Loved to Death

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Read my epilogue sometime and see.

Is there any other way to say it? Like I said: compare them with the Van Dams, Walshes, Runnions, Klaas''s night and day.

These poor folks couldn't even grieve properly. Proves my point.

don't compare nothin
What kind of response is that? Where did our empathy go folks? What is wrong with us? Forget your epilogue. Where is your empathy?

Would you like to read it for yourself? You talk about empathy, but you hardly know the meaning of the word. This case HURTS. It hurts me every damn day. It hurts me to think of what could have been. It hurts even more to be reminded of what DID happen, a pain I subject myself to here day after day, reminded each and every time of my mother getting down on her knees with her forehead on the carpet and a rosary clenched in her hands, saying a Hail Mary and begging God to have mercy on Patsy Ramsey's immortal soul. I'll NEVER forget that. NEVER. I can still hear the words:

"Hail Mary, full of grace The Lord is with thee Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Almighty God, father of all men and women, I beg of you to lift Patricia Ann Ramsey away from all pain and suffering into the warmth of your eternal embrace to be reunited with her beautiful, precious daughter. I beg of you to show mercy as a mother and in the name of my own children. Amen."
Would you like to read it for yourself? You talk about empathy, but you hardly know the meaning of the word. This case HURTS. It hurts me every damn day. It hurts me to think of what could have been. It hurts even more to be reminded of what DID happen, a pain I subject myself to here day after day, reminded each and every time of my mother getting down on her knees with her forehead on the carpet and a rosary clenched in her hands, saying a Hail Mary and begging God to have mercy on Patsy Ramsey's immortal soul. I'll NEVER forget that. NEVER. I can still hear the words:

"Hail Mary, full of grace The Lord is with thee Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Almighty God, father of all men and women, I beg of you to lift Patricia Ann Ramsey away from all pain and suffering into the warmth of your eternal embrace to be reunited with her beautiful, precious daughter. I beg of you to show mercy as a mother and in the name of my own children. Amen."

That's more like it.
But please, don't talk about your pain until your child is killed and people accuse you and declare you even staged part of it for your own glory. Your pain? You should be ashamed.
They were in agony. She was in heaven. They were searching for something to sustain them through their grief.

The problem is with us. Where did our empathy go? They seemed "pretty cool" with her death?

Maybe.It just seemed to me that they accepted her death way to soon.Maybe I am wrong,I never been through something like that so I can't know,I just observe.Doesn't acceptance come AFTER grief and anger?Maybe I used the wrong term (they seemed pretty COOL),I am sorry,I should have said they seemed to have accepted her death.
Grief is a somewhat commplicated and misunderstood emotion. Yet, grief is something that, unfortunately, we must all experience at some time or other. We will all inevitably experience loss. Whether it is a loss through death, divorce or some other loss, the stages of grieving are the same.

There are five stages of grief. If we get stuck in one stage or the other, the process of grieving is not complete, and cannot be complete. Thus there will be no healing. A person MUST go through the five stages to be well again, to heal. Not everyone goes through the stages at the same time. It is different for each person. You cannot force a person through the stages, they have to go at their own pace, and you may go one step forward then take two steps backward, but this is all part of the process, and individual to each person. But, as stressed, ALL five stages must be completed for healing to occur.

The five stages of grief are:

1-Denial-"this can't be happening to me", looking for the former spouse in familia places, or if it is death, setting the table for the person or acting as if they are still in living there. No crying. Not accepting or even acknowledging the loss.

2-Anger-"why me?", feelings of wanting to fight back or get even with spouse of divorce, for death, anger at the deceased, blaming them for leaving.

3-Bargaining-bargaining often takes place before the loss. Attempting to make deals with the spouse who is leaving, or attempting to make deals with God to stop or change the loss. Begging, wishing, praying for them to come back.

4-Depression-overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, self pity, mourning loss of person as well as the hopes, dreams and plans for the future. Feeling lack of control, feeling numb. Perhaps feeling suicidal.

5-Acceptance-there is a difference between resignation and acceptance. You have to accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. Realization that it takes two to make or break a marriage. Realization that the person is gone (in death) that it is not their fault, they didn't leave you on purpose. (even in cases of suicide, often the deceased person, was not in their right frame of mind) Finding the good that can come out of the pain of loss, finding comfort and healing. Our goals turn toward personal growth. Stay with fond memories of person.

