"Looking for Caylee" by playing Halo 3?

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Has Cindy not claimed that there are people who call her with leads that they say the police have not followed up on?

Did Lee not ask his sister for info and leads that he could follow up on?

Is Lee under house arrest? No.

Has he run down any of these "leads" that they say are ignored. Sure he's not LE but if he believes in their veracity and he believes they are not being giving any attention, what stops him from doing something?

Did the Anthony family, any of them, show up when Tim first started his searches, before the falling out? I know they would be advised or maybe even prevented from joining in the search but would that stop any one of them from showing up and thanking the volunteers before they went out?

Don't they want her found, even if she is dead?

No one is hating Lee for gaming. We are decrying their lack of action while they berate others.
Has Cindy not claimed that there are people who call her with leads that they say the police have not followed up on?

Did Lee not ask his sister for info and leads that he could follow up on?

Is Lee under house arrest? No.

Has he run down any of these "leads" that they say are ignored. Sure he's not LE but if he believes in their veracity and he believes they are not being giving any attention, what stops him from doing something?

Did the Anthony family, any of them, show up when Tim first started his searches, before the falling out? I know they would be advised or maybe even prevented from joining in the search but would that stop any one of them from showing up and thanking the volunteers before they went out?

Don't they want her found, even if she is dead?

No one is hating Lee for gaming. We are decrying their lack of action while they berate others.

to sum it up fast

1. they want to believe she is alive/ refuse to believe otherwise so they probably do not want to be involved in a search for a dead Caylee.
2. They cannot levae the house without being confronted by protestors that apparently hate them.
3. and I believe someone mentioned that George is working a table at a publix somewhere handing out fliers.
4. we have no idea what they are doing inside the house, they could be searching the web etx as much as the next person. (gaming aside, if it is really him) its possible.
I have gaming accounts that I have had for years some I have not played in a very long time. I could easily give them up to "fake" something and change my e-mail addy and post a link to my forum etc. If I don;t really play it anymore who cares. even if I do still play them (one of which I do) who cares I don;t use the e-mail addy on that game website for anything but account information and I could asily change it and later change it back when I want to..

Just it appears online and looks like it may be his does not "prove" that it is his.

You need much more solid proof then that.

I have even been known to post in game forums using one of several different character names just to "role play" that character for fun, nobody knows who you really are online unless you want them to know or they can access IP data :)

Even here the forum administer can EASILY identify each members IP addy ;-) I ran forums you have that access, of course if you are good you can fake it, but were talking serious haker good...

When playing 'live', don't you need a credit card to start the account? Also, if he's presently using the same email address (that has been connected to the games for a while now), wouldn't it have to be him? If someone else was using that addie, wouldn't he know?
Those are your feelings, Friptz. I respect them but disagree. None of us can know what is exactly going on in that house but this is a forum for discussion of our perceptions. Those are mine as of this moment.

In addition, Lee and indeed even the elder Anthonys can leave the house and go wherever they please. Once they are out of the driveway and hit the gas, those annoying protesters can't keep up on foot, you know. I doubt media is following them, possible I guess but why let it stop them if they thought they could find Caylee.

You are saying they are not looking because they are harassed and watched? But they are being harassed and watched at home. May as well be harassed and watched as they actively search for a live Caylee.
I'm going to drive my son nuts tomorrow asking him questions about the 360.:crazy:
It's my understanding that someone wrote and asked Lee if they could make a payment using Paypal. That's a bit different than "soliciting Paypal donations."

The person wanted to make a donation (faked this I believe) and asked for a way to make a paypal payment. LA told her the bank that handles the money donated will not accept paypal, so was told to send it to his paypal account, which is ILLEGAL. This is all per my recollection of reading the many posts on this issue.
Again, this isn't quite the way it happened. A poster wrote and ASKED if there was a way to make a donation through Paypal. It's not like Lee initiated the communication and "directed a poster to bypass" trust account.

He should have said, no, they don't take paypal, you can send a check or a money order to such and such, bank address, trust account #, bla bla.
He should have said, no, they don't take paypal, you can send a check or a money order to such and such, bank address, trust account #, bla bla.

