was going on the Cancun trip or else!
* Travis realized JA had him on tape. She had the goods.
he had to go to his Bishop because Jodi was going to
play that tape one way or another.
* Travis tells JA never call never txt again...

OOPS- now the shoe is on the other foot.
* JA is on the hot seat
she has to go to her Bishop as well and tells Travis
she will come to Arizona and do it.
and buys JA a little time.
She isn't going to admit her indiscretions to the Bishop!

and she starts to plan.

I even think she cut herself at work ON PURPOSE to get a few extra days off
to take her trip. Which explains the picture. This was a record for her job.

1- I wonder if this is some part of why she made up a rope.
IN her mind, no jury will convict her. She is not guilty.
Having a rope involved would keep her from being excommunicated
and allow her to date Mormon men again.

I'm not saying it makes any sense. I just don't get the rope!
A knife could have been in the bedroom from a late night celebration with cake! -and would actually be more believable IMO

2- JA killed Travis because he "attacked" her.
Travis went to his Bishop without informing Jodi.

OK he was a reasonable man. Do you think that the e-mail blow-up
was that TA had asked JA to accompany him to speak with the Bishop
and she refused, leaving TA to go alone?

ETA: E-mail blow up had to be because he found out she taped the sex call and was going to tell Mimi

TA was not going to marry her so her Bishop was not just going to look the other way. That ship had already sailed. It was over for her. She had to act FAST!

3- TA had outed her. She was headed down the rabbit hole period.
She had two options.

A- convince TA to marry her and edify her within the Mormon

B- or pre-meditate a murder with two possible outcomes.

I: JA wasn't there hadn't seen him was not involved

Hence all the planning and gas cans etc...

BUT just for good measure in case she were "caught" in the act or at some point shortly thereafter... she would...

II: De-edify Travis fabricating stories about him abusing
her and alleging it was self defense

a-the rope- allows her to say she had sex under
b-the pictures- prove it was TRAVIS that was
"deviant" and not to be believed.

This way once she is found "not guilty" she can return to dating Mormon men again and get on with her life

Travis didn't "attack" her.
In her mind...
Travis went to his Bishop and "betrayed" her.
He ruined her life. So she ruined his back.

I do believe she had someone else on her hit list.
I am thinking it very well may have been MM

I just know she went to someone for
attention. She told someone EVERYTHING
all of her BS and I am pretty sure it was MM

~all moo
I have a question -- self defense is a plea, but saying one has mental issues (PTSD, for example) is not an acceptable plea for killing someone. It is either self-defense, or manslaughter, or murder (of some degree) -- correct? So why is the DT spending so much time on JA possible PTSD or DV victimhood or anything else?

Lots of people have PTSD or lived through DV and don't kill someone. It isn't a legal defense (is it?). So why are they spending so much time on the topic since it has no bearing on whether or not JA committed murder, manslaughter or self defense?

Am I "missing" something?

And as Dr Samuels himself said last week ...
"PTSD is not a get out of jail free card".

That's about the only intelligent thing that Samuels has said.
The fact that Travis went to his bishop and confessed after JA moved back to Yreka means that he 1)promised not to see her again, and 2) was put on probation (possibly disfellowshipped which means can't receive communion or bless people)...but he wasn't excommunicated because he came forth voluntarily. If he sinned again, he would certainly be excommunicated unless there were mitigating circumstances (such as being tied up and forced).

We see this in his behavior when he did not follow through on his plans to visit JA in Yreka. He was sincere in his repentance.

When you understand that Jodi might not have known Travis had been to his bishop, you begin to see how the motive was accelerated for the murder. She shows up and he rejects her sexual advances. Over the following hours she learns that Mimi Hall has replaced her on the Cancun trip. She already knows he wants to get married but perhaps thinks the secret travels/sexcapades are going to continue regardless-- until she finds out he has been to the bishop without telling her.

In Mormon culture, it is considered a betrayal to go to the bishop and confess without giving your partner the opportunity to do the same thing concurrently, and thereby avoiding a perpetrator/victim view of the fornication. If you each go to your separate bishops at the same time, or both go to one bishop, it goes much easier on you If you say you are setting a wedding date, it will go very easy on you. Chances are you will not even be disfellowshipped.

With Travis putting his membership in jeopardy if he has sex with JA again, that clearly points to JA's motive to fake a sex scene to go with the phone sex in order to blackmail TA into silence. At this point, she knows she will not remain his girlfriend or his dirty little secret because he is not going to give up his membership for her--no way. That would ruin him at PPL as well. And his ability to sell a book would be nil. An excommunicated person sometimes can't even get work in Utah and some parts of Idaho and Arizona.

Her only chance to continue to prey on Mormon men and meet wealthy ones who don't know her low class morals and social status, is to silence Travis. He foolishly has threatened to expose her to all their friends for the things she has done and the stalking, etc. He knows she is a sociopath but somehow does not know they are DANGEROUS. If he follows through with his threat, she is back to living off tips in her grandmother's extra bedroom.

