Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 7s 8 seconds ago
Mom expressed motherly concern,worried about #Magnotta mental state,frustrated he was not truthful with her(lying about Russia and marriage)

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 45s 45 seconds ago
Ask mom about murder? Can't recall if asked specifically, had already gleaned from her she hadn't had much contact with #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 27s 27 seconds ago
Not worthwhile to go into any detail since she had no contact/ info at the time. #Magnotta

ME: were you afraid that she'd say she wasn't surprised he'd murdered someone? I also want to know why she suspected he made the kitten killing vids - did he have a history of cruelty to animals that mom knew about?

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 53s 53 seconds ago
Witness says had no plans to have any other contact with #Magnotta mom.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 42s 43 seconds ago
Spoke to #Magnotta grandmom.Sept 4, 2013.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 46s 46 seconds ago
Back to interview with #Magnotta sister Melissa. Grandmom was not initially interested in speaking with him.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 10s 10 seconds ago
Feb 18, 2013: sis always had good relationship with #Magnotta, regular contact through email.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 16s 16 seconds ago
Parents separated, #Magnotta moved in with grandmom because of stepfather abuse.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 22s 23 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta was socially withdrawn, shy and awkward as a kid.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 40s 41 seconds ago
Their brother Conrad would call #Magnotta "gay" when he was a teen.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 22s 23 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta personality changed over years since 2006.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 33s 33 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta became more distant, eyes vacant, less of a sense of humour.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 38s 38 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta changed his name because of "bad memories" and wanted to "reinvent" himself.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 15s 15 seconds ago
Sis said in March 2012 #Magnotta called via Skype.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · now
Sister Melissa told psychiatrist #Magnotta personality changed after 2006, less able to communicate, eyes vacant, less of a sense of humour.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 25s 25 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta "looked dazed, had a wig, wasn't Eric, thought he was possessed."
salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 34s 34 seconds ago
In 2012 Skype chat, Melissa said #Magnotta looked dazed, blank look. She "thought he was possessed." What he was saying didn't make sense.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 32s 33 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta "had a blank look, what he was saying was not making sense."

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 14s 15 seconds ago
Witness told sis people in psychotic state would jump around topic to topic. Sis told him #Magnotta was like this.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 15s 16 seconds ago
SIs said #Magnotta would talk about food and then talk about his grandmother's hair.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 33s 34 seconds ago
Sis said harder to keep in contact with #Magnotta because kept changing email accounts.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 23s 24 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta wrote her email in Feb 2012 with link to video of snake eating cat, where he said "He did it for his sister."

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 27s 27 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta emailed her three days before his arrest, saying "How does it feel to be the sister of a murderer?" Then contact ended.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 2m 2 minutes ago
Melissa told Watts that 3 days before #Magnotta arrested, he sent her an email that said: "How does it feel to be the sister of a murderer?"

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 53s 54 seconds ago
Melissa said that was the last contact she had with her brother. She told Watts she doesn't have the email anymore. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 26s 26 seconds ago
Next conversation: Aug 2013. Witness received more crown disclosure showing texts btwn #Magnotta and sis May 24 and 25 2012.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 50s 51 seconds ago
Witness says there was tel call between #Magnotta number and sis number.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 15s 16 seconds ago
Witness wanted to know what the conversation was about, may be pertinent to mental state at time of murder. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 17s 18 seconds ago
Last contact btwn sis and #Magnotta? Witness says no contact between email in Feb 2012 and then email three days before arrest, June 1.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 17s 18 seconds ago
Last contact btwn sis and #Magnotta? Witness says no contact between email in Feb 2012 and then email three days before arrest, June 1.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 6s 6 seconds ago
Witness says there were calls and texts to number belonging to sis who initially seemed surprise but then recalled them. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 13s 13 seconds ago
Witness says conversation lasted 4 min but sis could not remember what they had discussed. 7:22 am, May 25, 2012.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 1m 1 minute ago
Watts asked again, @ 1st didn't remember, then said they exchanged texts. She said she didn't remember what talked about on phone #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 26s 26 seconds ago
So morning after #Magnotta met with #JunLin? Correct.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 9s 10 seconds ago
Melissa originally told Watts she didn't have contact with #Magnotta fr. Feb to June 2012. But log shows he sent text messages, called her #

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 25s 26 seconds ago
How reliable sis..? Crown objects. Defence wants to address the issue while jury is out. Judge dismisses jury for the weekend. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 20s 21 seconds ago
#Magnotta trial Day 29 is over. Back on Monday. #CJAD

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 33s 33 seconds ago
#Magnotta jury gone for the day. Back on Monday with more from psychiatrist Dr. Joel Watts. #cbcmtl
I don't know, but the psychiatrist did say that LM's flattened affect could be partly down to the meds, so it's possible that he looks more animated in that video because he wasn't taking them at the time?

No it was "Manny" who forced him to stop taking them when he moved to New York remember? ;)

So this was before he moved to New York. He was still on meds, according to his doctors. Personally I'm not sure if he ever took them.

I think that might be put on. If you look at this video, his voice is a lot higher in some parts

ETA his tone also rises at the end of each sentence here in parts, as if he's asking a question, as Dr Joel Watts described.

Some more videos: (Cover Guy audition) (Plastic Makes Perfect audition) (Naked News interview)

I wonder if it is usual for someone with concerns about being followed/watched to keep trying to get on TV.
oh no... it was just getting interesting!
wow, just wow. especially the "how does it feel to be the sister of a murderer" thing... I didnt expect him doing that.
thank you all so much for the tweets!!
The sister doesn't remember texts and a phone call she got during this murder and clean up?!? And she deleted the email? Where are the texts? Deleted too? Something's fishy there. :waitasec:

How convenient that I believe with his family being outside the jurisdiction of this judge they can't be issued a supoena to testify. Not that they would be of much help obviously. So once again, testimony that can't be cross examined from other people.