Can religion really change a grieving process THAT much?Okay they were on meds as well but IMO meds is something you need when you're going through the denial stage.
We can't know or even assume we know what was going on inside of them based on what is observable on the outside of them.
Hi all. I haven't posted in a long while but felt compelled to respond about the Ramsey's grieving. It is true that we do not know how they grieved in the privacy of their own home. All that we know is how they appeared to be grieving in the days and months after JonBenets murder. I must agree that they appeared to have accepted her death way too easily and quickly. They even found comfort in her death as she was now safe from pain. This is generally not how grieving parents react to the death of a child especially when that child is murdered. We are talking about a sudden and unexpected death! I would have expected them to be devastated and angry for quite some time.

Speaking from experience, I lost a cousin suddenly. He was 36 yr. old but he was my aunt and uncles "child" no matter what his age. My cousin was in perfect health, very athletic with no problems at all. Didn't smoke or do drugs. No health problems at all. The day after Thanksgiving 2004, he was playing a game of flag football with old high school buddies. He clutched his chest, said time out and dropped over dead. My aunt and uncle were devastated beyond words. They couldn't speak of him without crying. They were angry at God. Why him, he had so much to live for? They tried to understand, but couldn't accept that he was gone. When the autopsy came back with no reason why my cousins heart just quit his parents didn't accept that. They sent the results to the Mayo Clinic, not caring what it cost to find out why their beloved son was gone. Over a year later they finally had an answer a genetic defect and then they went in to another form of grief, guilt. What could they have done to have found this defect earlier in my cousins life. My aunt and uncle are still grieving for their son, this is a loss that they will never get over. This almost destroyed them and took away their will to live. They went to grief counseling, talked to their pastor and even tried meds to help them through this. They have improved throughout the years but you cannot look at these people without seeing the sadness in their eyes. Tears still flow when they speak of their son.

This is the grief that I expected from the Ramsey's and did not see. It appeared to me as they accepted her death with no anger and just went on with their lives. They should have been angry at whoever did this to their precious daughter. They should not have rested until the killer was found, doing all that they could to find that killer! And please do not say that people grieve differently because we all feel the hurt and pain just the same when a loved one dies.
Can I ask if the following has been dicussed or noted here?

John Ramsey dating Beth Holloway--mother of Natalie Holloway, alleged victim of Joran Van Der Sloot?

Can I ask if the following has been dicussed or noted here?

John Ramsey dating Beth Holloway--mother of Natalie Holloway, alleged victim of Joran Van Der Sloot?


He is no longer dating her. For obvious reasons she has been in the news recently with the arrest of her daughter's suspected killer and his extortion attempt involving Beth Holloway. She was quoted as saying she was no longer dating John Ramsey. No further comment was made.
He is no longer dating her. For obvious reasons she has been in the news recently with the arrest of her daughter's suspected killer and his extortion attempt involving Beth Holloway. She was quoted as saying she was no longer dating John Ramsey. No further comment was made.

Thank you so much, DeeDee.

Do you recall when they stopped dating?
A question for those who believe the R's were good, loving parents who found themselves in the unfortunate situation where P accidentally smashed in J's skull. P needed to stage J's death by strangulation to avoid prison or to perpetuate her Marilyn Monroe status never achieved in life, but much deserved, and must be acknowledged in death and in perpetuity.

For those who believe this, what is your explanation as to why they didn't grieve properly? Was it self-hypnosis, denial or what? They did love her after-all, right? Likely, they had genuine sorrow their child was killed, wouldn't you think?

IOW, the argument that they didn't mourn her loss implicates them in her death, correct? But, at least according to these theories, they killed her but were nevertheless loving parents. One doesn't have to believe they were heartless thugs to have killed and covered-up, right? If they weren't thugs, then why didn't they grieve according to acceptable standards?
New to this here.

Have people reviewed the possibility of a wider conspiracy, and the sex slave matter?

I have read JonBenet had made 33 visits to a gynecologist for "yeast infections." Not likely for that purpose IMO.
New to this here.

Have people reviewed the possibility of a wider conspiracy, and the sex slave matter?

I have read JonBenet had made 33 visits to a gynecologist for "yeast infections." Not likely for that purpose IMO.

Not to a gynecologist,to her pediatrician.
Thank you!

What about all the remarkable and deeper things mentioned in here?


Not sure about the yeast infection, more likely uninary tract infection, damned hard thing to get rid of. We already agreed that this wasn't necessarily a lot of visits, kids are always at the Doctors. I think this was over a matter of years, forgotten the actual time, but it was like once every 6-8 weeks from memory. Sounds about par for the course. I recommend skipping reading anything with the words "Satanic", "Ritual" and "Sacrifice".
Before we get started, let me be clear: this is a hypothetical, purely for the sake of argument.