This is why he had to die. He refused to be silenced and she knew one foolproof way to maintain her ability to continue the Mormon/PPL goldmine she discovered and that was to kill him.

I am sure jealousy was a factor but survival as a female bombshell predator feeding on these virginal returned missionaries was paramount, imo.[/QUOTE]

:goodpost:What do we know about Travis going to the bishop? I'm not doubting, just interested in seeing that evidence, if possible.
according to her. i don't believe anything she says.

Well, I don't think it's a bad thing if true, I hope he had others just quietly .. http://youtu.be/vE_Ue5rF8QM?t=18m58s she also says 'I violated his trust....' as the reason for the trust issue that broke them up. I hope the jury gets to see all of this during deliberations, lots of contradictions with current testimony.
I was looking at video from early in the trial and I noticed how much she as changed since the beginning, where she still somewhat resembled the Jodi who was arrested and what she looked like yesterday. She looks completely different, not just her hair but her face is thinner and she looks older. I am not sure if it's because of the stress of the trial or an intentional attempt to look more conservative and innocent.


:seeya: I think she looks more psychotic now than ever. Even her movements are eerie. She looks like she could lose it at anytime. Hope they have the remote for her stun belt close by.. I wouldn't mind one bit seeing her get jolted
She's a consultant and qualified expert (legal distinction, not mine) who I believe was originally to be called as a mitigation specialist. Covers a wide variety of professionals who are often hired to work with the defense or prosecutor.

She isn't a consultant or mitigation specialist, she is an expert witness.
She might have been originally hired to testify during the penalty (mitigation) phase of the trial but then the defense decided to have her testify during the guilt phase.
Go to Page 1 of this Thread and somewhere on it, the myspace, facebook, blog links are all listed.

I just looked and it is in the first post by nursebeeme.

I'm seeing My space & his blog , but no FB.............
On the last thread, there was a lot of discussion about the Hughes' emails to and from TA. I rewatched the testimony by Chris and Skye Hughes as well. I am confused as to why they would respond to Nurmi's emails that were obviously a fishing expedition. If they were truly Travis' friends, why did they speak to JA about Travis causing him to tell them they had crossed the line? Why would they believe Nurmi's insinuations that TA was a pedophile and respond?

Of all the things in this trial, this has me most concerned. Could their emails be enough to derail the conviction of JA? I know we are only hearing them characterized and not quoted, but will their words characterized by ALV be the coup de gras for the defense.

we don't have the full story on any of this yet. so don't get too worried. nurmi's investigator told them that they had 100%, positive PROOF those pedophile letters were written by TA. they were flat out LIED to. that's why sky reacted the way she did----all this is after TA's dead. 2010, i think?

and it sounds to me like at first, they liked JA. they even asked TA 'is she as nice as she seems?' and he said 'yes.' it took awhile--- but probably not long for them to catch on to what she really was.

so the emails ALV is referring to were very early in the TA/JA relationship----jan. of 2007. they weren't even 'official' yet. (hate that word but JA uses it, so whatever.) she must have told them stuff that TA was doing in an effort to get them to take her side, or get them to encourage TA to do whatever it was JA wanted him to do.

that's how she operates. she knew he was close to these people. so she snowed them, convinced them she was just this sweet thing, and then she whined to them that TA wouldn't commit, or whatever it was and they chastised him for it. they apparently told him he wasn't treating her right.

so far, that's my read on this whole thing, and JM will sort it out on cross, i have no doubt.
That's all she had to offer him, imo, was sex.

She didn't know that Travis wasn't having sex with other women. In her sick, twisted mind, she probably thought he would engage with other females the same way he was with her - which enraged her.

In her mind, if Mimi and Travis went to Cancun together, they were going to enjoy each other's company, have sex all day and night, fall in love, and get married. She would be out, and Mimi would have what she (Jodi) wanted: Travis.


You nailed it!:rocker:

Your post made me wonder if Jodi thought, "He takes HER (Mimi) to Cancun and he took ME to a truck stop motel." (How ABUSIVE of Travis!):floorlaugh:
I'm seeing My space & his blog , but no FB.............

I think it used to be there. Maybe the FB has been deactivated. I will go check earlier threads and see if it was there.

I checked a thread from day 21 and did not see FB for TA. I guess I was in a fognesia. Sorry, to have mislead you.
I think it used to be there. Maybe the FB has been deactivated. I will go check earlier threads and see if it was there.

No link for a fb
And as Dr Samuels himself said last week ...
"PTSD is not a get out of jail free card".

That's about the only intelligent thing that Samuels has said.

I guess that raises another question -- is self-defense a reasonable defense if one thinks one is threatened -- when in reality that person is NOT threatened?

In other words -- I think the DT is trying to say that JA felt threatened because of her PTSD and so she attacked. But the facts don't support that she was threatened -- she had no wounds except for minor ones (finger cuts) showing she wasn't under a life threatening situation. Does it really matter (legally) if she thought she was if she wasn't?

Hope that makes sense! I'm trying to look at this from a purely legal POV. Back into :lurk: mode
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