From tweets above:

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 27s 27 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta emailed her three days before his arrest, saying "How does it feel to be the sister of a murderer?" Then contact ended.

Love it...............
From tweets above:

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 27s 27 seconds ago
Sis said #Magnotta emailed her three days before his arrest, saying "How does it feel to be the sister of a murderer?" Then contact ended.

Love it...............

Yeah, he knew he was a murderer and he was calling himself one but he wasn't on the run or anything. Oh no. GMAB with all this psychiatrist mumbo jumbo.

You know if Dr. Watts had stuck with his initial reaction that LM was putting on a show to form a defense for this murder, he would never have been called to testify in this trial to pump up his resume.

It's all a big game to these folks isn't it?

I wonder what he said to his sister that she doesn't want to repeat... She had no problem telling about the email about the cat video... The texts I think they could get from the phone company?
Question: Does anyone know of any McDonalds or Metro Station that would not have surveillance?

So where is the video surveillance of LM meeting JL at this McDonalds?
I wonder what he said to his sister that she doesn't want to repeat... She had no problem telling about the email about the cat video... The texts I think they could get from the phone company?

Nope, phone companies do not keep copies of texts. Haven't for a long time. Just too many of them. Even when they did it was only for about 48 hours tops I think.
Just catching up, I have a long way to go (just starting page 46). Just wanted to say THANK YOU for posting all the tweets.

Also, so far, this witness seems a bit more... organised than the last. Whether I agree with what he says or not remains to be seen, but he has much more information and seems to have been more thorough than the previous one (he actually talked to Magnotta's mom and grandmother?!). I will see if this opinion changes later on. It's only just begun (where I am in my catching up, anyway).

I just hope this doctor isn't all "PSYCHOSIS PSYCHOSIS PSYCHOSIS!!!!:scared:" like the last one :) I'd like some good REASONS for the psychosis theory.
So Melissa didn't seem to be covering for her brother when she told about the kitten e-mail and the "murderer" text message, but she wouldn't say what the phone call was about. I wonder what he said!!
Just catching up, I have a long way to go (just starting page 46). Just wanted to say THANK YOU for posting all the tweets.

Also, so far, this witness seems a bit more... organised than the last. Whether I agree with what he says or not remains to be seen, but he has much more information and seems to have been more thorough than the previous one (he actually talked to Magnotta's mom and grandmother?!). I will see if this opinion changes later on. It's only just begun (where I am in my catching up, anyway).

I just hope this doctor isn't all "PSYCHOSIS PSYCHOSIS PSYCHOSIS!!!!:scared:" like the last one :) I'd like some good REASONS for the psychosis theory.

Dr Allard did say she tried to speak to his family but they refused (except for his dad). His mum came to visit him in prison at first iirc buy then stopped / I think they had another falling out and have cut him off completely. Jmo.

I think this psychiatrist seems more honest than Allard though... He isn't omitting stuff that makes LM look bad. Do you think the defence got Allard in because they didn't like what Watts' report said? But then decided to call him anyway?
Dr Allard did say she tried to speak to his family but they refused (except for his dad). His mum came to visit him in prison at first iirc buy then stopped / I think they had another falling out and have cut him off completely. Jmo.

I think this psychiatrist seems more honest than Allard though... He isn't omitting stuff that makes LM look bad. Do you think the defence got Allard in because they didn't like what Watts' report said? But then decided to call him anyway?

If there is information in Dr. Watts report that the Crown wanted to bring into the case, they would have called him anyway. So the defense are bringing him in first to downplay some of the damaging things and to bolster the second diagnosis of NCR due to psychosis at the time of the murder. I think the Crown will go at him with some of the things I mentioned. As well as things of their own.

I noticed in that article that was written based on his report that LM claims that Manny in 2010 told him to throw away his medicine and that Scientology would take care of his problems. In other testimony, or an article I saw, he converted to Scientology back when he was living with a family in Toronto after the group home. And of course he blogged about it much earlier than 2010. Wanted Tom Cruise to adopt him?

They don't believe in meds for mental illness do they? :thinking:

This just gets stranger and stranger.

If my brother emailed me in FEBRUARY with a video he made of a snake eating a kitten, telling me that he did it for me - I would certainly not be attempting to have a normal conversation with him via Skype in MARCH.
I hope the Crown will be calling his sister to the stand. JMO
I noticed in that article that was written based on his report that LM claims that Manny in 2010 told him to throw away his medicine and that Scientology would take care of his problems. In other testimony, or an article I saw, he converted to Scientology back when he was living with a family in Toronto after the group home. And of course he blogged about it much earlier than 2010. Wanted Tom Cruise to adopt him?

They don't believe in meds for mental illness do they? :thinking:

This just gets stranger and stranger.


No, they do NOT believe in medicine for mental illnesses, and there have been a few highly publicised deaths because of it. Lisa McPherson who died during an "introspection rundown" for mental illness at the Church of Scientology, and others.
On 13 March 2003, Scientologist Jeremy Perkins killed his mother, Elli, by stabbing her 77 times. Jeremy, previously diagnosed with schizophrenia, never received treatment after previous incidents with violence and hallucinations. His mother, active in the Buffalo Church of Scientology, felt that vitamins and Scientology routines were better than psychological counseling and anti-psychotic medication.

On 5 July 2007, a 25-year-old Australian woman, Linda Waliki, killed her 52-year-old father Michael, 15-year-old sister Kathryn, and injured her mother Sue with a knife . . . She was diagnosed with a psychiatric illness, but her parents denied her continued psychiatric treatment due to their Scientology beliefs. Instead they replaced this medication with one specially imported from Scientologists in the United States
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