LP's Confidence #2

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Who worships LP? I know I don't and don't know of ANYONE on this board that does. Just get tired of seeing him made out to be the bad guy, that's all. I believe it was Casey that murdered Caylee, not LP. :) I don't get the fact that people think that ANYONE worships, follows or takes everything that LP says as Gospel, just because some of us believe that his heart is in the right place and think that there is a method to his madness. What's so hard to understand about that? Those of us who like and support him are not bumbleing idiots. :rolleyes:
bolded part is the freaking quote of the day
Wait!!!! What is Padilla saying now? Where was this info when Dr. G was doing her exam and her pressr?? just wonderin:)

I think we're going to have to wait until the trial to find out exactly what was found in the Bag....Unless we get another Doc. Dump

Also, from my understanding the remains were completely skeletal when found.....I'm not a 100% sure though
Who worships LP? I know I don't and don't know of ANYONE on this board that does. Just get tired of seeing him made out to be the bad guy, that's all. I believe it was Casey that murdered Caylee, not LP. :) I don't get the fact that people think that ANYONE worships, follows or takes everything that LP says as Gospel, just because some of us believe that his heart is in the right place and think that there is a method to his madness. What's so hard to understand about that? Those of us who like and support him are not bumbleing idiots. :rolleyes:

*Bold mine
:clap::clap: Thank you PM, this is exactly what I wanted to say. :clap::clap:
Are you saying that people who point out LP's inconsistencies are "Jealous"...????

And Why is any criticism of LP called "Bashing"..???

Me personally,,,,

I just don't care very much for "ANYONE", LP included, who shamelessly exploits missing children for their own personal gain.

For some people, LP can't breath the right way without criticism. Bashing, at least to me, is when criticism is continued with the same negative theme and only the words have been changed. The message is still the same. I get it the first time usually when I am told that someone doesn't like something or someone. I certainly don't need it being "shoveled" or "drilled" at me until the basher thinks it will wear me down to submission.

Just to add here: I am aware of LP's shortcomings as well as those posted here multiple times.

I rarely submit to anyone under those conditions and if someone interprets my silence as submission, well the joke is on them. I will choose not to engage in it.

It is certainly your opinion to believe LP or anyone has shamelessly exploited missing children for their own personal gain and I would never attempt to change your mind on that.

It, however, is not the opinion nor position I have.

Everyone who physically and monetarily helped to find Caylee had some form of personal gain in it. No one but the A's exploited the search.
just a personal thought on LP...

He was in the home with his team of folks with Casey Anthony. He is s p e c u l a t i n g. I believe out of all the talking heads on ng... his speculation has a tiny bit more weight to it because he has been there. Now whether his speculation is spot on every time.... that is something else entirely. He did however meet and live with the woman for some period of time... Casey was not ever interviewed by the media and any insight by secondary means (padilla and other former friends, etc) are about the closest the public and msm consumers can get to this human monstrosity.

I thank him for his continual presence in the media as a secondary witness to this drama. He may not be right all the time in is assumations but several times he has been.
just a personal thought on LP...

He was in the home with his team of folks with Casey Anthony. He is s p e c u l a t i n g. I believe out of all the talking heads on ng... his speculation has a tiny bit more weight to it because he has been there. Now whether his speculation is spot on every time.... that is something else entirely. He did however meet and live with the woman for some period of time... Casey was not ever interviewed by the media and any insight by secondary means (padilla and other former friends, etc) are about the closest the public and msm consumers can get to this human monstrosity.

I thank him for his continual presence in the media as a secondary witness to this drama. He may not be right all the time in is assumations but several times he has been.

While I agree, LP met with her and we haven't, the time that he actually spent with Caylee has been greatly exaggerated, by LP himself. Initially he said that he was only there the first night she was released, and that she didn't say one word to him about Caylee. He shared whatever first hand knowledge he has about this case months ago. He reminds me of an aging movie star who doesn't realize it's long past time to step out of the limelight.
While I agree, LP met with her and we haven't, the time that he actually spent with Caylee has been greatly exaggerated, by LP himself. Initially he said that he was only there the first night she was released, and that she didn't say one word to him about Caylee. He shared whatever first hand knowledge he has about this case months ago. He reminds me of an aging movie star who doesn't realize it's long past time to step out of the limelight.
As I recall...his first hand knowledge about the PI and the tapes wasn't months ago. It was only a couple of days or so. So the comment about the "aging movie star" makes no sense to me. :waitasec:
I tend to compare LP to myself where theories are concerned. The only difference is that I have way more posts than he has TV appearances in this case. If I had the opportunity to share my opinion on TV, I might would do the same, just to get it off my chest to see if anyone else is feeling the same way as myself!
Now, with that said, the true test will be the public memorial. Although I don't agree with the Anthony's saying he isn't allowed, it will prove to me what this mans motives are after we learn if he does or does not show up.
MyDaily~ I don't think he has any desire to go and disrupt a service for Caylee which is for family. Like I said, we have already been through this with the BP "memorial/vigil".
MyDaily~ I don't think he has any desire to go and disrupt a service for Caylee which is for family. Like I said, we have already been through this with the BP "memorial/vigil".