Yeah and it looks like my donation went to the IronMan memorabilia fund
Right, Zoomom. If the bank refused to allow Paypal donations, then I think the people utilizing the trust would ask why not. But to be fair, if the Anthonys were "normal" they could very likely not understand the technicalities of such a fund and think that it was OK to accept money in any way that it came in. I don't know how it all works and if a child were missing I might not want to take the time to understand it all either.

But then we're back to the debate on how they are utilizing time.

PS- if George is really manning a table of flyers out in public, kudos to him. That can't be easy. On the other hand, like the Petersons, this family is inviting much of their own misery by responding to nuts with rancor and silly claims and so forth. I admit this is easy to say from the "outside" but the best thing for them to have done was respond to practically everything with a simple statement that they do not know what happened but they still love their daughter and thank you for your prayers and concern. Nuts won't understand but most all of us here do understand unconditional love for your child even when they have done something horrible.
The person wanted to make a donation (faked this I believe) and asked for a way to make a paypal payment. LA told her the bank that handles the money donated will not accept paypal, so was told to send it to his paypal account, which is ILLEGAL. This is all per my recollection of reading the many posts on this issue.

told him :) I am a dude
I dont really see the big deal in him playing games, and I think some people are reading too much into this stuff. Honestly its not him on trial here so I dont really think we should scrutinize what he does in his free time. Trust me, Im not pro-Anthony's by any means, but being a gamer myself, being married to a gamer and having alot of friends that play online as well, I do know people tend to delve themselves into online games as a means to get thier mind off things and to relieve stress/escape reality for awhile. Just because someone else doesnt play games and cant understand that thinking, Im sure they do other things such as read/draw/paint/watch tv, surf the net, whatever, as a way to waste time when they are going thru something. I agree with everyone that says he should be out there looking for Caylee, but I just dont see the justification in making a deal out of him being on his xbox.
With all due respect this thread is about the gaming thing and not the paypal thing - there is already a thread to talk about the paypal thing. The paypal thing is to refer to the email addy that was obtained by a member. A quick google search with that email address and it is linked to a gamer account through Xbox live. If you have a live account you can access it online as well and check and see the last times your friends have played, etc. You can put in a friend request and view info... though I doubt highly that Lee will be accepting any requests now that this is posted here.

For the record...

I saw the picture of Caysee's boyfriend that she had from Feb (I think??) to April and he had Caylee playing the "Drums" on his lap. WELL that isn't a normal set of drums - it's the XBOX game Rockband... so HE is a gamer, too. I wouldn't be shocked if Caysee games, too.

The truth is Lee doesn't play all that much. If he did his overall gamer score would be higher. I homeschool my kids and play at night (not every night, either) and my score is more than double his. It isn't like the guy eats sleeps and breathes this. To give you a perspective - my nephew plays and his score is 16000+, my score is 5000+, another friend of mine has the score of 61000, and another 31000. Lee's is just over 2000. I hope that helps understand that gaming is not all that he does.

Another thing is this... if I were Lee I would be working on gaining Caysee's trust (even pretending to be on her side - as much as it would sicken me) just to find out where that baby is. I mean - if he makes it seem like it is all about Caysee (which she wants - we know this)... then she might "let him in." We heard in an interview that it is all about Caylee - so let's TRY and give him the benefit of the doubt.

Oh my... I just wrote a book. Sorry :rolleyes:

I think Lee may be into the games a little more than we thought.
Here he is trading cards in 2000.
And again in 2000.

And here he is at some unknown point in time.
And here he is with more gaming questions.
And here he is on Rebel basers
And yet another gaming question
And here he is on his buddies references page from 1999.
And here he is stepping up for another buddy

And oh look, again.
He gets some recognition here.
And yet another reference
And last but not least, lets all say hi to a new side of Lee.

How's that?
can't accuse me of not having links. lol.

Honestly, I wouldn't evenhave posted this but the last link really does concern me a little.
Okay - as a gamer I am going to say that Lee is not a freak for playing video games. Now... the 2000+ number is NOT the number of video games he's played - it is how many rounds of Halo he has played - with rounds lasting about 5 minutes. His gamer score is actually lower than mine and I don't LIVE on my xbox.