Here we go. I'm merely speculating, but I think PR figured that JB would make her famous as a beauty queen. With JB dead, that was no longer an option. But make a good crime scene and do your best acting job and you will become a magnet for sympathy. She becomes the ultimate victim. Michael Kane did an interview in 2002 where he said that the staging of the crime was so overdone, it would have to have been done by someone with a proclivity for showmanship. He used these words: "It was a very theatrical production and Patsy is a very theatrical person." He described her as a narcissist who "loves being known as the mother of a murdered beauty queen." It's an old story. History is full of people who, once they've outlived their usefulness, have become worth more to a cause dead than alive. Che Guevara is a good example. As is John F. Kennedy. Or the one that JB seemed destined to accompany: Marilyn Monroe. Let me lay this illustration on you: PR often likened her daughter to Marilyn Monroe, even printing it on JonBenet's name badge at one pageant. Who better to associate your beauty queen daughter with than the most famous blonde of all time? But, what most people overlook is this: one of the big reasons why Marilyn's legend is so strong is because she died tragically. Marilyn died young and at the peak of her fame, her beauty undiminished. She was not allowed to grow old and obscure. Instead, the gods lifted her up to them in full loveliness.

Well, what happened to Marilyn happened to JonBenet, and I can't help but wonder if for the same reason. I don't necessarily mean that JonBenet's death was premeditated (although, there may be those who do). I'm just saying that, if it did start out as an unintentional killing, it might explain to all those naysayers why 911 wasn't called and why all of the staging was done: a child beauty queen, so destined for greatness killed in a common, garden-variety, run-of-the-mill, humdrum domestic incident? That would NEVER do! She was so spectacular in life. She HAD to be spectacular in death. Nothing but the best (or worst, depending on how you see it) for JonBenet. And she IS spectacular in death! Her death made her more well-known to more people than all of her performances put together. Not to mention that it's almost 15 years later and people STILL remember her! Would a simple domestic death merit such attention? No. But a child beauty queen killed in her own home under the noses of her loved ones on what is supposed to be the happiest day of the cool is that!

And it had the perfect capper: that massive public funeral, where everyone could pledge their condolences and see the perfect little princess, beautiful forever, displayed in a coffin that served the same purpose as a jewel box. PR acted like a mother would at her daughter's wedding day, because it WAS JB's wedding day. As a former poster titled "voynich" put it, a wedding day with Death. Or if you prefer, her wedding day with God.

And all of it motivated by love. I've considered the idea that PR was saving JB from something, something that made it necessary to preserve her in memory as perfect, but this is heart-wrenching enough as it is.

Okay. Let the chips fall where they may.

I came upon some pics i wish I hadn't here online of Jonbenet in coffin--she has a huge blonde beauty queen wig on ( if , in fact , the pic is real)

I shook my head in disbelief how important it still was, even in her tragic death, to had Jonbenet dressed up like full flown beauty queen/princess wedding gear.

After losing her daughter in such a horrible way- you would think in least ;she would want her natural- without all the hair and tiara..etc... she was so beautiful just a natural , sweet looking little girl.
A question for those who believe the R's were good, loving parents who found themselves in the unfortunate situation where P accidentally smashed in J's skull. P needed to stage J's death by strangulation to avoid prison or to perpetuate her Marilyn Monroe status never achieved in life, but much deserved, and must be acknowledged in death and in perpetuity.

For those who believe this, what is your explanation as to why they didn't grieve properly? Was it self-hypnosis, denial or what? They did love her after-all, right? Likely, they had genuine sorrow their child was killed, wouldn't you think?

IOW, the argument that they didn't mourn her loss implicates them in her death, correct? But, at least according to these theories, they killed her but were nevertheless loving parents. One doesn't have to believe they were heartless thugs to have killed and covered-up, right? If they weren't thugs, then why didn't they grieve according to acceptable standards?
I came upon some pics i wish I hadn't here online of Jonbenet in coffin--she has a huge blonde beauty queen wig on ( if , in fact , the pic is real)

I shook my head in disbelief how important it still was, even in her tragic death, to had Jonbenet dressed up like full flown beauty queen/princess wedding gear.

After losing her daughter in such a horrible way- you would think in least ;she would want her natural- without all the hair and tiara..etc... she was so beautiful just a natural , sweet looking little girl.

Patsy was very involved in JB's pageant "career". That morning, "Santa" brought JB a doll that Patsy had custom made for her- a MyTwinn doll made to look like JB, dressed in a pageant dress and tiara. JB didn't like it, said it didn't look like her. I think Patsy identified more with the "pageant persona" than JB. Patsy was more into the dresses, hair, makeup and tiaras.
As for the coffin photos- I've never seen one anywhere. Possibly a fake? What was the source for the photo? There were no cell phone cameras then, and I can't believe anyone would have been allowed to take that photo unless a family member did.

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