Oh, I 100% agree, I feel in my heart that he will do the right thing, because I have felt that way all along, but, who knows? I personally think he will send the largest purple flowers that Orlawndo has ever seen!
Oh, I 100% agree, I feel in my heart that he will do the right thing, because I have felt that way all along, but, who knows? I personally think he will send the largest purple flowers that Orlawndo has ever seen!

He'll probably put it to a vote on the internet.
George was a cop in Ohio. I don't recall if he was a homicide detective or how long he worked there. I believe it was ten years AGO and not that he was one for ten years tho, IIRC.

His website says "Law Degree, Lincoln Law School, 1980" Usually, that is written "Doctorate of Jurisprudence, or JD, Lincoln Law School, 1980." I don't buy it. Maybe he never passed a bar exam. He lists Bounty Hunter as his employment from 1975 -present. Never practiced law?
While I agree, LP met with her and we haven't, the time that he actually spent with Caylee has been greatly exaggerated, by LP himself. Initially he said that he was only there the first night she was released, and that she didn't say one word to him about Caylee. He shared whatever first hand knowledge he has about this case months ago. He reminds me of an aging movie star who doesn't realize it's long past time to step out of the limelight.
Might I reinterate that I said in my previous post, "tiny bit" in terms of the time spent. I too have often times felt he overstayed his welcome at the ng show but then time and time again a little nugget comes up of which he was in some degree (even if a remote one) privy. Such as the latest micro drama with the PIs and their probes, shovels, and videotapes.

As a pundit and talking head which msm outlet wouldn't want lp on? Do the defense atty's or psychologists or producers have anthing more insightful to add then a man who acually lived with her and has since changed his mind (several times) on her innocence and involvement in the matter? Frankly put, we must live with him...he is a factor in this case now just like a numerator.

I frankly would give him a hug. Others would ignore him and some would love to give him a big ole swirly. No matter what the thinking tho.... he is still LP.. the dude who lived with Casey for 1 day. Expect the speculation to continue flowing until the end and even then perhaps after.
Who worships LP? I know I don't and don't know of ANYONE on this board that does. Just get tired of seeing him made out to be the bad guy, that's all. I believe it was Casey that murdered Caylee, not LP. :) I don't get the fact that people think that ANYONE worships, follows or takes everything that LP says as Gospel, just because some of us believe that his heart is in the right place and think that there is a method to his madness. What's so hard to understand about that? Those of us who like and support him are not bumbleing idiots. :rolleyes:


Great post!
Might I reinterate that I said in my previous post, "tiny bit" in terms of the time spent. I too have often times felt he overstayed his welcome at the ng show but then time and time again a little nugget comes up of which he was in some degree (even if a remote one) privy. Such as the latest micro drama with the PIs and their probes, shovels, and videotapes.

As a pundit and talking head which msm outlet wouldn't want lp on? Do the defense atty's or psychologists or producers have anthing more insightful to add then a man who acually lived with her and has since changed his mind (several times) on her innocence and involvement in the matter? Frankly put, we must live with him...he is a factor in this case now just like a numerator.

I frankly would give him a hug. Others would ignore him and some would love to give him a big ole swirly. No matter what the thinking tho.... he is still LP.. the dude who lived with Casey for 8 or so days. Expect the speculation to continue flowing until the end and even then perhaps after.

I have to disagree with your last paragraph. LP did not live with Casey for 8 days. He was only in the house the first evening and never stepped foot in the door again.
let me eta... for my buddy chilly (and chilly you are my buddy!) one day in the house. It was, however one second, and at least one day longer than Jessica DeNofrio or any of the other reporters who would have loved to get their paws on the poi
MyDaily~ I don't think he has any desire to go and disrupt a service for Caylee which is for family. Like I said, we have already been through this with the BP "memorial/vigil".

I don't think he would do that either. He appears to be a very sensitive person, last night on Nancy Grace he looked very upset when he heard that Caylee's death was most likely not accidental as he thought. I have noticed that he usually prefers not to think the worst of people, he even believed the Nanny story at the beginning. People can knock him all they want, but imo they are missing out on what he's really all about.
let me eta... for my buddy chilly (and chilly you are my buddy!) one day in the house. It was, however one second, and at least one day longer than Jessica DeNofrio or any of the other reporters who would have loved to get their paws on the poi

Actually, it wasn't even a full day ;)

Just teasing you, nurse. :blowkiss:
I agree with the OP, this will be a true test of LP and his reasons for still be in and around this case. I will be most interested to see which path LP chooses.

I have to disagree with these comments and I will tell you why.
CA is the angels grandaughter and they will have a private family and friends ceremony.
Which is the respectful thing to do BUT if they do CHOOSE to have a public memorial (which public includes ANYONE that wants to attend can) LP does not have to stay away as anyone that is there, is not there because Caylee is a member of their family. It is because they have been watching and participating in this case, just as we WS members are. NOT FAIR and I think CA needs to just STOP THE NONSENSE. really.
I have really thought about this and public means public.
People have already said that if they aren't invited, they will have their own. Well CA just has no control over the universe and I don't think she should be judging or talkin bad about or excluding anyone, considering how the A family has acted thru this whole thing and continue to do so.

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