Video gaming is escapism - just as is a lot of time on the computer, or watching television, or pretty much any diversion. Some people crochet. Now there is SOMEONE on his friend list that is creeeeepy. This person has something on their bio like (I'm paraphrasing) "I'm bored in the backseat of the car kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill" or something like that. Pretty gross. But a lot of people in the gaming community are into being as strange as they can be for sure. I play with my hubby at night when the kids go to bed and there are some real winners. :eek:

Anyway, would you get on his case if they worked on puzzles? Yes we all wish they'd be out finding Caylee - but they aren't.

Oh - and do you think if they read this forum that Lee will be accepting any friend requests? Doubt it - in fact he'll probably change his gamer name - I would. If you would have done it on the down-low - maybe your hubs could have been friends with him.

Just my penny for the day.

oh - and Halo is really fun

AMEN! I said this as well in another thread where someone was slamming him for playing Halo. I'm pretty confident had he been reading Old English literature instead, most people would just say, "he has to fill his time doing something since he's not helping in the search". But since he is playing an online game some people are a tad harsher on him.

I play World of Warcraft with my fiance and it's a GREAT stress-buster!!! The worse my day is the more I play. I also love reading so if I get tired of online gaming I turn to a good book. Either way it's to escape from reality for only a short time before I have to face it again.

Not knowing how many hrs a day Lee plays doesn't seem to concern people. Even if he only plays 30 mins a day that's too many mins online.
If this is even true... is he supposed to be waking people up at 2am looking for Caylee? that would be harrassment and illegal. so, if he can't sleep at night -what should he be doing to take his mind off things -or atleast distract himself?

I totally agree.
Honestly, I don't support any of the Anthony's, I think that the GP's at least should be charged for something. But on the other hand, don't we all have ways that we destress after just following the case. We aren't living it, only following along. I don't fault Lee for playing games, if that's what he does to destress. He actually has to live in this circus.
Not defending him exactly, just think that we might be getting a little carried away with the finetoothing of every little thing they do.

Beautifully said.
JennerBear, you took the words right out of my mouth!

I have a gamer score of around 2000, and I rarely EVER play my XBox. He could have just popped the game in to play for a bit (to unwind).

We are all only human, people. Relax.

You think you know what you'd do until you are in the situation at hand.

A while back, my ex's 16 year old cousin was on a boat on the lake. He had just finished wakeboarding and the people driving the boat took off. All of a sudden, he was gone. I spent many days and nights searching that lake (with walking pnemonia) for him (not knowing if he was alive or dead), as did many other people in his family. Days off from the search were needed BY ALL to keep sane as we searched for months. People (on their time off from searching) attempted to keep sane by unwinding a bit by continuing their normal lives (EVEN HIS PARENTS). Now, I know this is a different situation... but we all thought he might have been hurt and alive (I guess your brain just tries to cope when something terrible happens to you), but every single one of us continued daily routines after a while.

He ended up floating up to the surface after a few months. Only about 3 people were on the lake looking for him at the time. His uncle, his dad and someone else.
A couple people have mentioned playing as an escape. I can see that, but what if you believed your toddler niece was missing? Honestly, I couldn't park my rear to save my life in that situation. Let alone, play games. Of course, this could be one of his friends...but it is his account.

Some online gamers use it to numb themselves. It's a sad fact that many alcoholics and drug addicts are numbing their problems. The same could be said for people who are in a stressful/unbearable situation and turn to gaming.

I've known a couple of friends at different times who suffered miscarriages and were gaming all the time a few days later just trying to keep their minds off of the sadness until they had to face reality in the morning.

I myself have used gaming and reading books to remove myself from very very upsetting situations in my own life (the deaths of a friend and former supervisor in the same week for instance).

Most people have a vise whether it be smoking, drinking, drugs, overeating, bulimia, gaming, ect. It's not fair to decide what is okay and what is not based on our own preferences.

If he was using that time to chain-smoke instead, some people would have nothing to say. But he choses to play online games.
told him :) I am a dude

Oops, sorry!! For some reason, I assume all posters on message boards are females, as I call all my animals hers, even though I have a mix.

I do apologize. :blowkiss:

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