Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 13, 2014 - Trial Thread #2

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I don't know...the more I read about LM's ability to stay one step ahead of LE by changing names and locations, I'm having a real hard time with the idea that he didn't know that any of the criminal activities he was doing were wrong.

He seems to have been able to take care of himself no matter what and always have some type of computer and internet access. At no point have I read that his mental illness drove him to be homeless. Was he ever?

So he had a fake passport in the name of Kirk Tramell? I noticed Leclair was trying to dispute this today. Did LE ever get a hold of this fake passport?

Leclair likes to dispute everything, like he is still going for a 'not guilty' verdict. It is almost like he doesn't know what the heck to do with this NCR stuff. But I am sure he has a plan.
He also likes to ask irrelevant questions.

I don't know...the more I read about LM's ability to stay one step ahead of LE by changing names and locations, I'm having a real hard time with the idea that he didn't know that any of the criminal activities he was doing were wrong.

He seems to have been able to take care of himself no matter what and always have some type of computer and internet access. At no point have I read that his mental illness drove him to be homeless. Was he ever?


He was indeed a step ahead a lot of the time. He always seemed to have large amounts of money. Even if he was homeless, he was able to stay in hotels. He was resourceful, if nothing else.
He used his own name/passport to buy tickets & fly to Paris.

Once in Paris he wouldn't need his actual passport to travel within Europe.

He had to just show some form of ID for ticket to get to Berlin which must have been more to confirm name on ticket (or similar.)
Luka Magnotta: How not to disappear

‘Disappearance’ expert Frank M. Ahearn looks at the accused killer’s botched escape attempt

From this link: "Perhaps we will learn at Magnotta’s trial whether his botched escape attempt was an incompetent failure or just part of a megalomaniacal poseur’s elaborate dance on the international stage before the curtain ultimately falls."

I'd say a bit of both...
From this link: "Perhaps we will learn at Magnotta’s trial whether his botched escape attempt was an incompetent failure or just part of a megalomaniacal poseur’s elaborate dance on the international stage before the curtain ultimately falls."

I'd say a bit of both...

Nah ...... Incompetent failure absolutely :doh:
So the person by the name of Emile Lacroix according to the tweets from the trial supposedly skyped and had sex with JL on May 19th according to LM's lawyer. This has to be the name LM was using at the time don't you think? How else would Leclair claim to know who JL had sex with? We also had the name Fabrice Gauthier that Leclair claimed JL was skyping with. Unless one or both of them are going to show up as defense witnesses?

Is there any indication that LM was using Skype? That seems like just his thing but I don't think his old laptop may have been equipped with a camera. I'll bet his new one did though, which may have opened up a whole new world for him. And he only got that one in February right?


This Emile Lacroix could just be... something random, care of Leclair. Something to confuse and distract the jury. This is the guy interested in coffee enimas, whether or not Karla is blonde, Computer Witness (forget his name, sorry) meeting hackers, etc... etc... etc... yeh. Choose a name on Skype. Make some suggestions that could have been pulled out of his bottom for all anybody knows. Like... eh, this Emile person who the VICTIM had as a contact... maybe they had sex. SO WHAT? Maybe Jun was promiscuous. Maybe not. That has nothing to do with anything. Sure, it puts him at risk for STDs, but it does NOT have ANYTHING to do with him being murdered. I doubt he was like "oh baby, kill me". No. Not at all.

What I see with this EL person, and other names brought up... a big smoke screen. It makes me suspicious. What is Leclair up to?

I was absolutely frustrated with the defence in the... jeez, I can not remember the name of the accused in this case. The jerk who killed Tori Stafford. He didn't say much, but boy did he object. SO MANY legal arguments. This laywer, as it turned out, was all for the concept of a fair trial. He had A LOT of evidence dismissed due to incompetence. Totally reduced the chances of his client getting off on a technicality. LE found child *advertiser censored*.... but... incomptence! Didn't find it legally. oops? The Jury made the right decision.
My point? The defence in this case seems to be defending the CLIENT, not the LAW. I could be wrong, though. We will see. But {swear word} he is confusing.
I really don't think there was anyone else involved... I think Mr. X would have to be very stupid to volunteer to be drugged, bound and having LM sitting on him with an electric saw!! Unless they found each other on a website where people volunteer to be killed - it has happened in a handful of cases before, like with Armin Meiwes (his victim volunteered to be killed and eaten). Pretty unlikely, though...

Yes ...... Armin Meiwes

Glad you brought him up.
The last week or so I keep thinking of him a LOT when reading here :dunno:

I absolutely DO NOT think JL was a willing victim by any means but for some reason I do keep getting Armin jumping into my mind :crazy:

I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion of him to be honest.
Fascinating case altogether :

Armin Meiwes - Wikipedia

** Kinda Graphic Content **
I absolutely DO NOT think JL was a willing victim by any means but for some reason I do keep getting Armin jumping into my mind :crazy:

And this part is the most mind boggling of this whole trial imho. What I have to say next is not ment to be victim bashing or any shape or form. But in my mind those questions must be asked or at least given a thought.
On the cctv footage we can clearly see that JL is not going with LM against his will. He appears to be in a good mood, just like most of us do when we are visiting a friends house/appartment. So i think we all can safely assume that JL went willingly with LM to his appartment. On what terms he went willingly, we probably never find out. All we know at this point is that JL just split up with his boyfriend, so in that light it musn't be that odd to go home with somebody else for whatever reason. It could have been just for a bit of company or just even random "playtime". Please don't get me wrong here, I'm not bashing JL in anyway, but we simply do not know the reason why he went with LM in the first place. All we heared about JL so far are all positive things ( except for the essay fraude ) but no one is a saint. Each and every one of us has a secret to hide, whether it is a small one or a big one, and we shouldn't be judgemental about that. So even if he went to LM appartment for casual "playtime" so what? It doesn't give LM the right to do to JL what he did! And since we weren't allowed back in the day to sleuth the victim, it is pretty much a mystery to all of us how, when and why he met up and went with the purp LM.
We don't know why Jun Lin was there, and I don't see why it matters tbh. Maybe he went there to hook up with LM, maybe not. One of LM's neighbours said that LM invited him to go round that night to talk about movies but he declined - it could have been something like that. Maybe he just met jl on a bus and they hit it off and he invited him round to watch a movie, then offered him a glass of drugged wine. That would explain why the cops couldn't figure out how they knew each other - you'd think they'd have found evidence of communication between the two on either LM or JL's computers if they’d met on a gay website or something like that. Unless JL volunteered to be killed, or LM claims he was so delusional that he THOUGHT JL wanted to be killed, it doesn't really make a difference to the case IMO. And since JL was drugged I don't think anyone will believe that excuse anyway!
We don't know why Jun Lin was there, and I don't see why it matters tbh. Maybe he went there to hook up with LM, maybe not. One of LM's neighbours said that LM invited him to go round that night to talk about movies but he declined - it could have been something like that. Maybe he just met jl on a bus and they hit it off and he invited him round to watch a movie, then offered him a glass of drugged wine. That would explain why the cops couldn't figure out how they knew each other - you'd think they'd have found evidence of communication between the two on either LM or JL's computers if they’d met on a gay website or something like that. Unless JL volunteered to be killed, or LM claims he was so delusional that he THOUGHT JL wanted to be killed, it doesn't really make a difference to the case IMO. And since JL was drugged I don't think anyone will believe that excuse anyway!

Whoa...he had invited a neighbour over that night? :eek:
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